Was McGruder trying to say that all men should be tough to appeal to women...

Was McGruder trying to say that all men should be tough to appeal to women, or was Tom's consistent plight of being a mild mannered classy man that doesn't work out to net him the attention of his wife and respect of others just a byproduct of the culture we live in? Because it's not just that Tom is an African American that's the basis for his background, but he lives in a well off upper-middle class/ high class environment, you'd think that would account for the demography of his background.

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No, Tom was just a satirical take on "safe" black people. Not much else to it.


He was an "oreo"

Granddad was your average non-ghetto black man. Tom was a black man who acted like a stereotypical milquetoast WASP. He was used in the comics to provide a "white" character for Huey to argue with without actually having him argue with a older white guy. Because McGruder is a good enough writer to understand you can soapbox as long as you aren't boring and predictable about it.

Tom's episodes usually ended with him having a nice moment with his family. He may be boring and a beta but he's got a wife and daughter that love him.

I wonder if McGruder has a ideal standard to how an black American should act?

He's a stand up guy tbqh

Yeah, Tom was a wimp, but he wasn't really portrayed as a bad guy or deserving of any misery.

Like a human fucking being instead of a stereotype whether negative or positive

Going off the vibes I get from the show I'd say someone that isn't ashamed of their heritage but doesn't use it as their sole identity. Not to mention to not act like a nigga.

I think more specifically he was too into 'keeping up with the Joneses'

Grandad was ghetto as fuck, what show were you watching? He was just that old school ghetto compared to Riley.

Yeah, the message wasn't "this is a pathetic loser wuss to mock" so much as "Tom could probably stand to have a little bit more backbone, but he's a good guy with a loving family"

I’ve always felt like this show came out 10 years too early. The writing and dialogue in the first three seasons were great, but it feels both dated and outdated.

this. He was rambunctious, but also knew when to stay out of trouble. Contrast that to Riley, while he emulates the same hot-bloodedness, he typically has no idea of an understanding when too far is too far.

Probably a well balanced black person who embraces their heritage and identity but doesn't use it as an excuse for bad behavior.

well that could be rectified if mcgruder got working on a new season and put his sincere effort into it, but idk if he feels 'finished' with boondocks or not where he'd be willing to do that

Get off of Yea Forums, Ruckus.

Uh, no.

In his first episode, yes, but every episode after that he always got the short end of the stick, especially the Usher episode.


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Tom is supposed to be a satire of Ivy League educated Blacks who want to help the community by getting into law and community organizing. He was supposed to be a more of a jab at Barack Obama and his ilk before Obama became president.

Tom is a prosecutor who puts urban black men into jail and fears he might be punished for sending them to prison.

Tom is my role model.
Seeing his wife smile at dinner makes him so happy he just breaks out into a song.

Agree with most thread comments, but another part of it is the irony of the wife he picked, who apparently does dig that thug shit

She must just like power, considering she went gaga for Obama.

In the Obama episode they even said that Tom was literally just a less successful version of him, and his wife was basically creaming herself every time Obama was mentioned.

It's a satire of high middle class black people who try to not rock the boat and take society as it is because they themselves haven't suffered from its injustices.

It's not so much on shitting on Tom since most every episode with him usually ends with a happy ending and even his thot wife who fetishes ghetto culture understands how good he has it. It's more McGruder wishing for greater solidarity from wealthy blacks and poor blacks.

But she only cared about the music, she had no interest in the rapper himself. And when Tom "fought" the guy, she jumped his dick. All she wants is a more assertive Tom. That's it.

I think Tom's wife get's to much shit because she's a fetishist but I mean how often do people come here in Yea Forums specifically to masturbate to XJ9 whilst still having a girlfriend?

As long as you don't pull any actual NTR then who cares.

I always loved that season three episode meant to be his finale where he became a public defender.

he was supposed to represent what happens when a black man forgoes his entire culture and heritage and tries to pretend to be white, marry a white woman and take on a white man's job and never stop acting white.

It makes him into the same type of unfulfilled weirdo pussy terrified of all black people that all white men really are

no, it was meant to satirize suburban black people who are "liberal" and "down with the struggle" yet marry white women.

Think like Van Jones and Don Lemon put into one person.

Everyone on the shoe was a caricature of a specific type of black guy.

>Grandad was the old guy who grew up in segregation times and never really got over it
>Huey is the idealistic revolutionary that takes everything to be a targeted conspiracy
>Riley is the low class uneducated thug
>Tom was the oreo that pretends to be white and embraced every ounce of whit culture and forsook his heritage
>Ruckuss was the deluded completely self loathing angry black man that "knew his place"



Riley is meant to be the kid whose entire perception of black people and culture is purely defined by the media. He's not uneducated and he's not even a thug, but rather a child who looks up to the bad influences of black culture.

His wife is a whore as the Ritsuko Akagi that her visual is based of

>as the Ritsuko Akagi that her visual is based of

[citation needed]

Prison episode was one off the best episodes.

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Beat my meat to the uncensored shower scene several times, I agree.

Tom was the shows representation of being an 'Uncle Tom'. Hence the name they purposely game him.

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>the shows representation

*the show's representation

>watching this online
>mfw uncensored version
Christ, wasn't ready for that one

The hypeman in the background was the best part

>Ruckuss was
only in need of counseling to deal with his self-loathing and inferiority issues.

> gets mistakenly shot by police while taking out his safety orange wallet
> forgives them after the fact
WHO out of ANYONE would do this in real life?

he would be the most well-balanced character on the show if he had more self-esteem.