I doubt most of Yea Forums thinks about this but the success of this movie will change movies forever. This film is a CGI animated film that looks photorealistic and has non human characters as protags/antags.This brings on the table movies that many wouldn't believe would be done in live action such as Thundercats or Transformers Cybertron films.I go with theterm live action because many asociate it with real life cartoon characters.There won't be the excuses of "It needs humans to make money". This is the real GAME CHANGER.Not Avatar,not Infinity War and not even Endgame bu THIS movie.
The Lion King:Changing Movies FOREVER
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>all cgi
It truly is phenomenal
So a cartoon?
What about that Beowulf thing?
Not realistic enough
Name a single Disney movie (MCU and Star Wars none withstanding) that has come out in the past 10 years that has had any mayor cultural impact.
Iron Man
Paramount, but nice try
you have some powerful reading comprehension there bud, especially if you take into account Iron Man became an icon before the buyout.
Frozen if you count a billion people singing let it go for months on end as a cultural impact
>muh Paramount good disney bad
Paramount makes souless shit and ruined Transformers and make sexist garbage films for retard. Fuck off
Avatar did it first and better. Get over yourself disney shill
My point was that Iron Man had nothing to do with Disney
I didn't mind Disney shilling till the crap outweighed the good.
Hopefully the realistic look will scare a bunch of kids and kill this retarded trend in time for Igers replacement.
Considering everyone agrees that the first Iron Man movie is one of the best movies in the MCU and the only Iron Man movie worth a dman I'd say otherwise.
yeah I don't think so
Even in the preview material the photo realistic visuals sap a ton of the personality out of the characters. Anthromorphic animals exist in cartoons as part of a long legacy. Doing it with realistic CG is just business man logic ("People like live action, and people like Lion King, therefore people will like the Lion King if it looks like live action")
It'll probably be successful, but there's no way it's big deal. People are used to realistic looking CG at this point.
It's not this movie really. It was the games that started the awful photorealistic bullshit trend. The more realistic it is, the "better" it is.
I was once worried how a movie like this will affect animated films in the future. Will studios bother making stylzed or cartoony looking films anymore?
I don't have the same beef against Disney as most Yea Forumsmrades, but I hope this does relatively poorly. Its success would set a bad precedent, both for reboots and realistic CG.
How? IT has a projected 210 million opening in US, it will hit. 1 billion soon.
not him but Avatar still had humans faglord
My hopes are unrealistic, but they are my hopes nonetheless.
>photo realistic thundercats, mice bikers from marČ™, bucky ohare, etc.
>Changing movies for the worse
Nala won't be hot anymore so not watching.
i don't want to
those shows are pretty bad, and would look even worse in a realistic art style
Fuck off
hehe timon is sitting like people
its a fucking cartoon
Whereare their "genitals"?
I dont get it,explain someone to me please?
It's just another remake though
You're right that it'll be a huge shift in the movie landscape, but in the opposite direction. People are going to realize with this movie that more realistic doesn't equal better. Timon and Pumbaa just straight up aren't going to work.
>talking animals
Pick one, subby
I saw it
Are you dumb?
So a cartoon, gotcha.
people are going to the theater, and instead of seeing a cute stylized warthog, they're going to see this motherfucker. It's not going to go over well.
That was Michael Bay not Paramount
>This film is a CGI animated film that looks photorealistic and has non human characters as protags/antags.
People often times forget that Dawn of the Planet of the Apes did this very thing a thousand times better than The Lion King will possibly be.
>yfw "NO!"
Based, and apepilled
Also, Maurice > Caesar > Koba > Rocket. Prove me wrong. Protip: You cannot
>Name a single Disney movie (MCU and Star Wars none withstanding) that has come out in the past 10 years that has had any mayor cultural impact.
Frozen made a shitload of money. Little girls are still obsessed with it
>Disney shills
>unironic /pol/tards
>actual tumblrinas
>Yea Forums threads making up a good portion of this board
>inactive mods or mods that hate the board
Hiroshima Nagasaki should nuke this board already.
will they do a live action great mouse detective I'd be ok with that
My biggest complaint with the movie tbqph. If you're gonna flaunt how "photorealistic" everything is you need to go all the way.
>emotional story where real talking animals are the main characters
so homeward bound