Detective Comics 1006 Storytime

The Spectre cometh to Gotham.

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I like the art

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>Spectre went to Gotham
>Didn't immediately smite the entire city as he almost did in Gotham by Midnight
Completely unrelated, but it was my first thought upon reading OP

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A bit overdramatic, Spectre.

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he certainly knows how to make an entrance

And a preview of White Knight sequel.

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>”And if you let the Joker fall from a bridge, Batman, I will be so pissed at you.”

That's all. Hope You enjoyed this book.

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I don't know much about the Spectre, but was he always a seperate entity of the host body? I thought the host just became the Spectre, instead of Spectre flying out whenever he wants

Thanks for storytiming, Op

>teen lantern
I've seen enough hentai...

nice cover

Digging Hotz art

I hope the Spectre joins the JSA when they come back.

love it.

Are you fucking kidding me. The fucking Spectre, the right hand of GOD can't sense him? WTF is this shit?

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They must have god blockers.

That what I thought too.

Nu52 retcon, maybe? He did behave differently in the older post-flashpoint mini

Magic has logic, even divine magic. Same reason Spectre was effectively sidelined in Final Crisis.

Hotz and Baron are awesome team on the art

Why run?

The art is really good this issue.

The Spectre has no place amongst superheroes.

>no jokes about batman raping or killing the joker

when is ever a good thing for a giant spectre to call for you like that ?

Near the end of Ostrander's run, yes. Corrigan and Aztar became so different from one another that they could look at each other and talk but that only happened because of all the character development the pair got.
Now they've just made the Wrath of God a Stand.

i really love how the spectre and his swirls are drawn in this and that's a nice cape update

As Specter punishments go at least this one was quick, unless that poor guy is now sentient blood that is.

Either the Warden is corrupt of the most stupid person imaginable.

There is no internal logic, just writers writing stories they think are good enough for a comic.

Tomasi isn't the greatest writer of all time but the work is usually average or above. The spectre has been shown to be vulnerable to magic (particularly pseudo kabala/Solomon/judeo-Christian magic) so we'll get an explanation even if it's not a great one.

nice art

>Arkham Warden
Pick your poison

So it's a cult worshipping Spectre?

>but was he always a seperate entity of the host body

Yes. Tomasi of all people should know this.

He was sidelined because Vandal Savage had the Spear of Destiny, the Spectre's Kryptonite, and used it against him.

one of those guys has to be dead right?

Heh, I get it

beautiful art and finally spectre is back

Agree. Art was superb, even if it doesn't fit most mainstream cape comics. But this issue was great.


honestly. the fact that no one fucking mentions that book is bewildering. i mean it had templesmith and ferreyra doing horror art and ray fawkes being solid. one of my favorite experiments of the DCYou era

"Jeez guys..don't we have anything else to say?"
"Damn it, Gary...we should continue's a cult thing.
"You said no names, Dave!"

Didn't they tease a cover like this after Final Crisis and people thought DC was gonna bring Bruce back as the Spectre?


All I can think of is the Ghost Busters scene with the Stay Puft Marshmallow man

After Crisis on Infinite Earths, Steve Gerber was supposed to write a Spectre series. He asked Wolfman (in CoIE), Moore (for Swamp Thing), and Thomas (Last Days of the JSA) to depower The Spectre because he wanted to write smaller stories.
Then he never finished his scripts, visited the Howard the Duck movie set instead of writing, and got fired. Doug Moench was hired on to try to continue what Gerber had planned, and that resulted in a very weird Spectre series.
In it, The Spectre and Corrigan were two distinct beings, and whenever the Spectre wanted out, it would cause Corrigan intense pain.

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Both of them had to reunite every 24 hours or they would both die.
The Spectre himself was just as strong as a regular ghost. So no big punishments, just possessing doors and shit.

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He doesn't understand the meaning of the word

Madame Xanadu with the exposition here.

But like the other user says, Tomasi should be well versed in Spectre lore. He was the assistant editor on Ostrander's run after the first year or so.

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Ostrander basically retconned this entire run into a plot for Xanadu to steal The Spectre's power.

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It came out at the worst timing possible. Which is sad because it was a good book.

>Batman’s eats are longer
Oh shit! Things are going to get weird!

it isn’t too tall though, I wouldn't expect things to get too weird

It is cool to see Batman teaming up with the Spectre.
Makes me wish Alan Scott was in the DCU for a team up.

Adding to the Spectre being able to separate from his host like this actually dates all the way back to the Golden Age near the end of his time in More Fun Comics. It's a lot older than Moench's take. Here's an explanation of it from the Silver Age.

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>TL is not scared, but intrigued.


>”God demands the Joker must be raped Batman. It is his will.”

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HA HA! Perfect.


>I am God's Vengeance.

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Ears. The longer the ears get the crazier/weirder the story is.

>Bailey and Fleischer

>Ollie dies in CoIE
>becomes the new Spectre

He really doesn't. He should have a contest which Stardust to see who can be the bigger justice psycho.

The Spectre's pretty crazy, but at least he isn't Stardust.