What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

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Unchecked daddy issues and runaway ego

this has been discussed to death

looks like a fag for starters

t. supported Cans Without Labels

At least it's better than shit like Summer Camp Island

mostly just being a gross sex fiend. people joke about "not meeting deadlines" but that doesn't matter when you have a team to do the work anyway. ever since the pedo scandal, people will find any and every opportunity to shit on him when really, he's still one of the best artists in the industry if you still consider him to be a part of it.

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It’s honestly not. It doesn’t even try having jokes

Neither does summer camp island.

>m-muh summer camp island!
the absolute state of johnkfags

His father raped him

He's probably one of the influential animators living today.

The problem is that he knows it.

>people joke about "not meeting deadlines" but that doesn't matter when you have a team to do the work anyway.

Unless the team is getting frustrated with your deadline problem

is that why so much of his style is represented in modern carto-

He has some weird tastes. All his imagery is disgusting, filled with bodily fluids and body horror. His critique of modern animation is not wrong, but at least modern animation does not make me nauseous.

R&S should’ve been pitched to MTV, not Nick. The show wouldn’t have been so censored and John K wouldn’t use that as an excuse to delay episodes.

the absolute state of Yea Forums

*blocks your path

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Not being able to finish any fucking deadline. To the point at which you get fired from your own show after only to get replaced by more competent directors but still claim you are responsible for the entire series.
Then try again and STILL not being able to deliver on a deadline. Then do a kickstarter and again, not deliver on a deadline.

Literally everything is better then SCI so I don't get your point

Massive ego combined with some success is a dangerous combination.

Not to mention he's a kid diddler and just overall a terrible person.

He was born. The world would've been a better place without him.

Thread hijack! Can someone explain why he has defenders? He’s notoriously thin-skinned, sex-addled, and work-shy. His only success is thirty years in the past and he got fired off of it for being useless. Everything since then has been short-lived failures and missed deadlines. His style is gross. His art is lazy. He can’t write at all. His ego is impossible. He ripped off donors. He’s an utterly worthless piece of shit. And he still has morons shilling for him. Why?

John K's childhood

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