Swamp Thing or Man-Thing?
Swamp Thing or Man-Thing?
Because Man-Thing is barely a character, he's a plot device for other characters to react to.
swamp thing because he has swamp in his name and i like that
But what about The Thing?
Man thing has a more interesting power but swamp thing wins because he’s more developed as an actual character
Swamp Thing if written by Moore and nobody else. Man-Thing in all other scenarios.
How's the original Len Wein run?
Man-thing's got a better design but Swamp Thing has a better mythos and is an actual character
Man-Thing would stomp Swamp-Thing, but it would be Swamp-Thing's fault for being "Muh Green"
Is it 70is Cartoon Thing? Because that fucker was Popeye tier.
The Heap
Swamp Thing. Because Man-Thing only works as mute plot device.
Not even a real contest. Swampy takes it in every possible way
Anyone here read Man-Thing's Gerber run? Would you recommend it?
More importantly:
Howard The Duck or John Constantine?
Whats man-things deal? I don't read marvel comics, but I've read Moores swamp thing at least. Dunno what Man-thing is all about.
As I recall Wein’s run is fun and aged very well. Great, moody art from Wrightson.
Man-Thing was a guy that fell face first into an interdimensional nexus while melting from radical chemicals. It ended up merging him with the swamp and giving him superpowers, but totally destroyed his personality and rendered him into a mute, mindless empathetic creature that roams the swamps. It can sense emotions and that's usually how it finds people to help, but when he feels fear it makes him mad and start to seep out a highly corrosive chemical from his body, hence the tagline "Those who know fear burn at its touch".
Stories about Man-Thing are similar to a story about a random animal or monster, which he pretty much is, out in the wild that sometimes does good deeds and is often misunderstood but the world outside its home.
Didn't Satana give him back his sapience?
If that really did happen then that sounds like a pretty shitty story, Man-Thing isn't supposed to think and act like a human, it's half of why he's interesting.
Did that happen recently?
I own it and I love it. You should too.
He keeps getting it back and losing it.
Doctor Voodoo was all like, "Yeah, he lost it... again" when the subject was brought up in Damnation.
Yeah, Fear Itself was the event I believe, though I could be wrong
Fair enough
I actually did buy it recently on a whim, both volumes of the complete collection. Nice to see I made a good investment, can't wait until it arrives.
It's better than every Swamp Thing run except for Moore's.
Have fun!