Is Sue Storm Reed’s slave? Is this how comic book writers interpret marriage for women...

Is Sue Storm Reed’s slave? Is this how comic book writers interpret marriage for women? Why isn’t there more married women in Marvel and DC?

We should applaud Doom and Namor trying to save her from this sexual slavery she is subjected to.

Fuck Reed Richards that cunt.

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Tommy this isn’t healthy

Go back to posting your Hal Jordan/Doctor Doom pasta

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Explain what's happening in that panel please

>Is Sue Storm Reed’s slave?
Some would say that Sue has too much freedom

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This is a blue board user.

She always goes back to Reed even though in her heart she doesn’t want to and knows it’s an awful relationship. This is classic case of Stockholm Syndrome.
We should applause Sue any time she dares to find happiness in another man. Female empowerment through breaking the bonds of slavery!

Okay well at least let me know who he's talking to

No. Whatever gave you that impression?

More like Reed is slave to that ass

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he is having a flashback/dream about WWII

Tommy pls

The woman can’t be at fault here. Sue flirting with Namor and Doom has to do with Reed being an abusive slaver so she is trying to find release some other way. Namor and Doom actually care for her unlike Reed.

Expanding rubber dick though.

Yeah like she wants that rooting around her insides like an eel

>Hal has somehow managed to outwit DOOM by being an idiot
>"Have you ever considered your foolproof plan actually going up against a fool Doom?"
>"Silence you blonde tart! No one is that stupid!"
>"Then you haven't met my Ex."
>>Every time Doom becomes a god, Hal one-ups him and knocks him back to mortality
>Doom spergs autistically each time
>>Secret Wars 2015 is resolved by Hal hitting God Doom with a Giant Green Boxing Glove
>>Hal while in Parallax mode has white edges like Reed Richards
>Doom gets even more angry and autistic
>>Injustice like game
>Hal's special victory pose after beating Doom is making a construct dab alongside him
>>Doom’s worst nightmare is Hal ruling Latveria
>The national food is hamburgers
>Doom develops a phobia against hamboigahs upon waking up
>>Doom tries to get Hal's adversaries to defeat Hal
>Doom has no actual inetntions to work with them, plans on studying their strategies and backstabbing them later
>Sinestro dabs on Doom instead, fucker's almost as strong as his husbando
>Atrocitus sees through his bullshit and REEEEEs Doom back to Earth
>Indigo 1: ???
>Carol ends up making out with Hal in front of Doom upon entering the vicinity of Hal's big dick energy
>Larfleeze: use your imagination
>>“I am a sorcerer, a man of science, a poet, a ruler, a great thinker. I comprehend things beyond whatever that mind of yours could dream of. I brought myself from nothing to rule Latveria. My power is recognized by the universe and above.
>“You are a boy disguised as a man. Someone who left his home as soon as he could to serve others. You are but one of many chosen by the so-called “Guardians of the Universe” your ring no different from any other, a trinket of a dead man. You’ve succumbed to fear in the past and became the villain to the world. A failure
>“Yet every time we face in a battle of wills, it is you who triumphs, I made the fool. Why?
>“Tell me, damn you, tell me why?!”

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I hope that MCU will choose a chad Namor and a THICC Sue Storm

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Oh, well that certainly must have been intentional

No such thing user. Besides, what is people’s obsession with Asian Namor? The guy’s dad is Scottish and his mother is Atlentean so some kind of Ancient Greek/Roman Blue Mutie.

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That's hot and I hope sex toy tech evolves to that. Sue and Doom are the luckiest fuckers around, Reed destroys both their cunts on the reg.

It is meant as the perfect traditional marriage. Take your feminism and shove it up your ass.