Cape Comics as a Medium

Is it me, or are cape comics in a weiird, nebulous phase right now? They've more or less decided that they want to stop appealing to men in terms of fanservice and conventionally attractive female characters/art, but, at the same time, most of their attempts to be transgressive and distance themselves from their traditional audience are met with lukewarm commercial response.

As a result, they constantly reinvent characters, shift things up, brand and rebrand and reassign creative teams in the hopes that something sticks but without simply going back to hitting their old audience, which has remained somewhat loyal and constant despite all attempts to extricate them from the medium.

And yet, every now and then you get the Big Two throwing their older audience a bone quietly from the back entrance, as if juggling their desire for financial lucrativeness with their desperation not to be caught doing anything that flies in the face of their attempts to cater to the near nonexistent new market.

So what is it going to be? Are they going to stay in this weird semi-woke semi-familiar state where they want to have their cake and eat it too, or will there be a gradual shift towards one of the two extremes in the next five years?

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Other urls found in this thread:

keep that shit on youtube, nobody cares about capeshit

>he says, when this week's Conan has him dealing with his harem

Go back to fucking Yea Forums and stay there faggot.

Oh, look yet another tourist.
Fuck off.

Ditching your core audience for an imaginary demographic hasn't worked out well in any other media but maybe comics will be the first.

Probably just going to kill the industry in ten years time though.

it´s not just comics, tv, movies and video games are have taken the sjw pill and are despising men now.
if you want to see sexy women in anything but porn. manga really is the only place left where to find it.
as for your question I fear that the big two are going to continue to get more and more pc and sjw until sales are so bad that comic production get´s massively reduced.
wouldn´t suprise me if in 5 years WB tells DC to only produce 5 comics each month (3 Starring Batman, 1 Superman and the other what ever hero right now has a movie coming out)
And Disney will probably tell Marvel to do the same only with Spider-Man and Iron Man instead

Comic book writers grew up reading comic books.

>keep that shit on youtube

There’s more to comics than just superheroes. Seriously, read more comics man. Superhero comics are just a genre of the comics medium

Fucking this, so tired of this meme.
But then again, it is summer.

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its just exploitation, as in, a bunch of wishy washy capitalists exploiting current trends for a quick buck. thats where blaxploitation came from, and its been Marvel's business model since they first settled on "the woke one" being their brand image as a comics company around when they reinvented the X-Men as an alegory for marginalization politics

CIA psyop detected

this topic is specifically about superhero comics, but I guess you just wanted to give the generic "hurr read more comics my dude I'm a real comic fan" response.


They still put out Conan comics? Good lord I'm out of touch.

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Summer has no real noticible change on post quality.

Also as bad as the "evil SJWs" are ruining comics it's really not as bad as it was a couple of years ago. Most people here still keep posting shit from Hellcat and Jane-Thor as examples even though those runs ended years ago. The only recent example most people can post is from immortal hulk but even then that page is taken out of context and isn't as bad as the two previous examples. In terms of fan-service I never really cared for it. I read Capeshit for stupid silly fun not to jerk off but stuff like She-Hulks recent redesign is fuckin dumb

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>The only recent example most people can post is from immortal hulk but even then that page is taken out of context and isn't as bad as the two previous examples.
I'm going to point at the entirety of King's body of work and call bullshit.

I would say Kings work isn't dictated by social politics and more of his desire to have a mommy GF manifested through his work.

>King wants a mommy GF
what gives you that impression? because if he does, that would almost make him based

By any chance, do you happen to also glow in the dark?

>it's really not as bad as it was a couple of years ago.
that came out two weeks ago. Not even Slott but this much politics in spider-man

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>In terms of fan-service I never really cared for it
>muh jerk off
this thread obviously isn´t aimed at you then

>omg he said toxic masculinity to make a joke

If you really are that much insicure about yourself you might as well just end it and be done with it you know.

>no one will acknowledge this because it doesn't fit the narrative

And this is why current Yea Forums is trash.

The dragon lady!

I thought current Yea Forums was trash because it's full of women who won't stop babbling at you.

This isn't anything worth batting an eye for, are you really this sensetive?
I mean I never got an actual good reason for the skimpy ass costumes that doesn't boil down to "it makes my PEEPEE hard". Im not saying the costumes are bad I'm just saying that if they get redesigned to something less revealing but still looks cool then who gives a shit

You idiots just want everything to be like porn because apparently sexual stimulation you've gotta be twelve to get excited over is more important to you than writing, design, execution, etc.

hi tranny

if we were getting a trade off of female characters being allowed to be sexy for actual quality of writing, design and execution, I'd be fine with it. But most if not all of the time, we're just losing that element and getting an inferior product which makes no improvements over anything that came before it.

I get you pol types freakout when people use this terminology, but anyone who knows what that term refers to knows centipede guy is right, Kraven is literally insane toxic masculinity the character.
Literally all his most notable traits stem from it.
Stop being a snowflake.

because it´s fun and because male character also run around naked all time.
also all the new "progressive" costumes look the same and also involve breast reduction. women don´t look feminine at all anymore in comics

just repeating a made up term doesn´t make it real
otherwise niggerism would have long been added to the Dictionary as another word for being a violent criminal

They just like it because most of them can't relate to women in any capacity that doesn't involve their dick.
Take away the tits and ass then suddenly they dislike the character.

no, current Yea Forums is trash because it's filled with crossboarders who shitpost and could care less about the board.

Amanda Waller is a fat, unattractive black woman who I have absolutely no desire to stick my dick into and she's a great character. I love The Wall in a very platonic way.
Explain this.

Well, official fanfiction has it's limitations.

There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. Everyone who knows what the term means is a fucking faggot trying to emasculate the white male race.

who hurt you?
did you dad beat you up as a child for being a disappointment and there for think masculinity is the source of all evil?
funny how the so called "tolerant" left is always the first to blame things that people can not contorl like skin color or gender for the wrongs of the world.
so if calling bad behavior the result "toxic masculinity" or white privilege is ok why isn´t it ok to blame other things one blackness or womanhood?
feminist always complaign that most powerful position are filled by men? is that just toxic feminity? you know blaming other people for their own short falling and failure?

Yea Forumsmblr is trash because it reflects modern comics
just a bunch of sjw/feminist cucks crying whenever a white men is being happy about something

Thanks for confirming my assumptions dicklet, you've got the tastes of a twelve year old and the thinking capacity of a retarded six year old.

By that logic you're basically saying you;re complaining that your usual meal of hot shit doesn't have a soft core porn wrapper anymore.
Like, if you're willing to consume shitty content because tits why even bother reading capeshit when you could get a porn subscription?
Most books, often the skimpy female led books, have worse writing than the average porno anyway. Might as well subscribe to some porn sight instead of reading that stuff.

Counterpoint: Birds of Prey had gorgeous women and great writing.

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Sure is tumblr in here.

I mean, at least in the past shitty writing could be salvaged by good art. Now most books look like they were drawn by webcomic artists, all the girls are hideous to look at and all the men are cucked to shit.

I am sure you regret cutting of your dick at this point

Smooth brained retard detected.
Read a book without pictures for once in your life, and maybe lay off the youtube propaganda.

What does "Most" mean?

Insecure racelet retard detected.

I know you're a moaning insecure idiot who has some youtuber's dick too far down his throat to read a book, but literally no one beyond some crazy lesbian in a hole somewhere is saying all masculinity is toxic masculinity.
Insecure faggots like you are too fragile to even learn what words mean, you literally gave a prime example of toxic masculinity with that "Did your dad beat you" remark.
You're literally describing the thing you're too stupid to realize exists.

You seem butthurt. What's up with that, doc?

>By that logic you're basically saying you;re complaining that your usual meal of hot shit doesn't have a soft core porn wrapper anymore.
>Like, if you're willing to consume shitty content because tits why even bother reading capeshit when you could get a porn subscription?
>Most books, often the skimpy female led books, have worse writing than the average porno anyway. Might as well subscribe to some porn sight instead of reading that stuff.
sexy people is what makes a good story great.
if peter parker was some disfigured dwarf I doubt he would have ever gotten popular even if you had kept anything the same.
Of course a guy who cut of his own balls in the delusion of becoming a woman would never understand basic biological reactions.

It was your mom that beat you wasn't it

I love these “men only like titty comics” false flags haha
You go, sis

that´s not toxic masculintiy that just being a bad parent.
it´s liberals like you who try to use dramatic events for their to push their own propaganda about how masculinity is responsible for all the world problems period.
and yes it´s all masculinity in the eyes of liberals.
I should know I have to listen to that sexist crap almost once every two months at my collage by professors

Yeah, where are the "flat is justice" guys, in Yea Forums?

>And Disney will probably tell Marvel to do the same only with Spider-Man and Iron Man instead
>Iron Man
Ironically that'll be suicidal, now that they killed him off in the movies that made him popular.

>I know you're a moaning insecure idiot who has some youtuber's dick too far down his throat to read a book, but literally no one beyond some crazy lesbian in a hole somewhere is saying all masculinity is toxic masculinity.
then how come it´s always only masculinty and whitness that get´s portrayed as evil?
where are the terms toxic femininity and toxic blackness?
you are so fucking deluded man. you really think that liberals are anything but sexist and racist scum these days?
a presidential candidate ligerally said that white people don´t know what its like to be poor

Men don’t need any extra help to look stupid.

Yea Forums is the only board where a concentration of female posters this blatant and tumblr-oriented would ever be tolerated

I'm not saying skimpy outfits = bad writing.
But I am saying in the majority of cases skimpy outfits are used as an alternative to good writing.
I mean, if you legit enjoyed that book and stand by the writing can you honestly say it would have been worse if they weren't wearing silly stripper outfits?
I don't really have a problem with skimpy outfits, I don't enjoy them because they break my suspension of disbelief though, but their absence isn't a legitimate thing to complain about if the books are well handled.

I have a hard time taking a guy who complains about doodles being "cucked". I'm sure you're worried about their strong white seed being rejected by their whorrish women, but they're just doodles.
But attempting to take this seriously, why don't you just watch/read porn/erotica?
Comics can have good art without turning all the women into bimbos hungering after some dude's seed so they can bear his child, but since that's seemingly a requirement for the art to be good in your eyes, why not just read some fetish comic?

I don't even understand how you kids think that's a valid insult.
Unless you're somehow magically right and I happen to be a transwoman I have literally no reason to be at all offended.
Why not use that atrophied egg you call a brain to think up something contextually appropriate?

Check out /cgl/ sometime

>can you honestly say it would have been worse if they weren't wearing silly stripper outfits?
Yes because then I wouldn't have gotten to enjoy the beauty of the female form, which is something worth appreciating.
>suspension of disbelief
In a series about people with literal superpowers you're upset because women dress sexily? Damn, son.

>I'm sure you're worried about their strong white seed being rejected by their whorrish women
I'm black. And again, my precise problem is that the art isn't good. Why can't there be a balance of women being allowed to look and dress like women do without literally being bimbos in a porno comic? Why is it only ever bimbos or nuns with you people?

>But I am saying in the majority of cases skimpy outfits are used as an alternative to good writing.
Shit we don't even get good writing anymore thanks to hiring amateurs who think only a girl can write girl characters. Thanks to there crap sales those books had to be canceled
>Comics can have good art without turning all the women into bimbos hungering after some dude's seed
No one's asking for that, stop creating straw mans all we ask if for character to not look like this, with stories that make people want to tear out there hair
>Unless you're somehow magically right and I happen to be a transwoman I have literally no reason to be at all offended.
You are a transwomen.

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This isn't really a response to what I said, but clearly you're too preoccupied thinking about transitioning to do any better.

Ha, came dangerously close to being self aware there, didn't ya?

Ok, sunshine, using your super logical right wing patriot mega brain, what, in a purely hypothetical fictional universe, would constitute toxic masculinity?

> toxic masculinity
It doesn't exist.

It exists. It's perpetuated mostly by women and the men they're attracted to.

Squirrel Girl is so courageous and amazingly epic. In your face cis white men!

literally nothing. it´s a meaningless and sexist term not worthy of thinking about.
only a bigot would see another person do something bad and try to pinpoint why he did it on his gender or skin color.
sorry to hear that your brain has been so infected by liberal propaganda for decades now that you can´t think outside of identity politics.
you know unlike you I got raised to judge people by their content of their character not by the way they were born.

>Ha, came dangerously close to being self aware there, didn't ya?
I was right wasnt I.

so....uh well....i need to get this off my chest....why do horndogs want to shoehorn in cheesecake where it's not needed? everytime someone just so happens to decide that maybe putting every female character in a different bikini cuts gets boring for awhile. don't get me wrong, i like sexy shit but when 90% of all female characters in some media like video games look kinda got problems man. hopefully, things are changing and we're seeing mtoe folks dive into reworking and exploring concepts that make for better female representation.

then again, apparently covering some skin equals "THE ESSJAY DOUBLE YOUS ARE RUINING GAMES AGAIN!!" am getting so fed up with this so fucking much. sometimes censorship isn't that bad esic apply when it's targeted to things that should be covering up the thoses that aren't. like i'm not bothered if a western release ona game censors a underage character as a underage person shouldn't be showing that much skin. it's creepy in my eyes.
then again i'm just a girl with silly opinions so what do i know

neither do sjws. go outside more.

>Unless you're somehow magically right and I happen to be a transwoman I have literally no reason to be at all offended.
you sure react like somebody that is offended however :)

With courageous writing like that, you too can write for marvel

>so....uh well.
stopped reading right there

>But I am saying in the majority of cases skimpy outfits are used as an alternative to good writing.
read more comics idiot. there are far more classic and famous stories featuring good writing and sexy costumes then there are classic which only have sjw costumes

Everyone already guessed you were a girl from the first sentence of your "argument".

t. Yea Forumsmblr

>neither do sjws. go outside more.
>People who openly proclaim to be SJW and woke don't exist
You are a special kind of retard arent you

>neither do sjws. go outside more.
then how come adult women get censored both in terms of their dresses and their breast size?

God I wish. I'd write a story where Namor is trying to make Atlantis great again after he realizes Atlantean culture is in serious decline, but he'd have no idea how to do it so he'd just give people bread and circuses and organize gladiator fights.

like i said courageous just make him orange and have little hands.

The decline of Yea Forums as a board could probably be inversely correlated with the number of female posters who started flocking to it after the industry started targeting them specifically.

Huntress is supposedly a hardass, why does this hardass dress like a stripper?
Two things, Being black doesn't mean shit, maybe you just toss cuck around because you use Yea Forums, but it makes anyone using it sound like a racelet bitch who watched too many Lauren southern videos and only fragile poltards pretend to think in binaries.
I'm not saying they need to be perpetually covered up, drawn ugly, or otherwise made to be unattractive to men.
Quite the opposite actually, there's nothing wrong with making a female character attractive.
The issue is when people randomly dress them up like strippers regardless of their personality and general intelligence.
If batman suddenly started running around with an exposed midriff, full makeup, exposed thighs, etc everyone here would flipout, but if huntress does it they just keep wanking and pretend it's fine.
Keep Huntress beautiful, by all means, keep her a sexy character. Just don't turn literally every aspect of the character into an attempt to give people stiffies.
I mean, does a woman wearing the equivalent to what batman wears instantly lose all sex appeal for you? because that's literally all I'm suggesting.

You're a fragile bitch who can't get over his fee fees to discuss the topic I see.
Not everyone who thinks you're a dicklet with a brain as smooth as an egg is trans.

sure is Yea Forums in here

I would also have Namorita talk about how inconvenient it is to have your period in the sea when it throws sharks into a frenzy.

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>why does this hardass dress like a stripper?
Because when guys see a hot chick they go "whoa a hot chick" and drop their guard momentarily.

>so....uh well....i need to get this off my chest....why do sjws want to shoehorn in feminism where it's not needed? everytime someone just so happens to decide that maybe putting every female character in a different burca cuts gets boring for awhile. don't get me wrong, i like competent female characters but when 90% of all female characters in some media like video games look kinda got problems man. sadly, things are getting worse and we're seeing more folks support censorship and turning once beloved female characters into boring men hating marie sues who all look the same as in manish jaw, small breast, outfit which shows of no skin

then again, apparently showing some skin or bigger then A cup breast sizes equeals "THE POL INCELS ARE RUINING GAMES AGAIN!!" am getting so fed up with this so fucking much.

You guys let the SJWs gain all this infulence over the medium by this endless bitching I hope you guys know that

>tumblr trannies calling men sensitive and childish when they lose their shit and start screaming about the patriarchy the moment a female character shows her ankle.

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There are more trannies in Yea Forums than Yea Forums.

>Provides proof
>You're a fragile bitch who can't get over his fee fees to discuss the topic I see.
Don't project your worthlessness on me if you had an actual arguments you wouldnt be jumping to personal attack on the drop of a dime. I just gave you a taste of your own medicine and you went down like a bitch

Explain to me how we on have had any impact on anything.

fuck off newfag


Dude, if you're incapable of grasping the concept to the point you think toxic masculinity = "all men are bad because they are men" you either had a terrible teacher or you're just being willfully ignorant.
Also I quite literally hate liberals and think they ruin everything they touch, an example would be the perception of what toxic masculinity is.

Ehhh, yeah, fair enough.
At least you know what it is.

I somehow doubt you have the taste required to have a point.

Offended behavior = confusion about the choice of an inapplicable attempted insult?
Sure, whatever helps you pretend you aren't a butthurt dicklet parroting what he's seen other people say.

Honestly I'm mostly convinced you know I'm right, that's why you're trying so hard to pretend you don't.

>Offended behavior = confusion about the choice of an inapplicable attempted insult?
>Sure, whatever helps you pretend you aren't a butthurt dicklet parroting what he's seen other people say.
yep, totally not offended at all tranny ;)

I've been on 4channel since it was made retard.

>incels in full force shitting up a thread because someone told them getting mad over a throwaway joke about kraven was stupid

yeah you're from Yea Forums

The comics gatekeepers don't like men or anything traditional, so while we get a few comics that will appeal to the traditional capeshit comics fans (13 year old men and adult males who want to feel 13 again), for the most part it's relegated to indy comics from Dynamite and only the occasional books from the Big Two.

If you follow characters, you're going to eventually be disappointed by the trash that these companies pump out.

I'd you follow writers, you're less likely to be disappointed.

I usually recommend Christopher Priest to new readers or lapsed fans returning to comics. He is someone who is polite to the SJW mindset, in the same way you are polite to that cranky uncle who spends every Thanksgiving dinner ranting that UFOs abducted Elvis. Then he just goes about writing whatever he wants. It's usually really good. Even if you weren't interested in the character he's writing, you will still be able to enjoy his work.

Old school Kurt Busiek is usually a good bet, even if he's a crank on social media. Just ignore all social media from comic pros in general. Astro City is probably the best capeshit from the last decade. His Untold Tales of Spider-Man was a treasure back in the day. Hunt them down if you want a great Spidey experience.

This SJW movement is already starting to work itself out. The Gabby Riveras and Man in Wigs of the industry are finally getting pushed to titles no one cared about. The big two are putti g people like them on virtue signaling books that they want for awards, but they know won't sell beyond 5k or 6k, if they're lucky.

We have this rose colored view of the past, but for the most part, comics have always been 70% terrible and only about 10% are really good. That other 20% is the mediocrity of the day.

We might have a bit more dreck right now, but there's stuff out there, even if you have to hunt harder for it.

>Honestly I'm mostly convinced you know I'm right, that's why you're trying so hard to pretend you don't.
Dodging those questions like a pro, its ok if you go to therapy it'll all work out

No SJW called for downsizing tits user, stupid suits do it because they think that will give them brownie points

yeah i could, now fuck off back to tumblr

if toxic masculinity wasn´t a made up term to undermine and attack all masculinity then the media and the school system would also talk about positive aspects of masculinity and the negative aspects of femininity.
but they don´t. they always and constantly attack men and masculinity exclusively because they want men to be emasculated cucks that don´t fight back or complain when ever liberals do another idiot thing, like passing laws like "yes means yes" which literally makes it impossible for a boy accused of rape to proof his innocents while all the women has to do is make an accusation

At least there's still Immortal Hulk and Hawkman.

There are three factors which allowed SJWs and women to seep into this board.

>The popularity of the MCU
>The popularity/prominence of calarts crap pandering to female demographics in Yea Forums as a medium
>The "Yea Forums is love" culture of 2010-2014

With the way comics and cartoons have been selling themselves lately, we were always going to get women seeking out this board, but what sets us apart from boards like Yea Forums or Yea Forums is that, instead of immediately driving them out by forcing them to adapt to our culture if they wanted to be taken seriously, we welcomed them with open arms and hoped that they would return our hospitality with gratitude by adopting to our customs.

It's more or less what happens with any hyper-liberal, multicultural country with an open immigration policy. Eventually, the minority garnered enough numbers that they started to form sub-communities, and the singular nature of those communities inevitably made them feel a sense of increased empowerment and influence which in-turn began to bleed out of their generals and into the board's culture as a whole.

Today, we reap the harvest of our short-sighted emotionalism in the form of women who not only feel no need to hide themselves or conform to the board's culture, but who feel as if they can push the original population out and reinvent Yea Forums as something which caters specifically to them, reflecting a common trend in the female social narrative of latching on to institutions constructed and made prosperous by men and forcing those men to change those institutions to ones which prioritise women.

Yea Forums is more or less beyond saving, now. There'll be more women, more "lol incel" responses, more "go back to Yea Forums" and "go back to /pol/", more "ugh men". They already have janitors who side with them. We let this happen.

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>No SJW called for downsizing tits user
Are you high? thats all they've ever done

why does Yea Forums and Yea Forums care more about social justice than Yea Forums? really makes one think?

When?, about new characters or existing ones?

That name is a joke, right?

I guess most male villains are dumber than I expected.
No wonder villains always lose.

Dumbass, you didn't provide shit.
You posted a pic of a bad series aimed at children, then claimed it's apparently the main thing your gaggle of tards are screeching over.
You're clearly as stupid as you are fragile, because anyone who has been to Yea Forums more than once has seen your clan of idiots screeching about a lack of tiddies in books, usually bringing up some shit like squirrel girl, while the rest of us are pointing out the fact books that aren't aimed at preschool girls do usually still have tits and ass.
Holy shit you animals are subhuman.

Honestly, it feels like we have way more fake outrage over whatever SJWs are supposedly doing than we actually have SJWs.

For everything that a SJW on Yea Forums complains about, we have six threads complaining about the SJW complaining. Its fucked.

>yeah i could
You replied to the wrong post maybe?

Since 2012, Don't you remember?
>Hawk eye initiative
>Women shouldn't wear such revealing clothes because theyre fighting crime
>There boobs are big so its distracting and unrealistic.

>That name is a joke, right?
No. You would know this if you actually read comics but you clearly don't.

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Just the last one make sense for the tits thing. But that was just lesbians making jokes.

>You posted a pic of a bad series aimed at children
Isnt that all comics though? Why are you getting angry over children's drawing
>then claimed it's apparently the main thing your gaggle of tards are screeching over.
Bad drawing check, shit writing check, diversity hire check. Dont be a disingenuous pissant
But fine let me give another garbage book, this must have been like shakespeare for your dumbass
>Holy shit you animals are subhuman.
>t. tranny calling other people subhuman
I don't know if i should laugh or cry

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There the boards that outrage the most. There's a reason Yea Forums is associated with anger.

>Doesnt read comics
>pretends to be an expert
Fuckers like you are killing Yea Forums

Posting more Namorita just because I never get the chance.

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Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/ and, to a lesser extent, Yea Forums are the boards who have most resisted female attempts to dominate their culture and replace it with their own, and so femanons perceive them as the enemy of what Yea Forums is supposed to stand for (i.e. themselves)

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hey mong toxic masculinity isn't solely a white thing. stop being so triggered by an off hand joke in a single comic panel. It's like you fags go out looking to be offended

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>liberals liberals liberals

do you ever get tired of your boogeyman you delusional mong

They’re all real constant complaining led to the censorship.

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>t. Liberal Mong
But you know he’s right your the cancer of society

but they all failed

How do we get women/trannies off this board? I just want to be able to discuss female characters without the threat of being labelled an incel or being told to go back to /r9k/.

Volume. Discuss female characters loudly and WITH PRIDE.

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It's not more about "videogames and comics are for childs mentlity"? I've not seen that conplaintss in shit obviously targeted to adults.

Most of the premise of your post is wrong; you say “cape comics”, but really this problem is most strongly expressed by the Big Two and their admittedly unfair market control they solidified in the 90’s.
Additionally, the phase in question has less to do with sex appeal or not and more to do with spiraling sales that are constantly getting worse despite high production costs of monthly comics, causing their parent companies to query on weather or not these industries are even worthwhile and if there perhaps isn’t another legal way to keep the intellectual property licenses then to keep pumping money into a financial dead end. The altering of character styles and presentation is simply another desperate bid to attract more readers, which of course won’t work just like all the other attempts didn’t work.

But I like women...

Here's the irony user..I like cheesecake and beefcake in non canon not in super serious stories. I can understand your frustrations on a lot of stuff but sometimes....idk fucking know man. If you remove all the sex appeal to a lot of stuff it has nothing to offer the writing turns out to be pretty fucking bad.

It's fine and dandy if it has good writing and good art that's all I ask for.

ok delusional

Well, yeah: so long as white knights and beta males outnumber misogynists and alpha males, women will always have their way and nothing can be done to stop them.

>They've more or less decided that they want to stop appealing to men in terms of fanservice and conventionally attractive female characters/art

Cool trolling OP, you're definitely not a faggot.

Attached: Cat-Artgerm.jpg (921x1400, 237K)

The you haven’t been paying attention to movie or television, but I don’t want to bring Yea Forums here.

If I was offended I'd have left, I literally just don't like you and believe you're a dumbass with a small dick.

Dude, I get that your parents took turns beating you like a rug and you're hiding behind ignorance to pretend it didn't happen, but there's no need to project this hard.

Technically you never had an actual concrete way to prove you didn't do anything wrong if a woman accused you of rape in the past.
I also don't see how that law is supposed to make you a "feminine cuck".
It feels like you're seeing men being criticized for aspects of their identity that do often legit cause damage to themselves and others.
The reason it's deemed "toxic masculinity" is the fact these behaviors are usually learned performative things, not behaviors intrinsic to being male.
Also, I agree, women and their negative behaviors deserve criticism as well, toxic femininity is as much a thing as toxic masculinity.
I'm obviously not going to change your mind in some random thread like this, but I'm just asking that you don't toss out valid concepts just because stupid people are bad at teaching them.

>I can't stand that comics are expanding their audience and choose to funnel in on the comics that do not appeal to me as opposed to the abundance of comics that still do.

Kill yourself mong you’d be doing the world a service im not trolling either if you died this world would have one less cancer cell.

>expanding their audience
But they're not fucking doing that you retard
The sales are going down because they're alienating their actual audience and catering to people who never have and never will buy comics

>calling out other people for projecting
>when he’s been projecting the entire thread
Feels like shit don’t it.

No, 3d is boring to me. I'm the oposite of a normie I grew up live action.

Thanks for the containment thread OP

Yup, that sure worked out well for Marvel, IDW...

a cultured user

That’s toxic masculinity, get help you’re hurting women

I do read comics, just not whatever this is.
I know you have a narrative to uphold like any drone, but some people just read different books.

I get you brainlets can't survive detached from the your hive mind's dick, but no, the mind behind man eaters is far from capable of creating anything legitimately worth reading.
You drones are subhuman, it's just a fact.
The proof is the fact you're stupid enough to write off an entire medium as being the equivalent to children's drawings to pretend a bad kid's book is a fair example of a medium at large.

Not everyone knows your shitty obscure waifu.

>The sales are going down because they're alienating their actual audience and catering to people who never have and never will buy comics

This isn't true.


>137 replies
>30 posters

samefag central.

I never said that the story shouldn´t be good either otherwise I would have just started reading porn comics.
but right now we are living in the worst of two worlds with censored outfits and stories that are either just boring and unimaginative or full of feminist propaganda

Well the movies spoonfeed the normies. Why I need to lose time and money if I can wait for the next movie?

>claims to read comics
>doesn't know who the New Warriors are
>doesn't know about Namor's cousin
user I think you might not read comics at all.

Historically speaking, giving women an inch is never a good sign and almost always leads to them taking a mile and trying to commandeer the culture they were once guests in.

Just look at this board now compared to how it was 5 years ago. Do you honestly think anyone could get away with accusing others of toxic masculinity on this board without being laughed out back in 2014? Allowing women anywhere near your hobby or interest is a surefire way to see that hobby or interest deteriorate into a husk of its former self as its core audience are sidelined in favour of pandering to le pretty ladies.

Attached: degradation.jpg (2352x1218, 1.34M)

I'm rubber and you're glue logic, you're clearly a great mind.
It's not my fault most of you guys have fucked up backgrounds, only someone who hasn't talked to you idiots before would think you do anything other than project.

seethe some more faggot. don't forget to get a wank off to your delusional revenge fantasies in between

No, toxic maculinity is expecting every male to be a dumb horny musclebag.

>wa wa women

Well shit it’s almost like you’re agreeing with me that hiring shitty writers create shorty works. Just gotta attach some meaningless buzz words and still pretend I’m wrong though

In 2014, the landwhales would say things like "mansplaining" and "rape culture."

If you kill yourself again unironically I’d stop seething do the world a favor kill your self faggot. Do it

yep, this is exactly the sort of response that would have been ridiculed back in stages 0-3, but we gave women an inch and now they've taken a mile and have infested this board to such an extent that they can actually get away with trying to assert themselves on its primary demographic and push them out.

I'm sure you can create more boogeyman to dilute the discourse because you wanted to have a whinge and got triggered that not everyone wants to jerk off in your echo chamber you seething autist

Fuck trannies
Fuck liberals
Fuck minorities
And fuck you too

Attached: stoya1.jpg (500x750, 342K)

Its more the pot calling the kettle black, can’t even get basic idioms right

only in your delusions you schizo

Yeah, and we'd verbally batter them for it. Jannies would delete their posts and we'd all go about actually discussing the topic.

Nowadays, you get men trying to discuss things only to be lambasted by cries of "incel", "" and "lol have sex". You have outspoken feminists/SJWs/women spouting off about how men are all pigs and how anyone who wants to see an attractive woman in their comics must have a small dick, and what's worse is you get beta males actually backing them up.

Board's dead, baby. They blew it up.

Don’t you know all men has internalized toxic masculinity

I wish this pic wouldn't be so relevant every time.

you can still have your jerk off comics you retard, don't have a whinge because you're not being pandered anymore. momma must have had you autists sucking on her tits too long from the way you're crying

It’ll happen in your real life sooner than you think.

user comics are dying and it's the fault of you and people like you
Stop it
Stop killing comics

Nigga it’s not about jerking off, shit writing isn’t going to create anything readable or memorable.

>You have outspoken feminists/SJWs/women spouting off about how men are all pigs and how anyone who wants to see an attractive woman in their comics must have a small dick, and what's worse is you get beta males actually backing them up.

does it get exhausting having so many boogeymen to fight with in your delusions?

It's not mostly true? I mean muricans have this with the guns thing when most revolutions begun with unarmed people

any second now huh.

Half this thread has people spouting the exact same rhetoric the fuck do you mean boogeyman?

Rent free

no one is spouting the made up shit you pulled out of your ass your delusional retard

I’ll give you 8-15 years

see here? can you honestly see this kind of post being shamelessly made on old-Yea Forums without consequence?

we always do this. we let women in and assume that they'll do things our way. we stand by and watch as they start to flock to our spaces in increased numbers and we always, always pay the price for our hubris eventually.

There's no winning against them. They always have slobbering beta orbiters willing to give them the world for a bit of attention. They'll always use that influence to work themselves into positions of power and root themselves in the fabric of the space until, eventually, they feel entrenched enough to start actively trying to silence or combat the people who were here to begin with.

All we can really do is start anew and wait for that space to get popular enough that women come to start the whole process all over again.

Attached: tfw kryptonite.jpg (273x310, 17K)

Go hide somewhere where you won’t get cooties then


>see here? can you honestly see this kind of post being shamelessly made on old-Yea Forums without consequence?

Jesus you type like a much personal army 'we' faggot. you are such an insufferable retard, might as well go back to sucking on your mom's titties instead of whining about roasties that no one really gives a fuck about. Just about every other thread on this board is appreciating and discussing the comic medium but apparently they're non existent in your made up fanatasy land

Most began armed

The "everyone secretly agrees with me against an evil enemy" mindset is just hilarious.

No, status quo and inconsistential power levels and writing are the real culprits.

I agree. Now let's call all men who disagree with us incels.


But those have existed since the beginning and have never been a problem.

No, read about the russian, french and latinamerican ones, ideas more than weapons led the revolutions.

you might just actually be delusional if you believe people are spewing men are all pigs, it was pointed out early in thread that the comics you want still exist, you just seem to be seething because you're not being pandered to anymore.

if you can't handle dicklet being thrown around to mock your horny ass get off Yea Forums then you useless cunt

They are when fucking Dragon Ball Super can do it better


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if you can't handle dicklet and incel being thrown around to mock your horny ass get off Yea Forums then you useless cunts. If you're gonna fling shit then get ready for shit to be flung back you tards

>Is it me, or are cape comics in a weird, nebulous phase right now?

you cant be serious

If anything, things got as fucked up as they are now because they tried so hard to shake up the status quo.


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Dragon Ball always did it better, it's why it's a global phenomenon.

you can discuss female characters, why do you want everything to be such a hugbox Christ

I can handle it, I just don't like what it indicates: that I'm talking to a woman and that there might be more women waiting to respond to all arguments with childish insults.

>we we we we we

I'm genuinely curious now.

When did women become so overrepresented on this board. I refuse to believe men made any of the following posts, for example:

yes because women sure are the first to start shit flinging on Yea Forums ay

>When sites calling for that actually exist
Also all I said is we have people like that who exist especially in this thread
Nigga I’m not upset read the post I said people like that exist.

women are just more obnoxious with it because they come with twice the self-righteousness and half the humour.

>I refuse to believe men made any of the following posts, for example:

yes user, every man on this board thinks exactly like you and maintained your hugbox until the women came and ruined it.

Yeah, but comics had better writing and "real issues" to compete, or that was everyone write on the "anime vs comics" threads on forums

I didn't see an "I'm a man"

That sounds like something that people who don't read either would say to look smart.

why do you have an excuse to fling beta male or orbiter or tranny, maybe even npc too user.

don't be retarded user, its an anonymous board, it's better if I just let you keep feeding Ur delusions either way you want ay

Me ask chu sumfin...

Do any of you men/women defending the current state of comics actually enjoy anything the Big Two are putting out that aren't just the same shit we'd see if tumblr wasn't being pandered to?

Does anyone here enjoy female Thor, or America Chavez or Hulk-Mode She-Hulk or Squirrel Girl? Who here can name currently running Big Two comics that stray outside conventions of the medium that they genuinely like reading?

Attached: batgirl3.jpg (416x369, 12K)

Yeah, you seems pretty insicure.
I'm sorry if women have been mean to you user :( but to their defense, it is probably dued to your ugly ass face rather than your shitty personality since i doubt you ever had the opportunity to talk with one of them.

Still not seeing it.

That was "superhero" fans the 2000's and now they are the ones that complain about what they dislike but without buying what they say they like.

poor baby he's asking user to identify himself so he can know what type of buzzword to throw

>poor baby
ah, so you are a woman

>my hugbox isn't delusional, it's only women that are wrong and ruining my board wahh

I mean...the designs are kinda nice but the comics are god awful

What gave it away the passive aggressive language?

Better to be a woman then whatever you are.

Nah, it's just that women have this unique mode of "debate" where everything they type is dripping with smug superiority and condescension and they constantly lace ad hominem into what they type with the intent to infatilise or emasculate their argumentative opponent.

The whole "poor baby" thing is pure female argumentation. It's used for the express purpose of emotionally attacking the male opponent so he can lose his shit, at which point the woman, proven right about his infatilism, can declare herself the victor by technicality and without having to actually engage any points.

>Designs are nice
Which designs specifically? I'm not a fan of most of the new designs I've seen.

Feed the autists delusions some more you mong, it'll make his next rant shitting on women even more hilarious

>be big 2 publisher
>make a superhero comic book
>its written poorly and the art is shit
>nerds on the internet say it's bad because it has women/minority/LGBT character and not because it's just fucking boring shit
>publisher doubles down on publishing pure shit because its woke or some shit
>traditional target audience doesnt read it anymore
>new readers too intimidated to start reading superhero comics because of muh 60 years of continuity meme

Attached: 61JuZe9hWuL._AC_UL320_SR210,320_.jpg (210x320, 15K)

I liked the first 3 issues of naomi

didn't have to wait long did I mong? yes women are the only ones who ever use poor baby and ad hominems on Yea Forums ay, Yea Forums and Yea Forums are just filled to the brim with roasties flinging shit at each other. What's with the declaring victory?

>60 year continuity
They can’t even do 2 years without a reboot anymore.
Now she’s Car-Ell

Again, you get the female argumentation method of trying to belittle the man by implying that he isn't one, either through dehumanisation, emasculation or infantilisation.

It's very easy to spot women in an argument because, where as a man might insult his opponent through his views or opinions by calling him an idiot or a cuck, women tend to try and insult a man through his inferred lack of masculinity and usually limit themselves to that alone.

A word of advice: if you don't want to be spotted and have your gender exploited during a debate, try to refrain from being smug or sassy or trying to win the argument by implying that the male opponent won't have access to your sex parts. Not only will it legitimise your point if you're making one, but it'll also force the man to argue with logic alone by forcing him to assume that you're a man who can be reasoned with and not a woman who reasons emotionally.

Attached: holes.jpg (520x588, 121K)

You are a very effeminate man then. I’ve never hear you poor baby used by anyone other than a women or faggot.

>Cape Comics
Just say comics.

Attached: That post was cringe.png (620x613, 513K)

see, you get the smug superiority and condescension here again, featuring prominently almost to the point where her argument is secondary to the "you're an inferior male".

Look how she artfully works in the term "roasties" and makes reference to Yea Forums and Yea Forums to indirectly imply that I'm an incel for disagreeing with her and, by extension, imply that I do not have access to her holes.

This type of snide, underhanded argumentative technique is usually a pretty clear sign that you're debating a woman, at which point you should probably disengage because you're not debating anything so much as you're trying to defuse her emotions about your opinions by either backing down or supporting her.

Because their books are shit

But the continuity meme is a big issue, normies arent gonna pick up action comics #1012 because they think they need to read 1011 issues prior to that.


I see because I didn't explicitly state I was man to allow you to shit fling orbiter, beta and cuck at me I must be a woman ay, not to mention who said anything about access to body parts you absolute mong.

Looks like you decided to stick to your original roastie pasta and script after a lil programming error but go ahead npc let the anti women rants flow

you've made it pretty easy to call you delusional the whole thread

>normies reading ever
They don’t want to read they want to watch, they’ve only ever read Harry Potter

I must be either a woman or a faggot yes

It's really bizarre how normies dont read the source material or care about it

>Uses women only language
>slips up and admits she’s a women at one point
>not a women
Not him but why the hell are you so offended?

>you're an inferior male".
>Look how she artfully works in the term "roasties" and makes reference to Yea Forums and Yea Forums to indirectly imply that I'm an incel for disagreeing with her and, by extension, imply that I do not have access to her holes.

you're making this argument about yourself up in your head, if you're not American I'd suggest you'd go see your GP and get a referral m8 cause your head needs to be sorted.

If you are American, get some money out your pockets and see a GP regardless

Then, who read manga? You know, the succesful comic books?

>Beta and cuck
Again, you get the off-handed implication that I'm associated with a disreputable faction of men and am, by extension, as undesirable as they are.

>Anti women
Again, she attempts to affiliate me with an unbdesirable faction of men, despite the fact that I have made no attack on her own character as a woman but, rather, on the way women choose to argue.

>you've made it pretty easy to call you delusional the whole thread
And now she's falling back on an argumentative fallacy that's used by men and women alike -- linking me to other people who have previously challenged her to mentally limit her own perception that her opinion is unpopular, thereby stopping her from faltering in the face of an outside challenge.

Stinky gay nerds

nigga what the hell are you even going on about, what is women only langauge and who's offended. Do you idiots need something to be explicitly spelt out for you

Theyre always jumping on the latest mass produced craze reading comics means nothing when they can watch a movie
Japanese people

>you're crazy
again, she attacks my very existence instead of what I've typed, attempting to discredit the validity of anything I'm saying by implying that I'm not mentally stable. It's a nuclear option. When simply aligning me with incels or /pol/lacks doesn't defuse the argument or lead to an emotional outburst, she wanders into more dubious territory in terms of painting me as inferior.

>So what is it going to be? Are they going to stay in this weird semi-woke semi-familiar state where they want to have their cake and eat it too, or will there be a gradual shift towards one of the two extremes in the next five years?

Why dont you make your own shit? Stop expecting the same people who are serving you slop to give you a feast

>poor baby
No black man I know use those two words in conjunction.

she's possibly trying to cover her tracks

>see infinty war movie
>buy the iw trade
>wtf this shit is nothing like the movie

They’ve never done that, if they did comics numbers would have improved in the millions.

>Conan gets a fucking rainbow’s worth of ladies in skimpy clothing and Yea Forums still complains about “muh SJWs”
This fucking board really doesn’t read comics. No wonder Yea Forums and /pol/ are having a field day with us every fucking day.

who cares about the black men you know you absolute mong


Did it just come out? When was this

Infinty gauntlet is (was?) the best selling trade for a while.

user, finding a black man who uses the word “poor baby” is like finding a hippo that paints fences. Sure people talk about it but I’ve never seen one.

>actual influence on the medium
You dumb fucking faggot. Your shitty hashtag died off when most of the faggots profiting from it turned out to be terrible writers, terrible artists or scammers. Only EVS has any talent and he’s too busy buying a new house and buying Star Wars toys to deliver his Ninja Turtles rip-off.

Half a million if I recall, but even with assume all of them were normies and not some comic fans who wanted to purchase it, thats still not even a fraction of the amount that went into theaters

Listen here you fucking retard what is it going to take for you to understand that your personal American experiences and ancedotes are not everything, hell especially in a text only environment. wtf is wrong with you mongs

>No black man I know use those two words in conjunction.
Welcome to the internet. You have now meet that person.

Attached: mfw reaction.png (986x797, 869K)

In the US. There's more people reading manga outside Japan that people reading superhero comics worlwide

Prove me wrong take a picture with today’s date and post it here

Comics is a medium. American cape comics is a national scene and an industry with a specific publishing format, not its own medium.

Oh boy, it sure feels nice to a fan of manga, which by the way solved this problem decades ago while American comics continue to piss themselves today. I can get fanservice comics and comics with actual story, sometimes in the same book! I would say you chose this future, but the future was chosen back in 50’s.

Even as a manga fan I find this difficult to believe

why the fuck would I do that you retard, wtf is up with cunts pulling shit out of their asses and asking others to prove their delusions wrong

Don’t be so proud of yourself Netflix is sponsoring westerners for a cultural exchange program with Japanese manga/anime artists

>Oh boy, it sure feels nice to a fan of manga, which by the way solved this problem decades ago while American comics continue to piss themselves today. I can get fanservice comics and comics with actual story, sometimes in the same book!


Comics used to appeal to children & the normal man. Now they only appeal to people who never read comics in their lives. And the big two wander aimlessly trying to figure out why they're not making profits from their books. While throwing just everything at the board except for just writing cohesive stories structured with proper progression.

You could prove me wrong with a simple snap. It ok I don’t really give a shit, but don’t pretend we don’t both know how full of shit you are.
All I did was ask a simple question and you went full retard , like fuck I legitimately didn’t even care but you kept doubling down like an autist.

It's true, but most of them are pirates. If all the manga fans that can afford to buy them really buy them we will be not talking about One piece surpassing all Batman sales since it's first publication but about Attack on titan doing it.

What progresion when you need to retcon everything in the end

Gotcha, wish the creators made more money but I like the way it is now/4 years prior when the normies didn’t try to infect us.

you never asked a question mong, you made a statement backed with nothing but your retarded personal anecdotes from bum fuck nowhere then ask me to post something identifying to prove your delusions wrong

I said they're doing everything EXCEPT writing cohesive narratives/stories.

You’re right I made a statement based off my own personal anecdote that know black man has ever used the word poor baby.
>post something identifying
I just need the color of your arm with today’s date written on a paper, what is this the first time you’ve been on Yea Forums

yeah manga and european comics still are good
still sucks that some of my favorite heroes ever all had to be ruined by liberals with their social justice proganda

When was the last time they do it? Two decades, three decades? They can't undo that with all the audiovisual and foreign competition or they can dissapear in the process

is this what you wanted?

Yes perfect, you’re right I’m wrong.

They will be ruined wiithout politics user. Remember 90's Superman or the Silver Age?

They can easily just pack everything in their comic division up then start over with a clean slate. Go full in on trades. Divide the universe up, hire writers that can do it for long term, hire long term artists with guests every so often, don't fall for movie synergy, don't insert politics where it's not wanted, & have long term plans laid out with permanent progression. Simple fucking stuff the big two doesn't seem to understand how to do.

>I can get fanservice comics and comics with actual story, sometimes in the same book!
This user gets it

Attached: BOKU NO HERO Academia.png (1713x1250, 1.14M)

all g user, black people are not a monolith and not american so not really restrained by whatever language they use.

the fanboy writer has been a plague since the likes of roy thomas

Okay then how do you explain all the s-oy over Rahne Sinclair's death?

This is why Yea Forums will always be superior to Yea Forums.

My bad user

>Absolute based cringe.

I doubt it. Mangas and European comics really are still passion products where the writers hold all the ip rights to their comics

I only have made good experiences with women in my life which makes me even more shocked that marvel and dc always have to present them as such huge bitches who act and dress like men.
you would think concepts like feminie women and masculine men don´t exist if you exclusively got your human knowledge from modern comcis


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But we're talking about superheroes being ruined.

I hate you for associating him to this.

Again Japanese Superhero comics are done by a single guy or a couple of people if they are a big deal. Even if the industry gets overrun by progressive the medium is already too decentralized to be censored. AT best shonen jump stops printing your mange, but you still have a hundred other small publisher and you can print them yourself and sell them easily.
In america diamond controls everything.

I don't know if anyone told you but this isn't /pol/, maybe you fuck off back to there.

Are women uncomfortable with sexy cartoon ladies? Is that why they don't like manga and comics? That would be the logic if the "uglified" female characters are supposed to attract women somehow but I'm not sure how it works

Yes, but purple Naruto is the property of the character and story. Spiderman always will be the property of Marvel

replied to wrong post

*Property of the author.

I don't think men really read comics anymore when video games exist.

What I do not understand is that why they are trying to sell shit to women with ugly female characters. Just use two hot men as protagonists, or hot guy versus another hot guy. Fujoshi actually use their money on shit they like.

>Just use two hot men as protagonists
Seriously. It's worked since Star Trek; hardly a feminist show but women found a niche in the fandom all right

Cow tits are like big penises, they're sexually arousing but watching fictional characters fight with them is like watching Reed Richards using his powers on a room full of rotating chainsaws

What would the average consumer prefer? A floppy with 1/8th of a story arc or a slice of pepperoni pizza with a fountain soda?

You can keep things from going beyond stage 2 by heavy handed enforcement of rules and customs, but I assume that this comes with the risk of killing the hobby with a more immediate demise by driving away participants.

Sure, And unless the mega corporation make great decision on what to do with the character we won't get great comics. And because these days mega corporation bow down to a few weirdos on twitter we get shitty comics.
But this only serves to illustrate the point that "superhero" comics are and will be safe in japan since there no "marvel" to change tings in order to appease people who bitch just to bitch and characters are property of their creators.

The problem is that they aren't trying to appeal to anyone, they are trying to appease a small vocal minority of political activists.

To me comic industry feels like a giant cirlce jerk these days. Like it's not even meant for anyone outsider, it's just something for the artists and their circle of friends.

voyager without a doubt had the worst writing of all the old star trek shows but Janeway was still a pretty cool captain.
jet people will still call me an incel pol user for wanting cheesecake back in comcis and not liking shitty, political writing like this


To be fair Marvel is just a movie's script factory right now

>where is my cute nerdy gf who likes the same shit I like wtf
>why don't girls like *fandom/hobby*? it can't be us, they must just have bad taste
>how dare you suggest 30 something males aren't the target audience of MLP

Why are you operating under the assumption that I want a cute nerdy gf or women liking my fandom/hobby?

yeah I see people throw the word "community" out more and more these that.
nigga it´s an industry not where people are supposed to compete, not some support group for single moms.
somebody does badly, criticize or fire his ass.
somebody keeps acting stupid which ends up endangering the entire industry and there for your job, fucking call him out for it

I mean their comics division, which is separate form their movie division.
I'm really think they moved all the good management personnel to the movie division or something similar, that's the only way to explain how things are going.

Dollar to donuts someone is going complain about the Male gaze or misogyny

Not the point and clearly the problem isn't the fact she is a girl but the fact she is there not as fan but as the partner of somebody who enjoyed it but was not really a fan of it while she had absolutely nothing to do with it. This would be the same if the guy was gay and brought hid boyfriend, but this is rarer than the case depicted.
>where is my cute nerdy gf who likes the same shit I like wtf
these peopel are the ones who the c

Disney found the big money that adapting cool comic premises give them, they want more even if they kill the superhero genre in the comic medium.

Fair enough, but by that logic you should be able to accept that there is media that is not meant to cater to men and there is nothing wrong with that either.

Wow, this fucking tame, marvel are bunch cowards. Conan should have stayed to dark horse

these peopel are the ones who the comic is shitting on mate.
>why don't girls like *fandom/hobby*? it can't be us, they must just have bad taste
nobody who is into any hobbies actuality cares about this. They enjoy the thing they enjoy.
People who are like this are trying to get girls by getting into hobbies and are "again" the cancer of nay fandom.
>how dare you suggest 30 something males aren't the target audience of MLP
Oh yeah because liking anything is bad and only children can like things. "MTG and war-hammer are made fro little girls dude trust me on this one. You don't want to like things little girls like do you?"

try harder DC pig

Isn't that stupid? I mean they will run out of good comics to put on the big screen eventually if they kill the comics medium.
Sure it will take while but trying to save money by not feeding the goose that give you golden eggs is not very smart IMO.

Marvel should be doing that not me.

Their business are movies and series, comics are not a priority for them, Marvel is more a chess pawn for Disney, the same with AT&T and DC.

I know, I know. I just don't want girls stinking up my board with their dumb girl words and feelings.

Create your own comics stop being the one that begs and become a the one who makes

that´s not the problem the problem is that there is not a single media left that is allowed to cater to men.
everything gets censored these days be it comics, video games or movies to no longer have revealing outfits or big breasts
and all thanks to sjws, liberals, feminist and women

Just let it all crash and burn. True fans will revive it from the ashes. Also to answer your question, I am not a true fan.

I'm sure everyone here agrees, but most marvel and DC titles have had young men as their target audience since their inception.
Which is why people get weirded out when they outright say they will not appease said demographic and try to appeal to some barely exiting "woke" crowd.

people tried that but liberals/sjws called them nazis who spread "hate speech" so they got blacklisted and their kickstarters/patreons deleted for it.
people tired to create new social media platforms as well and all internet providers blacklisted them.
it´s always the same. liberals will never allow opposing views to be expressed be it in comics, games, news or even universities

This isn't good either.

There's a lots of echi anime that sell like shit. Men don't pay they pirate.

>people tried that but liberals/sjws called them nazis who spread "hate speech" so they got blacklisted and their kickstarters/patreons deleted for it.
youre talking about e-celebs making enemies on youtube
No one knows who the fuck you are.

that´s wrong
the most profitable game after fortine is a gacha game which relies exclusively on sexy art.
the most successful kickstarter of the last 5 years is a mass effect porn game
sex still sales incredible well.
especially in todays landscape were everything gets censored by sjws

>internet providers
Are you talking about ISPs or hosting services/centers, and payment processors? If you're talking about ISPs, it'd be rather illegal for them to block a website for anything less than distributing malware, due to legislation regarding their status as a "natural monopoly".

no I am talking about universities firing professors because the dare to express the opinion that illegal immigration hurts america

You make the wrong type of comic you'll be hounded and kicked off nearly any platform.

I know which makes it even more fucked up that it is allowed to happen
I mean one bank account already deleted the bank account of a certain right wing activist as well eventhrough that is also illegal
the left has gone full Fascist these days

>the most successful kickstarter of the last 5 years is a mass effect porn game
For real? What’s it called?

Real porn or Gacha with best story and with just some addicted guys paying lots of money it's not a comparable situation.


The people working in the industry, just like the people working in movies, tv, videogames, etc, have been taught their entire lives, since they were little kids, that white males are evil and that everything bad in the world is because of white males.

They have taken this to heart.

So the end result is even where the fanbase for a franchise like star wars or star trek or an entire genre like comics are majority white males they still end up making a product that to varying degrees excludes, bashes or in their best case scenario completely eliminates and excludes white males except for bumbling comic relief roles or reprehensible villain roles. What happens is words like 'diversity' get twisted to mean "less white men" so what happens is an all woman editorial team posts a twitter photo saying "look how diverse we are!" or a movie like Black Panther with a 98% cast of all one race gets called one of the "most diverse" movie ever made. Because in the end the formula is simple; more white males = bad. less white males = good. It's a simple formula but you'll find its grip on the minds of current media creators is quite unbreakable.

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>So what is it going to be?
Make money making fun of the bad comics on youtube

Don't worry brudda. It may look horrible now, but the industry has come back from worse. More non-capeshit genres than ever are being published, public libraries are carrying comics, most of the slump can be attributed to print media in general, and before long, all of the "woke" minority heroes at Nu-Marvel are going to be looked at by future generations the same way we look at Ebony White, Chop-Chop and Whitewash Jones today.

The industry has been "dying" for forever, and yet it's still going. By law of average, a new talent is bound to come along, and "save" things for a while, then repeat the process over again. With standards for entry as low as they are now (pic related), there's bound to be a diamond in the rough that'll squeeze through.

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you mean 2 starring Harley Quinn, 1 starring Batman, 1 starring Superman, and 1 starring Aquaman?

Women don't like knowing that unattractive men are allowed to enjoy depictions of the female form without their permission.

Virtue signalling is always annoying.
I was thinking more along the lines of the She-Ra reboot. I realize that both 80's He-Man and She-Ra's outfits were equally skimpy and don't care. I wouldn't have cared if they kept the old design for She-Ra either. The nerd rage over a remake for little girls not having enough tiddies just surprised me, is all. The backlash was along the lines of "what so no one's allowed to draw sexy girls anymore?!?!"
similar to . I agree that not all fanservice needs to or should be extinguished for the SJWs but on the other hand, not everything needs to be sexy either.
Blatant pandering is fanservice for SJWs but having a character wear shorts instead of a miniskirt, or less makeup, is not the same.

Attached: She-Ra_comparison.png (516x246, 219K)

Women enjoy it when they see female characters who were not designed with sex appeal in mind, with an equal approach to character design as a male counterpart. Having every important female character be feminine and sexy indicates that the creators think sex appeal is the most important trait for a female character, which it shouldn't be. It makes it more obvious that the reason she's there in the first place is for fanservice. Or they genuinely wanted a female character but didn't think they could make her likable without her being sexy. It's lazy imo

Maybe because most of them can't say illegal immigration is dangerous as a principle without saying immigrants themselves are evil and dangerous. Those people don't have any good solutions to the actual problem of illegal immigration and they need to shut up.

And Westerners wonder why more women these days are into anime and manga. Those mediums, for all their problems, still know how to make female characters that are both aesthetically appealing, empowering, and well written.

lol, 2B.

It's only films and comics, and it's for the same reason: Disney. This has nothing to do with SJWs. Like 10 years ago, when Fem Frequency mattered and Anita wasn't broke, but it's a dead cause that only Tumblr teens and Wokescolds other wokes hate promote.

Disney doesn't want to release movies that require to much editing in foreign markets and used filmy feminism that is out of date to shield itself. Don't get me wrong, SJWs are out there, but they are irrelevant outside of being smokescreens


She-Hulk being made into a generic Hulk clone while getting rid of her previous personality is bullshit. I'll agree with that.

Attached: hulkwoman.jpg (781x1200, 284K)

Yes, they are. Last year was a dead cat bounce and there have been severe dips throughout for the past few years.

At the same time they DO have to expand their audience, and broaden their appeal, but to do that they have to effect their sales and editorial process to empower creators, and lol that will NEVER happen.

You seem to have an incest fascination.

Beta weebs

You call that sexy?

Attached: Conan 150.jpg (985x1528, 160K)

Yes please bring her back.

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This looks like shit. Like stylistically.

>And yet, every now and then you get the Big Two throwing their older audience a bone quietly from the back entrance

Where are they doing that? It seems like nothing but suck and blaming fans all day everyday.

Only pronlem with that is they are making no money. Disney has put Avengers and Spiderman on IDW rather than put up with current marvel.

There's still Wasp, Captain Marvel, and Shuri. Two of those are getting cancelled soon but they are calling it a mini series now.

William and Atom Eve are back together?!

I know Conan seems like a superhero but he is just a guy from Isreal. He isn't dead because he gets very lucky.

>if peter parker was some disfigured dwarf I doubt he would have ever gotten popular even if you had kept anything the same.

We need a puck solo again. Puck, smasher, and movie sentinel guy. The allieance of the sturdy.

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Here's somethkng to ponder, why are women infantilized with this new wave of conservative pro-women stories?

>Prince namor! This bread is soggy and tastes like the ocean.
>Bread is supposed to be eaten in air enviroments, peasant.
>He's trying to corrupt us with surface cuisene!

Conan isn't a cape comic you retard.

Did you people even read the op? Dude is specifically talking about superhero shit not comics as a whole.

>Cape Comics as a Medium
Cape comics aren't a medium, so by default you should be avoiding literal interpretations of the OP's text.

Unless you're a moron who doesn't know the difference between medium and genre. Like OP. Like you too?

Marvel tried abandoning their core audience before when Bill Jemas was running the company. Then they wanted to aim their product at people who read indie comics and Vertigo books and didn't like superheroes. Now their imaginary demographic is minorities and women. Both times, the books don't sell, and the core audience is angry, but it's a lot more politically inconvenient to backtrack this time. Even if Marvel and DC didn't see these people as the audience they want, they'd still be changing their product to meet the demands of woke activists on Twitter because every company is doing that to appease the mob, even when it costs them sales.

The best case scenario is that this is a cultural fad that dies out soon, before it actually kills western civilization as a whole, let alone comics, and any other form of entertainment.

Fuck off faggot. Just because one sexy thing happened doesn't make Marvels current shit state not true. Also Canon isn't a Cape comic you retard.

The US is not the entirety of western civilization, and the left is not the one who is destroying it.

Way to not even acknowledge what I said you simian.

“Bitter 40 Year Old Still Angry Because Cartoon Boobies Slightly Smaller”

You fragile ego little fuck. Your life is an Onion article.

Your post is saying that people should take the OP literally, even though the OP is a moron. If you have no problem with what the OP wrote then you're a moron too.

Ignore the point entirely then. The product is unreadable garbage with or without cheesecake, and the new target audience isn't even interested in spending money on it. You are a double retard.

>Comics don't have hot chicks anymore
Fucking kill yourself casualgator. You don't read comics. You only read memes and manga because you're a poorfag.

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>Marvel alone makes more money for Disney than Jump does for Shueisha
Explain this.

>Marvel tried abandoning their core audience before when Bill Jemas was running the company.

It didn't help either that he was trying to be some kind of "Mr. McMahon" character and said some pretty nasty shit.

>Green Lantern opens with Hal getting a booty call and nearly every issue features a different alien babe.
Get the fuck off my board casualgator.

thanks doc

You must be 18 to post on Yea Forums

Who the hell is doc?

That's because is too risky, why do you think not even fujos buy comics? The next retcon can destroy all the things they liked, even in the always dellusional and desperate /u/, comics are niche because of the tranny card. Volatility is what destroyed sales but it was dying before they choosed the risk instead of the slow painful death.

There's so many things wrong with this.
>Thinking Boku is good
>Thinking a generic beach spread of doughy looking teenagers is titillating
>Thinking manga has actual stories

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>Dial H
>Green Lantern

Not even touching on the "c-comics are dying guys really any day now they'll have to turn the lights out at DC and Marvel and it'll be over!" meme.

Stop listening to Ethan Van Childsupport and others that have a vested interest in cape comics failing.


Not just movies. Capes move more merch. LOTS more merch. Compare Injustice 2 sells to that Jump fighting game. Compare Ben 10 cartoon views to (insert shonen anime here).

Fucking Into the Spiderverse made more money than Goku. Print is about the only place manga beats comics and only outside the US and only because comics are a collector's market where you pay 8 dollars to polybag a floppy while manga is a mass-production market that pushes as much content as cheaply as possible and you can get a phonebook of stories for 5 dollars.

Laugh out loud indeed you uninformed pissant.

>Fujos don't buy comics
That's actually something in favor of comics.

you're a fucking knuckle dragging spaz to post what you did so i think an lol will suffice

I like your analysis user, and I think they're gonna come back to us.

Women will eventually get tired of pretending they like all of this stuff.

Faggot retard.

Oh nice come back weeb. Why don't you go cry to your body pillow, I'm sure your 12 year old waifu will want to hear you bitch and moan about shit you know nothing about.

Kids then. Japanese suits can't market outside of Japan or their merchandise will sell just as much as Marvel and DC

Are you fucking retarded, he's a fucking proto Celt.

Or don't tell me they changed that in the comics?

Conan comics are trash, the character should only be in books and movies.

she is 1200 years old sir

>Weeb actually thinks this is hot
Meanwhile, this is what the cape master race gets.

Attached: Hal's Ring Girl.jpg (1988x3056, 936K)

But they don't buy it. They priorities in media are far from what the industry needs.

>Cant' market outside of Japan
Nigger what do you think Viz media and all related international entities are?

And thank almighty God for that. Keep those fat whores away from comics.

>Green Lantern's fucking ring is hotter than any modern weeb girl
Change my mind.

She's pretty cute but her right leg looks like it's broken.

Green Lanterns have and always will be the secret counter to all weebtrash. It has to do with them perfecting the shonen formula decades before shonen.

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Nor Pretty cure, One piece, Aikatsu had ever the marketing and cheaps goods they deserve. Lots of child shows don't even get fan translated.

Honestly doesn't even matter what Canon is. Him being capable of holding his own against either Captain America or Wolverine is just laughable.

>Still put the indian/Arab in a headscarf

And their money? Nerds can't sustain the industry

>Kid anime
A lot of that relies on humor that just doesn't translate well outside Japan. It's why Doremon is bigger than Goku in Japan but literally who outside.

>One Piece
That's Viz

Never shaking the death grip Disney has on the preadolescent girl market.

>ITT: A bunch of angry manginas get angry that their politics and philosphy are cancer to good narratives.

You can't write good stories on pearl clutching and busy-bodying.

Todays big 2 sound like fucking chick tracks.

You don't read comics. All you know about comics comes from watching Ethan Van Childsupport.

Give the year the Big 2 have to turn off the lights or you're CNN tier in terms of fake news.

Come on. Name a year.

I actually dropped comics with Aaron's Thor after it stopped being a journey into mystery and it became a boring slog with a plank of wood pretending to be Thor.

I want Stories, not events.

Europe like Doraemon but they don't push it like Disney do. One piece has not so much cheap merchandise. Pretty Cure was destroyed by Saban

The only thing Jason Aaron has written in his life worth a damn was Weirdworld and that was what, 4 issues? You have no one but yourself to blame for not dropping it at the cover.

Take the DC pill user. Even our trash events have entertaining meme moments like FORGER LOOK AT ME.

It's amazing all the casualgators and Yea Forums exiles bitching about "no cute waifus" when Millar's Superman had an adorable Lana and promises to feature Clark fucking his way through his L's.

When will you casuals actually read good comics? You'd like them if you just read them.

I don't like DC because the last DC comic I liked was Demon Knights.

I have a very particular /tg/ flavoured taste; I don't really give a shit about what Batman centric plot is happening.

Quite frankly, I fucking despise DC on the sheer principle of it's constant wankery of the most boring character in existence.

Ethan Van Childsupport doesn't talk about good comics because that hurts his narrative and his bottom line, so casualgators literally don't know they exist.

Everything good was destroyed by Saban.

What year? The big two are struggling since the 90's

That's a total of three (3) books you like out of everything the Big 2 publish, which has to be over 100 per month. That's hardly a positive endorsement.

>Liked Demon Knights
>Which turned adorable tomboy Shining Knight into a snarky LGBTWTFBBQ
I'm sorry but I'm afraid your shit taste is terminal. Just go watch shield knight or goblin slayer or whatever shit fantasy anime is on tap, comics aren't for you.

I actually liked it for Barbarian Vandal Savage.

Shining Knight just seemed like someone with autism.

>The big 2 publish over 100 titles a month
Please read comics before you post on the comics board.

>Struggling for nigh 3 decades
There sure are a lot of businesses that would love to be "struggling" if that's what you call struggling.

Now name the year. Put up or shut up user.

It's a Harley Davidson situation, a slow painful death.

>Tumblr starts trying to gatekeep comics
>The Comics they are gatekeeping are garbage

I just follow storytimes on Yea Forums but even I can see a dramatic drop in quality and the writing becoming horrible shit.

But is this your defence of the poor writing? To claim YOU DONT READ COMICS and then try some pathetic attempt to gatekeep?

I'm a /tg/ gooer at heart and this style of weird elitism seems pretty poor.

Bad example since they're about back up to where there value was in 2000.

Conan is an avenger now

Shhhh! They don't read comics!

are you guys retarded? DC is pretty far from pozzed

I liked x-men red and gold and the art was fine.

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Do you read every comic released today?

Fuck off back to /tg/ then. You think there are 100 titles out right now and the last one you read was a Nu 52 B-lister. You don't know dick about comics but you insist on running your mouth because, I don't know, your previous Pathfinder group kicked you and you have nothing better to do.

Marvel is the brand for casuals, so casuals are only really familiar with it. Add to it Ethan Van Childsupport taking more potshots at Marvel (because he knows better than to fire on his friends at DC) and all casualgators know is Marvel, and only a very curated view of Marvel.

Shhhh don't contradict their gatekeeping.

Never mind the Conan Avenger series is fucking shit and has Herc acting like a mopey cuntrag.

I don't even read Marvel and I still know Conan got on the Avengers.

Wall Street value means shit, do you really think that Instagram deserve the billionss of it's value

You bet your ass this is gatekeeping /tg/ tourist. Consider the gate slammed on your smelly ass.

I think you're cool.

>I don't even read Marvel
So you don't read comics? Why do you talk about things you don't know about?

>Reddit gatekeeper thinks he's arguing with one person.

I don't think there are 100 titles out there, that was another guy.

How about this though; I have no intention of picking up the Avengers comic book because I read #20 which was storytimed here.

Your half baked "Do you read books" argument sort of falls flat when the point of these books is to draw you in and encourage you to do so.

This does not.

I've probably been visiting Yea Forums longer than you cupcake, sorry.

Is this a JoJo reference?

>Cape Comics as a Medium
Oh boy, I sure hope this can be an intellectually stimulating, or at least insightful, look into cape comics and how they-
>they want to stop appealing to men in terms of fanservice
Oh it's this manbaby again. You know porn exists right? You know Black Cat has had your anime tiddys in Spencer's entire run? Hell, even the first issue of Amazing Nightcrawler had that woman with the inflating tiddys. Stop crying.

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>When a Newfag tries to gatekeep.

Pretty much anything that isn't a comic. It was reported a while ago that Marvel Comics is operating at a loss compared to massive successes of other Marvel ventures.

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stfu moron

We can all see what he's talking about. The comic shop owners know what he's talking about. "B-but catgirl's boobs!"

just stfu

p0wned him ebic style my dude!

You know maybe we just want She-hulk to stay She-hulk man and not turn into Heshe-hulk.

So in one thread you complain about Carol not having to work out and get fit for her movie role, while in another complaining that She-Hulk actually having muscles indicative of her strength is bad?

No, I'm complaining She-hulk isn't about her muscles, it's about a mousey timid girl getting to live her life and a free-spirited bombshell she alwasy thought she could be without inhibitions.

Her pretending being She-hulk was some kind of burden, that the sexuality wasn't a release valve for her, that She-hulk was so fucking Cathargic we had a story arc where it was mentioned she may be addicted to being She-hulk.

Fundamentally, I am against the rather sexist idea that for She-hulk to be taken seriously, she needs to be the Hulk. She is her own character, she has done her own thing and they took it away from her; We're not having new She-hulk plot lines or ideas, we're having boring Hulk ideas watered down.

Fuck your idea that characters all need to be boring, gray serious slabs of exposition and events.

>fan service is limited to sexy women and sexy women are bad
you fool. you absolute buffoon. you think you can challenge me in my own realm? you think you can rebel against my authority? you dare come into my house and upturn my dining chairs and spill coffee grounds in my Keurig? you thought you were safe in your chain mail armor behind that screen of yours. I will take these laminate wood floor boards and destroy you. I didn’t want war. but i didn’t start it.

never change Yea Forums

>So in one thread you complain about Carol not having to work out and get fit for her movie role, while in another complaining that She-Hulk actually having muscles indicative of her strength is bad?
Have you read the she hulk thread? the problem was not her looks, sure they were a big part of it. But they were not the main focus. It's the fact she was a fun sensual gal and now she is just a hulk clone like a hundred other characters.
> everyone who disagrees with me is one person.
Fuck off.

>> everyone who disagrees with me is one person.
I was using the royal "you," retard. You ESL or something?

> I... I....was.... was using the riyal you, in no way was I trying to imply anything.
Yeah sure you were. But why even try to lump those two different threads made by, probably, two different people as the same thing?
You were implying hypocrisy of sorts and don't try to pretend you weren't.

>But why even try to lump those two different threads made by, probably, two different people as the same thing?
Because they both have the common theme of hating women, so it isn't useless to draw a comparison between them.
>You were implying hypocrisy of sorts and don't try to pretend you weren't.
Yeah, no shit retard, hypocrisy of the population. God you're slow.

Source or you're CNN.

>Hating women

Are you the same guy arguing Bayonetta isn't an empowering female character?

>hypocrisy of the population
Oh, so I will just assume you support the genocide of the genocide of Ukrainian peasants. Kind of of hypocritical to do so while demanding free health care bro.

Don't @ at me bro. That is just general believes of the leftist population.

based Alan Scott

>Alan "Gives Tojo a Toetag" Scott
>Alan "Snip the Nips" Scott
>Alan "Excuse Please" Scott
>Alan "3 bombs" Scott

Now I want a "It's not cartoons dad" edit with Kyle and Alan.

Cape Comics are dumb
>want to get into an arc
>Arc doesnt even fucking start with the first book
>Arc instead starts at "RANDOM HERO COMIC #305"
>Order goes:

>Too stupid to figure out a reading order in the internet age
It's a pleb filter like the long pauses in Twin Peaks the Return. It's a pleb filter and you fell for it.

Attached: Autim Speaks.png (687x588, 313K)

why are casuals so fucking bad at this? just grab a reading rec list or a trade paperback.

We are supposed to visit the internet after reading the story, not before.

Casuals are IQ 90.

>echo chamber
yup you a woman

>he cares about things like this instead of reading completely random out of order issues his grandma bought him at a yard sale
Being a kid and reading stories set decades apart and trying to figure out how the hell anything relates to anything was so much fun.

Superman one punching Forger made Synder's run better.

I really want normies and the industry to finally be able to separate capeshit from comics as a whole. When people think about “comics” they usually think about capeshit 90% of the time

It feels good not to be an American so I don't have this problem. Our most recognizable superhero is The Phantom because of his consistent presence in newspaper strips.

Attached: mustanaamio.jpg (680x900, 51K)

Capeshit scoops up all the best artists and sells absurdly high numbers compared to anything Image produced, thinking this way is not wrong.

If you guys made your own comics this wouldn't be such an issue.

Why bother doing that when women have shown us that whining and whining and whining constantly until people give you what you want gets results?

>Why bother doing that
youre making excuses

>The best case scenario is that this is a cultural fad that dies out soon, before it actually kills western civilization as a whole, let alone comics, and any other form of entertainment.
sadly I am not as optimistic as you that things are going to change anytime soon.

I mean, we were here first. If anything, you should be the ones going to make your own comics.

Uhhh, NNNNO fuckface, they're OUR comics now.

Oh but they are. Just because the Right look like they're doing it, doesn't mean the left isn't the one doing it while no one's looking.

It takes two to tango, after all.

And this is why if Disney buys everything, I dread that everything will be sanitised to the point where you can't have ANYTHING fun anymore.

Why is she holding up a huge pile of shit?

Attached: 1538889622842.png (814x1104, 404K)

It makes it easier to export to foreign markets and no not even manga and anime are safe. China is a huge market for manga and anime and China is getting tough on fanservice and other themes they dislike. Anime production companies will have to weigh the cost of losing the China market compared to losing the waifu market and many of them will decide to cut the fanservice.

Women often make more valuable consumers than men anyway. Women are more brand loyal, buy more ancillary products, are more likely to recommend things to friends and are less likely to pirate media.

Its a valid business decision to favor women when creating media, as much as it sucks for guys. Buy more shit.

So when it's not women getting rid of fanservice, it's the bug men (Who also btw, deem that Skeleton and Winnie the Pooh memes are verboten). Fuck everything.

Do kids even read comics these days? Also, you sound like you want to sanitise everything as if YOU didn't peek at forbidden material when you were a child.

Kids are on their ipads and iphones and whachamacallits, they don't read anything.

Tbf. I almost exclusively read DC (as in the only Marvel comic I've ever read is Miles Morales Spider Man #5 and that convinced me to not try Marvel again) so if you asked me obscure DC characters I could tell you but I know jack shit outside of slightly above normie level marvel knowledge. That is a reasonable explanation for why someone may not know your more niche characters like the New Warriors (who haven't been around since Civil War if i remember correctly)

I mean my 10 year old cousin reads some comics like Supersons. I've thought about getting him other comics but funny enough, my big fear is that it'll be too cheesecakey and it'll turn him off from comics.

>judging everything a company has done since the 1960's to today because of a modern shitty diversity title
Okay then. Your call, man.
Tell me about the Legion of Superheroes and what I need after I've gotten The Great Darkness Saga.

the enemies of fanservice are:


Its a lot of people that are against it.

idk about toxic feminity, but toxic blackness is acknowledged and often adressed in the black community. Maculinity isn't bad, but it has toxic aspects that can lead to issues. Nobody's saying men can't be confident and manly.

Men should all die because only men can rape

People railing against the concept of Toxic Masculinity can't into English and immediately assume it means all masculinity is toxic, not realizing the concept refers to a subset of toxic behaviors.

I've definitely heard similar sentiments about gay culture (from within gay culture) and if you're hip to the 'cutting edge of feminism' Toxic Femininity is also taking shape as a concept.

Really what I would not reccomend starting with The Great Darkness Saga, its like an All Star Superman where its pheonomenal, but slme of its magic is lost if you'rereading it in a vaccum. I would reccomend starting with both of the post zero hour reboot LoSH series (LoSH 0 and 62-125 and the full series of Legionnaires) and read both of those, despite being a rebooted and completely new team, to get a straightforward idea of the LoSH without being bogged down by some of the wierdness of the Silver Age.

At that point if you wanted to be thorough I would reccomend reading at least the first silver age omnibus of the LoSH to get more of a grip on the characters and ideas of them. At that point I would suggest you read the Great Darkness Saga.

After that, while (with the rise of online pirates comics) I could say just keep reading on from there for the rest of Paul Levitz run through the end of the volume amand through all of the next volume. If you want to just get a greatest hits, I would reccomend jumping straight into the Magic Wars (the last 4 issues of his 2nd run). And now with all of that knowledge behind you, you could start reading LoSH 5 Years Later which is the first 61 issues of the run and are considered by many to be its greatest run although not beginner friendly at all.

If you still want to read more, you could start reading the threeboot Legion series. And once you have that you can start Geoff Johns post Infinite Crisis Legion trilogy which is

1. The Lightning saga (a Justice Leagur of America Justice society of America crossover that sortve brings back the original LoSH)
2. Superman and the Legion of Superheroes
3. The Final Crisis "tie in" (as in it barely ties in at all and its not necceaary to read Final Crisis for this) Legion of 3 Worlds which officially makes all of the LoSHs canon while bringing the original legion to the forefront.

It doesn't matter if you recommend me not to start with it since I already did, it's too late bro, it's too late
I'll see about those Silver Age stories now.

You're right, but don't ignore the troglodytes who perpetuate the stereotypical traits of a Social Justice Warrior who basically DO treat all masculinity as toxic. They do more to perpetuate that notion than all the idiots who get the wrong idea because they're living proofs.

So prudes basically, but what sickens me is that they're gleefully winning (yet are still miserable that some of it still exists, even though their mentality dominates EVERYTHING FUCKING THING IN EXISTENCE). We can't even be left alone because they're trying to hunt people down for having such material.

Okay, they actually have an omnibus out for the first volume, because with the Silver Age Adventure Comics (where they first appeared) is not always them. But the omnibus collects just their stories so that could be a help.

Also on the Marvel thing. I guess I misspoke a little bit in that I tried multiple things that are considered tk be acclaimed before (Ultimate Spiderman, The Visions, Demon in a Bottle, and Morrisons Xmen) but none of them really caught my attention so I didnt read much of them (I went through like 10 issues of USM and E is for Extinction in NXM).

>Ultimate Spiderman, The Visions, Demon in a Bottle, and Morrisons Xmen
Literally all garbage. Who the fuck memed you into reading these? Kekking at you pretty hard rn not gonna lie

Do you have anything you would reccomend? The reason for USM is because a friend whose comic related opinions I greatly respected said it was the greatest spiderman run in his opinion (up until Peter dies). And the reason for Morrisons Xmen is that I have liked alot of his DC Vertigo work that I have been reading (Doom Patrol, We3, The Filth, Animal Man, Green Lantern along with JLA and DC 1 Million)

Superior Foes of Spider-Man (and its kinda sorta continuation in Astonishing Ant-Man)
Walt Simonson's Thor
Loki: Journey into Mystery
Loki: Agent of Asgard
Chris Claremont's X-Men (this is an insanely long run and also includes other series like New Mutants)
Moon Knight by Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz
Man-Thing by Steve Gerber
Daredevil by Frank Miller
Daredevil by Ann Nocenti
Daredevil by Kevin Smith
Daredevil by David Mack
Daredevil by Bendis
Daredevil by Brubaker
Captain America by Mark Gruenwald
Captain America by Brubaker
Hulk by Peter David
Avengers by Roger Stern (specifically Under Siege)
Spider-Man by Roger Stern
Spider-Man by Tom DeFalco
Conan the Barbarian by Roy Thomas
Sensational She-Hulk by John Byrne
Nextwave: Agents of HATE
Thunderbolts by Kurt Busiek
Hawkeye & The Thunderbolts
Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis
Punisher MAX by Garth Ennis

These are some series I like. You may enjoy different things but these are some of my favorites.

>your previous Pathfinder group kicked you
Playing pathfinder and not the superior based boy 3.5.

I wonder if Yea Forums is two faced or rather there's a large subset of posters here who would love nothing more than to burkanize all female characters out of pure spite because they hate the other posters who like fanservice. Because where else would I find a board that unironically aha a thread full of posters thay say they want all white males to go die in a fire and cover up all women, while the thread next to it is a cheesecake/waifu thread.

>So what is it going to be? Are they going to stay in this weird semi-woke semi-familiar state where they want to have their cake and eat it too, or will there be a gradual shift towards one of the two extremes in the next five years?

Simply fact is there is no other audience but their traditional one. The main stream is content with the movies and despite the occasional critic and social commentator using them to further their own career and interests they simply don't care to read comic after comic.

To be fair, when complains about "themes they dislike", he's probably referring to illegal stuff there like pedo shit, rape shit, incest, casual sex... not juicy anime tiddies in general.

They will just censor the mangas and anime for the Chinese release
That is nothing new for manga and anime

The first three I can understand, but the last bit? It really DOES sound like a slippery slope. First the really awful stuff, then the stuff that's not really bad but they personally dislike..

I agree on the last one, yeah, but figured I should show the whole picture I know rather than bullshit it.

What do you want people to do, read comics?

That looks like fucking garbage

Probably more like ten. Marvel can't just fire its hires without bad press and there is enough idealogical backing from the staff so Marvel has no real choice but to try to push its social commentary until moral improves. It won't, so either we get major restructuring as a result of imminent failure, or far more likely a slow swing back as new hires are less ideological driven.

>Marvel can't just fire its hires without bad press
sounds like a protection racket

>Superior Foes of Spider-Man
Not good.

So isn't Brubaker's Captain America.

>Nobody's saying men can't be confident and manly.
Except liberals, the media, feminist and every comic released by dc and marvel

Nixon was leftist or Lawrence of Arabia? The first one destroyed the gold standard and the second one made the stupid promise that is the root of all the middle east problems

Oh, it’s you.
How much porn do you have downloaded. Terabytes? Yeah, fuck off.

We just have a large base of female users compared to the other boards.

On the plus side, I think cuckshit is forbidden, too.