Villain whose only motivations are destroying the city/country/world just because they're evil is hacky and the worst...

>Villain whose only motivations are destroying the city/country/world just because they're evil is hacky and the worst kind of villain
>Unless they're a hot girl
>Villain whose only motivation is to bring back their most treasured person(s) at the cost of everything else is hacky and overdone
>Unless they're a dad

Why are both of these things true?

Attached: dommy.png (593x254, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the destructive villain being a girl is literally just a gimmick. Why it's perceived more positively? Cause people like hot girls
And hot girls are usually not the agressive bad guy irl, so it's purely fictional, an ironic character

She's not an aggressive archetype per se; she likes destruction but she just thinks it's all funny as shit

Right, because blowing up planets is hilarious
She's not the Joker, pal

Who is the guy on the right

>implying that either of these archetypes are intrinsically bad

The execution is what matters, you twat. There's no "worst" kind of villain. Both Nox and Dominator were executed well within their own show.

Attached: so you don't want to date me.png (1600x1956, 1.3M)

>didn't actually watch the show where she says this pretty much verbatim

She's blowing up planets
She's not causing random acts of violence like Joker or Harley or Deadpool or any lolrandom stereotype
She's hurting people because she likes hurting people

Waifus were a mistake

The first is played for laughs and the only person we see actually get killed is Beep boop, which people still hold against her. For good reason too.

The second is easy. Have you ever had a kid, even just someone small you love and want to protect? Matbe even someone you love and want to grow old with. If not, then I am sorry you haven't had a life with people you care for. A lot of other people can relate with wanting to save their kid or lover.

>Blowing up planets isnt a random act of violence
>"She's hurting people because she likes hurting people"
>All the examples do that too

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Nox is over 10 years old. Everyone is basicallt a copy of him. Also, the interesting thing about him is not just his motivations but how things go. He wins COMPLETELY, but his plan cracks due to a miscalculation/misunderstanding/maniac inside the cube.
Also hes incredibly alluring with all his wacky mannerisms and twichy effects. As a villain he never feels truly overbearing at the very end otherwise the fact that he has to work hard for everything and regularly gets his shit kicked in (but he still advances) makes him even more likeable.
His character archetype isnt terribly original but hes probably the best execution of it ever

Any archetype can be done well. Any archetype can be done poorly.
Perhaps instead of finding incedental features and trying to force a correlation, you look at the writers involved when looking for a "cause" to "bad" archetypes being executed well.

*until the very end

Noximilien. One of the best Yea Forums villains ever and a good runner up for best villain in all of fiction

Attached: nox.jpg (1280x711, 94K)

Best example of a sympathetic villain. You can relate to his pain, but hate him for the horrible things he's doing out of it.

But Nox never wanted it to be at the cost of everything else, he genuinely believed that the time reset would fix everything. I doubt he thought bringing his family back would have much of a negative butterfly effect.

He outright says that if he ended up destroying the universe, he wouldn't care. He just didn't want to live without his family, but that's exactly what he got condemned to in the end.

Nope, Grougal said so, Nox responded with "lel I dont mind if its a possibility"
It didnt and wouldnt have even it worked for all the 200 eyars. Time reversal works fully, completely with 0 side effects. The problem is the amount of power needed for it to go

so... did he have a heart attack? why is he laying on the ground?

user, he became dust

he wanted to die by his families grave

Dofus game confirmed that Nox cracked the universe and endangered it. There was an event.

Isnt dofus happening like 300 years before wakfu? Its even before Nox was born and hes old as hell

>tfw Nox technically succeeded and just didn't find one of those cracks to jump into then proceed to wait for another 300 years

Attached: Sad.jpg (622x788, 281K)

He was centuries old and sustained by sheer will and magic. When he realized he would never see his family again, he went to their grave and gave up the will to live, collapsing into sand.