Who has the worse fans?

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Superman and Batman

MCU so'y has the worst fans

They are the only ones who HAVE fans
Green Lantern has Ben 10 haters
Wonder Woman has feminazis
The rest have no one

CM and it s not even close

>Green Lantern has Ben 10 haters

Death Battle, the web series had them fight. Ben lost.

Hey man, I like Martian Manhunter at least in the DCAU

used to be Hal, now it is hands down batman.


Wally West fags are cry baby faggots.
Barry chads are based.
Batman chads are the smartest.
Supe fags only care about their Goku beating of the week.
Wonder womyn are s-o-y.
Aqua fags are womyn.
GL who's are only relevant thanks to Ben.

What does Carol have to with anything?

>aquafags are womyn
That only applies to Samoa Joe or whatever the fuck his name is in the movies.

Attached: Irony Chevron His Favorite Superhero Isn't Aquaman.png (938x254, 622K)

GLfags only argue with other GLfags so it’s not so bad.

Martian Manhunter fans are probably the chillest, just on basis of them not arguing very much and the fact that he doesn't have a perpetual ongoing comic that's immune from cancellation the way the others+Cyborg do.

>others+Cyborg do
Hasn't Cyborg replaced Jonny long enough at this point or will he always be the tacked on black dude

Fucking Spider-Man

It has to be this one.

I have literally never had a problem with a Spidey fan and I work in a damn comic shop. Explain yourself.

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These days they're all mainly just complaining about their character's spot: Superman written by fucking Bendis, Batman written by fucking King, Flash fans have had their balls dragged through glass these past 3 years, GLs have to go through a rotating door of relevancy, I don't even know what Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Manhunter are even doing besides twiddling their thumbs in Justice League

Good joke user I chuckled

Batman because most of them are fucking normies.


Most recent thing I remember with them was at least one of them being upset at Hal's treatment in this series, but that's still pretty mild.


Batfag normies who worship Batgod and think every DC property should be dark and gritty

I'd say GL.

Captain marvel.

>Batman chads are the smartest
>Aqua fags are womyn
>GL who's are only
Haha yeah no. Nice quads though fella.

You know I'm right. Ever try talking about Billy on here? Billyfags are raging autists that make me embarrassed by association

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Specifically TDKR Batman fans are literally ruining the character and possibly the medium as a whole.
Also the answer is Harley Quinn.

Anyone whose basis on liking a character boils down to power levels.

>Aquaman has no fans

Attached: Aquaman_BoxOfficeMojo.png (435x399, 97K)

It’s true. All they do is bitch about Carol

Every thread

Superman fans may not be the worse, but they're definitely the weidest. They come off as a fucking cult that think the whole world should worship Superman and that the fact Superman isn't loved more is sign of the end of times. They call character moment other than those given to Superman as fanwank and cum all over themselves when a story point out that the everything revolves around Superman. They also spend days fighting anyone over wether Superman can or not beat other characters, but then go on to say that Superman isn't overpowered.

Carolfags do the same, in fact both fandoms act like one for some reason.

Superman > your favorite

I’m a fan of supergirl

>believing that Aquaman made that movie a success and not Jason Momoa's pecs.

Fans aren't so bad as much as it is the haters. Batman fans are pretty bad though, mainly due to numbers and normies.

It does ge rather disturbing the fanboyisn, keep expecting humn sacrifices

Can I sacrifice my virginity to supergirl?

Team books have the most autistic fans because of all the shipping stuff they do. Teen Titans, X-Men, and Legion of superheroes

The Flash (all of them) is my favorite Leaguer

I'd say Flash and green lantern, people who like mary sues tend to be awful.
Supes, ww and batman are mid tier
most based is aquamanchads

I'll give you Bats but most hardcore Superman fans are totally alright. They realise that Supes is at his best when not resorting to the powerhouse storylines and that his best plot points come from dealing with psychological issues

>Wally West fags are cry baby faggots
I'd like to see how you would react if every writer started shitting hardcore over your favourite character

>Batman chads are the smartest
I like Batman but that's simply not true at all

>Supe fags only care about their Goku beating of the week
it's only Superman haters who say shit like this when Superman fags are the ones fed up with all the power level wankfests

>Wonder womyn are s-o-y
genuine question, how so? I never read a WW story before but always wanted to because I love greek mythology

>Aqua fags are womyn
only true for the movie version as you should already know

this desu

>but most hardcore Superman fans are totally alright. They realise that Supes is at his best when not resorting to the powerhouse storylines and that his best plot points come from dealing with psychological issues
You wish. Most hardcore Superman fans are like this . They think Superman is the greatest, deserve everything, and hate people and every other character for the fact Superman isn't loved more. They're the definition of a spoiled and bitter fanbase

It's not so much when people like a character that they're obnoxious but when they hate a character that they're insufferable. We get it, you don't like them being popular or existing. Stop making threads about it.

Batman fans are the worst

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Wolverine by a country mile.

Sounds like a fun cult

When I was working in comic book shop ? X Men fans were worst to deal with. Mainly because most of them only got into collecting X Titles cause it what everybody else was doing it at time and being completely devoid of any kind of personality to be able to fully develop their own taste or preference in something they just instead just blindly follow latest trends or whatever they think is popular.

Most X Men fans I've meet are just like this and haven't seen one that isn't some kind of losers in real life as they know what they're reading is shit but instead of moving on and start getting into something else they double down on and get aggressively defensive about how shit it is when they know it's true.


I love batman but I can say with utmost confidence that his fans are worse than superman fans.

>The "Billy should be Jesus" fags
>The "Billy shouldn't be Jesus" fags
>The /d/ tourists
Yeah. In retrospective, Billy's characterfags are pretty awful.

Barry cucks haven't read anything older than Rebirth.

I would be less of a Batman hater if his fans realized they are the most selfish privileged bitches in comicdom. Even Spidey fans aren’t catered to as much as Batman fans are.

They’re just surprisingly vicious

pretty sure that when user said "used to be Hal" he was talking about H.E.A.T, which is an unprecedented shame for every GLfag sadly.
Google it.

They like to think the poor reaction to miles means anything more than hating bendis and all of his creations/sad fetishes

No, just Batfags. They are THE WORST, worse than the most retarded DBZ fans.

Better question, Batfags or Narutards?

You're a Superman fanboy. Your opinion is invalid.

Kara is bae, but she's not in the League.

Hey man no need to be like that, not every Batman fan is a Batfag.

Batman fans because they can't shovel into their gullets fast enough whatever shit WB and DC wants to pump out, so continues the near two decade Batman wankfest.

So you're blaming Batman fans for being fans that actually support the character and the publisher?

Pretty much everyone in my LCS finds batfags annoying, the thing about them only reading about Batman is true, they literally have no interest in anything else and act like his salemen.


>Superman fags are the ones fed up with all the power level wankfests.
You can't be fucking serious, it's Superfags who argue that the Justice League is an insult to Superman since he should be able to do everything because he's Superman. They even try to argue that Superman should be faster than the Flash.

Sounds like X-fags to me.

Isn't that just the definition of a fan? Someone who loves something and wants to share and promote it?

I like aquaman you deluded faggot, stop projecting. And I hate the momoa version, just so you know.

But they're catered to because they move units. They bring the sales. Why wouldn't the company cater to their biggest and most active customer group?

These comments are almost a parody of classic Yea Forums contrarianism.

"Everyone who likes popular things is dumb, I'm smart because I don't like what's popular!"

>Green Lantern has Ben 10 haters

but 99% of it are Ben 10 fans bitching and moaning about the loss. There are not many GL fans complaining about Ben 10. Just annoying Ben 10 fans who cannot get over it two months later.

>When I was working in comic book shop
>looks down on others for being "some kind of losers in real life"

In order or worst to slight less bad
Superfags > Flashfags > Batfags > Halfags > Wonderfags > Aquafags > Martianfags
This is mostly based on how frequently vocal they are and how much they wank a characters power set, Aquafags being the ones most likely to go from docile to insufferable when they try to insist that Aquaman is cool or a good character in any iteration that wasn't the Brave and the Bold cartoon

Batman fans.

And 2nd place goes to MCU/Normie-core/ "Marvel" fans. Ya know the ones. The guy that tells you "oh I've read about THAT character I know all about THAT character, MCU did him so accurate bro, the wiki even says so"

3rd place is Superman fans. The absolute canyon of a divide between his different kind of fans is astounding.

It's not as bad as the truly worst. But try starting the debate of

> "Billy /Cap are the same person aged up"


> "Billy / Cap are two separate people"

And you'll see some shit get heated

I have never seen obnoxious Superman fans.

She doesn’t have enough time for league stuff with all the cocksucking she does for me

There are chill Superman fans, and the ones that are from Tumblr who orgasm over Jon/Damian shipping fanfiction. And then there are the BvS Ultimate Edition lunatics. And the saddest part is the last two are the most vocal on the internet, so it's hard to be a Superman fan.

Go to Comicvine and CBR forums.

Go back

Comicvine hates Superman (partially due to Deathbattle saying Superman beast Goku, their fav, so they're really salty). They constantly make him out to be a jobber and think Naruto one shots Superman with a rasengan.

They aren't actually obnoxious, they are confused or false fans who are trolling, especially on CBR.

You confused your limited personal experience as facts. It will only lead you down the wrong path, even if you were stupidly lucky to consider yourself a stable genius who backed doored his way into a position of power

>They also spend days fighting anyone over wether Superman can or not beat other characters, but then go on to say that Superman isn't overpowered.

This is a problem with a subset of fans that revolves around the anime and other power level culture which is also something that arises from a video game mentality.

This is also a limited perspective that's more local than not and to claim it's universal is simplistic and absurd.

This, faggots can't fucking get over it.

You're not helping, champ.

I love Jon, don't care about shipping, love the trunks, love the idealism of hope, thought MoS was good except for killing zod and shitty Pa Kent.

I hate superman wondy shippers, and superedge Injustice tier fans

Holy fuck its been two months, all this bitching makes it feels like it was yesterday.

>ITT: Anons get eternally assmad at a character because of running into one obnoxious fan in the past

>BvS and Jon/Damian shippers
>Most vocal

I haven't ever seen any of those anywhere but here

Is this the "make shit up" thread? Where are you all getting this?

Theres a good chance that you are an obnoxious superman fan and think behavior like yours is normal

You sound like one of those deluded and arrogant Superman fans that think Superman is a perfectly great character that can do no wrong and that his fans are just as great because of course Superman fans would be.

Chances are you guys are butthurt retards

Every fanbase has retards, but there is this nigga here Superman has none. Come on, user.

But I get threatened with a ban if I try to tell CBR Supemran has feats for infinite strength and durability.

Even Cosmic Armor Superman gets downplayed to solar system level KEK.

if only you knew how bad things really were

real talk though the point of goku is to surpass his limts, the point of clark is to have no limits. When i get my hands on superman he is going to power up off his internal black sun energy instead of flying through 12 stars, that would be a good stepping stone form to 1,000,000

Both characters have endlessly broke their limits and no limits by this point.

>instantly trying to create a strawman

Yeah, classic batfag move.

Flash. Not even close.

I’m a supes fan and I know a few others. None of us are like that. We prefer his character and morals over his powers. Occasionally we complain when a new hero or villain is introduced and uses supes to make them look cool or threatening but MM fans have that problem only worse. I think maybe you just hate Superman or met one obnoxious fan

In any kind of who would win/battle forum

Batfags > Stormfags > Speedsterfags

Batfags are obvious. Stormfags for being an actual cult that worships her in real life and thinks she is stronger than abstract concepts.
Flash/Zoom/whatever fags for wanking off to them nonstop, calling all defeats and bad showings PIS/WIS/CIS.

Get a fucking grip. You guys act like a cult and think that Superman is the greatest character ever to grace the world and that the reason why he isn't as popular as he once was is because the world is literally going to shit and everybody is cynical nowadays, as if that could be the only logical reason why. Every time you hear someone saying they don't find the character appealing you guys act as that person was insane or dumb. Not to mention the whole "modern myth" spiel where you guys act as if Superman was some sort of religious figure.

Got it you hate Superman so you invent a crazy story and project it. May I ask who you are a fan of?

I've seen in this very board Superman fans discussing without an once of irony that the reason Superman isn't as popular anymore is because of the world have gone to shit.

Sooo a Batman fan or a Billy fan?

I'm actually a Superman fan, is just that i'm constantly put off by the creepy side of the fan base. You guys have major issues.

Hal fags are pretty based.
Flash fags are a mixed bag. but Jayfags are best
Superfags are comfy but based weirdos
Batfags think they're pretty damn based except they're not
idk about Wonderfags
Aquafags are sad
Martianfags are the best by default

You do realize you are using the wrong pronoun. We is what you mean to say if you are a fan. It’s 2019 stop assuming my fandom

GL fags are the most annoying fan base online thanks to Hal Cucks.

In person, Bat family fags are bordering on Brony tier.


You mean the 3 bots who make those shitty Carol threads?

Aquafags are based too

Storm? I’m not familiar with X-Men, not my cup of tea.are they really that bad?

care to explain why?

He is a angry Ben10fag

>the /d/ tourists

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Wasn't Elvis the original Billyfag?

Storm has fags? Even then, sniktbubfags are still worse

Only the HEATfags, really. Lanternfags usually only fight with other lanterfags

Edgelords who only read Frank Miller shit, and hate SUPERheroes for being phonies with their powers. Secretly want Batman to be more like the Punisher and just kill bad guys with guns.

Conservatard snowflakes who get triggered anytime someone brings up any time someone beats Superman. Otherwise they spend all of their time getting into bitchfights with DBZ tards regarding powerlevels

Fat feminazis who are too busy bitching and moaning about representation in other things to actually care about Wonder Woman

Eternally buttblasted and always divided between Barry and Wally.

He has no fans. Next

>Green Lantern
Brainlets who eat up anything cereal lord writes because like him they believe Hal Jordan to be the bestest best when really he's boring as shit.

>Martian porchmonkey
See Aquacuck

Robin fans are much worse

This post smells like ladderfag

I hope Tom King damages Batman's popularity hard so people would take interest in other characters too
I like Batman but I want some variety

Dude read some Wondy. She's overlooked a lot but she's got some good runs. People think she's boring because of DCAU or she's a feminazi because she's an Amazon or whatever.

George Perez and Greg Rucka have excellent runs on her. For oneshots read Spirit of Truth and League of One. Azzarello's run is good but basically if notes all her lore, so enjoy it with a grain of salt.

I'm not saying she's the best or anything but more people should really read her. Plus, she's FINE.

Aquaman and MMH have more fans than Cyborg at least.

>For oneshots read Spirit of Truth and League of One.
Terrible recommendations, specially Spirit of Truth.

No one says that. It's always the batfags or animefags who want Superman to die

And I use fag loosely here, they're just normalfags who bought into circlejerks and know little about their favorites.

I've often seen Superman fans complaining about Superman getting downplayed like the "it was for charity, Clark" scene or when he gets portrayed as weaker than usual, like the JL cartoon or losing with little focus to some villain in someone else's comic, like the recent time that Zoom beat him and the rest of the JL.

>No one says that.
I always see it, user. Just like Superman fans hating on Batman for being more popular because they see it as a great crime.

>superfag starts deflecting and looking for a reason to try and dismiss user rather than show proof he's wrong
>literally starts to ramble about pronouns
You just proved how obnoxious superfags can be, good job

seething faggots

HEAT has smoke bombed DC before

Superman fans. One fandom that doesn't even read the comics of their favorite character.

Batman easily

>Batman can beat anybody when he has hours and hours of preparation

Why are Batman's foes in these scenarios never given that same amount of leeway? Why does Batman always get time to prepare?

What's the Marvel equivalent to Batfags and Supesfag fanboy arguments????

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It's a joke, power-level faggot.

You mean most fandoms. Most marvel's fandom dont even touch the comics, theyre primarily so'ycu faggots.

>Thinking preptime is a joke

There was a solid 2 year period after Final Crisis where people argued if Batman could beat Darkseid head on with enough prep-time.

Because it is a joke. The whole power-level discussion is stupid. Guess what? Green Arrow can beat Darkseid with an arrow. It happened before. An atomic arrow, but an arrow still.

For fuck's sake. Superman used to be out-witted by a normal guy that pulled harmless pranks.

Anyone who discusses this shit is a retard by default.

Stark fans and Capfans during Civil War?

Specifically on who would win shit, look up some storm vs on any comic forum if you feel like having a laugh. They will argue even after being shown a panel of Storm getting easily defeated by said character

Well, jobbing happens I guess