Why was it so bad?

Why was it so bad?

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what did the internship program even entail


>Niggerpuff was chained in basement and used as a sex slave
What did they mean by this?

nuPPG sucked because:

>the SJW writers had no fucking idea what made the show great originally
>the animators and artists knew fuck all about animation
>over reliance on instantly outdated memes and pop culture
>inconsistent, incoherent characterization
>absence of old villains, shitty ersatz villains, meaningless banning of Ms Bellum

There's certainly more bullshit under the hood.


It's not Gendy's version that had a shit ton more action in one episode than this version's whole existence.

Attached: Disgruntled Experiments.png (238x370, 65K)

>Purple Puff is not the adorkable Bunny
For shame.

Attached: Char_33184.jpg (210x240, 19K)

How can you not look at it and immediately know? You queers ask the dumbest questions.

The only good thing about this show is that it gave us another Blossom and Bubbles bath scene even if it was only a few seconds long.

Attached: 1448351667738.jpg (825x625, 44K)

Why would a father cover his eyes? Americans are weird.

What kind of bullshit going on under the hood? I know Jake 'Putting the pp in g' Goldman was one of the reasons but what else is there?

They are basically homunculi, God knows what they actually have under the dresses

Nobody working on the reboot bothered to research anything that the show took inspiration from which were things like rocky and Bullwinkle, yellow submarine, retro Japanese shows, and adam west batman.

Attached: rat.png (450x518, 532K)

I meant in a general sense of all-encompassing incompetence. Also:

>it was a cheap cash in based around name recognition and cynical from the start.

This could actually be terrifyingly

that's not how puns work user

You are stressing me out

fuck off

It has literally no soul.

What with Julia Vickerman, we can add "Employed and enabled a sexual predator" to this show's various list of offenses

Did the writer's self-insert being Blossom's love interest not tip you off?

>pedo opinion
laughing my ass ON

Their lack of fingers isn’t art direction, it’s canon-in the body swap episode when they had fingers they didn’t know how fingers worked.

They’re unholy nightmares

Because the original was an action superhero show, heavy on the action. The juxtaposition between cutesy toon girls being total badasses that were insanely powerful was the draw. The writing was top notch earlier on (but the later seasons weren't TOO bad) It made fun of alot of superhero,kaiju,action tropes and did some nice subversion here and there.

The NEW PPG was a comedy show about the mundane slice of life junk, they aged up the girls (the original PPG made fun of this) and wasn't as creative or unique enough in it's vision. The *new* characters were kind of lame and uninspired, then cut out Bellum, cut off Mrs Keane's breasts ect... it wasn't subversive, just preachy,pandering,dated meme stuff and it lost all the appeal of the original.

Remember how sharp the original Foster's seasons were or how amazing the short-ran Wander over Yonder was? It's Craig at his peak - shame he didn't even get consulted for the new show.

>Because the original was an action superhero show, heavy on the action
Even the original name for the pitch was "Whoop-ass Girls" or something, but it had to be changed for obvious reasons.