Meanwhile on rule 63 Yea Forums

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Are you a Shaggi or a Freida kinda guy?

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I wonder what would have happened if Marcy ended up with Jack.

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Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a "masculine vulva" and you are in fact gay.

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user, no.

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My slim figure and introverted nature are now good qualities, tee hee.

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I can’t believe Jen 10 lost to Hallie Jordan


I wonder what this episode would have been like in the gender-swapped universe.

If it's like a Red Dwarf style swap, where women are the aggressive sexual providers pretty much the same, just swap out dicks and vaginas.
If the concept is swapped in a universe with typical male/female dimorphism I guess the analog to a big strong amazon woman would be a lithe sexy elvish man.

I thought the episode of the two dating and eventually breaking up was a good way to convey Marcy no longer quite fitting into her old life and good way to wrap up Jack's character.

Really looking forward to the last few episodes.

I’m sorry, I can only see cute gay Dipper and tomboy Mabel. Which I would like to see more of.


can i get some r63 chat noir tho?

what can I say? I'm white

I would love more art of that cute gay Dipper. I want to see more of that smile. I want to know why he has an ax. I want to know what he sleeps in.

Cute Fry

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I'd shag Shaggi.

is that
jesus christ it is

Meanwhile on tranny Yea Forums
Oh wait it's the same...

Fuck off tranny.

What is it? I have no idea who these people are

Which annoys me because they're not Yea Forums but those pics will be posted for ever because "lol epic memes" and "muh dick"

Shaggi. I'm not a stone but I could probably eat her and Scoobette under the table.
Is drowned a good representation of female bats?

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>I could probably eat her and Scoobette under the table.


Plus they're real people.
That's pretty creepy when you think about it.

And Jay is still the cute one