Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD

Crown Jewel
>Blood sport generates an inordinate amount of paperwork

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So do they build the arena in a new place every time or do they have to rebuild it because the fighting destroys it?

I'm guessing that since one pinky from Salami Dave can destroy a stone table they have to rebuild the whole thing everytime because he demolishes it when he uses his real strength.

This, I'm betting we're gonna have an outside shot of the ruined arena after this is all done. Those statues look designed to be flung about.

Panel 4's wording is wonky. Or is it just me?

I can't wait to see the giant purple glass ceiling explode

allison's enormous futa dong!

I knew there was something wrong with this particular world. Apparently its a nightmare bureaucracy!

You're right, it's kind of awkward.

Haven't we always known it was something like a nightmarish bureaucracy?

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I don't think it's ever been implied this was done before. Am I wrong?

This Solomon Son is one of the ones we saw in the court pages.

Some kids mow their dad's lawn as a summer job, Solomon's have to issue tickets

>speed readers - should they even be considered people?

It never was stated in comics itself.

Oh boy, here we go.

It's been states that Solomon has had the open challenge for "whomever can spill a drop of his blood" for a long time, and has been an open invitation for any of his sons, or anyone else for the entirety of the time since he's been demiurge.

It's very likely he's held multiple tournaments over his millennia long rule, especially considering how much he enjoys flaunting his power.

I don't like that big purple glass ceiling. It looks way too sci-fi-ish

>man who's entire deal is purple powers and purple halo
>purple and white buildings and purple adornings


you're dumb

I like how you read shit into my post that was never there. It's not the purple I have a problem with, you raging faggot. It's the geometry of the glass. It looks like it belongs on a modern Olympic stadium, not a pseudo-Roman/Babylonian fantasy arena.

Why is Allison such a bitch? She's being passive aggressive about Cio who's not even here, to some bureaucrat who has no interests in her complaining

wizards can teleport suns unto different universes, and your concern is that the geometry of a Colosseum made to fight other wizards isn't realistic.

It's probably going to come into play during the fight, keep your pants on.

>the first blood shed is going to be Allison giving herself a papercut

>you shouldn't care about visual aesthetics in a comic because some characters are powerful

I'm not sure I follow, user.

What is the purpose of those shades, seems like they'd impair your vision more than anything.

>Well run Empires have a bloated bureaucracy

no shit

she's covering her orb thing in her forehead before everyone relizes she's some kind of demiurge

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just how many sons does Saruman Disney have?
the guy looks like a stone cold babylon god but god damn he must be drowning in pussy

Those people are probably not his sons, he said that they got positions of power and a paper pusher doesn't seem like one. There could be a distant relation considering how long he was alive but it's unlikely that everyone working there is closely related to him.

He's had centuries to work and entire universes full of wome to pick from. Also unless his sons are forbidden from fucking he should have even more grandchildren ontop of that.

>inb4 a sexy yet annoying tournament announcer

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>purple sunroof isn't symmetrical
>White Chain is short

White chain is closer to us so she appears the same height as ally, look at their feet position.

If she's closer to us then she should be taller than Alison, user. That's how perspective works.

I mean.. you're correct and I was wrong, but she's still taller.

Not in this pic she's not, she's barely 4 feet tall

This guy has some sass, like a teacher who doesn't give a fuck dealing with a teenager.

>tfw no ugly yet incredibly captivating announcer


Isn't Juggs supposed to have that kind of voice? I swear Abby said once he sounds like a bad monster truck show announcer.

>Those people are probably not his sons, he said that they got positions of power and a paper pusher doesn't seem like one. There could be a distant relation considering how long he was alive but it's unlikely that everyone working there is closely related to him.

Those were government ministers not pencil pushers and it is heavily implied that not only are they his sons but he has had so many sons over the years that every high ranking member of his government and army is his son, grandson or great grandson. All of whom inherit his looks but none of have inherited his power. He is trying to explain to them that none of them are worthy successors, not because they are poor rulers but because they would instantly be overthrown by a demiurge if they tried to replace him.
I also expect this to be a girl power arc due to the fact that we see his sons everywhere but no daughters.

>due to the fact that we see his sons everywhere but no daughters
He doesn't have daughters, apparently he can will the sex of the child to be male every time or something.

Would Giorno Giovanna be as much op in throne as he is in his world?

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None of them have inherited his power because he seems uninclined to actually teach them Ki-Rata, the source of his power, and his strict adherence to the tournament to choose his successor means that it's practically impossible for any of them to actually challenge him for the Throne. So basically they're stuck doing the actual running of the Empire waiting for Daddy to get killed by some asshole who punches good so they can deal with said asshole's shit because the tournament is a stupid way to choose a ruler since "punch good" does not correlate to being a competent ruler.

>since "punch good" does not correlate to being a competent ruler.
Sorta. "Punch Good" is a necessary but insufficient component of kingship.

Yes, but Salami Dave's tournament only revolves around "punch good." It's likely that he expects his children to simply cover for his successor's deficiencies, but that's a major gamble on his part. Which I think is going to be what happens, whoever wounds him will not live up to his expectations and he'll try to renege, ruining his reputation publicly.

Kek, what's with panel 3? They look like small children

Being Big Dick of Purple land =/= King (in the cosmic sense)

I can see it getting spun around. The entire reason Salami David is the way he is is because his wife and daughter got murdered.
>men are disposable
>women aren't

>apparently he can will the sex of the child to be male every time or something
Apparently so. Word of God is that it is
>martial arts breathing bullshit
That's good enough for me!

Golden experience requiem would be broken in any setting it was thrown in just by the fact that its literally "nope, that didint happened" stand and that the user doesnt even need to be aware of action against him for it to trigger
In throne only the demiurges or probably Alison would be able to stop it (depending if their power actually allows them to rewrite the laws of the world)

> I also expect this to be a girl power arc due to the fact that we see his sons everywhere but no daughters.
You know the reason why he chooses not to have daughters is depressing, right? There’s no girl power shit involved

>"And now I will make a boy."
>"Oh honey I really want a girl this time."
>"Ok hold on a minute let me focus. Ok it will now be a girl."

>Solomon setting everything up to mimic Throne

Solomon is just Kratos from God of War

All this half-knowledge

Oh yeah! Those statues of him looking outward are just like the mummified gods in Throne.
Talk about being prideful.

Gog can get torn apart over and over by all the violence just to reform and thoroughly describe the sensation to the eager audience. I can't wait.

>inb4 a sexy yet annoying tournament announcer
Oh you know our beautiful queen will be all over this. Maybe literally all over the tournament by the end of it all.

i mean you really shouldn't.

The key that was shoved into her forehead?

Yeah, he is. I feel like it doesn't fit, personally.



>I also expect this to be a girl power arc due to the fact that we see his sons everywhere but no daughters.

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>yfw all the food in the collosseum has been wormed
>yfw Gog takes control of every contested and every audience member

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You're too late for the party. We already came to conclusion that gog is full-on sun tzu

Which demiurge has had the coolest backstory and why is the correct and patrician choice is Salami Dave ?

I'm hoping we can learn some stuff about Jadis. She seemed cool.

No I agree with you, was just trying to remember if that was actually something Abby said or not.

I thought Salami Dave was only capable of siring sons.

He consciously prevents himself from having daughters. He HAD daughters before Yemmod fucked up Rayuba.

... God dammit now I'm gonna keep calling him Salami Dave... I hope you're proud of yourself.

Who fucked up what now?

>s p e e d
>r e a d e r s

Unironically Jadis seems too passive for me to really like. I understand she was cool for a time, but now she strikes me as something to be pitied like Mammon.

Well yeah NOW but that bitch saw the whole of the multiverse and LIVED