Listen... I am tried of posting those religious responses

Can you just ban me now? Or do I need to ask a character related question?
If so.. How come the super heroes are so praised yet when it gets down to it.. are still epic garbage that cant solve basic world peace, much less create a world where true justice is served?
And yes you praise them.
You glorify their essence as they offer you a escape from the reality which you see and breathe into each waking morrow.

Why do you allow them to rule you?
You praise your "Superman" yet he offers you endless false hope of a off world born savior. Your fantasy's are truly his alien illusion to mock this reality.. even from that book.

And your Batman..
How he has altered this realities treatment of the poor, sick and distressed. Your imagination uplifts him as the answer to the sarrows of mankind. Not just the great white hope, but hype and falter of this worlds truly ill.
Again, his perception towards mental illness. And his enduring abusive game of bat and mouse.. Fails more than just the multi-dimension of read book.

Your stories are allegories. And the gore they have proven to offer to this world?
Their proved cause and effect?
Yet you praise them as your redemption ~

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, sure thing Jodorowsky.

OK Lex, that's enough internet for today.

Take a chill pill Garth Ennis

Why should superhero stories be judged based on how much good they've done in the world when their purpose is to entertain me?



Are you in fear of wakening to what you cower toward the closet of your deepest unconscious thoughts?
Can you not see the fault? The cracks in the flesh of these character gone archetypes have drawn you as well; When its obvious to see.

And Luthor the ego manic is your reference and simile. His own fanatical fixation up being praised himself in exchange of the mentioned, still offers no true solution to his own worlds problems. Much less as this worlds own reflecting examples. The Super Rich. What have they brought when they could have already done much more.
Luthor is just their mirror. And sadly their superior. He has their mercy. He is the mouse.

Because your obviously to scared to confront the reality that you were born into.
Why shouldn't they offer answers and or inspiration without pitfalls and character flaws?
Who are you and the like of you that need to be entertained before you can even protect your own countries borders; Much less what has been put before the eyes of your ancestors.

My simple answer is this

''All fiction is non-fiction, for it is based in reality.''

>His own fanatical fixation up being praised himself in exchange of the mentioned, still offers no true solution to his own worlds problems.

So you're more of a Dr. Doom fan. I can dig it.

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Then of than you have your Woman of wonder. Oh so bestowed and betrothed by the glories of mythology! Beloved by the ever empowered women of oppression. Yet her own outstanding appearance is casted into light with lime. Her stature; mocked or rocked as the glamorous make up or a weaken physique. Now masqueraded and enforced by your Transgender claims for "equal right",

I gave you my own mercy by overlooking constant infatuation with orphans and fosters. Yet these border and their news casted tales still tell so little but hide the true neglect of your own orphaned children in this country..

How many book do you have? How many have you bought to help you "run" to your safe space provided by the speed force?

A fan?

When he isnt lost to his own fanatical fixations of revenge;. A victor has always been willing to be a righteous leader... when written as one.

I dont believe I can say I am a "fan" of Dr.Doom. I have come to the belief that a fan is much like The Fool in the Tarot.

I did say 'reality'.

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If you think a dude or chick in tight spandex is anything but a sex freak with ego issues, you’re fooling only yourself.

"These are the proverbs of Solomon, David’s son, king of Israel."

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Here’s the thing... I don’t give a flying FUCK about Jamalaysius Njadakus in Shithole Shitafrica. I don’t care about “World Peace” or solving “World Hunger”. Go suck a dick you gaynigger.

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[1 Kings 4:30]
"Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt."

When you can understand why I am so quick to judgement.. and statement. Here is not there. And nigga.. you are no Solomon. not even Grundy.

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You believe fans have tremendous amounts of potential, who tread the line between safety and disaster in an almost bliss like fashion, whose actions can be interpreted on the borderline of madness, yet has the potential for great things? Alright.

I think you're kinda full of yourself, but whatever dude.

So you are what the "elite" call or recognize as the 'useless eater'; No?


>>You believe fans have tremendous amounts of potential, who tread the line between safety and disaster in an almost bliss like fashion, whose actions can be interpreted on the borderline of madness, yet has the potential for great things? Alright.">>

Yeah.. A lot like Wolverine if he can stay away from being a pedophile and heal his own trauma.. with a good writer.

No nigger, I just don’t care for your ilk. Go insert some beads ass-to-ass with your Commie friends.
Right back atcha old sport!

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You.. well you both tend to be exactly who comic books and, in general..., capers have been switch pitched to. You are either still taken to bottom level "witty" banter. Which is really just making a booked character say a cuss word. Or give off the image of it.. as you are turned on by the image of it from your imagination.

If you dont give you "flying FUCK" about this world; What in your life is so shallow that you believe you should be entertained or stagnate others who actually do give a flying FUCK about even reading something that can overt the persistent lack or awareness.

So why would think I would want to have you care about Africa?
I am not asking for your support child. I am telling you that your Iron man doesn't give a fuck about you too.

You dont want to open your eyes to see what is or isnt just a story for to you remember when you didnt have to grow up into this world... I already understood that.
Your type tends to confuse what can be for all, with how simple minded your actual comprehension actually is.

Its odd.

Like your inviting me to insult your mother.

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"My Nigga! Tony Stark SOOOOO PAID BRO!"

Anyone who cares enough to think beyond the lines of ignorance and word that paint it already can see that one who cares enough to point out the problems isn't the problem.

[ Picks up the glass framed in sterling sliver, engraved photo of yo.....]

But nigger, we care about the world. That’s why we don’t care about /you/. The world will be fixed once you subhuman cockroaches are purged from the face off the Earth. It ain’t that complicated.
>m-muh p-poverty
Eh, whatever, you can’t fix everything and everyone. Kill or be killed nigger. Don’t rage at the world because you just don’t have what it takes to climb the ladder.

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>be nigger
>discover a thesaurus
>LARP as an “enlightened brother” on an Italian Pasta Sauce Recipe Imageboard

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if poverty exists the world ain't fixed

[ ...sets it down. And calmly walks away from the antique table your inherited ]


I see that word a lot around the internet.

And this, little children, is what is called 'evil'.

Oh boy, we must make sure everyone’s healthy, beautiful, rich, doesn’t tire and spends all day doing whatever they wish! Boy, I love me some unrealistic utopias where everything’s magically fixed! And heck, I sure do believe it’ll be for the best such a world will be siryessir! A bunch of mooching bums? A recipe for perfection! Also
>if niggers exist the world ain’t fixed

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"King," "Ruler" or "Emperor" in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. An antynym of the word "nigger" according to its historical American usage.]

I honestly dont use a Thesaurus. And if you saw how the climb jacobs ladder you be a bit unsettled how fast I can scale in a matter or proved months.

But my subject~ to whom you proclaim yourself to be.. let you not stray from the topic as your bewilder yourself. And continue to shame your race with how simple your brain functions.

hey guys what's going on in this thre--

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... well isnt that just what comic book tend to create? The unrealistic utopia.
Its exactly what I pointed out. It answer and really serves nothing but to keep "TRAPPED" or "entertained", distracted, lazy or in plotting for just that.

Even your mom and dad know the world was once better. I have no personal plan for a utopia. If I shared how discouraging humanity perceives it self upon my own eye at times I would be that Villain of Magneto.

The utopia is his dream.

Yeahyeah, nobody cares nigger.
Nigger, I waste 4 minutes and 4 bucks to read about a muscleman in power armor fucking hot girls and punching robots, while eating lunch. Who gives a fuck about it all beyond that? Christ, you “brothas” are so damn annoying.

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The shared glory of peace by way of acceptance in equality is the dream of Xavier.

This world took its steps from his lead penciled words and grew out the bizzarres & circus side shows by giving support to the disabled.

Their battles of acceptance and rejection of society isnt and never was about metaphor for Martin and Malcom ( and many have and would still argue). Their dream is the reality concurring.

Magneto is Jewish..
his Genosha is Israel.

But where you forget is this; Who is than his villain? Who is their allie? how does that change your day when the sun sets or rises when you have your own next day.

I dont believe in the illusion that this world and a pacifist take upon words that trigger images of triggers that arm in self-defense. But I know they all play their part in the whole. I walk for that.

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No, evil.

Are you a robot programmed to write scripts or are you not very good at English?

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We dont actually worship superheroes

No. just more likely to keep a Editor with a job.. Or just use spell check and take my time when I gaf

The hell kind of robot you take part in entertaining?.

Oh bullshit. Why your money go to that Oscar quality fodder per all the movie goers and popular current fad of even when it was your childhood?

Who do you include in your actual prayers and ceremonies of public of private worship & do they honor the praise you offer to them?

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you're delusional. take your medication

to my everlasting shame, I've been on Yea Forums a while. OP is something new: a delusional, batshit insane wannabe writer who thinks people worship superheroes.

go on, OP, this is fascinating. You're one of the more innovative trainwrecks around here

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It's simply what's showing. Superheroes are a time honored American brand built almost entirely out of illustration and appeal. They started telling action fables for children, in the time of morality in media, and then they occasionally foray into adolescent or even adult themes. The mldern comic book pedigree was created by career artists and writers who pushed sales and demanded success. When Disney bought Marvel, they did it because they were trying to buy whatever brand that might possibly hold a billion dollar investment, and when they did, they bought it from a company, not a communal zeitgesit.
While there is some classic virtue and attempt at real mentorship towards the audience in comics, a good chunk of comics is brand and business. Most people watch the movies because that's where the money is at. Disney has made a project of it, and superheroes are simply the recurring theme of their most expensive light show series.
Simply put, the vast majority of interest in the superhero idea is because its available and they spend so much money making them THE cutting edge of imagery and sound. Its not a grovel operation, its business, at least not towards the fictional characters.

Brevity is tje soul of wit OP. I dont want to put you down but your prose is a little too fluffy for most readers



Had my doctors appointment YESTERDAY. Doctor said I was and am on that, her thumbs up of approval. Got counciling tomorrow too cause y'all persons cant exist with a better world. FBI spys on me there..
I can show those pictures again too.
They dont give a "fuck":.
Takes more than one image for me to show you. And really yall gone need to make me care to show you.

Also, in America you take the kids out to see Superman and then go get a milkshake. We still like to do that.

Plus you just trying to steal my idea and get that job to paid the Editor

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Instead of trying to manipulate the zeitgesit through interpretation of superhero media, why not go to school and train yourseld for a health or service job? Gotta build from the ground up after all.

The schizoids from /x/ are leaking again

had no clue.

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Are you sure you're okay to stay on topic? I feel like you got lost with what you were trying to do here

I know.. Thats why I come to express and enlighten your shadowed mind and hidden fantasy of a better world that I will not make for you.

What's your better world anpn? Maybe I'll do it for you so you can relax

Little child of parents who didnt love you like they loved the world that wasnt what your own birth created...

If you cant connect 1 and two...

You cant connect One and 2.

Its like you all are now trying to say that I should go the mental ward that I already been to.

My life is your nightmare and in a way my own dream to share what your life has brought to this world from where you wish you could escape too.

occam's razor version: it's a fucking story for children and you have schizophrenia/dementia/drug addiction

plus in the second one ... you follow the link.. and check out the contacts.. you can get on twitter to and contact them. Even the Secret Service BEEN known me.

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Is this thread even real?

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user I think you're being very abstract and also very presumptuous. I still thonk it's possivle you might be a big thinker with some good ideas, but you sinply havent expressed them, and indtead rush to establish a grovel operation between you and pretty much everyone else, for nothing. Whats your big idea? Just share it, we want to hear.

No drug addiction here. Just a wrong diagnosis and authorities who very much know it.

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I can semd that to my senator, but you know they don't go for it because they'd lose their office of privilege. I think you know that

If its signed why havent they carried it out

This board, this site is not real. It's just a goverment experiment gone wrong, every poster is a bot, the site is empty.

user you cant just make up exciting conspiracies every time you get bored

Give me a reason to.
What self proclaimed man of my own previously shown government name before asked for ban and serviced with ban.. would give out this own ideas beyond what I already gave free to this world.

My name and works are known by who needs to know it and who I shared it with.
Dont take it personal, take it serious or not. Your favorite books reflect a real world. A multi-dimension is a multi-dimension. What I know and live is not what you have experienced. That is basic common sense. I dont have you make you believe anything. I am willing to do what might.

Tibet is a real place. There is inspiration.. and there is when you can see reality for what it is.

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For a dream consciousness you sure are egotistical and eager to declare people mundane. Are you sure you're mentally free from the prison of flesh?

>asserting yourself as an authoritarian occult entity

Only a few will care. Read the fine print..Its not like they dont know. They have their own agendas . And like I explained.. they know of me. I made sure to share that with them too. But more of the authorities... those three letter ones.. tend to know me more than I know them. I dont like it like that.. but I understand they have a good reason, I tell them that.

I know that to be treated like one wants to be treating others. One must first treat others like one wants to be treated.. or would want that same treatment to one who's intentions might not be so kind.. but can be as smart as myself or more.

Inteligence and kindness dont make a man rich. And trust, I am not here searching for riches. Read the images..

A Christian is just what I am. I know how to get to Heaven. And I have little to know doubt Id be more welcome to The Rainbow Bridge to Idris...

Im going to sleep.

your works? posting insane shit on the internet?

How much do you all type or state the word "nigger".. and you think I dont have a reason to be in my own Super ego. And defend my own intelligence?

You want of my demeanor is what I am here to cater to. I am not your waiter. And I am not your King. I know the rules of these United States.

If I was a king or want to be treated as one.. I can move to Africa like I have been invited to many times. And even have at least one who can provide that type of life for me in a direct and know manor.

Common sense..

1966 is still Nineteen Sixty-Six 7 there is other ways to spell that too. It doesnt mean you knew what 1966 was when I first typed it. Just that you know now.

Mundane here... I see that "nigger" typed a lot.

Thats nice. I think you've obfuscated a very simple and clear message about the narrow path with a lot of schizoid talk. Your Christianity is valued and true, but you have to admit you're using egotistical and 'outsider' language to demand people grovel towards you, correct? Best of luck in your mental health endeavors, by the end of them I think you'll come out a good Christian man, but all this stuff you've posted is disjpinted poor communication. Im sorry user but you should simply improve your relationship with language

Yes of course..

You are the penny to the dime of the silver dollar for the phrase of "Right on the money."

Like i stated.. I been when I been. And more than once. I dont fear what you fear. I can easier embrace what you fear. Because in reality.. I am what you would hope to escape to. Now why should I offer that?

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Of course I can. Who do you think is behind all the made up shit in this chart?

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Tomorrow count how many times you seen someone type "nigger" here.
We all can lurk.
It doesnt make for a kind cat.
Even Christ knows that.

Holy shit are you a fucking Scizo?

user, we are all individuals and I hope you dont actually think every person you meet on the i ternet or in real life is the person whp called you a nigger. No wonder you're lashing out, you're holding every individual you meet accountable for all negative things anyone has done. I see your logic, but its made you a prejudiced angry madman who feels persecuted even in a positive room of friends. I know the world is a lot, and you're not THAT crazy, but I think everything youre saying is in service of your own personal functionality, and to anyone else it comes across as a lot of violent nonsense, so why waste your functionality shaming individuals and feeling repressed for saying things they never said?

I dont really tend to have sex with one who life I know very well. I need rest though.

FBI listens where I caught them listening. And its where I go to my counseling..

Consider how "my" people have been treated. And how ''my'' of people of native and tribal life and still treated to this moment..

'I am what you would hope to escape to. Now why should I offer that?'

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user, you should spend less time on Yea Forums, you should avoid thinking everybody you meet has called you a nigger, and you shoukd realize most posts here are immature jokes or examples of poor mental health. Yea Forums is not the world. Go start a family.

>"user, we are all individuals and I hope you dont actually think every person you meet on the i ternet or in real life is the person whp called you a nigger. No wonder you're lashing out,"

I am 1

How many do you think see that?

Sounds like the expected release of an systematically oppressed African American. Can't say I blame you but you would describe this as an egotistical rage episode, right?

nooooo! don;t go to sleep! share more of your insight with us, great one!

So youre basically saying that the disinterest of superheroes in comics to make lasting change reflects both individuals' and society's unwillingness to do the same, and that people are comforted by the permission superhero comics give them not to change, is that correct?

Trust me, Its not a place I frequent. It does extend to my taste as much as its a place that I know has taste that I can understand and detest.

I have a life.

And like I brought up at the beginning..

I am not Batman. I am not scared to take on when it called to be taken.

Just because I have the ability to create a world that is what here wishes to escape to.. doesn't mean its deserved.

I am no fool.
I know how to conserve myself.

>Can't say I blame you but you would describe this as an egotistical rage episode, right?
it's more then that, the guy is showing signs of schizophrenia

He. I know the feeling, man. You've made a good point about making a change, and its true many dont deserve it, but isnt it the Christian thing to have faith and save who you can?

Well he does have a simple core point that he's gone schizophrenic over, if we can get to that point consciously then all the grandeur and confusion will lose priority.

... "great one!"

I am no Jesus The Christ.

John 3:16

>when you're so frustrated with your race's treatment as an african american that you create a collective black soul tulpa, diffuse your self-identity across your entire race, and call yourself Black Panther

I think this guy's a Methodist

Got a whole party founded in 66. Wasnt just a comic book.

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Non- Denominational

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Are you calm now? Did you get what you needed out of this

What is this thread?
Is this a schizophrenics meeting?

>Why shouldn't they offer answers and or inspiration without pitfalls and character flaws?
Because I am flawed and cannot relate to a perfect creature.

You must not realize .. when a person isnt calm.. They dont communicate with typed words. Much less make even semi coherent sentences.

I am not only calm and been calm.. I am also very patient. Its up to you who test that to consider your own reason on why you rather than be calm yourself.

To be tired and fed up { pun intended) isnt the same as what you consider the anti-thesis of being calm.

Men are born fed up.. especially depending their reason. Its up to each individual to determine how they use that.

ITT: autism vs /pol/

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t. sociopath
Enjoy living a lonely life where everyone around you is either an enemy or an untermensch.

I was hoping there was gonna be a punchline somewhere and this incoherent rambling of a thread would be a joke worth chuckling at but based on the number of posts and IP count, I see this is just one mentally troubled guy taking his name on and off and posting nonsense.

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False one.. But like the FBI knows...

I dont recommend taking it that far. They know your internet too.

We all have government names.
Doesn't mean you have to show yours

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Slavery happened. My black last name is more my own than its Stan Lee..

dont ask my mama last name.. I just told you.

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And trust.. It aint like this is news..

You can read the screenshots. It doesn't mean you were part of the conversations.

There are still many people who dont like it were a person knows a bit to much about things.

And some who do.

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Just use a tripcode.

oh god it's the schizo guy, he's back

Talks arent just "Hi " and "Bye"...

2 years have reasons...

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Why do you and the people you tweet with declare some grand credentials every time you talk? Where did you learn about your document that you say is a passed law but everyone has a gag order on? Why would it happen that way, how does it work?

Make sure to say it to my face.

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But make sure to say it to my face.

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So you're into black pride and tweet with organizations and sometimes get responses. Are you sure you're seeing things clearly?

I honestly have no idea what you are trying to communicate with me and what relevance your pictures have to my post.
Type your sentences coherently.

Why do you act like this is all so crazy, having a podcast and some friends who share politics is completely normal

I never said that.

Pride is a deadly sin.
I am in to Justice and Real Equality.

That NESARA isnt reperation for on race.
It doesnt take long to see that. Just the logic to read that.

And its not hard to tell the difference frm 1966 to The Grey Panther Party, The White Panther Party.. And How the Black Panther Party isnt happy with the NEW black panther party.

My stance is known by who needs to know it. Where I go is known by who I choose to share it with.

What I can do.. and what I will do.. isnt what I have done.

>>"Why do you act like this is all so crazy"

Acting isnt being...

I am no Actor. I can act.. I dont "act" crazy.

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I just dont understand how MESARA could be voted for then not carried out, and why? What are tbe logistics and events related to thag

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Its just youre really off point, and started this thread with some grandiose statement about superheroes but immediately changed subject to this weird egotistical identity boast and therapeutic poetry about yourself

Absolutely based. Was just about to do it, but you beat me to the chase

But enough of all the crazy talk..

What year were you born?

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Are you sure this whole NESARA thing isnt an escapist fantasy if perfecting society in one fell swoop? Isnt the idea that its already a law but alao somehow isn't, a little too comforting as some type of schrodingers utopia?


Nah ive actually been trying to talk to the guy, three of those posts are me
. real interesting psychology here

Well like I said.. some of you really piss me off with what I have seen and what I dont get paid to type for you buy.

Its like your trying to act like I have been in a mental ward more than once as a patient. And that Batman is your glory hound.

If you cant follow a conversation that began as a work a fiction.. and point to how I broke you wall of reality.

It might not have been your wall to break.
Just like the fool who keeps using this name that FBI had to okay and verify on my affidavit of affiliation to a nation that you dont understand much less deserve to know about or learn about. But is the older recorded nation as known by the UN.

And if you noticed how in conversations I can keep the International Courts in and well aware . The known lable of crazy in America ( and especially Arizona) is FAR from what they call crazy in other countries. I have been told that by.. like I have already previously abridged in my begin of what was once a conversation about flaws in character towards reality..

If you cant follow that..
Just realize the escape you endure for isnt the escape you will be welcome to in this reality. Keep it your fantasy... or not. I dont tend to care about some of yall as apposed to who keeps the wisdom when they lurk..

And again.. its not wise to test that name to much. But you have at clear forewarning from me.

I love Hal Jordan, he’s awesome.

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Hal’s still awesome.

So what year were you all born?>Can you just ban me now?

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Yeah yeah yeah, you'd be singing a different tune if were talking about Black Panther. This is what it's all about. "boo hoo hoo. Everybody likes Batman and Ironman, but not ME."

Honor the dead who were living and alive in there as you watch them fall.


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>more egotistical occultic grandstanding
Listen buddy, I knoe exactly what you've been saying the whole time. I've mainly been asking rhetorical questions to see what else you say. You are accusing society of worshipping batman as an excuse not to see things clearly and make a lasting difference. You are loudly asserting your power of personal decision making and understanding of the sliritual, as a restless protest against a clueless society you cannot control. You know that it is merely a national or even global act of mind that keeps this staus quo in place, and that the true path is so true and natural that people are basically lying to themselves every day by not taking it, so they deserve the consequences of that. You are aware of the divine in the physical via an understanding of Christ. You use that to push back against a giant abusive world that doesnt give a fuck, but you also know God is eternal and is found within you, so you basically have infinite faith in your enlightened ego. Thats all awesome. What's strange, however, is how you basically lose focus then snap back into this position where you accuse everyone being as stupid as possible, no matter what conversation you're in or who you are talking to. Youre really really really fixated on the idea that people dont get it, but plenty of people do. Thats why i call you egotistical, because you denigrate and degrade people who try to address you by repeatedly banishing them from your enlightened understanding. Youre one selfish God my friend

>schizophrenic guy obsessed with becoming Black Panther accuses other of having superhero worship delusions, claims he's an enlightened One while walling off the rest of creation

Not really.
Like I said.. I do like when people show me there true self.
I just tend to be more merciful. And willing to take on the "roll" of a willing 'researcher' and limited based 'righteous person'. Obviously you all see that I am not well willing to be good..

And that because what some call "good" isnt what I would.

Respect is earned.

I take the long road so that I dont owe it to anyone I rather not give it too.

You call it Arrogance or Ego.. Yall also say :Nigger" quite much.

Honestly Im flexible with it..all

I know my mom last name

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Its just more verbal ego than the average person requires to get by. You keep issuing commands and attempting to speak with authority on metaphysical things, I think you think you're a prophet.

Disregard that, I suck cocks

>im flexible
You say that, but your pushback is incredibly rigid

Tripfags belong on a cross.

And I know how to take responsibility when it call to it. even when like you see.. I rather not take on the responsibility of being anyone savior.

Quick to judge a persons persona from far.. I know not your name. Just your judgement.

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You sound like a big nerd

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I do know the name that my family were given from someone else.
And I know how to use them.
Doesn't mean I was born in 1985.
I just know how to use them.

Its wasnt Stan Lee's last name.

I said more than just typed "hi" to him before he passed too.

Attached: download (1).gif (350x514, 43K)

I love to study.
I dont take it for granted.. just like I appreciate having the internet. I use it as a tool not a way to call names behind keyboards.

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Ego is not a bad word, its just you seem like you're on a pharmaceutical dose of ego right now. Are you sick?

Someone give me a tldr of this thread

He's probably drugged up, drunk, or just plain mentally ill.

As far as I can tell he wants to work in the comics industry to criticize about it's hypocrisy or whatever, I don't even think the guy speaks English properly.

So youre just berating Yea Forums for being rude on the internet. We have lives you know, youre being prejudiced

'Enlightened' schizophrenic african american relieves racial stress through conspiracy and self-declared prophecy, came to berate Yea Forums for being less than him.

Are you going to tell your psychiatrist about this manic episode you just had?

Local schizophrenic refuses to take his fucking medication.
Just take the pills, faggot! I don't care if you feel like you don't need them right now, take the pills!

>Are you sick?

Well when I was sicker I could still Dunk and Guard the Division 1 tennessee volunteers bench player as my assignment back in 05 when I was working at a gym where

Other ballers and at least one NBA's coaches grandson would come in a ball.

Been sick all my life. Just found the cure last year..
Still was better than most who werent sick..

When a person isnt born with the internet and cant get a correct diagnosis about something rare ( to which some in the metaphysical community call a "cure" ).. A person like me tends to just move forward and deal with.

And yes.. a misdiagnosis of a "schitzo" "drug addict" and having to live that stigma based life because the Doctors dont always know but are also quick to label or lie.. ( some )

A person tends to know how to live in the mental ward. Its not some California or Hollywood cushion.

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This dimensionals Black Panther is a either a bit more comfortable with claiming himself as a mutant.. or just knows how to realize there are still others Humans who are worse off.. and that we dont live like they do in the comic books..

Balance the scales..

Peak Human.
Connection to Nature..

Peak Human...

Still very well known in martial arts and might beat your in a game of your sport just based on my disabled athleticism.

ESPN even hired my valedictorian.

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Why do you keep boasting about stuff you have or have done? It's off topic and nobody cares, you could be the president of the United States, when you're here, you're just a namefag.

Get off the internet, talk to actual people or something.

And yes.. we use to kick in high school some. But I kicked with her older brother more than with her.

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We talking funny books in this thread? I like the ones where they punch each other REALLY hard!

Its 5:58 AZ AM.. the phuck to I need to go politic when the people I wanted to win won in this years state election.

Like I pointed out. I tend to have taken the hard road here..

Rest is good.

look at that reddit spacing and gross tumors.

I dont know Reddit.. and they arent Tumors.


>Problems with speech or understanding language (aphasia)
>Memory loss or dementia
Clearly the man's condition is why he's posting here.

The Basket looking Captain America styled Shield is from Tibet too.

>Can you just ban me now? Or do I need to ask a character related question?

Attached: Siyar singhi My self (1 (119).jpg (200x266, 9K)

Okay. Thats fine. Sorry about your persecution complex.

What makes you think asking character related question banworthy?
If you wanted to get banned, post porn.

I been through all that. I am actually still better than I used to be.. And getting stronger and better.

Natural cures are legal in this state. But again, I took the long road and been willing to finish it. Doesnt mean im going to build shit for anyone.

>5 hours long with only 28 posters
>With the OP autist making up probably half the posts
pathetic, don't (you) me faggot

"Bro".. again.. I dont suggest you do that.

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You havent taken the hard road, you just boast about irrelevant shit because youre not comfortable unless you feel like the dominant individual in the thread

Do what?
I was just asking why you're being so roundabout about wanting to get banned, just post porn.

Are you frivilously reporting this thread to the CIA?

Aint like I wanted to really HAVE to do all that. But when you do something.. On the regular.. people end up like TESLA or just killed.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-22-15-13-15.png (540x960, 237K)

Why would any of those groups care if someone posted porn on an anonymous image board? Its not illegal. Also are you threatening us?

That aint banned in some places "bro"

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-22-15-09-52.png (540x960, 120K)

what the fuck is going on in here

What the fuck does this retard's ranting and replying to himself have to do with comics or cartoons?

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Based on his replies so far, he is suffering from the condition of Arteriovenous malformation which affect brain functions and he's taking homeopathic remedies, he has connections to big names in the comics industry and the justice department for some reason and just threatened anons that he will retaliate through... I don't know, either the CIA and FBI or through Chakra and ESP.

He's criticizing the superheroes of comics and also he wants to work in the industry to ridicule something that he understands but we don't.

>That aint banned in some places "bro"

So when referring about bans, you're not talking about getting banned from this website?

Where the fuck do crazy people find this shit?

>He's criticizing the superheroes of comics and also he wants to work in the industry to ridicule something that he understands but we don't.

Thats abtually what I am taking my time to consider. I dont HAVE to do that.

I've WANTED to work in the industry.

I write stories more than ridicule.. And play up the ummm "character" part.. more naturally and realistic to that ''characters history''.. if I did.

Doesnt mean I am going. Hickman might be writing a book himself...

"I'd very much like to do a single protagonist book. In fact, I'll probably do that next. As for what it'll be, I dunno, there's some Black Panther stuff I was thinking about doing, I have a Captain Marvel story, "

If you cant tell how it relates to Yea Forums please alert the mods so I can get my ban on.

Yes.. I am.

I tend to like being banned. Most people take the internet for granted. I am a 'nerd' and rather use it to study and connect with people and make business moves more than some others..

This really aint the place for that. But I like what some talk about here. And im not a sensitive as some others around my age grouping.

Then as I said, if you want to get banned, just post porn instead of your personal information and boasting about irrelevant crap.

Not sure myself...

Just usually what psychos type up in photoshop to impress people with their names and whatever.

Thanks doc

Yeah, he shows up every couple of months. I'm actually curious if it's the same guy, or if all schizophrenics just sound the same because of their illness. There are certainly a lot of similarities between his threads, but things like extreme paranoia and illogical beliefs are universal to sufferers.
God, schizophrenia is such an interesting disease. Just look at this thread, it's great.

A fixed world doesn't make for good stories you presumptuous pseudo-intellectual cunt

You seem to be following this. Is "The Marvelous T`Challa N`Da" two guys or one guy doing a performance?

Comics or cartoon for this feel?

Attached: Rippen.jpg (584x433, 30K)

Same one.

I get tired of your all not taking the religous part of these books serious. I could tell you about the SPP or Secret Space Program. But I dont know as much about that as others.

I did know about Space Force before Trump decided to disclose on it.

And why do I do that other than what I stated?

We all get board sometimes...

If your too stupid to pay attention to reality & just want to escape it HARD..

Well... I dont like a lot of what the books are now. I liked when there WAS a Time continuum.

OP is on drugs or having a mental breakdown. You can tell by his word salad and delusions.

Get help OP

What books??? Black Panther?

He's going to pull a Etika

He already stated what condition he has and that he's taking "natural cures".
Let the man enjoy himself, his brain is crumbling.

You are in desperate need of anti-psychotics. Your thought patterns are not rational. Please seek medical assistance.

The second guy is going to get himself in trouble soon. I dont hack computer.. and I dont have time to lie about the FBI CIA and ect.. I tweet at them.. And like I said.. They know me better than I know them.

That should be enough common sense not to be so stupid to use someones name of alias when it has to be.. just what I stated above

There is stupid.. and daring to be beyond stupid...

Marville by Bill Jemas, after issue 2

You havent even begun to explain anything about your Black Panther interpretation, user

Too soon dude

For real?
You're going to get the FBI CIA etc. by tweeting to them about some dude who's using your name on an anonymous image board?

Listen.. I already told you. I been and am on what my doctor and others like me on VERY MUCH. You arent a doctor.
I been in the mental system A LOT time.. even in the past 3 years..

Much of what you all try to act like you know about mental illness and life equates to how the dumb ass would use my name when I pointed out what I pointed out.. and how stupid the negative of you tend to embrace.

Now I really feel bad, using his name like this is really getting to him, apparently.

If it's one guy samefagging, he's doing a very impressive job of it. I'm pretty sure this guy is just some dude who took the name because he could. His typing style is much more clean, pronounced and understandable than OP's. Not to mention, he's arguing against OP.
But with that said, we have no true way of knowing.

That is interesting.
As a moral man, I am going to ask you to at least consider taking your meds. I assume your absences are due to doing exactly that, and you will feel better once you do.
That said though, feel free to keep posting. There's something oddly fascinating about the way you think when you're like this, and I do enjoy these threads you make, even if they can be hard to follow at times.

I dont have to get them. I told you .. they watch me.. and they have a reason to watch me. And have for years. And to the point where its not the 1960's or 1970's and I tend to have a good enough relationship with them to where I can even post their "spying" location to my twitter follwers and they still aint mad at me.

I told you and showed you ( some of yall many times before..) who I am and what I have done.
And sometimes just for kicks to get banned.

Twitter of Yea Forums got atted in some of the conversations there. Shit aint new.

Oh duh it didnt even occur to mr he was so mad about the name stealing

You know the ancient Egyptians believed everyone had a Secret Name, which is attached to control over the soul and existence in the afterlife. If someone knew your Secret Name, they could command you, and so nicknames came into use, with the Secrey Name engraved mainly on sarcophagi to preserve the soul in death

If you don't want people using your precious donut steel nametag, shell out the dough and become a proper tripfag

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Oh, adding to this, why do you want to get banned this time? Is it purely because you're just tired of posting 'religious responses?'

OP, you need help. I know you are likely not lucid right now but perhaps you'll read this thread again when you are.

Please phone either 800 662HELP or 800 9506264. You are not well.

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No, he's boasting that getting banned means nothing to him.
Something along the lines of "you can't do anything to me but I can punish you with my connections to the FBI and CIA etc."

read the above one I typed with both hands again.. and pay attention. I dont think you decoded the alphabet and gave it to the correct people instead of to the wrong people at the wrong time. Or even the Good people at the wrong time. Much less always have it Copywitten and Registered with the U.S Copright office.

>"Now I really feel bad, using his name like this is really getting to him, apparently."

What is 'decoding the alphabet'?

>Listen.. I already told you. I been and am on what my doctor and others like me on VERY MUCH. You arent a doctor.
I been in the mental system A LOT time.. even in the past 3 years..
If that's true then you have to be able to recognize that your current writing pattern indicates a severe episode.

If you are taking your meds right now they are clearly no longer sufficient, and either way an episode like this warrants a call to your doctor.

user when people on Yea Forums of all places are genuinely concerned for your mental well being that should tell you something's wrong.

Lil bitch. I dont know what your bitch ass words are. I was grown enough to be in High School when 9/11 happened.

I am trying to help you out.

If you want to post you own real goverment name too...

You REALLY might not need to post it here on Yea Forums if you catch my drift.

I think he just means "read my shit".
Specifically these parts:
>Just like the fool who keeps using this name that FBI had to okay and verify on my affidavit of affiliation to a nation that you dont understand much less deserve to know about or learn about. But is the older recorded nation as known by the UN.
>And again.. its not wise to test that name to much. But you have at clear forewarning from me.
He's telling us not to use his name because something something the name is sacred or something.

So whats the Black Panther theory?

Sometimes its just fun..

Other times because I still know when I rather tell them to ban me.. because I dont tend to be here long.
Sometimes ( like seemingly tonight/today) they rather keep this up.

I dont have to post porn to get banned. I been banned form here many times.

You're very good at understanding this.

My "secret name" is Yitzach (Isaac) I am 30 years old.
Please, user, please call your doctor or a mental wellness hotline before your delusions progress

I got used to it after some back and forth with him.
He's not all there but he is still in there.