ITT: precious little Yea Forums cinnamon rolls that need to be protected at all costs
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She deserves all the hardships she gets
Her choice after all
you mean fucked at all costs.
picture unrelated i see
>Going Turbo because bored after like 5 years of gaming
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She should be deleted, while Ralph is forced to watch
>wreck it ralph 2 thread
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My nigga
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Do you think people harass these rats sometimes, like trolls?
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>cinnamon rolls
Leaves her best friend and goes Turbo just for getting bored and having excitement in internet
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>voiced by Sarah Silverman
Keksandra is so cute
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The word combination of "precious cinnamon roll" makes me want to punch the woman in the cunt.
I agree that she needs protecting but how the fuck does that right pigtail work
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I always wondered about that
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>Cinnamon Roll
You are wrong
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