Nearly 12 years later and I still love her <3

nearly 12 years later and I still love her

Attached: flaky the hedgehog.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:'_Mom/Gallery

She is my adorable accident-prone daughterfu.

Attached: flaky-chaaaan.jpg (2058x997, 142K)

wait did she finally get eyelashes

THat's an OC or fanart

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Dude piss off. She has a heart for a nose

Attached: THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL A SHIP.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

All the girls have eyelashes.

A writer confirmed she's a girl years ago.

is this loss?

Fuck that outdated debate.Please post Flakys

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Best boy incoming.
I remember seeing a YouTube AMV of Toothy set to Simple Plan's "Welcome to My Life" over a decade ago. It was edited well but man that song's aged like milk.

Attached: Toothy.(HTF).full.1286505.jpg (800x1004, 724K)

Which one, Yea Forums ?

Attached: psgk99kB4i1vsln7ao1_1280.png (1280x640, 645K)

Giggles > Flaky > Petunia > Lammy
Don't stick the D in crazy.

God the HTF fanbase used to be autistic af.
Especially the FlakyxFlippy shippers

So what’s the current status of htf?
They released a payed episode pack a while ago which I’m pretty sure flopped. Is it officially over?

Probably.Internet animation doesnt pay,especially after YouTube changed their algorithm.Mondo work exclusively for a streaming service called VRV

Attached: proogj4vjE1vlak4w_540.png (540x540, 301K)

Flaky. Long hair is cute

Good taste

Attached: ohvp0dL3x81rxogh6o1_1280.png (1280x597, 266K)

How did it flop? Their channel still seems active

>Especially the FlakyxFlippy shippers

It's a good ship though

Attached: cuties.png (1023x628, 326K)

Flaky was supposed to be male but the whole internet thought he was female so mondo said “fuck it, it’s female now”

This episode was released behind a paywall in 2017 actually

okay, did this not start out on newgrounds? did it have a different name? it seems familiar, but I can't figure out when I would have seen it.

Not sure if it was Newgrounds but I recall them being around a few years before Youtube.

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why do the nips love htf so much?

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Yep, it was pretty big on Newgrounds back in the day. It was always Happy Tree Friends tho.

Why do they make her suffer, bros?

Attached: flaky.jpg (733x600, 60K)

Damn well I'm literally retarded. Is there any update that they're gonna continue?

Attached: latest[1].png (1920x1080, 483K)

Ah, shit. Take me back. Flippy was my favorite.

Attached: i_m_too_dark_and_edgy_by_cranbeary-d8ti5pn.png (364x619, 342K)

as long we agree that the blue moose is the worse and deserves every single thing that happened to him

because it's hot

Attached: Flaky0[1].jpg (320x240, 14K)

Toothy's okay, but not best.

Attached: b5bed57398b13522b6b58865e5b5231e319b9469v2_hq[1].jpg (883x904, 77K)

Attached: Cro_Marmot_.png (338x405, 17K)

no that's not what happend

She's fully naked!

wait why dose she have cat ears

12 years? What kind of fucking faggot millenial are you? This character was on shit like in 2001 you goddamn fucking faggot

Why she has some white things over her hair like some kind of strawberry?

her name is flaky, think about it

She's dirty

shit taste. lammy is based

Not everyone has time to learn about every obscure thing on the internet you cock sucking nigger

Attached: (You).png (513x419, 255K)

Found the fucking faggot retard

>There will never be a comfy Animal Crossing-style HTF reboot
>Nor at the very least will there be a dark comedy slice of life that has humor based more on the characters than gore
>It will always be the "lol gore and torture for small animals" shit it always was
It's not fucking fair

Attached: 1556815192968.jpg (574x538, 100K)

I feel some sexual tension goin on

>lol gore and torture for small animals
And that's a good thing!

it took you this long to realize life was shit

I realized that long ago user.

Attached: 1539585586002.jpg (225x225, 10K)

this but unironically

Slice of life? It would be nothing more than a dark mlp clone

Attached: weerd face.jpg (210x240, 10K)

>everything is mlp
Fuck off

which episode is that?

Flaky, Lammy, petunia, giggles.
I go by animals I like though and haven't really seen much of Lammy as I'm not a edge hard teen anymore, but as a Aries I like her

Royal Flush

>ywn get spitroasted by Shifty and Lifty
Why live?


Is that fanart?

Rent free

Yep I got it from here:

The thumbnail had me think that Flaky was unfazed by someone dying in front of her or that she intentionally killed someone.

This is adorbs. I wanna see HTF: The Wonder Years where they're having to navigate High School shootings, suicides, bullies, gang bangers, drug overdoses and all sorts of wacky hi-jinks like that there. It would make Elfen Lied look like a Disney cartoon.

Attached: Yandegire.jpg (640x480, 143K)

>t. Flippy

Still salty over getting killed twice?

Attached: Happy_tree_friends_lumpy_by_g_manbg-d35vak3.jpg (900x1273, 93K)

Mime is prime cute you could never convince me otherwise
>those Halloween episodes where he was dressed as Rudolph cause fuck it someone dressing as a Christmas thing for Halloween was hilarious in the mid 2000s

Attached: 6B5AE28C-FC89-4041-A84C-7D3756599596.png (614x762, 292K)

lumpy has the funniest deaths and episodes

Incredible yet subtle feats of animation here in the context of attention to detail. When you go back to review how he fucked up THAT badly, you can see that his attention was directed in the wrong place from the beginning.

You could have just said "i didnt think of checking Wikipedia"

Final Destination high school drama with anime-esque Furry cuties.That scream so much 2000s teen angst fanfic,good times

Attached: tumblr_p4q78ztkTY1tal0nbo1_1280.png (1280x960, 308K)

I think the fact that guro is a concept that originated from Japan helped its continued popularity among Japanese nerds

yes it quite literally is.

Nutty, Disco Bear and Lifty/Shifty are the shittiest, most boring characters, while Lumpy, Petunia and Handy are the best ones, and you can't change my fucking mind.

All of them are great characters, but otherwise you're right.

Who cares ?

so favorite episodes?

Attached: 73537980_p1.png (2212x2140, 900K)

Early Internet animation relied heavily on low-brow shock humor.HTF is a product of its time,the moment where everyone wanted their share of the brand new Internet cake

Remains To Be Seen

As far as i know,the crew fell back into radio silence.Too bad,Kenn Navarro wanted to do an anime parody episode/special,he tweeted about it once

This and anything else made by mondo is trash , except for daddy and the big boy

I liked Gundarr

Porcupines have a reputation for having trash stuck in their quil.The joke is that Flaky have dandruffs everywhere in her hair/quills

>happy tree friends is still going

Attached: 72457138_p0.png (310x315, 8K)

Barely.They just uploading episodes that were made in 2017

The website ain't bad when you're using it for finding art, but it's annoying how many people forget to jump through hoops to get a good resolution for pics.

Attached: 71599123_p5.png (1844x1049, 1.22M)

fuk u

Is there was a single character that never dies?'_Mom/Gallery

>12 years
this shit is way longer than that, Youtube wasnt even around yet when people would be sharing the .swf files of this gory animations to shock your cowokers in the office when you had some "free time"

She was confirmed a girl until these past years where they decided to play around with the queer card and fuck up with it since they are starved for following in this day and age to try maintain the company up

HTF as a whole? the shocking gory humor, earlier 2000s anime werent as censored as they are today and you were able to still see some violent stuff in some more mature animes.
Flaky x Flippy ship? you can see the overwhelming amount of artist of it are women and I can take the guess alot of them are the "I can fix him" type of girl

Attached: 40d366e31998b878103596f9a76f61c8.jpg (500x600, 45K)

I can't help but ponder if Shimizu Akane was one of those girls that were part of that bunch and She put basically a Flippy and Flaky expy in Cells at Work

Attached: Hataraku.Saibou.full.2386537.png (1049x883, 790K)


Attached: Friends at Work.png (1156x1046, 787K)

>Still watching edgy furry show

>the queer card
You're letting the whole "Yea Forums sperging about muh SJW " get to your head.Flaky was confirmed as a girl around 2008 or 2009,at the times,there wasnt any "queer" discourse" it's just the fandom that jumped into the occasion to have another girl in the cast and Flaky gender was very ambiguous back then
But you're right on one point, the teens of the 2000s were probably delighted at the prospect of having Flaky as a alternative "not like the other girls"/tomboy,not a girly girl like Giggles and Petunoa

Context for no-weeb ?
I dont even understand why you get mad at a early 2000s webtoon

Im talking as in literally 4 or so years ago when they started pulling this shit cos they barely have viewership specially after they got hit by the adpocalypse in youtube you fucking retard, I sure knew when they started pulling this shit, its not always
>muh /pol/

I was around here at that time. I can assure you they started to identify Flaky as a girl around 2008/2009.Chill


Nutty is best boi fuck off nigger

Shimizu Akane is the author if Hataraku Saibu/Cells at Work, White is like an expy of Flippy going into kill mode alot of times except He doesnt kill Red constantly this time

Attached: 89467a0ee74ebc60567114ae80784b85.gif (540x304, 2.76M)

I cant stop laughing right now,i'm watching the trailer oh my god
>This gem from the comment

"That moment when someone's waifu could literally be Cancer"

show has gotten many Universities and such endorsements for its own accuracy portrayal and such

Litteraly one step closer to Ebola Chan

basically like Shield Hero

Attached: naofumi raphtalia.gif (498x202, 3.07M)

HTF is still big in japan, they even got their own merch for the 20th anniversary

Attached: complete.jpg (1276x1109, 468K)

They got a book of concept art (that doesn't include this)

Attached: Petunia_Concept_Art.png (1298x721, 673K)

anybody listen to the commentary i heard it's even funnier with it on

I can't believe Flaky killed all those innocent chickens. I thought she was the one, Yea Forumss, how could she do something so evil

Attached: zoo shooter.png (157x181, 67K)

>I thought she was the one
I mean if you just pushed her on her back her spikes would hold her down and you could rape her to your heart's content.

Dont lewd the porcupine

The Ants

Cro-Marmot i guess

Flaky is popular because her personality fit the "final girl" in horror movies

Exactly. And it's something most of us grew out of

If this came out today I probably wouldn't give two shits about it but as it stands it's the perfect time capsule for that early/mid 2000s web era.

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so what had happened there? did she shit out an actual log?

i think there was a sentient pickle with a kitchen knife inside her

Nutty, Disco Bear and Lifty/Shifty are literally the best characters

Attached: collected_disco_bear2_by_hakkasm-d92ogqb.png (900x1981, 1.46M)

>watching HTF past the age of 13.
>Still watching HTF in 2019.

literally why?

why would they put ATLA concept art in the HTF book?

home is where the hurt is

It amazes me the fanbase hasn't done a Madness/HTF crossover animation, especially after that black and white one.

I watch it for her

Attached: 350[1].png (350x499, 169K)

I hate this character because I fucking hate dandruff. Every time I see her I just want to jump through the screen and drown her in Head & Shoulders

Do you think they're in some kind of purgatory?

Or maybe there are some cartoonishly-capable doctors behind the scenes who can put the animals back together and revive them even after they've been reduced to ash or slurry

Humanization is the dumbest fucking shit

What are you, gay? It's hot as fuck

Attached: Flaky.full.1246569[1].jpg (600x800, 57K)

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some feral

Attached: 2a35705591ea647b6b305d4c8d9021a0.jpg (1408x568, 186K)

That's a cute Nutty.

"I Nub You" more or less accidentally confirm that death can be cured in their world . You have Petunia and Handy that got turned into fleshy bowling pin and Lumpy manage to get them back in shape (poorly)

havent watched htf in over a decade but i always thought flaky was a dude. dont recall any indications whatsoever that he was really a she

Rectal tearing

Just saw this in one of the newer eps. Flaky x Flippy is cannon now? That's awesomely adorable

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I was one of them
I even wrote fanfics

Which episode is that?

My gf hardcore ships her and Flippy, ever since middle school

I don't even know anything about this show outside of those two. I think the violence scared me when i was younger

Attached: 1351316151440.jpg (268x265, 13K)

Nah not an official episode,that's some guy doing fan episodes.I'm surprised Mondo didnt take legal actions.If my time in [REDACTED] fandom taught me anything,it's the copyright laws against fanworks

Attached: 1523351638135.jpg (800x949, 160K)

Shut up Faggot

Attached: 1C6Br9Z.jpg (682x682, 79K)

fuck off


Attached: HTF Nutty Boi.jpg (412x608, 105K)

Shut up nigger

Attached: MAKA.jpg (425x354, 30K)

Fuck U

Fuck that overrated ship and everyone who likes it.

It's the more popular one because it's the only one that have some potential pathos in it .CuddlesXGiggles for example is very basic.If they had more Lammy episodes,she would have ended up with a more permanent fanon ship

You just know a furry drew this. Why do furry artists have such similar art styles?

>A furry draw HTF fanart

I can see the appeal is already there, I’m just wondering why furry artists are so samey

>that tiny-ass cute Mole

that time of the month, eh?

>animal crossing style HTF

Explain, you mean like a game or?

HTF is totally and unequivocally dead. The creators have not done anything else after the release of the last episodes that you required to pay in order to watch them. They have not even uploaded said episodes officially as they promised they would do. In fact the episodes did not meet with the expected interest to warrant continuing the show, so the likelihood we'll see more is non existent. HTF by all means is a niche thing now. The most you'll get now is fan animations (Which of fucking course also includes poorly animated pornography) and I would argue the fans have more power over the show than Mondo, who have done very little with HTF, but is not to say they are not interested. The market just isn't there anymore.

He was sucked into a hole that later erupted lava in an episode, and he was confirmed to die off screen in some episodes (Such as Class Act).

Attached: gig.png (361x427, 161K)

The interest/market is there, it's just monetizing is the problem. I wonder if youtube demonetized all the HTF videos (which is funny since they used them for copyright school way back when).

Furthermore they would need to make videos 10 minutes long/compilation for them to be able to afford to make more HTF (provided it can be monetized).

This.Those new episode get as much views as Johnny Johnny Yes Papa shit (thanks YouTube algorithm) but Mondo is broke and HTF is surprisingly costly to animate

>tfw no Nutty x Flaky fanart

Trying to explain why they keep coming back to life while a fun point of debate if there was any official explanation to it, it would ruin a lot of the fun. If anything I argue it is a shame this wasn't abused more, because you had dozens of characters with their own archetypes, and it is pretty clear that the people behind HTF did not want to limit themselves with continuity (While there was a sense of consistency) in order to make a show that is fun to watch but had nothing deeper besides being violent. And no, I'm not trying to argue about "muh deep", just that there was a lot of missed opportunity and the show never went past shock value and there was minimal experimentation with the given character archetypes and how they could do anything they wanted because they were not limited by continuity. It was no doubt very creative and you had some legitimately amazing episodes, and I'll be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the senseless violence, but I feel they could've fucked around more with the almost limitless possibilities. Then again I can see that being overwhelming to work with too.

Still, I appreciate HTF was never pretentious.

Attached: IOYH_flippyonahammock.png (1366x768, 315K)


>They have not even uploaded said episodes officially as they promised they would do.
Hey hold on ,i just caught that.That's bullshit.They did

I dont see what they could have done to "deepen" it like you claim.HTF was always meant to be a bloody Tom and Jerry for the Internet

Attached: 56749183_p0.jpg (600x781, 71K)

does anyone have that pic of the cast sitting in a ramen bar?

Attached: 75212474_p2.jpg (2224x1668, 179K)

>thought Flaky is a male hedgehog
>it's a female porcupine
>my life when

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 41K)

>your benis when

Attached: Fenneko_Laugh.gif (498x367, 257K)

Yeah I had no idea those were fanmade until I watched a few more from Finding Nemao's channel and it became pretty obvious.
Could've fooled me

Attached: perishi.png (135x125, 12K)


Attached: 1523390797668.png (484x1041, 277K)

for you

I read that exact scene in an old fanfic except DB was Flippy

>implying it was obscure

Give us more indication, i tried on Google and there's just pictures of ramen bowl

It's the quill that started this headcanon turned canon.It make Flaky look like a girl with long hair. I remember when i searched fanart for the first time in 2007 on DeviantArt,the HTF humanization of Flaky was already settled to "long haired cutie in a sweater"

No, Nutty had a great gimmick.It worked for this show
Disco Bear is a bit one-note but they find an agle to drive the plots forward when he's in an episode (courting Petunia and Giggles)
Lifty and Shifty work great as subverted kid show antagonist.Started as petty thieves archetype and their diregard for human life (or each other) to acquire wealth make great comedy
The "worst" character is Cro Marmot because being the first "inanimated cartoon character" make him hard to write for.That's why he wasnt used that often
Toothy is bvery close to the bottom of the list too because he never shaked off his canon fodder status.They never gave him a personality or gimmick to stand out

Hoping they'll do something before next December.Technically, HTF "birthday" is the 24th December 1999 when Spin Fun Knowin Ya "premiered"

Attached: tumblr_ox5r83A5NQ1uzz71lo1_1280.png (1258x1580, 3.1M)

Just Goole it.It's litteraly on the first page

The last thing we need is another cartoon with some sort of nihilistic meta plot

Maybe they could do a one-shot thing.If only they had money...

>I think the violence scared me when i was younger

Attached: 1523580031481.jpg (1570x9453, 3.75M)

You know, I'd be down for a slice of life harem anime version of htf

Attached: nice.jpg (1200x675, 60K)

Attached: DmXDcmLXoAARFj7.jpg-large.jpg (1000x1024, 63K)

then it woundn't be htf

Post Nuclear Family

World Doctors was fucking hilarious

Well shit this show and spongebob have the same age now 20 years.
Incredible how time can fly so fast

Well not exactly "20" years but you get my point right?

Man i think this thread is dead.
Well it has been a fun ride.
Good night Yea Forums and rest in peperroni Happy Tree Friends

you can decompile the .swf files and fuck with them easier nowadays

Attached: 46994530_p1.png (800x800, 568K)

>How it feels chew 5 Gum

>Because it's hot
Bad user Masochism is bad. And she is dead though

Too damn fluffy also i like flaky more with red eyes, or crimson, more prettier in my opinion

Attached: Part 1.png (1072x515, 225K)

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Attached: Part 6.png (1086x378, 179K)

I can actually se this happening in a episode.
Also go to hell Lumpy

Attached: Part 7.png (893x744, 240K)

Man, this Mime looks weird

Attached: mime_by_kicktyan_d5xruwk-fullview.jpg (1024x1784, 131K)

>single exposed shoulder
ahh my one of many weaknesses

Russell... How you doing buddy?

Attached: russell_by_kicktyan_d5pfmxl-fullview.jpg (900x1726, 116K)

I don't know how can somebody make a character like Nutty look like a total badass
Also can somebody traslate the japanese parts?

Attached: resident_htf_6_nutty_by_kicktyan_d5jj7ks-fullview.jpg (900x1397, 200K)

>Resident Evil 6 and Happy Tree Friends Crossover...

I don't know how or why this exist. But looks nice and neat

Attached: htf_resident_evil_6_nutty_and_flaky_by_kicktyan_d5j0dqj-fullview.jpg (900x1321, 157K)

>AU where the characters talk never ever
>AU where the characters treat death as if it were an everyday thing, allowing for comedic, light hearted depictions of it such as this to take place never ever
this would be absolutely hilarious, but would conversely increase the horror/shock factor of each death by tenfold. I don't know if that'd be feasible but damn if I'd kill to see it.

>that russel
my fucking heart

Well,not yet it seems

dat hat, the cigarette, the rifle...
...these elements remind me of Him...
Bill... R.I.P Magnificent bastard

Attached: nostalgia_by_flippyuzumaki_d4pg8f5-fullview.jpg (900x555, 40K)

Splendid has become from a superhero (a bad one) to a foot soldier

Attached: little_blue_soldier_by_flippyuzumaki_d4ttad9-fullview.jpg (900x696, 63K)

Whatever happened to Chamachama?
and is there an actual archive, the wiki is missing stuff

Attached: Douteidanshi_15841211.jpg (1500x1060, 1.15M)

"Skill always beats luck."

Attached: htf2__sniper_by_basilloon_d594bh3-fullview.png (900x540, 208K)

"Intruder alert! Red Scout is in the base!"

Attached: HTF2 Scout.png (450x900, 179K)

"Very good mercs these guys are"

Attached: HTF2 Pyro y Soldier.jpg (900x650, 59K)

"This one is a "Handy" Engineer"

Attached: HTF2 Engenieer.jpg (900x711, 56K)

Change of clothes

Attached: Anime HTF.png (800x637, 268K)

All ice of block of character

Attached: cro_marmot_by_kicktyan_d5lmjbu-fullview.jpg (900x1299, 129K)

>legitimately pretending gore originated in japan

Cute little red sniper

Attached: mischievous_red_sniper_by_flippyuzumaki_d4v9pfm-fullview.jpg (900x725, 69K)

I meant popularized as an art form, i mean theres a reason gore fanart is called guro. You're right when you say they didnt invent the concept of gore and violence

Shingeki no friend

Attached: shingeki_no_friend_by_ikinari_d777fia-pre.jpg (894x894, 92K)

Given everything that's happened in SNK so far, Flippy being Eren is perfectly accurate

HTf Cast reunited in one spot (Lammy is not here because she din't exist when this was made)

Attached: HTF cast.jpg (1014x788, 122K)

So... Yall think that this series would return from the dead in any time soon?

What the bloody hell they had done to this girl?! She's a Mutant now!

Attached: Waaaaat.jpg (784x568, 197K)

Well I am going to sleep. Nice ride though. Have a good night guys, we should do another of these in another time around. This was fun.
But before leaving i will leave this comic that i have found. It is set after Without a Hitch, Flaky survived the car crash untoched and killed of flippy for paranoia.
Good Night Yea Forums.

Attached: flaky_flakes_out_by_rainbroach_d2bo7z2-pre.jpg (974x820, 87K)

If they do nothing for the show 20th birthday next December, its bad omen

It ends with Nutty being the final boss who killed the previous evil guys, all the zombies and the population of the whole world?

Flippy vs Buddhist Monkey
Who wins?

Even in fanart,HTF characters have a bad case of glass bones and flesh made of molding clay.How does evolution allowed them to reach childhood or adulthood in Lumpy case ?

Nice to know that Lumpy is still as terrible as I remember him being.

>Happy Tree Friends fanfic
>It makes them humanized
>Only characters it focuses on are Flippy, Flaky, and Splendid
Every. Single. Time.

Attached: 1554607982877.png (1153x680, 577K)

Here's why those characters are the most popular and so get the more focus
Fan favorite,the closest to a character angle in HTF plotline, badass soldier who kill and dont get killed with a dark side= fanfic galore inspiration
Hint of her being a tomboy so "not like the other girl" ,moment here and there convince the fandom to ship her with Flippy,cautious personality that make her seem like the only rational character who know something bad is going to happen in universe aka she's na archetypal "last girl" in horror movies
Superhero is one of the most popular character archetype,isnt that right ,Yea Forumsmics and cartoons ?

Flippy has the most unique plots, how can anyone hate him?

If i had to hazard a guess,plot armor that make him survive most of the episode (Mondo nerf pls) and you know,killing innocent characters

With all the mutilation intact? Holy shit that would be a wild ride.

What went through their heads when they designed Lumpy? Why put in one character that looks nothing like the others and is ugly as fuck?

so, do you folks think something like HTF could work in these days or would it be considered just LOL SO RANDUMB humour?
Also, how fucking long has the lifespan of the fandom expanded since the japs took over?
holy shit there's still new art coming out TODAY

Attached: Birthday.jpg (600x600, 88K)

>Randumb humor

He's a parody of Bullwinkle

Attached: Bullwinkle.jpg (370x370, 25K)

the whole point of the show was shock value wasn't it, and trying to see in what weird ways the cute lil animals would get killed aint it?

Attached: Wip.jpg (1200x706, 775K)

Here i leave you a fanfiction of extreme Quality.

Unless there a reason to explain all this death and recarnation thing that looks like a semi-canon thing but user here already explained such topic so just click here

Pardon my autism user, but im a sucker for Hurt/cheesy romances, See how you like this one

Attached: Bed.jpg (427x600, 73K)

Ok, but why would you put Bullwinkle into your show about cute small animals?

>Chessy/Hurt romance
>The fic categorie is Sci-fi

hot damn, never noticed that, but no, it's the regular Fanfic about School drama
that shit is right up my alley

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>Again School drama AKA Cheassy romance

"After a crazed mad man captures 21 innocent people to be placed in a violent virtual world called 'Happy Tree Friends,' a mysterious stranger appears. After seeing death and destruction for days, the young man must use all of his skills to not only save himself from the hellish world, but to free all the Tree Friends from the hands of an evil god. Will he succeed, or die trying?"

>This is the sumary for the history

user, i was talking about the other one, the Fearful addiction, the school drama one

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Because they learn from eachother and thus don't develop their own style till later.

Sorry then. I was thinking that you confused the one that i shared here with fearful addiction, or with your usual high school fic bullshit

Why would they put Bullwinkle with cute little squirrel Rocky
Look,Lumpy is a character like Goofy except more lethally stupid.He's a plot device to start HTF plot and he fill adult/supervisor role in the serie

I am looking the fics that are in here and the contrast is sharp in here
>One is Adventure/Sci-fi Fiction
>And another is Romance/Angst
>One is with humanized version of the characters and romance stuff
>The another is literally fight agaist a evil god (that is old man) in virtual world where the Main Character is only aware of and has to spread word to the rest of inhabitans that endured a "Live, Die, Repeat" lifestyle for years or even a decade and lack any kind of common sense of selfpreservating and die in unlogical, ironical or just plain grousemose ways.

I am looking the fics that these two posted in here and the contrast is sharp in here
>One is Adventure/Sci-fi Fiction
>And another is Romance/Angst
>One is with humanized version of the characters and romance stuff
>The another is literally fight agaist a evil god (that is old man) in virtual world where the Main Character is only aware of and has to spread word to the rest of inhabitans that endured a "Live, Die, Repeat" lifestyle for years or even a decade and lack any kind of common sense of selfpreservating and die in unlogical, ironical or just plain grousemose ways.
(Reposting because it has gone earlier)

>Rocky can be like Splendid

Anybody still remeber the fact that the cursed idol is infact "cursed"
The bloddy thing can make monkies rain from the sky and only apears when a catastrophe is about to happen or a character is dead. Or that it causes the dead of whoever hold it like in the episode "Idol Curiosity"

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>Implying he didn't want a demure trap

Yeah,"we" did.There's a lot of headcanon about how the Idol cursed the HTF cast with terrible luck to be tormented by horrible death and ressurected to suffer morde death

He's the antagonist.

I think that Lifty and Shifty take that spot atleast from time to time and the Cursed idol but i am not sure

Anyone else find it kind of interesting how no one ever talks about the monkey?

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damn it Spider-man, get the hell out of here

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Spidey, what are you doing here? Lucina is waiting for you at home...

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>She be like

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Congratulations everybody. Soon this thread will reach the age of 3 days. A big feat for a comunity of dead show of 20 yeasr old,


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I just wanted more Flakys

Is trully sad the state this series is in now... They were really good in some episodes and the episodes of double wammy were great (atleast they are to me, opinion)...

I found this in wikipedia

"Mondo Media has announced plans to produce a film based on the series, which is expected to be released in late 2015 or early 2016, but so far no new plans have been heard, leaving fans with thousands of questions as the characters revive each episode or the history of each of these, it is expected a rebirth of this for 2019 ... have not provided information that it will be released soon or if there are advances, but neither explain why it has stopped the project."

>tfw you might never see this becoming real and they would be (Probaly) forgotten in time

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Funny thing, kevin navaro tried to make his own happy tree friends 2.0 once, it was called d-void:

however after 2 episodes he abandoned the entire channel/website.

look on the brightside, we always have those youtube copyright videos right?...

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Literally right here, blind nigga

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Warning! This fan animation has a lot of edge, Discretion is recommend

fuck I'm dumb

Thinking of it,we never had a "Happy Tree Friends In Space/In A Rocket/On the Moon".Pity

There it goes another thing to the list of stuff i will never see in my life

remember watching happy tree friends as a child was a really funny show

You think they'll ever make an english dub?
>inb4 triggered Yea Forumsutists
Also goddamn, I haven't thought about HTF since I was still in high school and my edgy goth friend showed it to me. That was 15 years ago. Where did the time go?

lol actually Im a staunch subs only man but just for this, just this time I think a dub should be up for , all in the name of unironically actual science Im willing to compromise.
And yes its coming

Well i mean it's HTF material

Oh sweet, nice to know, I'm looking forward to it. I watched a few episodes but tend to stay away from subs only because the Japanese language tends to grate on my ears when they start screaming, but hey opinions right? There's room in this world for both.

JUst remembered they made some Kickstarter in 2010 to make a spin-off about Flippy,Splendid and the Mole.Too bad it failed

Yeah. I haved seen those, these corts are called "Ka-Pow!" totally action focus in this ones (there is also the fact that these are less than some original episodes)

Re-watching this just now made me finally realize that I'm old. When I was a teenager this show and shows like it were the funniest shit on the planet, but re-watching it now I had to fight myself to watch it to the end.

The edginess of the violence is repulsive. What's supposed to make it as funny as it is (the contrast between cute stuffed animals and hyper-violence) now strikes me as just excessively malicious and cruel.

Thanks for reading my blog daddies

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>What's supposed to make it as funny as it is (the contrast between cute stuffed animals and hyper-violence) now strikes me as just excessively malicious and cruel.
I think part of the problem is the same as I stated last night in a late Space Ghost Coast to Coast thread where some younger anons were questioning if it was good or not. I'd said that at the time, it was fresh, but as time has gone on that LOLRANDOM formula got overdone and is now part of the internet's background radiation. Same with HTF, fresh enough at the time for a laugh but in the intervening years that formula has been normalized to the point of no longer standing out.

That is part 2 of a fan animated series.
Here i will leave the part 1 and 3

So it can be said that HTF was pionner of it's time
But now the series aged like milk or chesse

All of this doesnt matter to me.For me,HTF is a time capsule of the early 2000s Internet,the Internet before the YouTube algorithm, KiwiFarms, Gab, all that shit (add your own example) that ruined the fun Internet where people didnt take things so seriously ,the Internet before retard like Joshua Conner Moon clinged on their" edgy forums to dox autist from Ruckersville" and invoke "free speech" at any sign of trouble,the internet before the memes and the politicians parroting them without knowing their meaning
tl;dr I miss the old Internet,the Internet of amateur bad flash animation/Flash games and garish personalized Tripod website, HTF remind me of this

Suitable for older audiences seeking nostalgia, not so much for younger ones seeking regular entertainment.
>For me,HTF is a time capsule
I feel the same regarding Space Ghost, it was a simpler time.
>tfw the old modem sounds at the end of each episode where they give out their email for you to contact them

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I don't know what to say to that because i just enter here like in the start of 2010s. So think i missed a lot of fun

Eh.Physical comedy is universal.Personaly,i think the claim of "HTF have aged badly" are exagerrated.Granted,i dont think people will marathon the series but people can eventaully have fun watching episodes between a cat video and PewDiePie screaming at video games
Also,like mentionned in the thread,Japan still love it

What do you mean by that ? Do you mean "i just started browsing Internet in the 2010s"

If he was 10 in 2010 he would be 19 or close to it now.

That I was a little shit by that time like around when i had 7-11 or something like that and was in the middle when MLP take over the boards around 2010.(I think taht what read or close)

*what i read or something

I... I think (or feel) i should't say'd that

Still funny to me too, though I don't know how well it translates to zoomer audiences honestly. For me the humor is in the shock value, that moment you say "jesus christ!" while giggling guiltily, same as any comedian working blue like Gottfried at a CC roast.
Lord, when I was 7 I was hopping from free account to free account on AOL, shitting up chatrooms in the Arts/Entertainment section.
I miss those days, my young friend. I wish you'd seen it too.

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So is Mr.Pickle real or in Lammy's mind?

The Internet had a work-in-progress,amateurish feel i liked back then, a sentiment that with this new medium ,everything was possible.Then we started to use Wikia,YouTube and Facebook to stalk Chris Chan and bitch about that one guy who do bad cartoons on DeviantArt. I think around 2007,Internet died a little,it morphed into something different and (if you look closer) quite monstruous.Now we have all the informations available and we just sue them to bitch about each other.Trolling and Internet bitch fest absolutely existed back then but it was confined ,quarantined and forgotten on niche Google Groups.No risk of seeing a Google Group organized mass downvote of movies/video games because it included a girl or a black person back then

Just found this website
You can see how the Internet looked back then

Man... Did i trully miss that stuff?...
The things that i remenber from those times is that i wacthed those Death Battle animations of screen Attack or something like that and seen also Rainbow Factory, i wached that shit like all the time and me without even undertanding what they are saying because inglish is not my main lenguage. I remeber also seeing some minecraft animations and other stuff. The good ol'd Days man.

Now i am in hellhole of a country here in the South of the whole continent of america watching cartoons with a age that could be my big brother/sister in real world for how old it really is. I mean 20 years!? Where has gone the time to?!

Well that are just my thoughts about the matter . If you want you can say something to.

>Man... Did i trully miss that stuff?
I come to Yea Forums because it's the most like the anonymity I enjoyed as a child during the AOL era, no persistent identity unless you wished it.
Chatrooms were like even faster, more temporary threads, some full of roleplayers, others spammed with colorful macros. Bots would message you on AIM, "cybering" was the proto-sexting of those days, you could meet anyone and say anything. Just getting onto the internet felt like you were doing something, not simply "always on" at the click of a button, but something you had to dial into and if your connection was shitty (or someone called your house) you would disconnect and rage.
I don't recall seeing anything animated until far later, except for simple shit like the dancing baby gif, because it would take forever to load a few frames.
A simpler time, maybe not a better one, but one I am nostalgic for to be certain.

I was playing with the Old Internet website and i found a character popularity poll from 2003 on the HTF website
Even back then,Flippy was the most popular character and Flaky was the most popular girl

Now that's some staying-power, damn. A ship 16 years in the making apparently, neat.

There is that year again.

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The effect just sizzles out immediately when they draw the deaths out for so long they start bordering into torture territory, or 'the joke is the character loses a limb'. shit like isn't funny, it never was, and it got worse when they added more detail in the later seasons. there comes a point where the 'cute fluffy animals' prerogative just doesn't cut it anymore, because they start reacting to things accordingly.

either kill them off immediately or at least, you know, have a comedic element present, or something that entices the viewer to keep on watching. unfortunately only the earlier seasons understand and follow the original tone, anything else is just pure unadulterated edge.

god i love flaky
please post more flaky

What's wrong with MCU and Portal?

Personally I would say not so much the things themselves, as much as the shitty culture they spawned.

He is a man of action.

Nothing is wrong with Portal itself

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Go away fag. Just google images of """"her"""".

Absolutely on what you said with it being pre YouTube.
I remember watching these in school in 5th grade in 2005. Actually got me a female friend who ended up being my first sex years later.

The poll doesnt say anywhere they are a power couple

MCU might singlehandedly be responsible for every single character nowadays either being an emotionless smartass or a sarcastic quip machine.

Its the memes, isnt it ? I saw trollfaces and whatnot starting to get spammed around late 2007. By 2008, Project Chanology happened IIRC

I mean same happened to me a long while ago back then until the Japs started shitting out fanart of it and found out then that Flaky is actually a girl

She has ears now?

for ear sex


I love humanized Flaky!

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If you read the thread,you'll know it's fanart

>isn't funny, it never was
You are not everybody

>tfw no one to cosplay humanized flaky


No true,i'm not going to post them because i think it's /CGL/ material but just google Csoplay Flaky and you'll find a lot of them

ok so? it still isn't funny, fuckface.

Who died and made you king ?