Post your best pics that prove DC Comics has the best babes in comics. While Marvel has trash tier roasties like Black Widow, DC has goddess' like Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Powergirl.
DC Girls > Marvel Girls
DC Girls are much better
Company wars threads are sad. Also Kamala BTFO any DC girl
You sure about that, Ahmed?
You wish. All of the DC girls suck in modern comics.
Iconic stories?
Not the question. Kamala’s just above any DC girl
Tell me about Harley, why did a harlequin stop dressing as one in favor of a college porno outfit?
blonds are my weakness
Just enjoy both, or neither.
Marvel doesn't have as many good waifus because they're all X-Men. If you don't give a shit about the X-Men you're kind of out of luck.
I still found this funny, Supergirl being jelly over Powergirl bust
Still better than there Marvel counterparts
So what you're saying is that Kamala should cross over into the DC Universe.
I kind of love all the black lipstick that showed up in TNBA. It's one of those things that really doesn't work in the real world, at least not on white girls, but it looked hot as heck in the cartoon.
Well duh, she needs Kryptonian Cock
how this?
Kamala is a disgusting shitskin
Didn't Power Girl have a black-haired Terra knockoff best friend for a while?
DC Girls