Can we have a wasp thread

Can we have a wasp thread

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That issue has the worst art. I feel like it must have been a try-out issue for someone. It's absolutely amateurish and awful.

>Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne could shrink and grow from pym particles
>Janet almost never grew while Hank grew all the time

It's weird how things work that way

What happened?

Any wasps or just Janet?

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She had a couple of costumes that were literally just a swimsuit. She should do that more often.

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Jan, Sue and Jean were the trinity of Marvel females for the first ten years of the company's new superhero line.

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There enough white Anglo saxon prodistants in comics already.

There are reasons. But clearly this is just for Giant Girl posting.

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gonna need better shots of some of her lewder costumes

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Does anyone have the updated version?

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Why not both?

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what the fuck is going on with iron man's gigantic thumb?

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I wish I could find a better quality image of this costume. All of them are, ironically, small.

Awful character, fridge the bitch!!

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Seeing as this is a Wasp thread, it is only fitting we have a costume cavalcade.

She has many costumesSo we'll look at the ones in Avengers West Coast, not to be confused with West Coast Avengers.

First up, a basic little number. A bit plain, a mix of Scarlet Witch and a dressed down classic Wasp.

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It would soon be updated with some white accents and shoulderpads.

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By the next issue, Jan would expand the collar and trade in for some sleek black pixie boots

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Not every design is a winner, this bare armed white piece could stand to lose the cap.

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Janet would be seen in issue 54 wearing this Xavier's hover chair coloured suit. Replacing her W belt with W cleavage.

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Of course, Jan would quickly revise her implied cleavage to plunging

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Next up she would got for this classic blue look and wear it for a decent period both here and in her tenure with Avengers proper.

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A little plain, Janet was never afraid of accessories. A jetpack and a bubble helmet gets this Space Girl off the ground.

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When the situation calls for it, she'll even wear something like this boxy hazard suit,

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Does toon Wasp count?

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There is only one good version of the Wasp.

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A brief appearance for only a meeting in issue 66, a few summer colors to brighten things up.

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Of course, when it came time to search for a friend it was also time for a costume change. A bit sci-fi, like a demure Moon Dragon.

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Just some orange top and puffy sleeves here

Toon Wasp always counts.

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Appearing only on this cover, some sort of inverse Iron Man colour scheme.

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Entering into her green period, for two issues wore this number with a keyhole on the front to match the back. A bit classic Rogue inspired.

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In between she sported this emerald item

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After she would revise her other suit to a pure green

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Moving out of her green period, the obvious direction was purple. This one is a mix of ballerina and prom dress

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Jan had one more green piece for a tiny cover appearance. With what is clearly a poison ivy cosplay

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The W belt is back, but it feels a bit all over the place. Orange isn't a good colour on her.

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Clearly reading too much Animal Man when this was designed.

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Last but not least. Her Annual costume. Simple, clearly for wearing under normal clothes.

And there it is, almost one new costume for each appearance in Avengers West Coast. That's just how Wasp rolls.

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oh cool, I have never seen this reading list, thanks user

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canon reason is, Jan's powers come form an old Pym particle formula, using them to grow has bad sides effects

Is that just a leotard or is it a full bodysuit?

Reminder that Janet was the best Avengers leader in their entire history. She was able to manage multiple teams, public relations and work with politicians all around the world to let the Avengers work at top capacity.

Short-sleeved leotard, belt, gloves, boots..

she had a lot of those kinds of costumes for a bit, just very brief ones worn under her normal clothes

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I really like this costume even if though it deviates from her usual looks.

it's pretty boss

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I liked UTS, for it's time it was pretty decent too. Best Avengers team line up too.

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I owned these comics.
Excellent books.

didn't think she even had growing powers for the longest time.

Also was unsure if she could shoot electricity when normal height since she never really did that either


Is that Atomic Robo on his shirt?