Pixar's absolute best short film, no doubt

Pixar's absolute best short film, no doubt

Attached: 220px-KnickKnack.jpg (220x325, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>blocks your path

Attached: daynight.jpg (590x316, 73K)

Fuck Lasseter

If you wanted a big tiddy doll thread you could have just been forthright, faggot

doo doo da doo da doo da dee dee dee

god i fucking love this simplistic style of early 3d animation
inb4 "sunny miami's breasts are too small!"

Attached: download.jpg (2048x1095, 306K)

This shit was so gay. Only served its purpose for 3D.

That simplistic old 3D charm is why the VeggieTales redesigns really hit worse than they would have otherwise. Yeah their environments got better but the simple designs of the characters always held up through that and became a part of the show's identity. When that was gone, everyone just kinda lost interest. Good thing the old designs are coming back.

Original version is kino

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I'm rather partial to this.

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Look, I know this is a stealth Sunny thread, so let's just get down to it.

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fuck la luna is just breathtaking

Let's be real, there's only two reasons you hold this opinion.

I miss the Sunny Miami craze.

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Shame as soon as the threads stopped the art stopped too.
Still confused as to why the threads were on /trash/ instead of /aco/, since none of the Sunnies were furry.

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To be fair they're two very big reasons.
One would go so far as to say that they're huge.

Mostly because of the porn, which was a shame but really, it was no longer about the short.

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They basically moved to Discord.

>check on the dropbox archive from time to time
>only now notice it's run by noonun
How can one man be so fucking based?
also here's the link dropbox.com/sh/524r7il30ssbbpi/AABq3XSeUmVq66zAZhiEuc1Ea?dl=0

Their short films are all pretty bad.

>tfw I remember how much of a cool guy he was during the pre-Cars days
>He’s now a greedy and sexist scumbag

>we still have the 3D model
>all we have to do is get a motivated user to polish it and make some animations
Guys I think we can save her

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>tfw eventually you won't be able to search up the short without seeing porn.

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Same in that boat. I guess people enjoy having diaper furs throwing there toys out of the pram every time Sunny's pop up.

Attached: sunnyMiamiLeggins-vilepluff.jpg (988x653, 71K)


it's because the sunny miami shit was mostly just TF art

thanks for the link, bud

As it usually happens with obscure waifus

nice choice

Is Noonun still doing art?

If I had a computer that wasn't a potatoe I'd do it

But /aco/ is also a porn board?

/aco/ and /d/ have become tribalistic, it was probably just easier to move to /trash/


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