>What is this thread? Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books. Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere. Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't). If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how. Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.
>Where can I find downloads for other comics? Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like WorldWide Torrents) and other P2P networks (like DC++). If a link has been posted on Yea Forums, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links). If all else fails, just >buy it.
>Where can I buy comics? comixology.com/ amazon.com/ On the various publishers' webstores, and at your local comics shop.
>How do I download from websites that only give me .exe files? Untick the checkbox under the download button.
>How can I find this thread every week? If you are using the inline extension go to Yea Forums.org/co/official or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding". If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line: /Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight
I thought Batman: Damned got canceled, what the fuck? It's been 40 years.
Landon Ward
haha I just love this thread! It's great to either wake up early, or stay up late to! the humor is always on point, with new memes introduced regularly, and old ones still around to add a bit of 'culture' to the place! nothing beats talking with my fellow anonymous pals and having a hoot of a time doing so, and it all happens here, in my favorite thread! cheers fellas!
Austin Ross
>I thought Batman: Damned got canceled No, no. Batman: Damned got CONCEALED.
I mean: you can't just have a batawang hanging out in the breeze in a Christian comic book, user.
Whoever pinged me on that, tell me which page is misnumbered because I couldn't find any.
Joshua Diaz
Might depend on what comic reader you're using
Elijah Young
Thanks, I wouldn't have thought to look there
Luke Roberts
They said there's a "misnumbered page, and all pages are misnumbered after that page". I went to re-check the "files", but all were fine to me. It might be a troll idk.
Dominic Edwards
>new game v5 got ripped >our boy danke is going to rip a HD version now everythingisfine.jpg
According to my reader, page 126 (or the left-hand side of the double-page spread of page 125) is either inserted between page 26 (the page that introduces the model made of the ship by a fan) and 27 (the beginning of chapter 39), or it overwrites 27 (the beginning of chapter 39). If the former, all the page numbers after are shifted 1 too high, if the latter, the first page of chapter 39 is missing.
Did Alan Moore finally finish The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest?
> Thief of Thieves 043 (2019) (Digital-Empire).cbr
Damn, I thought that Thief of Thieves ended half year ago...
Zachary Cox
>Download Blues So relatable.
Adam Watson
>Still no Atomic Robo
Why are the only two comics I bother to follow the one that are unavailable online.
Nathaniel Robinson
>>Still no Atomic Robo Learn to ctl-f you literal double nigger:
Carter Foster
It updated earlier today on RCO.
Nicholas Bell
Oliver Hall
Anyone got Power Rangers and last weeks Go Go PR as well?
Parker Rodriguez
no last issue is in august now
Luis Scott
I've re-checked, it's not a misnumber. Page 27 and 127 (the left-side page that I merged with 126) are dupes. It's a viz error, not mine. I'll ping them for a fix.
Ryan Wilson
No digital version has been shared yet. It's all scanlations or scans of physical manga.
I could be wrong, please link me the ones you found.
Nathan Morgan
man I was going to join Empire but then they told me "let's see your I'm With Her badge" and I told them I don't even respect women
Kileko stormed at me and I was escorted out for safety reasons
Eli Lopez
>all not really
Zachary Rivera
I think he just saw the title and didn't bother checking it, It's 50mb cbr of bad quality french scanlation.
This is the worst week for comics since that time a long time ago when I first found this thread, and all there was was some spammer posting old issues of Archie. Hmmm, which is kind of like a lot of other weeks, now that I think about it.
Mason Foster
>Mariko Tamaki A fucking hack who deserves to not sell at all.
Hunter Butler
>i came to the win-o halfway through cuckys reign of spam, i'm totes an oldfag Good one, user. Tell me another.
Cooper Hill
>A fucking hack who deserves to not sell at all. She renamed Honey Badger to ... Scout. And is also responsible for Ugly Shulkie.
>Wait. Did someone beat Pulido? Yeah: he was doing goggly eyed Shulkie ( she wasn't *supposed* to be ugly he just did terrible faces ); but the new Hulk comic ( which Jen as "hulk" because this was during the Diversity Hire phase that tanked sales and got Alosno shitcanned ) was supposed to be about her suffering from PTSD after almost getting killed in the start of Civil War II so she was afraid she go FULL HULK SMASH if she lost it.
Which wasn't actually a bad idea for an arc but it was terribly written ( she didn't hulk out til the end of the arc so every issue of "Hulk" had an angry smashy Hulk on the cover and nothing on the inside ) and then the new "ugly" design stuck which is why you get shit like the current Avengers "Dumb and Ugly" Shulkie:
Didn't her run end on Jen being back to normal Shulkie, but Aaron is such a blithering hack he insisted on making her a savage Hulk again cause he needed a Hulk and they wouldn't let him use Banner?
Josiah Rogers
Yeah, so now we get to have an issue about how she's not really happy being Fun Hulk.
>Not using JD2 >Current year This place really goes to hell when the sweet summer children get here.
Angel Roberts
not that user but it's possible to get your AV to ping when using JD2 too,i was getting it to scan a bunch of links and i was getting alerts of blocked miners from these websites
Andrew Ramirez
Sabans Go Go Power Rangers - Forever Rangers 001 (2019) (digital) (Glorith-HD).cbz userscloud.com/o0vlmr03dkf4
Anyone have eyes on Martian Manhunter 06 (DC), Summit 015 (Lion Forge), or At The End Of Your Tether 01 (Lion Forge)?
David Kelly
danke promiseth danke baileth
Michael Rivera
he probably finished it like 5 years ago but Kevin O'Neill takes his sweet time with the artwork
David Jones
waiting... 2019-06-26 Goon #3 Riverdale Season 3 #4 Soulfire Volume 8 #1 Nobody Is In Control #2 (Of 4) Steven Universe #29 Aberrant Season 2 #4 (Of 5) Martian Manhunter #6 (Of 12) Wonder Woman #73 My Little Pony Spirit Of The Forest #2 (Of 3) Head Lopper #12 At The End Of Your Tether #1 (Of 3) Catalyst Prime Summit #15 Rolled And Told #10
Josiah Cox
missing... 2019-06-05 Rocko's Modern Afterlife #3 (Of 4) Catalyst Prime Noble #19 Tank Girl Full Colour Classics #3
2019-06-12 Aberrant Season 2 #3 (Of 5) Banjax #1 League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 4 The Tempest #6 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #78 Catalyst Prime Accell #21
2019-06-19 William The Last Fight And Flight #4 Lab Raider #1 (Of 4) Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #2
Ayden Anderson
Goon, Nobody Is In Control, At The End Of Your Tether, Catalyst Prime Summit & Rolled And Told are not out this week. Stop using comiclist.
Wyatt Bennett
Mega still works though.
Carson Sullivan
Daniel Phillips
Juan Morris
clearly a guy who torrents stuffs.
Noah Hall
someone post the newest PREVIEWS before I rape you.
Ian Turner
>Mega still works though. And zippy for us that aren't eurotrash.
Evan Adams
It's not summer of 92.
Zachary Wilson
Any chance of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #35 & Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers v08 getting ripped? They are on sale.
Carter Allen
No, Glorith said she skipped #35 because it sucks and v8 is too expensive, just be glad Kileko did v7 for only $6.99
Blake Gray
>she's not really happy being Fun Hulk It's SO MUCH WORSE that this sounds, though.
Aaron's *literally* got her wearing a 'No Fun' t-shirt while she's talking about how much it sucked being hot and how much better it is being a literal rage-monster: Image related is the actual last lines on the last page of the issue.
So he straight up ignored the end of Tamaki's run where she embraced being normal Shulkie again? So again, Aaron is a hack.
Carson Baker
>So again, Aaron is a hack.
No, God, it is worse than that.
Donny Cates is a hack. Brian Bendis is an insanely overrated hack. Gabby Rivera is a hilarious hack.
But Aaron is actually trying to destroy things.
Kayden Turner
>Aaron is actually trying to destroy things This isn't the first time. Soule's run was mostly done by Pulido and quite a few people hated the way he did her eyes ( all Cookie Monster googly ) ... so the second issue they had this bit.
This doesn't make sense, the second issue would've been made at least a month in advance before the first issue even came out.
Do guys even know how comics are made?
Nicholas Sullivan
>the second issue would've been made at least a month in advance Yes, user, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!
People were defending it at the time saying it was 'just his art style' ( even though other characters didn't have eyes that goofy is was just Jen ); and then the next issue came out and it was clear that it was being done INTENTIONALLY.
But that IS his style. It's shit, but it's his style. He draws everyone as if they had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Same as Lopez.
Jaxson Price
Why does she have semen in her eyes?
Wyatt Evans
>But that IS his style. It's shit, but it's his style. He draws everyone as if they had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Right, but the point is that when you take ugly ass art like that and pair it with that dialog it makes it clear that it's been done intentionally.
Or, if you're feeling charitable, it's the author letting you know he's aware of the issue and hanging a lampshade on it. There's a page of Landart from an Iron Man run where Pepper says something to Tony about how he sees all women as exactly the same and he smirks and says, "don't be silly ... you're a REDHEAD!" ... because Greg Land just recycles the traces of porn/toothpaste adverts over and over and the blonde bimbo that Tony was just with is, literally, the exact same face as Pepper's just with a color swap on the hair that I'm pretty sure is a case of the latter.
And it might look like an overreaction taken in isolation but remember that this isn't just one case of one run with one artist: we've had things like Hellcat and Squirrel Girl that were, if anything, even more Fetal Alcohol Syndrome at work; and then there's the new costumes for Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman ( and, at the time, Wonder Woman and Batgirl although those have since been reverted ).
The [paku] bundle seems like part scanlation part commercial... it's a semi-ugly scan too. The CMX is worth a webrip maybe to get a clean version. I'll do it. [Cuvio]
Nolan Sanchez
Thank you for volunteering.
Levi Edwards
Welcome to JManga, the pioneer of digital US distribution of manga and one of the places former Tokyopop licenses went to.
School Rumble was another Tokyopop license rescue, so it should be the same as the physical books, just with all TP credits and typography removed.
Jaxon Walker
Seconding the request for Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me.
Tyler Hall
Why doesn't head lopper get ripped anymore? The book's pretty good.
>The [paku] bundle seems like part scanlation part commercial... it's a semi-ugly scan too. The CMX is worth a webrip maybe to get a clean version. I'll do it. [Cuvio]
Any chance to upload the recently ripped Transformers comics from the sale? Thanks in advance!
Robert Gray
>dualpage What's the point of this? Your wasting your effort since double-page view option is available in all readers. And lots of users prefer single page.
Carter Bell
Dual page cause it's screenshotted from web reader or ipad reader. Cutting those screenshots in two is too much work.
Zachary Moore
>>dualpage >What's the point of this? Your wasting your effort since double-page view option is available in all readers. And lots of users prefer single page.
CMX forces dualpage only on their presentation for this manga and some others. So the webrip is exactly as presented by CMX. They say it's because the manga publishers prefer not having a "guided view" option. That seems doubtful. Maybe they just don't want to make the extra effort to modify the content. I suppose I could chop it up myself, but it's a bit of work since some of the pages don't chop in a consistent manner and so would have to be done manually. Try the dual-page out -- it's actually preferable if you read in landscape aspect because it shows what the original book did, with each page facing its correct opposite page (I assume.). But if you read in portrait aspect, then it's true, chopping up would possibly be preferable. Does that make sense? If I have time I'll see if I can make a version for portrait mode, but if it looks like more than 15 minutes extra work I'm gonna pass. [cuvio]
Kayden Price
What is "guided view" and why would a comic page need to be modified for it? And you know, their claim seems legit: as a publisher, I wouldn't want my shit to be modified.
Also, we prefer single page with 2-page spreads for one reason: it's the most universal reading mode. On a computer screen you can just open the file and read away, on a mobile reader you can simply turn your device counterclockwise if you run into a 2-page spread without pausing and without tapping on the screen.
Kevin Wilson
guided view zooms in specifically on panels and shoots to the next one similar to how fake comics are usually shown in cartoons and shit
Joseph Rodriguez
Some online comic readers have a "guided view" that only displays one panel at a time, 'guiding' you through the page.
Nathaniel Nguyen
>webrip >2875x2158 dualpage Your naming is a mess. Why not follow other ripper's format? Something like >School Rumble v01 (2004) (Digital) (CMX) (Cuvio).cbr
Evan Foster
Replace (Digital) with (webrip) and you're golden.
Bentley Parker
This is cancer and every brainlet who can't into reading and actually likes this needs to be offed.
Nolan Nelson
What's the difference?
Lincoln Robinson
So that you know these aren't the actual source JPEGs. A "rip" implies transcoding in scene language.
Jonathan Foster
Quick Question: Did Dynamite Comics ever release the "Atari Classics: Atari Force" collection of mini-comics that they advertised a few years back?
Logan Cruz
>trans How progressive.
Nolan Perry
>>School Rumble v001 (2004) (CMX-webrip) (2875x2158 dualpage) (Cuvio).cbr x2158 dualpage >Your naming is a mess. Why not follow other ripper's format? Something like >>School Rumble v01 (2004) (Digital) (CMX) (Cuvio).cbr
Point taken on the 3-digit volume number and the missing search term "digital". Native resolution and page mode though I feel are important. [cuvio]
Adam Williams
github.com/Daiz/manga-naming-scheme Read this. And stop highlighting the entire post before you click on the postnumber. It's unnecessary and makes you look like a retard.
Ethan Myers
I'd stick to scene naming conventions. Daiz's scheme is probably necessary to put the scanlation clusterfuck in order, but it seems pants-on-head retarded compared to what the scene does.
Elijah Sanders
>If I have time I'll see if I can make a version for portrait mode, but if it looks like more than 15 minutes extra work I'm gonna pass. Don't even bother. If anyone dislike that, he should modify the files himself. And thanks for the rip.
Noah Ward
Stop being a rude little cunt. It's unnecessary and makes you look like a retard.
Cuvio, thanks for your rips. I read I Married My Best Friend... and really appreciated your work.
Levi Sullivan
Can any seasoned ripper give me advice on how to rip manga from either Amazon Kindle or comiXology? I have bought all 26 volumes of Prison School, which has been occasionally requested, and am more than happy to upload them all if only I knew how to rip them.
Isaac Diaz
>Amazon Kindle Google "DeDRM".
Liam Garcia
This isn't a hugbox. If you can't handle people being completely honest, then you shouldn't be here in the first place.
As I read it, that could require changing School Rumble v001 (2004) (CMX-webrip) (2875x2158 dualpage) (Cuvio).cbr to School Rumble c001-016x2 (v01)[CMX webrip 2875x2158 dualpage] [Cuvio].zip so, this "standard" is far from one actually followed consistently. No "digital" search term or year, and even the awkward extension. And the standard says nothing about comicinfo.xml either.
No one criticised these recent names in this forum: Stupid Love Comedy v01 (2018) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz Urusei Yatsura v01 (2019) (Digital) (Mr. Kimiko).cbz Kimi ni Todoke v01 (2009) (Digital) (LuCaZ).cbz Hinowa ga CRUSH! v01 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz Aho-Girl v10 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz
So WTF. I'm going to assume this is "throw shit at the newbie and see what happens." Download it, change the filename, and repost it yourself. [cuvio]
Ayden Morris
Daiz naming scheme is what's used for fan-translated manga. I don't see official releases using it. So just follow the other rippers as suggested: School Rumble v01 (2004) (Digital) (CMX) (Cuvio).cbr
Owen Harris
Or just: School Rumble v01 (2004) (Digital) (Cuvio).cbr Don't need to make the name so complicated.
Ian Sanchez
i think the first part is the actual filenames of the jpgs not the filename of the cbz storing them
James Thompson
Separating into chapters like that is for fan translations.
Joseph Jones
danke image filenames contain the chapters and page number i'm pretty sure
Brayden Williams
No, this whole writeup is about archive names, so yes, it absolutely is about the "cbz storing them".
Scanlations are usually released chapter-wise, pretty much like capeshit gets released in floppies, so you need a consistent naming standard for them.
Samuel Parker
That's nice for the filenames.
What we're talking about is the archive files. Read context.
Easton Thomas
If you insist on adding resolution to filenames (no one does this), people are just gonna rename your release before uploading to other sites instead of keeping your original release intact.
Jeremiah Thompson
>ComicInfo.xml What the hell is this? Why even add it?
Ryder Harris
All this fuss is why we never get new scanners.
Gavin Rogers
That github link was actually meant to give you some insight, since you're obviously new to this. If you open one of dankes releases you'll see he follows that naming convention for individual filenames, but since it's all rips of official translations the [group] is replaced with his own tag. Having exact resolution in [extra information] is fairly pointless, since SD, HD, uHD is sufficient, but Dualpage ought to be there, since singlepage is the norm.
Josiah Davis
This allows CDisplay Ex to show additional info about the comic.
Sebastian Ramirez
>we never get new scanners >scanners Nah, it's cause scanning actual paper books is pointless nowadays.
Jaxon Parker
XML support for ComicRack and other readers. I always include it. Are there rippers who don't?
Elijah Wright
>using CDisplay >in 2019
Ethan Long
No one's gonna search "WebRip" instead of "Digital". I say use "Digital"
Just download a danke or Lucaz file and follow what they do. No need to add unnecessary stuff.
Isaac King
>No one's gonna search "WebRip" instead of "Digital" Tell that to DCP.
Elijah Miller
There are people that read DCP releases?
inb4 >Yea Forums >reading comics
Ethan Allen
The manga rippers don't. Isn't the additional info just a link where to buy? Anyone can google that in 3 seconds.
Andrew Lee
This is assuming pirates buy shit.
Cameron Price
If you want to nitpick my word choice, then I'll change it to "Most" instead of "No one"
Luke Harris
glance over /ic/'s artbook thread and try telling me that again.
Tyler Long
Did just that. Scanning actual paper COMIC BOOKS is still pointless.
Camden Flores
Either those aren't available in digital, or noone who can into technology can be assed to rip them. Artbook rips doesn't exactly come with a ton of e-penis boosting either. If /ic/ wanted to foot the bill, they could probably order rips (assuming digitals are available) from that guy on discord that does rips to order. Some user mentioned him a while ago.
Samuel Foster
Could a fellow user help a nigga out? I pieced together almost all of the missing ones I didn't have but these ones...
No Zippy, no Mega, not even UC. Nothing on Desu, fireden or libgen.
Peter Parker - Spider-Man 011 (1999) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz (Userscloud listed but file won't download) Peter Parker Spider-Man 011 (1999) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz
Peter Parker - Spider-Man 025 (2001) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz Peter Parker - Spider-Man 044 (2002) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz Peter Parker - Spider-Man 045 (2002) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz
Since I'm begging, whatever host you choose is fine with me.
All 4 are still available on Usenet as a last resort if that's any help. I suppose no one uses Usenet anymore.
Carter Perez
It isn't showing shit on my end. Never mind, thanks for the shoop and I'll look elsewhere.
Nathan Davis
That's okay. I'll just keep digging around. I appreciate the help.
Jack Morgan
>i'm too inept to click on the comics button before i search Just admit you're a lazy faggot that wants to get spoonfed.
Christopher Hernandez
Literally all of them are on libgen, make sure to search for it without the .cbz
Elijah Ortiz
Die in a fire. I sat there and hunted down and ended up downloading over 20 comics on UC so you can take that spoon and shove it up your twat.
Hey, thanks. That actually works and I appreciate the help instead of the shit the sperg is giving me. I appreciate it.
Christopher Allen
Stay mad faggot. If you're too retarded to use a simple search like libgen, then you deserve to be stuck with shitcloud.
Since I'm feeling benevolent, I'll give you a tip. Start your search with only the most basic of keywords, and then narrow it down by adding more keywords. That filename has all the info you need and, as pic related shows, you only needed half of the filename to find the link.
No it's not. Think of the countless manga and comic books that will never see reprints because their English licenses expired years ago. For example, I'd love to read the original Lupin the Third manga, but look how much the TokyoPop version of v01 (from 2002) costs on amazon: >amazon.com/dp/1591822521 Now look at how much the Japanese Kindle version costs: >amazon.co.jp/dp/B01B7CZDWY/ Or how about a European example? I'd kill for high quality RanXerox scans especially since the Dark Horse reprint fell on its ass back in 2016: >darkhorse.com/Blog/2270/dark-horse-publish-1980s-cult-classic-ranx Artbooks are rarely available digitally because they're artbooks; they're collectors items, coffee table books, the kind you're only meant to sift through for inspiration or what have you.
Samuel Taylor
Artbooks are also usually printed in non-standard formats which makes them more difficult to scan with store-bought scanners; that, coupled with the exorbitant price tags that usually come with, makes actually scanning them a better e-peen booster than any comic ever but w/e.
Charles Myers
>RanXerox >'murrican publisher Why even bother? It's going to be censored to hell and back. The Heavy Metal version has copious amounts of censorship and I don't see why that would be any different under Dark Horse.
Noah Wood
>It's going to be censored to hell and back. True but my point was that we're never gonna get it anyway so scanning is the only viable option there.
Nicholas Wright
Sad thing is, I had... New York I think (the one with the cokesnorting psychic artist that forces Ranx to do Fred Astaire impressions on Broadway) as a teen, and there was zero censorship in my countrys version. Then I read the Heave Metal scans years later and realized just how few fucks they gave about the translation and how heavily censored it is.
Samuel Nguyen
does the japanese version exist digitally yet? could do a edit on the digital versions of those and replace the text with english
>ranx >in nipponese I don't think so, Tim. And they'll either use the censored Heavy Metal version or pixealte it whenever Ranxs schlong is in panel, which happens frequently.
Chase Powell
I really enjoyed that one myself. Thanks.
Andrew Jenkins
>I'd love to read the original Lupin the Third manga Go haunt used book stores, antique shops and libraries then.
>Now look at how much the Japanese Kindle version costs That's like $6. If you can read Japanese, you have the perfect reason NOT to hunt down paperbacks and scan them.
>actually scanning them a better e-peen booster than any comic Yeah no, actually scanning them makes you a laughingstock among the general populace. Turbonerds will line up to suck your dick, sure, but your average Joe will simply pass and ignore you.
Andrew Roberts
Daiz's schema has been "deprecated" for a while; the most used schema (not that many use one) is Madokami's: files.catbox.moe/q70p27.pdf
Daiz/Madokami schemata apply to any manga, not just scanlations. If used for CB[R|Z] releases, only the internal filenames are organized and the archive name itself follows scene conventions.
Joseph Bennett
>only the internal filenames are organized and the archive name itself follows scene conventions Which is even more retarded than the scheme itself, because why should anybody give a flying fuck about the actual image files when all you see and therefore all you need to sort are ZIPs/CBZs?
The only important thing is having the material ripped in a decent quality. Listening to nomenclaturefags or dualpagescucks is a waste of time. Any new rippers or scanner in the scene should learn that fast.
Jose Smith
Only if it's an actual 2-page spread (some mangas have 2 page spreads but with a few panels at one side or another, even top or bottom, but they're still 2-pagers). Otherwise, yeah, nobody wants that.
Tyler Cooper
If none of the things mentioned here yield results go to intervencions discord, I'll help you from there, his discord is in his WSJ releases on nyaa just type weekly in the search and filter by english translated literature
Connor Mitchell
Where's Middlewest?
Joshua Ortiz
Like location-wise?
Isaiah Diaz
Between the Dakotas and West Virginia.
Charles Brown
>I'm a female. Kek explains why your release is a mess.
Nicholas Cruz
thank you
Christopher Parker
did the coffeshop kidnap danke?
Cameron Brown
Noah Phillips
I honestly expected LOTS more misogyny than that. This IS Yea Forums, isn't it? (looking around...)
That sucks. Their wasn't much information on the Dark Horse reprint but it was supposed to release November 2016; all we got back then was this: >twitter.com/DarkHorseComics/status/797214848194990081 I didn't know there was a Japanese version of Ranx so probably not. >That's like $6. Exactly; it's crazy cheap! Damn, if only I could read. >Go haunt used book stores, antique shops and libraries then. Already do; I don't have the pleasure of having good ones within driving distance however. >If you can read Japanese I can't, hence the emphasis on expired licensed English releases. >Yeah no, actually scanning them makes you a laughingstock I don't know about that, user; /ic/ often takes whatever they can get. It's even more rare for artbooks to get reprints than comic books though; if an art gallery or museum just one day up and digitized their reference library then I think the average Joe would certainly pay attention.
Brody Watson
i got mixed up and thought they were talking about a tokyopop license thinking it was a manga series i hadn't heard of
Wyatt Lee
Oh okay it's cool; there are apparently photos of a Japanese cover though. I also just found a Ranx artbook that was published digitally last year too:
DCP is whose DC rips get duped every Wednesday(almost Thursday) by the hacks known as Empire.
Adam Bell
it's on libgen
Jackson Bennett
Are all the DC Super Hero Girls based on the cartoons or are they new comic stories?
Aaron Campbell
>DCP is whose DC rips get duped every Wednesday(almost Thursday) by the hacks known as Empire. All 5 of them?
Isaiah Brooks
>Are there rippers who don't A few do not - but many do. It's a hidden file and unless some autist needs to crack the cbr/cbz files for some unknown reason, it should appear as hidden to him unless his comic reader uses it. If he doesn't want to use it, he can simple skip over it, the way most normal humans do with house ads and other crap they want to ignore that gets in the way of their reading pleasure.
There are people outside /co that read pirated comics who give three fucks about "webrip" "digital" or any other variation and even less fucks about ripper scene console tickle and slap fights.
Nathaniel Baker
New stories although similar to the cartoons (same as with the Scooby Team Up books, for example) and the old Teen Titan's Go digital first books.
Luke Hill
>A few do not - but many do. It's a hidden file and unless some autist needs to crack the cbr/cbz files for some unknown reason Usually if I do, it's because the thumbnail won't show up on it, so I crack it, toss it and re-rar
Chase Turner
Thank you
Easton Sanchez
>Runaways on cover of GGPP I'm so confuzzeled ...
Mason Price
I don't understand why Glorith didn't rip the issue with this wrap around. Mora does nice covers in general but this is a really good one even if you're not a MMPR fan.
So nofile.io is, sadly, probably going to end up being permanently dead.
Their domain registrar has the site on a "server hold" - effectively taking the site down even though it technically still exists - you just can't actually reach it's URL. And this isn't due to a take down notice or similar, but still stems from the rap single/RIAA issue from May, which ended being complicated because whomever actually owns Nofile.io apparently isn't on their WHOIS and/or isn't respond to their domain registrar, and unless they do, the site will remain in this 'hold."
~ I tested out a site that is very similar and fast, but sadly they not only remove the special characters and the null spaces and smash all the remaining alpha numeric characters of the comic together, so anything mirrored to these would never get recapped, but it is a fast file host and for the guys asking for sites that don't require registering, this is an option (though you can register an account):
If you manage to get it downloaded, could you upload it elsewhere? I'm trying, but the free version of FFactory is probably the slowest filehost I've seen in years..it makes rapidgator look like MEGA.
Neil Gaiman's inimitable sleuths from Sandman star in their own Manga Digest. The Dead Boy Detectives, guest-starring Death of the Endless, is brought to life by award-winning artist Jill Thompson (Sandman, Scary Godmother). Based on the overwhelming success of her first Manga Digest, Death - At Death’s Door, Thompson has crafted an amazing original mystery that will appeal to both Sandman fans and shojou Manga enthusiasts.
Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine, the dead British teenagers who are always on the run from Death, travel stateside to solve a missing persons case. Our intrepid heroes have been contacted by young Annika Abernathy, a student at a posh International Academy in Chicago. It seems that Annika's best friend has vanished. For Rowland and Paine to investigate the case properly, they decide to enroll as students at the school. And since it's an all-girls academy, the duo is forced to go undercover - in drag. Secret passages, food fights, and far too many fashionistas abound as the Dead Boy Detectives solve the case and learn a lot about life from the precocious daughters of international ambassadors and famous rock stars (Vertigo: 142 pages).
As a hero with the power to go anywhere and anywhen, Paradox Girl has made an absolute mess of her own life. She’s changed history so often that she isn’t even sure who she is anymore. Join her in this superhero comedy as she tries to make sense of her chaotic existence, chases bizarre whims, and maybe even finds time to save the day once in a while.
Her own worst enemy ... other than herself? Living in an eternal, consequence-free 'now' has left her with no foresight and terrible impulse control. She bickers endlessly with her past and future selves, creates problems she'll have to deal with later, and has been fighting herself over the same box of banana flavoured Waffos since 1986. ...Paradox Girl, hero of Cityopolis! At least, when she manages to stop fighting herself long enough to do anything useful. But she's definitely a legit superhero, she's on kids' lunchboxes and everything, and she hangs out with Axiom Man. (They're not sure who is who's sidekick.) Collects Paradox Girl nos. 01-06 (Top Cow/Image: 198 pages).
“How Do You Smoke a Weed? is less a graphic novel and more a primer, with a fairy-tale-like format that won’t scare off the noobs. A slim book, it wears its 60s underground comic influence on its paisley sleeves. … The book follows the unashamedly cutesy journey of Sprout, a young, ambulatory, anthropomorphic sequoia. Sprout enters the Weed Zone, where she encounters a copse of full-grown fellow redwoods toking up. She wishes to join in, but when they pass her the joint she can’t reach it because of a surfeit of metaphor.”
“The underground comics homage is accompanied by a neo-hippie vibe. … The underground comic and neo-hippie tone are appropriate. The book is about removing the mysteries and stigma of smoking pot.”
Sprout, a wee babe of a Weeping Giant Sequoia, is psyched to smoke marijuana for the first time. But she stumbles on her first obstacle right away: she has no idea what she's doing! A trio of helpful (and more mature) sequoias give her a dried cannabis flower and send her on a delightful journey of discovery. The forest is alive with wizened old animals who know the laws and customs, the history and science, and all the ins and outs of America's increasingly legal pastime. This both a fun storybook quest and a practical how-to for the novice weed smoker! With marijuana decriminalized or legalized in 26 states and Washington, DC, dispensaries popping up everywhere, and experienced users openly rejoicing, it can be hard for the marijuana newbie, cowed by years of Just-Say-No disinformation, to find your way. Written by experienced, conscientious users and presented in an easy-to-read comic book format fills that gap. Perfect for the cannabis-curious, and with new insights for the veteran smoker (Iron Circus Comics: 83 pages).
^ one of the few truly "new" things amongst that batch of Glorith re-rips from a few days back of her earlier Novus stuff. The previous rips of this were two Novus hybrids.
n.b. FatNerd ripped these as huge, PNG files and that's what is backed up to the hubs. So if you want those, here you go, for all the folks who have been asking for these 2011 releases. The resizes are formatted for the standard scene release dimensions and have been otherwise converted to jpegs.
^ for those of you begging for some really ugly art in your life, these were also from the Glorith re-rips of prior Novus rips. Again, the main distinction is that a few issues were only released as hybrids and since it was a complete series, I went ahead and mirrored it. I doubt I will bother with any of the other recent Glorith "re-releases" of prior Novus rips unless the prior was also a hybrid only release by no one other than Glorith.
DC Super Hero Girls - Weird Science 014 (2019) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
Maybe I'm just projecting because I personally dislike this goofy art-style (in comics AND animated series), but I'll be damned if these covers aren't all becoming carbon-copies of themselves, like pic-related. Who is this stuff supposed to be marketed towards, btw?
You can always upload a torrent, instead of zippy or mega. You don't have to do shit besides create the file and post on nyaa.
Eli Miller
>Who is this stuff supposed to be marketed towards, btw? Little kids. Like: literally 8 year old little girls via Scholastic Bookfair.
ProTip: sales are flat in digital and floppies, the only growth is in graphic novels ( see image related ); and most of those are not Big Two comics they're things like Dog Man.
>ProTip: sales are flat in digital and floppies, the only growth is in graphic novels i wonder how many are like me here and will pirate the floppies but buy the trades when they eventually come out if they're good
Adam Scott
Do you have a link to Tokyo Ghoul re v10?
Nicholas Perry
>i wonder how many are like me here and will pirate the floppies but buy the trades when they eventually come out if they're good I do that myself.
But this is what the Top 10 Graphic Novels look like via Bookscan ( ie Amazon, Barns & Nobel, other not-a-comicbook-store-supplied by Diamond ) looks like: DOG MAN AND CAT KID PILKEY, DAV 716,647 DOG MAN: LORD OF THE FLEAS PILKEY, DAV 692,576 DOG MAN PILKEY, DAV 317,157 DOG MAN UNLEASHED PILKEY, DAV 317,093 DOG MAN: A TALE OF TWO KITTIES PILKEY, DAV 314,950 DOG MAN: BRAWL OF THE WILD PILKEY, DAV 199,755 DRAMA TELGEMEIER, RAINA 174,550 SMILE TELGEMEIER, RAINA 149,751 SISTERS TELGEMEIER, RAINA 132,812 THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB: DAWN AND THE IMPOSSIBLE THREE MARTIN, ANN M. 112,054
And image related is how that breaks down by publisher.
This is why you see things like Marvel Adventures ( via IDW ) and Superhero Girls.
>This is why you see things like Marvel Adventures ( via IDW ) and Superhero Girls. It's also why you see things like Squirrel Girl and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur that have abysmal numbers in Diamond sales but keep right on chugging along anyway: they're not aimed at the Wednesday Warriors, they're aimed at the grade school kids or the parents of same and mostly sell via book channels.
DC's also got a thing where they hired Young Adult authors to write prose novels aimed at young teens which are now being adapted into graphic novels ( the Catwoman and Super Sons versions were being advertised in the floppies recently ).
Ideally this would result in someone getting hooked on their IP at a young age ( the way many of us were introduced to capeshit via Super Friends or reruns of Adam West as Batman ); but I suspect that it'll result in more CW style hybrids where they bring in a teenage soap crowd by repackaging a teenage soap with a very light coat of capeshit paint. Which, over time, is how you got from Dracula to Edward as vampires somehow mutated into Perfect Boyfriends.
i`m looking for: Cerebus in Hell? #4 can someone post a working link? tnx
Landon Mitchell
Thanks Senpai, still doing that VIZ vault dump?
Aaron Edwards
That rip of Starman Annual 01 looks more like a 3rd-party/fanmade 'HD conversion' ('Conversion by Firestorm' watermark on the first page) the real deal.
Does anyone know if Glorith/Novus are ever going to finish ripping the 2002-2006 period of the main Superman titles? I know that Azzarello, Verheiden and Simone's stuff have been ripped, but we seem to be missing chunks of that period including some of the Greg Rucka run, the Steven Seagle run and the Joe Kelly's Godfall and This Is Your Life. Or are these titles not available?
Adrian Rogers
Request upload any of these files, thank you
Amazing Fantasy 15 - Spider-Man! (2012) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons)
Amazing Fantasy 15 - Spider-Man! (2012) (Digital) (Cypher-Empire)
Eli Phillips
Everything is ripped that is available for that period.
Sebastian Johnson
Carter Smith
its been dying for a couple of hours now, but managed to download nonetheless, thanks anyway.
Robert Edwards
Either stop having shitty internet, or start using JD2 so you can resume downloads.
Mason Kelly
libgen has shitty servers sometimes and you can't use a proxy with jdownloader
I'm guessing you could, if you added a second proxy pointing towards booksdl. Libgen didn't block my country until recently so I never had to figure out how proxies work there. I consider libgen a last resort, since I don't want to rape their bandwidth more than absolutely necessary, so I just use proxysite and do browser dl when I actually need to go there.
Gavin Moore
It is not everybody who knows what a lolis is.
John Nelson
Friendly reminder to exercise the utmost caution if you encounter a loli in the wild. If she's trying to get you to follow her somewhere, it may very well be a trap.
Tighe, the confused boy, struggles to find himself. Tracey, the girl with too much ambition, struggles to make it big. Alison, the girl with no ambition, struggles to ignore her meddling friends. And Mike struggles to find someone to love.
Sharing a hip Saint Louis apartment, these friends face only the problems we all deal with... finding jobs, boyfriends, bars, and bands. Their struggles end only as they begin to grow up.
Originally presented as "Meet Me in Saint Louie" on the Modern Tales Longplay site in June 2003, this edition adds more than 20 pages of new story and art, and many extras (Northwest Press: 116 pages).
>'Conversion by Firestorm' watermark It's WILDSTORM, not 'Firestorm' - and calling it a watermark is, at best, way imprecise, and otherwise inaccurate. At one point, shortly after the DC purchase of WS, all the DC books had those.
The cover itself is shitty but if you look on CMX, or elsewhere, that's exactly what DC is providing, similar to those awful Golden Age Wonderwoman books from last year, or some of those awful quality yet accurate based on the raw files rips of classic DC books that Shadowcat and Glorith both did last year, that barely look like 'digitized' versions of the scans available on Libgen and the hubs.
FatNerds real problem is not doing quality control, as with his Archie GNs from earlier this year, or doing fixes for those rips even after he's aware of the problem and the fix is simple and easy, and of more significance, is doing non-standard rips being as he's providing PNG files.
The Catwoman one that SC rips comes to mind, you could see those purple tabs from scanners on the supposed 'digital' rips - but I'm not slagging on the rippers for these, if you buy them directly from CMX, that's what you get.
Likewise, the Wonder Woman Golden Age books that were ripped by SC and Glorith both also look as bad as the poor quality scans (due to the lack of good originals in DC library/archive and elsewhere) -- again, not blaming the scanners, but even then DC made no effort or attempt to reconstruct or repair similar problematic scans, which is not hard to do as anons like Catscan and several others anons proved last year.
Noah Jackson
Oliver Howard
try bookgn if someone won't feed u - or getcomics
Logan Kelly
These haven't been ripped yet. Well, Sunstone: Mercy was, but it was missing the last couple of dozen pages and hasn't had a fix.
Daniel Perez
Does anyone know if there is a comic book adaptation of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, made with frames from the movie?
Gavin Brown
>but even then DC made no effort or attempt to reconstruct or repair similar problematic scans, which is not hard to do as anons like Catscan and several others anons proved last year. I legitimately think they just have interns doing the scanning and digitising these days
Tyler Bell
Ah sorry - you meant "request ripping" - assumed you wanted fresh mirrors for something, sorry.
Zachary White
There's some sort of adaptation but nothing like what you're specifying unless it's fan made - check tumblr and the other likely sources for fan manips
Ayden Perez
Didn't the guy whose job it was to do the scanning and repairing of old comics for digital format die a year or two ago?
they relied on ONE GUY out of THOUSANDS to do this job, and now he passed away, its over? I doubt it
Leo Ross
The woman who was the archivist/librarian in NYC, who Grant credits when he talks about All Star and other stuff he's written (Gaiman also credits her somewhere) passed away, which is a shame since she did things like chase down missing floppies, etc.
There was a guy who invented a bleaching method for striping color from old comics who died recently, but he didn't work for DC specifically. > out of THOUSANDS DC has less than 300 people directly working at their company
Brayden Wood
Were they released today?
Evan Sullivan
prease understando, finding scans other people have done of our comics very hard