
Duane's entire existence is suffering.

Attached: ch14_65[1].jpg (600x900, 275K)

do lizards like know about legit science? I remember cutter talking about bacterial infection but I assumed it was a black tongue being way more advanced thing. Maybe it's a lizard thing?

Aw, good on you for trying, Sette
Also piss off, Granny

Yeah Ashley said the Two-Toes understand much more of "our" real world science than the other cultures of Kasslyne, mostly BECAUSE they haven't hobbled their thought processes with a pymary focused mindset

Well, this is certainly a convenient way for Ashley to "rewrite" stuff she's laid out as "factual" to the fanbase.

What? How does this change anything?

I don't see it like that, the things like Jon surviving are from outside the comic that we assumed were maintained in the story of Unsounded

Grandma Ruffles DESTROYS and ANNIHILATES Ssaelite fundie with FACTS and LOGIC

If you want to get technical about it, but Duane's character has long been set up as incredibly unreliable. He's not perfect, he's prone to bouts of racism and nationalistic Jingoism to an almost brainwashed level. Of course he's going to try and remember all his sacrifice and fighting for his country as glorious and not some tragic tale of dead children.

fuckin lizard, if there's no soul, what the fuck is this guy, whose brain you have just acknowledged is rotten, speaking with?

She didn't say there's no soul, she said that the living think out of their brain. Which is true. If there's a soul or whatever, it has nothing to do with your mind. And this is why Duane's living memories aren't jiving with the shit he's remembering now that he's dead.

Upvoted and shared!

Pretty sure the lizard is definitely saying that souls exist, because she appears pissed that humans say she doesn't have one

Does Dwayne only have a nose in the second panel because it's just him and Sette and implied pseudo-Sette-POV?

I think so. Cope usually draws him that way if it's Sette looking directly at him. That's like Sette's personal version of Dwayne.

It must be terribly disturbing to try to remember something and find that your memory of it is different.

Wait, how had Duane not noticed before this that he now remembers things with far more clarity than before?

Based and Senetpilled

It's a lizard thing. They know proper science because they can't into magic

I'm sure he's noticed but now we're learning about it. I think this particular instance is drastically different though, a lot more than other times it's happened.

If you suddenly develop perfect memory, it must be annoying to remember perfectly all the time spend trying to memorize something by repetition...

Can't really justify Duane "forgetting" Jon died. That was just a straight up retcon

Where do you get the idea that he forgot Jon died? He probably just fooled himself into believing Jon's death was heroic and fitting for a great wright

That was user's implication, if he is assuming Ashley is using this "death clarity" as a way of explaining why Jon lived to old age in the previous version while dying here. I'm saying that doesn't mesh, since Duane would have to forget something pretty major. Thus Jon's death is just a retcon and the previous version simply isn't relevant anymore.

Jon was a hethllot they all look the same

I just interpreted it as her temporarily knocking him out of his reverie and Duane throwing a glamour back on for her sake.

Isn't that basically normal life? If anything it must be nice suddenly remembering with clarity rather than the normal ever increasing fogginess.

Actually, how does he even remember the previous version? Is he remembering remembering the falsehood, while simultaneously remembering the true version? Does he have two separate ways to remember things now?

Oh right, I always forget about the material that Ashley wrote before the comic started

Wouldn't it have to be canon to Unsounded in the first place to be a retcon? All the non-Unsounded stuff seems like groundwork, at best.

Its point was brain wasn't where soul resides, but brain is more like a safety filter which helps your soul experience certain things while leaving out others.

Also from this page I'm now 100% convinced Ashley has taken psychedelics at some point in her life.

Why though?

>If anything it must be nice suddenly remembering with clarity rather than the normal ever increasing fogginess
There are a lot of things I'd rather not remember. Do you really want to be able to perfectly recall losing the championship game? Or that time you dropped your brothers birthday cake (yes, the whole fucking cake) taking from the kitchen to the table? Fuck that noise, better to let these things slide into the moist pink fog of your forgotten memories.
>Is he remembering remembering the falsehood, while simultaneously remembering the true version
Yep. He can perfectly remember all the times he told this story to his children and how he remembered wrong.
>Does he have two separate ways to remember things now

She changed her mind, in the new script Jon died in the war and Duane remembers it, but in a previous script he survived to old age. Mind you, the previous info was from more than 5 years ago from an old "Ask the characters" forum
I don't see why this is hard to get

That is what I'm saying

Aye, but there seems to be a few who are incredibly obtuse, I just don't get why they can't fathom the thought of someone changing their mind, and start calling retcons

What the author says is Canon. If they change their mind, that's fine and dandy, but it's still a retcon.

Ashley shouldn't be humoring autists anyway for this exact reason. Just wrote the story and let it answer the questions

>Trippy imagery + lore talking about how soul is freed when mind is opened.
Gee I wonder why I think Ashley's taken her share of shrooms or LSD. Not that I'm complaining.

Ah, you most be one of those exceedingly boring/stupid people who thinks you can only conjour interesting imagery and deep thoughts through drug use. My condolences. She may have taken psychedelics and i'm not opposed to that (i've had my share of shrooms) but I doubt that's where her creative flair comes from.


Attached: AHDrugs.png (599x361, 23K)

It's a retcon only if it is stated in the story, until this chapter Jon nor the Plats were never mentioned in the story. Only outside of it. I think we're taking Cope's answers here and on tumblr too much to heart, as they are only tidbits of what will be coming, and are still open to change until they have been released as a page

Such concepts are extremely common in spiritual thought worldwide, and you'd certainly come across them if you do any degree of research for worldbuilding

TL;DR: normies are lesser people

Not even that. Creation is WORK still. People just assume it flows naturally from creatives as a good piss, and that's not true. There are people who are as inclined to create as they are to piss (Stephen King, for example, was famous even as a college kid for basically being at his typewriter nonstop, it was a compulsion for him and obviously still is), but that doesn't mean they don't need to put effort in.

They had some pretty advanced (for Unsounded universe) tech before they were genocided and enslaved.

If Ash took her inspiration from drug induced hallucinations we'd get more spectacular trippy pages, but less coherent storytelling. And she strikes me as more of a workaholic, constantly thinking about how the world functions, how the characters function and how to make them behave consistently.

I would give up my metaphorical left nut to drop acid with Ash.

spiderpaws btfo

No, what happens in the comic is canon.

Are we sure Jon's dead? You can lose your legs and survive, especially with Pymary making medicine so easy.

I asked her on Tumblr and she said he is dead.
She has said that only stuff in the comic is really canon, but I think it is more reasonable to think he is dead. His eyes looked very dead.

Duane vs Ben Shapiro when?

Is someone really getting salty because Cope said something in a Q&A five years ago that ultimately was changed later on in the comic itself? It's your dumb fault for looking up archaic and mostly buried old info in an effort to look clever and informed. Nothing is canon until it's actually published. Everything else is process work, no different from concept art.

If you can't handle that you shouldn't follow the creator.

Yeah, originally Ashley said that the magical fax machines worked with first material ink, but that wouldn't make for a good scene where a bloodspill was transmitted, so it was changed. No biggie.