Guess who just graduated calarts, yo
Guess who just graduated calarts, yo
Irwin no. There are no fine bitches there. Well none your age.
Yes but there are horny women using empowerment as an excuse to fuck around.
>every other character is some weird unnatural color
>the black charactet is just brown
what did they mean by this?
>hey Gloria, how does it feel that the only fans who truly cares about you, are waifufags who only cares for how you look, instead of who you are yo?
>what did they mean by this?
Who cares, now I have an excuse to post Tilly
Lies, I actually like Gloria. She deserves a better life
How else would people know that he’s the token nerdy black sidekick?
Buenos Dias, yo!
skeeter was a blue green, and everyone knew he was black
I didn't know he was black.
She's very cute.
And hot.
Same. In the likes of how Roger was a weird lime green or how the Dinks are purple, I just thought it was the art style. Everyone had their own wacky color, y'know?
But he wasn't nerdy until Disney got a hold of the series.
>And hot.
doesn't that cover ALL waifufags?
>And hot.
I’ve never seen Doug. Is it true that Disney completely butchered the show after getting the rights to it?
Sprig Plantar > Cricket Green
prove me wrong
we don't have to.
Plump Anko best Anko though
>no new episodes since early March
Is it over, bros?
t. Faggot
>Is it over, bros?
compared to other shows (SU is notorious for it's schedule), is that bad?
You are absolutely correct
No. Season 2 was confirmed a looong time ago. It’ll be premiering this fall.
Not at all. Four months is actually pretty standard for a hiatus between seasons.
>and hot
You disgust me, loli-fag.
>not finding Tilly to be hot
Come on now, I also think of her as of daughterfu, but that doesn't mean she can't be hot
Tilly is adorable and objectively best girl, but little girls are not hot, user. Get that shit taste out of this wholesome BCG thread.
awaits you.
>shit taste
Are you implying that she is ugly?
Go fuck off back to /tlhg/ or infinity-channel you fucking bitch ass lolifaggot.
Or better yet, go unironically set yourself on fire, since you want hell to come quickly to you that much.
the show was never good to begin with
Why does it reek of reddit so much?
Did you completely miss the part where I said that she’s adorable? I love Tilly, but not in a lustful or sexual way. She’s just a cute and funny character who singlehandedly carries the show. Marieve Herington should’ve won that Emmy
don't call them that, it's insulting to actual women
>who singlehandedly carries the show.
Pretty much yeah. Billy is good too, in a sort of a role model dad way.
Gloria stuff can be interesting.
How would you know? Either you admit to browse there or admit that you don't know what you're talking about. Either way, you're screwed.
Did someone say cute and funny?
I've been looking for an animated episode of Nick Arcade with the original Nicktoons cast from the Nickelodeon cable launch. it was 1979, or close to it. Doug hadn't given birth to his younger sister Judy yet, but as we all know, he would within days of the episode. the games were green screen as was the style at the time. one was Sonic, that much I remember. there might have been a Resident Evil too, and of course Call of Duty.
Doug, as most celebrity guests were, was awful at the games. he constantly died and then would look at the camera and give a "Dear Journal" speech. somehow, he came in second to Ginger Foutley, which I was surprised to see considering she had killed herself a few years ago. beating a pregnant Doug was still an accomplishment, as Judy was also given a controller and their scores counted together.
since he lost, he was deleted from the show. as in, completely deleted. it was like when a film strip catches on fire. I was scared that he would be deleted from his own show as well, but luckily there were different animators and he did not disappear from Doug like he did Nick Arcade. it was quite haunting though, and I can still hear his screams when I close my eyes.
the animated Nick Arcades were hard to come by especially since most betamax players from that time were damaged in the nuclear war with the Soviet Union. still, I distinctly remember this episode and hope to see it again. I think Doug could have gotten more points in Sonic if he had used the spin dash.
either "everything i hate is reddit" or he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Good news, everyone! Steve Wolfhard was just confirmed as a board artist on BCG Season 2!
Neat. Dude was hilarious on AT, and I'm loving his Amphibikino episodes so far
The world would be a happier place with more of this
Exactly. Tilly is just like Charlene in that they’re both cute little girls who shouldn’t be lewded. Each carries their own respective show because they’re a funny and interesting character.
Xochi, on the other hand, is Pure Sex and deserves ALL the lewding.
Why is Tilly so based?
Stop it.
This scene was so fucking cute
I can't, and I won't. You are 100% correct
Why does Yea Forums hate Cricket so much?
what i mean by that is defending cricket against this guy is meaningless because he keeps spamming amphibia crap on BCG threads solely because he thinks he can take on the fandom (he never tries this crap on star vs, tangled or other big disney cartoon threads).
if you react,he wins type of deal.
Kek, I’m totally saving that reaction image for later
He is very annoying, that's why. The only time anyone tolerates him is when he is working off Gloria's character.
Sprig is far more tolerable and well meaning
Tomboys are cute
>Bitch Fartman
p-pls post moar Xochi
I want the full picture. Please.
No. You really don’t.
They knew exactly what they were doing with that banner
My favorite
Im not talking to you. All I wanna see is the full drawing of non-existent cartoon characters. Go larp as a hero on another board.
I’m blushing, user.
I wouldn’t call myself a hero so much as a person with good taste. Tilly is like a little baby doll. Why anyone would actively want to lewd her is beyond me.
How’s Oaxis coming along, Butch?
uenos dias mandy
*buenos dias muchachalatas
Bitch please, nobody but Gloriafags, likes her
He was never black you retard
Sprig is better than Cricket
Who the fuck said Billy?
Don't worry, I don't care what strangers on the most reddit board think.
Fuck off retard
God, what lazy character design
>Ivy Sundew confirmed Best Girl
That she is
Because in Big City Greens, there are no characters with Red skin?
While looking upon her VA, she is voiced by Katie Crown, who previously voiced Clarence’s Mom, Mary from Clarence.
>>No Red Skin
Excuse ma’ma, the last time I checked, there’s a guy (shown in pic) and a BG waifu, while you see: Neverland.
Pfft, Katie Crown did a lot more than that. She also voiced Ms. Baker, Ms. Shoop, a fuckton of other incidentals, AND she was a staff writer in Season 2.
I’d be lying if I said I don’t have a small crush on her
Which is the better show? Big City Greens or Victor and Valentino?
Better yet, which show has the least grating protagonist?
I need a source for cute purposes
>cutaway gag
How come Amphibia is free to do this, yet Family Guy is always shunned for it?
Sure is this isn’t an edit
I like little girls.
not enough facebook jpg artifacts
>Better show
This is a hard call because the shows have such different material. BCG is a sitcom with some slice of life mixed in and V&V is a sitcom with adventure trappings. I'll have to tip my hat to BCG because it seems more successful at getting its point across.
>Better protagonist
Big City Greens, hands down. Cricket's voice is downright angelic compared to Victor's.
Nope, it's from the werewolf episode.
It's times like this that I'm reminded to be thankful for shows with the "CalArts style."
>cute and funny
I'm onto you, pedo.
Seconding, I haven’t watched the show yet