
Might not have time to finish this

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Other urls found in this thread:

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How did she become a worse hero over time

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Attached: Runaways 022-005.jpg (1987x3056, 1.49M)

Gib isn't as fun as I hoped

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Has a doombot ever become omnipotent?

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Attached: Runaways 022-016.jpg (1987x3056, 1.54M)

>Chase has been 3 days locked fixing Doombot
>yeah, who the fuck cares about Chase lol, let's lezz it out
Really? They're the only other adults in the house and won't bother helping him? This is all setting up for Chase going with Alex or telling them all (except Molly) to fuck off, right?

Attached: Runaways 022-017.jpg (1987x3056, 1.37M)

>molly will never leglock you

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>Nico sees how dire the situation is
>doesn't bother making a "make him remember" or "fix him" spell
you made your bed, now you sleep on it, but STOP BEING SUCH A SCAREDY CAT
is this setting up for Victorious? I bet they will fix him by showing him that Doctor Doom is alive and he doesn't have to bother being Doom until there's need to.


>I hunger

This artist needs to lay of the :V expressions


ooooh I like this

This ship looks cute too.

Is the Runaways good enough to pick up from the beginning? I've never heard of this series before.

The "muppet mouth" faces the make when they're surprised or talking.

Like Nico is doing in four panels on this page and Victor is doing in two of the middle panels on this page .

not even the 2003 run?

Poor Chase, he doesn't deserve this much suffering.

I'd fuck the fat one.

Is this run any good? It feels like a teenage soap opera.

It's Runaways, it's teenage soap opera with superpowers.

it's cool but there's chapters like this where literally nothing happens
>teenage soap opera
Runaways is a comicbook based on drama.

Orginal run was great, was probably the freshest series Marvel had pumped out in years at the time.


I love this next issue cover

>Is this run any good?

>It feels like a teenage soap opera.
this is true as well so know what you're getting into before complaining

The original Runaways run was amazing. It had such a strong ending that the second volume wasn't really needed, but it was pretty good despite that. Almost everything these characters touched went to shit after that, which is why the franchise was put on ice for like a decade. It's a goddamn miracle the current run is as good as it is.

I don't read comic that much and I thought that I'd drop in to read this. Is this the typical quality nowadays? Like I don't really have a frame of reference about the quality compared to other shit but who pays to read this? fuck

You're reading a random issue from a series that's built on continuity and even the people who like it complain that it's too slow of a burn.

fair enough, but just seeing the name Doombot and the generic robot design just makes me think 'low quality'. If its a joke I don't get then thats on me obviously, but just a lot of this is sorta like doombot in that it seems to be exactly what you'd expect from a comic. Is there any twist or anything in this series that puts it above generic drama, since I'm not gonna read it. Genuine question, not trying to make fun of anyone or anything.

Damn, exposition on this page is 10/10
One day you'll find happiness day...

This specific Doombot was on the Avengers (AI) alongside Victor back in 2013-ish. He popped up in this comic to help repair his old teammate about 8 issues ago and has kind of been an honorary member of the team since. He was fucked up pretty badly by the villains a few issues ago, so he's kind of in a state of half-repair and obviously isn't working right.

>the way they bounced Nico from book to book with no clear notions of what to do with her
Shameful, Marvel, shameful

I just realized her rainbow power has a deeper meaning now. So she is going to show her pride from now on huh.

"Doombots" are Doctor Doom's body double robots. Writers used to have the Fantastic Four defeat Doctor Doom, then later he'd go "that wasn't me, that was one of my Doombots" to keep his threat level high. It happened so often that the Doombots turned into more of a running gag than a serious attempt at a retcon. This Doombot was rebuilt by Hank Pym in a completely different book and forced to join a short-lived Robot Avengers team, so he's (mostly) a good guy. He just sorta hangs out in this book now.

>just now realized this as well
Oh, god damnit, Vaghun.....

This run is great, but very much requires that you already be invested in all of the characters. At the very least, I'd recommend reading the first two volumes by BKV from the mid-00s first if you're interested in the book.

>Is this run any good?
Best run since BKV. If you're a fan of Runaways, it's absolutely worth picking up.

>It feels like a teenage soap opera.
I mean... yeah, that's kind of the point.

Relatable Chase expression

Oh, wait, you meant you literally don't know what a Doombot is, meaning you probably haven't read any Marvel before. That's not on this book, that's Marvel in general and goes back decades. Doctor Doom has an army of robot duplicates called Doombots. It was a convenient plot twist used by writers to retcon cases where Doctor Doom either lost or acted out of character. "Ah, see, that wasn't the REAL Doctor Doom that the X-men beat. It was actually a doombot!"

In the series Avengers AI, this particular doombot went against its programming and became a hero instead of just another Doom replica. However, in a previous issue, Doombot was destroyed in a fight and now seems to have reverted to his original programming upon being rebooted.

Fantastic issue, though it continues to be slow as fuck. Writing for the trade is putting it mildly. Nice to have a Chase-focused issue and Karolina becoming a superhero seems like a good path for her to take. Gib's kinda funny here, but I'm not really sure what the longterm plan is for him? Just doesn't seem like there's much to do with his character.

Since you're not gonna read it, there's no point in answering any of your questions. Let's just leave it at 'this is definitely not for you, and nothing from Marvel is either'.

>YWN be hugged by a totally legal flying lesbian

Attached: mineta2.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Can these two just bang and get it over with? Molly like big dudes anyway

>It feels like a teenage soap opera
That's the whole point

t. bus pedo
Molly has had better interactions with Alex and Chase.

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Don't you guys understand all comics have to be adult men punching each other at least 3/4 of the issues.

Gib isn't that old though? Like Victor, Molly is going after the baby constructs again.

Why doesn't Chase just make out with Victor?

Wait I haven't been reading are Nico and Car a thing now? Because as much as I joked about that being hot I don't want them to actually make her gay when she very clearly wasn't

An arc ago or so. Yeah they had to make it a thing but I think they're setting them up to burn but I dunno.

I think they'll recover and try things again, but much later. After Nico fucks things up massively.

Eh I always pegged Chase as having one of the biggest chips with Alex because of the way he recklessly threw them into danger for Pride points.
But I guess if they are setting up this whole age schism in the group Chase was the oldest and the first to realize even if they don't want to be there parents they need to act like adults now that they are striking out on their own.

If Xavin come back and gets rejected by Charoline for her childhood crush they can form Sgt' Peppers Lonely Hearts Club.



Ah, fuck, I kinda want them to be bitter bros now. Xavin needs to come back asap.

Too bad Romwell isn't setting up anything concerning Karolina... unless she's actually going to break her now that she's happy


wow, how the fuck did you miss that? It was always blatant as fuck
Nico was always Bi

ya...that would be really rought

so...Victor has balls with sperm now? Asking for a friend

this is a wonderful page

>imagine being chase
>imagine having your girlfriend die in your arms
>imagine going back in time to save yet the two your lapse is big of a gap for you to be together
>imagine watching her fall in love with another
>she has seemingly has gotten over you but haven't gotten over her
>the man she fell in love with is someone you worked hard to save and restore
>and even that was taken from you

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not really

I was hoping see more fat tatas, so i will call this number a shit.
In theory, yes. He will be grown to be a human body just made of Ultron technology instead of muscle and flesh.

Chase can now kick Victor in the balls. Or would he hurt his foot

All characters are "always bi" because there's always the chance a writer decides to make them bat for a different team because straight characters don't get the same luxury of immutable sexuality that gay characters have. Even if the character says they're straight, only dates the opposite sex and when hit on by the same sex previously said they didn't swing that way.

Nico is a figurative emotional vampire that thinks if she throws herself on Karolina she won't leave again. I don't know if the current writer sees it that way, but that's how she's been since Karolina came back with Xavin.

>Nico is a figurative emotional vampire that thinks if she throws herself on Karolina she won't leave again
that doesn't invalidate her being Bi. Sure, it is a stereotype that Bisexuals just jump on anything around them, but that has always been Nico and it fits. Runaways has never been shy with leaning into some of the stereotypes so I don't see why this is wrong. I just really hate when Yea Forums keeps saying this makes her a lesbian, when it's clearly not the case. Comics should have more Bisexuals, fucking making Iceman gay instead of bi is a travesty. just more bi-erasing

Read the first run and a little bit of the victor/zavin era then wikipedia everything the characters do up to this run.

No. I say it makes her straight but desperate for attention/validation and all the guys have been dead ends.

user....women are mostly bisexual, or at least try things out in their teens. This is perfectly in line with Nico

That's adorable. You're cute. College lesbians are still straight in the end. Trying girl once because you think you should doesn't make you bi for the rest of your life no matter how much youtube thots say it is so they can sell LGBT merch during Gay month.

>Trying girl once because you think you should
yes it does, you were attracted to the same sex. this is the same argument right wingers use for sucking dick in high school. people are bi and the people that try to hide it fucking idiots cause they already licked pussy or sucked dick.

>Mountain Goats
Good taste Chase

>16 and 20

Romeo and Juliet laws exist. Hell nigga it's smaller than the age gap of Knives and Scott and people were only ever moderately eh about it.

can't the X-Men just conscript Molly already she is insufferable

Having sex with someone doesn't mean you're attracted to them. Sometimes people want to try different things and see if they like it or not.

Performing the act doesn't you bi/gay/whatever.

Julie won't be in it.
Power Pack is getting a reboot

>girlfriend of a mexican guy is obese

I know it's probably not intentional but it's still funny

I want a cloak like that. Sounds like the people who wear fedoras but the cloak and suit combo is nice.

At the moment it seems to be more like a emotional issue than a legal one. Chase as kinda immature, but a immature 20-year-old is still very different from a regular 16-year-old in a lot of ways.


If he's the descendant of Dr Doom, that would technically make him a gyppo. Then again he's mostly metal.

Doom had nothing to do with Victor. It was all Ultron

His mum's hispanic and Ultron modelled him after her.

I'm so happy we're still allowed to have at least one titty monster in comics.

> eisner nominee


doombot is going to be doomed.

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>It was always blatant as fuck
I didnt see rainbow and thought it as LGBT. I saw it as spectrum of all visible colors.