ITT: Characters that only exist for brownie points

ITT: Characters that only exist for brownie points

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Stevonnie’s gender doesn’t matter you guys, what matters is how they represent a relationship and struggles people face growing up
>OMG you guys, Stevonnie is intersex and non binary!!1!
Make up your mind sucrose

>Neither statement contradicts the other
Wow, thinking is amazing.

They made Stevonnie’s gender identity the focus of the character at the expense of other themes.

Nope. Please engage your brain next time you post user.

and none of those are interesting at all or have any weight in the series.
Stevonie is such a joke, just say you wanted a boy to experience what being a girl was like.

So the entire show?

>stevonnie's gender doesnt matter
>stevonine's gender matters
really made me think.

If this is about the ad, it’s retarded to get mad at it but also retarded to blow your load over it because
>It wasn’t made by any of writers of the show
>Per Sugar’s words, Stevonnie’s gender was meant to be ambiguous, hence “I’m an experience”
Either way, Stevonnie is a boring fusion and I don’t see the appeal outside of fetish fuel.

hey, you're talking about my fap material

>and none of those are interesting at all or have any weight in the series.
Hence only existing for brownie points

Attached: bulge.jpg (296x339, 27K)

>Character's gender doesn't matter in the episode they first appear in and is up to them
>Character later willingly enters information that they are comfortable with

Thinking is EPIC and COOL.

Rebecca writes the shorts so they're canon

>people think a character only exists for brownie points when the character has existed for 6 fucking years and it took a 1 second clip in a commercial selling soap too set people off

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It really says something when the only likable and interesting character on SU, is Greg, the traditional masculine, cis, straight male

Here's an actual character that exists for brownie points (best pic I could find). No I'm not talking about Jackie.

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Hey, I’ve always said Stevonnie was just for brownie points

Jackie was casualtie

Rebecca oversees the shorts and has explicitly said they’re outside of canon.

>gender doesnt matter
>actually new info now it does
my almonds are in full force tonight.

no one watched gen lock


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ah so this is just another thinly veiled excuse to complain about the gays

>Character's gender doesn't matter in the episode they first appear in and is up to them
But gender never mattered in any of the episodes they were in. That was literally the opposite point of their creation

Follow up:
The stuff with Jasper is obviously too out of place canon-wise to be proper canon, but Stevonnie works regardless of where in the timeline this information is revealed.

Well it is Pride Month

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here user. Are you agreeing with me? Because Alone Together was about the feeling of hitting puberty and suddenly being in an adult body rather than gender per se.

Another thing is the characters are treated a so if they were actors on a show, but the events are brought up. Yet Jasper throws a wrench in the whole thing.
These shorts are weird

And gender never came up until recently. The whole point was to be a Garnet figure for Steven and Connie

Still not following you. Stevonnie doesn't even mention this information out loud in the short, it's just there for the viewer to see.

Stevonnie being two kids in a trench coat is literally the only notable thing about them.
They have a boring design, boring name, zero personality and even the gender thing isn’t unique after CYM.
How does something so boring get a fanbase?

First Steven fusion.

Which raises a whole bunch of questions if you think about it

Does it? The short is about social media and they're showing off their social media account. This is typical stuff nowadays to have in your bio.

Just waiting for this trend of gender theory to die off so people can jump on the next trendy bandwagon. Outside of social media and California, people just avoid it like the plague it is. They're on flat earth levels of delusion and deserve to be treated as such.

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Can confirm. Most social media details a person’s gender identity and sexual orientation than anything noteworthy. Seriously, just look at Twitter or tumblr

I guess it has to do with how Stevonnie was depicted in show; that is they were barely a character, it was literally just Steven and Connie talking.

I've always thought that they needed more development they are kind of bland but Stevonnie does noticeably have more self-agency in episodes like Lars of the Stars and Jungle Moon especially where they've been fused long enough to actually grow facial hair.

>in 2019
That’s embarrassing enough but no kids actually like it; it’s just college students with gender identity issues

Jasper is clearly set up for redemption and a friendship with Amethyst, their short is just a sneak peek into their future dynamic

Grumpy older sister Jasper is the best shit.

Even then, you can chalk that up to Steven and Connie wanting to survive on a hostile.
The sad part is that, looking at Steven fusions alone, Rainbow Quartz And Sunstone established distinct personalities in a few minutes than Stevonnie did in several episodes.

I think Jasper is too broken to have a relationship with anyone

>people will still defend this

She just needs therapy and tlc

It's almost like she has a handler telling her what to say and do.

>Expecting therapy from a show where the creator refuses to see a therapist herself

I don’t think therapy can unfuck everything has gone wrong with Jasper’s life

Now I want to see an episode where someone exploits Stevonnie on social media for brownie points and backpats

The show is her therapy

>pronouns in bio
cmon sugar

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To be fair, that’s how social media is nowadays

Reminder that Etika fucking died and this what you’re worried about

i think more than likely this was done to take Jackie off of the market forever without having her outright die since beta marco attracted every female in the series for no reason

They didn’t stop the others from being written out wholesale. Poor Kelly

By "brownie points" do you mean my futa fantasies?

Please tell me sugar didnt write that awful peridot short

Eait when did becky say she refused therapy?

Everyone in this pic who is not named Dr. Strange.

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That was the worst one by far, the others at least focused on topics that were fitting for the characters involved

You can have a gender and that gender not be relevant to the character. How is this so hard to understand?

Dom CREATED the meme of brownie points.

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Do you think she was told what topic to write for each character?

That's because Stevonnie is not a one-nite cartoon.
They're really mostly Steven + Connie and seem rather levelheaded and smart without being super educated or having some kind of major trait to play up, which is really hard to establish as very distinct.
There is a character there, it's just the least quirky in the show.

>Wanting your identity to be clear
Yeah, totally something that should be disregarded.

>Future Sight frame on bog standard abilities
>Future Sight frame at all
>not just exiling the cards straight from the hand

When did they do that?

>trend of gender theory to die off
Ain't happenin son.

Especially now that it's attached to the LGBT community, whether they want it to be or not.

>fusion is not just a metaphor for sex or romantic relationships!
>Steven only fuses with one human, his love interest, and other women

this entire show is brownie points
anyone who actually likes this garbage should be deeply ashamed

They're shorts user. They don't affect the rest of the story in the slightest.

If this is canon, this does bring up an interesting relationship in general. Steven and Connie deciding to stay together as one person is a massive step in their relationship. Sure we all knew they were getting together at some point but never to this extent. They might fuse for photos or stay fused for longer and unfuse when they have to be themselves for a while (like going to school) but establishing your relationship in that way is huge.

Kind of bummed the show is over. Would be interesting seeing how the two grew up.

The show is still ongoing

Which is big problem in a show where everyone is quirky, especially Stevonnie’s components

Gender was never relevant

There’s more to an identity than gender and pronouns

The only thing "masculine" about Greg is he probably fulfills someone's bara slob fetish and he fucked Rose to death.

You can really tell how many tumblr refugees are here by how much praise the show has gotten

Owns his own business, is a pretty good father, not afraid to stand up for himself if he’s pushed too far, gives pretty good fatherly advice.
If not masculine, he’s pretty solid.

Oh user.
If only you knew...

Kamala is actually good when written correctly. Miles didn’t become good until after the movie. Riri will probably never be good

Yeah there's a tv movie and at least one more season coming.

>It can't be real...people can't be liking things I don't like! It must be those ESS JAY DOUBLE EWES

The only men who get shat on in SU are Marty (who is a genuine piece of shit) and Kevin (who was sketch af to start with and was shown in a better light in his latest episode).

>actually shilling for SU

>The only men who get shat on in SU are Marty (who is a genuine piece of shit) and Kevin (who was sketch af to start with and was shown in a better light in his latest episode).
Doug gets no respect from his wife or child and is insecure.
Yellowtail is basically never there and outside of being the “bread winner” has no role in his family.
Fryman is the usual bumbling dad who doesn’t understand his kids.
Kofi is a violent black man.
Andy DeMayo is a straw man caricature of a conservative through a liberal lens.
Jamie is a milksop who couldn’t even get the girl he wanted.
Dewey lost being mayor and is stuck being at a dead end job at a donut place.
And Greg is a washed out musician who lives in a van and doesn’t even use his money.
In case you lost count, that’s a cuck, an absent father, Homer Simpson lite, a psychopath, a Trump supporter, a sissy, a loser and a slob.

>Is never shown to be disrespected by his wife, his daughter loves him and is only insecure about his daughter loving him

When the first line is completely wrong why should I bother reading the rest? Go read a book or something.

Good, can’t wait for the Straight Pride Month.

>waaah, why don’t those mean antis like my shitty CN show?

What a perfect combination of posts.

>an entire episode was dedicated to showing he wanted his daughter’s respect
>durr hurr you’re wrong

And thus he was insecure about whether his daughter loved him or not. Why are you confirming my point?

Sometimes the stars align just right

She doesn’t. Notice he she never even mentions him.

>ITT: SU fags go into defensive mode

>Kamala is written well
>Miles was poorly written at first but post Spiderverse he is seeing improvements
>Riri was and still is shit

Lying isn't a good look when there's sites dedicated to archiving every word a character ever says user.

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Same energy

>s-see it says right here on this fan wiki! That proves y-you’re wrong
What is context?
What is Connie a condescending little shit? (Which I found funny btw)

Reminder that intersex is in fact a genetic disorder and very rare one at that, with less than 0.1% of the population being intersex
It’s strange that people are treating a rare disorder like it’s a gender identity. Even stranger is creating a character that caters to a minority within a minority.

>actually digging through a transcript because you can’t stand being wrong
SU fags are pathetic

Intersex is the genetic condition, non-binary is the gender option. I don't think anyone will disagree with you on that.

>Providing proof is pathetic
Yeah I can see why you would hate that considering you're too much of a coward to admit when you're wrong. It's OK though, you're user right now so no one can see your tiny shriveled dick and lack of balls.

It is kind of weird that intersex is offered as a gender option and that there’s a viability day centered around it.
Where’s the visibility for the other genetic disorders?

>actually having to insult someone’s genitals like a high schooler
Imagine being this mad

You do realize you’re also an user, right?
By your logic, you’re just as cowardly.

SU fags are dumb

>ITT:/pol/tards breach containment too shit themselves over a one second clip trying to sell people overpriced hair soap

>t. Triggered SU fag

Don’t talk about containment breach.
I saw the GL thread

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Sugar is a racist piece of shit

literally more people have to struggle with being parapalegic than choose to struggle with being a tranny
so where's their overrepresentation in media, huh? why don't you want handicapped people in your stories user?

Because handicap people are useless

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I like Garnet but Ruby and Sapphire are the worst characters on the show

exactly, nobody relates to them
just like trannies

what if Stevonnie corrected their genitals, would connie or steven have mutilated genitals, would both of them have their mutilated genitals when they defuse?

I don’t know how injuries work with fusion

...I don't know how I forgot there was a season after the movie. Thank you user.

In that case, it'd be interesting to see them "together" should that happen. I feel like the gems have had enough time to experience fusion that following them isn't as impactful. But two kids just discovering life with each other? That could be a lot of fun if done right.

Life as a human permafusion sounds kind of horrifying, considering you’re still 25% flesh

Every month is straight pride month, user

Tell that to the GL fans

What a work out

>tries to porn bomb
>doesn't even post the actual pictures
what even is the point

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I don’t think they wanted to get banned. Or this was miserable attempt at trolling.
Either way, no effort

Oh yes the character that was made uglier and uglier because Sug got triggered the way she got drawn in her debut episode, in spite of the show's already inconsistent animation, at least Stevonnie looked somewhat presentable.

Stevonnie always looked ugly.
It was just a teenage girl with Steven’s bean face.

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Yeah exactly. It's a genuinely interesting idea. I don't think I've seen a show of two humans willingly joining bodies for a long period of time. You could get a lot of milage exploring it just because it's unexplored territory.

Which is exactly why the show won’t do it.
At this point, the fusions are just cheap power ups. This is especially true of Stevonnie.

>violent, psychopath
>literally just the traditional angry yelling is shown
>Can assume he's never punished his daughters too harshly based on family dynamic.
>Literally just a strict loud father
>Violent Psychopath
At first I thought you just meant aggressive, but wew user, I never knew that, obviously foreign father that yells alot=psychopath
I really can't take shit serious when this is how you interpret a character.

Same shit. He’s just the role angry black man.

>violent pyschopath= angry black man
But seriously kofi's literally runs his own fastfood, supports his family, works with his family, and seems to only have struggles with a rivalfast food place, and a single rebellious daughter, basically the struggle of every American father with a teen daughter. You can't say he's in anyway unsuccessful as even though his one daughter's a flake, his other one does twice the work and is polite. Yelling a lot doesn't mean that he's a violent psychopath. I don't see how he's been shit on beyond lower screen time

It’s race thing. Notice how black fathers always the get the short end of the stick

To be fair, black fathers are probably the only ones who get better treatment in the media. Everyone else is fair game

Oh hey, I recognize that bulge


Two of the last three new fusions all had distinct personalities. What the show often lacks in general is having more than 11 minutes to flesh the fusions out.

That would be a completely new show concept, so it really can't happen.
Also mundane annoyances and perks for a hermaphrodite made out if two children sounds more like a lame webcomic series than a cartoon show.

Concrete is cute. CUTE.

That's the whole show, OP.

>two brand new fusions have more personality to them than older fusions like Opal and Stevonnie

Would the show be better of if it lacked the LGBT themes?

i actually like claire

They said that about Phlogiston and the Luminiferous Aether.


>characters that only exist for brownie points.

Here's one.

Attached: DMbBg0RXkAAxwIU.jpg (512x450, 53K)

Who is she?

Rebel from Alt Hero.

I’d still smash

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Negasonic Teenage Warhead?

From the makers of SU

Wow, piercings. Amazing.

When I was a kid, they wouldn't hire gays for teachers cos they thought the gays would indoctrinate us. Hell, only lesbians were teachers and they didn't say shit. All gays in school didn't come out til they graduated so death by baseball bat wouldnt occur.

But this Goddam Screwed-3-Ways-2-Sunday transfaggenderqueer propaganda is considered a seminal cartoon? Is there an actual cis hetero in the entire show? Lesbians taking over cartons like they did Marvel and memoir GNs. Fuck.

The main character?

>Is there an actual cis hetero in the entire show?
OP''s pic is the main character using his magic powers to fuse with his girlfriend temporarily so they don't get their ass beat by monsters.

Even Steven is somewhat debatable. The only masculine thing about him is his penis and I only know he has that because he pisses outside

That's not what cis hetreo means. He's camp, but ultimately straight.

You didn't ask for a manly man. You asked for a straight person. Both Steven and Connie count.

Is he straight though? I’ve heard people make the case that he’s bi, pan and even ace

He loves pretty much most people platonically but he's only shown romantic affection for Connie. Anything else is just actual tumblr headcanon.

I'm curious - do kids who watch Steven Universe pick up that Stevonnie's not a girl? I mean obviously they'd know she's a fusion but like - I feel like if I was a kid watching I wouldn't think of her as non-binary or anything like that (female voice and female looking) and the show doesn't like lecture you on it so I'm wondering if kids actually use they/them shit in regards to her.
Granted this assumes kids are watching SU.

Even with the bean face, she still looked better in her debut episode.

dont ya remember?

Attached: Steven_Universe_-_Alone_Together.png (419x237, 103K)

This is probably why they redesigned Stevonnie slightly in later seasons. The initial design worked for the puberty metaphor in Alone Together but not so much later on.

as someone who used to moderate for a su community, kids do watch the show it was rare too see anyone beyond the moderation team who was 18+ it did happen but for every "adult" there was about 50 kids too match, most early on just kind of assumed stevonnie was female while the adults shit posted about her being like there hentai's.

Hm, nope. I can’t get past the fact that’s the face of chubby 14 year old

I mean, I agree they were made solely for brownie points, but two thirds of that bs turned decent. The thread solely for stuff that stayed shit, or is started shut then got better allowed?

In other words, the gender and sexuality stuff is completely lost on the target audience

What are some examples that got better?
Also I’m giggling at the fact that nearly everyone agrees Riri is shit.

Kids get subtext just fine. You go any harder with that stuff and you get people like OP sperging about it on asian pottery discussion boards.

The subtext in this show is...weird to put it one way.
It’s never really feels like subtext for kids to get but more like “well we’re on daytime CN so we have make it subtext”. It feels more like a show aimed at teens and young adults and probably should have aired on the Internet

kids get the underlying themes su puts down user, it's just on the first episode with stevonnie it wasn't super obvious. but people did assume.

If anything, they’re too cowardly and need to go farther

I don't disagree with that idea, but ultimately it's better that it aired on TV to reach more demographics I think. Well, whenever CN actually feels like airing it that is.

People say this but there’s a reason the “I never noticed this when I was a kid!” meme exists.

I actually that may be it’s biggest weakness although this is partially based on a crackpot theory I had.

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Has anyone posted this yet?

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>using capitalism to peddle your messages to children
This is what some people would call a sell out.

Where were you when Rebecca Sugar went full class traitor?

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These shorts somehow have worst writing and voice acting in them than the show

How big her dick is?

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No how far away actual LGBT people are from your fantasies.
It’s like Night and Day

It’s baby sized for a baby fusion

This your first couple of weeks on the internet or Yea Forums?

Or 100 baby sized fusions?

Is this a Zone work? This is nice linework. It matches the show perfectly.

You’re close.
The water mark reads Blargsnarf in the lower right

Let’s be real user; it’s more likely they’ll cater to a group they belong before they’d ever cater to your fantasies.
It’s like expecting the lesbians to be like the ones from porn when they’re like the lesbians from indie video games

Yeah, I just discovered it on paheal. Thanks.

The guy has a little too much ass stuff for my liking though.

Can you read or are you just a schizo?

Which amounts to how much?

He’s not wrong

Ass stuff seems to be his niche.
Well that and crossing lines most artists would never go

Choose one

sugar is based

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>Kamala is actually good when written correctly. Miles didn’t become good until after the movie. Riri will probably never be good


Eh. Riri isn't too bad where she is right now.
Without the fucking Bendis bullshit she's just a bit PSA-y. But her book is competently written for the target demographic and at least manages not to antagonise the reader or present an insufferable cunt as the messiah.

How dare you claim Robotnik as a mere brownie-point character, he was essential to the plot and he was actually well-written.


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