ITT: Shows that exist (and you have nothing else to say about them)
ITT: Shows that exist (and you have nothing else to say about them)
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Dragon Prince.
I fucking hate Generic Fantasy. The only time I have ever enjoyed fantasy themed anything is unironically shows like Gravity Falls and Amphibia
>Shows that exist
>Dragon Prince.
>and you have nothing else to say about them
>I fucking hate Generic Fantasy. The only time I have ever enjoyed fantasy themed anything is unironically shows like Gravity Falls and Amphibia
You appear to have missed the point of this thread.
Fish Hooks.
That warrior frog show
Nice cropping.
I loved this show, fight me.
>removes Toby and Troll Jim
Now it's kino
Hotel Transylvania
Mr Peabody and Sherman Show.
Miraculous Ladybug
Niko and the Sword of Light
Poet Anderson
Tron Uprising
>the art style is fucking beautiful
>so is the animation
>but April is black REEEEEE
Based on the few weird clips I’ve seen on tumblr, I’m 100% convinced this show is cursed/was created using some sort of dark energy.
Oh, so your one of those people that think that there’s some ulterior motive for not liking a piece of entertainment?
Nice art and animation doesn’t mean shit if the show itself is unenjoyable to watch. I’m not at an art museum, I’m teying to watch two 11 min episodes in one sitting, if it’s not fun, than I don’t care how beautiful it isl.
I liked Troll Jim. It showed how much Jim had to sacrifice to ensure Gunmar and Morgana didn't get their way.
The art and animation are gorgeous, but everything else is so boring.
This show had some good g-milfs
I know, but I didn't think the show raised the stakes high enough to warrant Jim taking such a drastic action. It seemed more like Jim was insecure and Merlin used that to pressure him into becoming a half-troll.
Damn straight. I also liked the twins.
Toad Patrol?
Adelaide Productions should've gotten the rights to make this. DiC, just didn't have the edge or ugliness to make it great.
Battletoads, obviously.
This is how it's done
For something that it's suppose to just exist people sure love talking about it.
I'd fuck those frog chicks.
>the art style is fucking beautiful
>so is the animation
Having good animation doesn't mean shit when the art is trash to begin with.
>but April is black REEEEEE
Nice strawman. This complaint is usually part of the bigger deal that everyone is a bastardisation of their original counterparts. Splinter is fat & useless, the turtles are all different species (which fucks the entire "they're blood brothers" concept), April is black for diversity. But sure, cherrypick the one you could remotely blame on /pol/.
I just wanted to fuck the Twins
Is this camp lazlo for zoomers?
>not muh turtles
opinion discarded
subhuman spotted you can get shot in the street now tyrone you wont be missed
>>the art style is fucking beautiful
>>so is the animation
lmao best joke
The fuck is this?
shoes brand mascots having a cartoon.
t. Ricardo
This show was apparently so commercialized that it violated the law and got cancelled.
this show still aired in some international countries (even Italy which doesn't even have commercials in the middle of shows in a twist of irony still aired it)
this sure is a cartoon that exists
What the fuck? Where did it air?
>most of these shows are Netflix or Amazon Prime
In Canada
What channel tho?
What is this
Henry Danger by Dan Schneider.
mind you that's a cartoon spin-off
the original show is live-action and currently airing its fifth season
for France: Cartoon Network
Poland? Teletoon+
Canada? Teletoon
See, that’s hilarious because I remember hearing stories about him being snobby and condescending Nick’s animation department.
They buy the rights for cheap stuff so they can fill their childrens catalogue
This show is unironically good.
>>removes Toby
>not removing Claire
She's the Sam Manson of this generation.
Mike, Lu & Og
It was okay. I actually like all of the cast except Stretch himself, who gets very little characterization. The first season is pretty good, but the second season reveal was really bad and ruined a character.
Still need to check this out. Heard great things
I've rewatched the show and I like Jake a little more, but I really do not care about the intended romance with Riya. They just straight up don't have any chemistry. Plus, his dad issues got pushed into the background after being prominent in season one.
I'm kinda mixed with Kane, because on one hand, it was genuinely surprising and completely caught me off-guard. On the other hand, it kind of came so damn late in the season that there was not much time to really flesh out the reveal. He didn't feel as developed as Rook. It also feels like they just threw a plot twist there for the sake of throwing a twist.
The show could've benefited from an extra season or two to see where they take the characters in, but that wasn't really in the cards. I'm baffled Netflix ordered such a low number of episodes, but also that they chose to waste three episodes on a special where very little was accomplished, plot-wise.
My problem with the Kane reveal is that he was set up in the first season as a big red herring, but we got to see his character grow and find out he was actually a good dude. And then all of the sudden that got thrown out the window to tell us "oh yeah he's actually a secret mind control villain."
I'm okay with the Riya romance but I agree that it could have been handled better.
>le ebic AWESOME fat friend
>zero personality
Both of Jim's human friends were fucking terrible
toby is cool though
>Goanimate the Series.
The 700 Club.
I thought they were setting up Kane as the "gruff mentor that cares deep down", especially as they kept emphasizing that he was unaware of Rook's true nature. I never thought he was set up as a villain, but after I rewatched it, I also noticed he never really got a heartwarming moment where he bonded with the Flex Fighters. The closest he got was pic related, and even that takes a whole new light following the Tech Men reveal. I guess Dr. C plays that role now that Kane is out of the equation.
Toby's super annoying, but at least he was a bro to Jim. He's not a tool like Tucker was to Danny. Claire is insipid, whiny, and boring, just like Sam.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess what gets me is that, like you said, he seems like he was just going to be an ally who works against them sometimes.
They also introduce that other security guy as an ally in that season too, which is strange because that role could have easily been Kane's. It just left a bad taste in my mouth for him to get so much development and then turn into a shallow villain at the last minute.
>They also introduce that other security guy as an ally in that season too, which is strange because that role could have easily been Kane's.
And now he's getting "replaced" by Rook's test subject guy, so had another season come out, we wouldn't be getting much development out of him.
Though I wonder if he's connected to Ricardo's former friend from another town. His and his sister's last name is also Reynolds.
>even Italy which doesn't even have commercials in the middle of shows
[citation needed]
That's what they get for ignoring the Furious Five and Shifu. It's a shame, especially since the other show is pretty shit.
I remember there's an interactive episode. That was fun
>gets new threads everyday and 400 replies per day
Sure buddy
Any clue what was the deal with the cat guy? The one who was experimented on by Rook, and then turned out to be a cliffhanger of season 2?
>Great looking art and animation
>Every character talks in street slang that was popular a decade ago
I've never dropped a show so fast. Fuck it could have been great.
I wanted to like it, but seeing how the show only got 26 episodes, it seems like kind of a waste. They could've resolved some plot points or developed the characters a bit more. Plus, it's awkwardly placed in the middle of the series, so people who see the special will be confused or spoil the show for themselves if they want to watch it later.
I liked Multi-Farious's multiple fates, but that's all really it for me. I still think Puss in Boots had the best framing device for interactive specials.
Probably another plot thread for a future season. They never explained much about him beyond having the "right" genetics for Rook's experiments and apparently being close to him, since he knew about him being Stretch Monster and the Epsilon Society.
I saw the image preview and thought: "Is that a remake of the Impossibles?"
Not what OP was asking for at all.
Did Riya get better as a character in season two though?
not that user but she-ra does get recognized alot in contrast to other shows in this thread.
I hold a grudge against this show because I had vividly imagined for years what a proper stretch Armstrong show should be like ( my ultimate conclusion was flex mentallo joins GI joe) . Then this cheap shit comes out and just puts him through the spiderman hero filter because it was the easiest and most formulaic route they could have taken. I'm glad it ate shit, fuck this series, and fuck hasbro even harder for not actually trying with any corner of their "shared universe" .
Not really. They focus more on shipping her with Jake and muh mysterious past.
Is it wrong that I liked this?
i like the turtles being different species becuase lets be real what are the odds that fucking pet store turtles are blood related in the first place?
They do more stuff with her, at least, instead of being a shallow love interest. She really needed some slice-of-life stuff with the others to make a stronger bond, especially with her character arc consists of being too consumed with her vendetta against Rook.
That’s not Yea Forums.
>falls for the generic female badass character from the show