Creators in Crisis

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At least something decent came out of HiC.

This is fucking amazing

Topkek, OP

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>shit webcomic creator attacking real creators
Poor Sohmer.

>real creators
Get the fuck out.

You forgot Slott and DeConnick


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Can someone shoop the original Lex 40 kek face into these?

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>Byrne not admitting to 3 hard drives full of cheese pizza

This feels inaccurate.

Better than a webcomic creator at least.

>Implying he wasn't intentionally ripping off Miller.

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Christopher Hastings was better than Alan Moore even before Gwenpool.

Hold on. She never looks like that in the movie.

The next one should include Uncle Frank, Millar, Waid, Ennis, Slott, Liefeld and Jim Lee

All Hail Cunt Snake

Ah, classic memes.

DiDio, Neal Adams, and Tynion too

Lobdell, DeConnick, Simone, Tomasi, Nick Spencer... The list goes on

This is a good idea that would work if you actually read comics instead of memes.

>Le epin snake god! Le epin Morrison does drugs!


Here are the rest:

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>Uncle Frank got a whole page to himself

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>Al Ewing, given his social media mass-blocking habit
What a snowflake.

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>I'm too much of a casual to understand any of this
>better pretend I'm just too kewl 4 skool

When did this whole autismo look-into-the-camera-like-you’re-on-the-Office start in comic books?

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>being a fan means hating all creators
Yikes, indeed.

The Dark Knight Returns, maybe?


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>Ctrl + F
>0 found

>Everything I disagree with is a meme


>:3 Meoowwww.

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Kek, at least it wasn't as bad as Marvel's newest god.

I would pay 100 bucks to see story about Geoff Johns gone mad and killing writers.

Who be that

>Also, fuck Romanis
Yeah, anyone who's so much as been to Europe will say this. Americans just think they're cool sexy brown people because they watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame as kids.


>fuck Romanis
No way, Romanian hookers are terrible.

What’s wrong with them?

What's his deal?

They're all thieves.

Yeah they should all return to the water-deprived shithole known as India

He's just another overpowered OC.

She’s actually worse though because she’s yet another MULTIVERSE MONITOR OMG SHES LIKE THE MOTHER OF ALL THINGS. Like Jesus Christ synder time it down a little


>Donny Gayes
>Complaining about sex fanfics
reeeee venom abusive relationship reeeee

Based Peter David

>Culture promotes antisocial behavior
>No moral qualms about kidnapping, theft, banditry
>Their "politically correct" naming makes people confuse them with Romanians, leading to butthurt
Rhoma are the bane of Europe

>their only saving grace is their own music, heard from Hungary to Greece

Another "giant cosmic asshole", then?

Another "giant cosmic asshole."

What a stupid page. I would've gone ham on his ridiculous Thor insertion everywhere, as well as his insistence on including his OCs into everything he writes.

>The one about Ewing
This one is pretty stupid also, clearly another dumbass who's mad he got blocked.

And these are supposed to be funny how exactly?

ctrl F doesn't work on images you retard


This reminds me, has Frank ever written Spider-man? If not I wonder why.


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Imagine though
>Spidey acts like Black suit Spidey 24/7
>Black Cat is a hooker
>Aunt May the wine aunt
>Gwen with daddy issues
>“I'm the goddamn Spiderman”

What a masterwork we missed.

Sounds a lot better than alt reality Spider-Man teaming up with himself.


Cass is peak cute


Do Hellboy team

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Why is every single person on this board terminally unfunny?

>tfw We could never be gimmicky comic book writers :(

Yes - you! You have the power! I believe in you, user.

Sand Saref is seven years older than Frank Miller, dear heart.

John Byrne is a pedophile, and if he's confessing anything, it'd be a huge stockpile of videos of twelve year old girls getting gangbanged.

As he should.

I'm surprised bendis didn't get 28 pages and a "to be continued" without going anywhere.

Miller didn't create her you stupid fucking dipshit

>All that reads like something Johns would write
Remember when Johns killed Barry's mom, had Prime brutally murder several heroes, turned Hammond and black hand into creeps, and gave bleez an origin involving gangrape, aged up Chris and had Kryptonians running around in their cliques?

Good old days.

He's the god of the darkness from before the universe was created.

I am sorry but I rather like it.

They play into the individual characteristics of each creator as perceived by fans.


But where are the ones for:

Jason Aaron?
>Do you see me now? Do you see me now, dad? I hate you! I HATE YOU!! (sobs)

Greg Land?
>Still waiting for that phone call from Avatar Press. Don't they understand? Hello? I am tracing PORN here!!

>Matt Fraction

...I got nothing, I am just still not over it.

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The only thing I could think for Ewing is he screaming "LORE! BRING ME MORE LORE!" .

You don't understand user, the ghost of Alan Moore possessed him and made him do it!!!!

>John Byrne is a pedophile
really? damn

lol nice

I wonder what Garth Ennis and mark Millar's would be?

Exists before everything else in the universe, made the Necrosword, killed Eson the Searcher with a single blow

Cap will KO him with one shield toss

Okay, you have to promise not to mock me

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It was clearly not Eson, since we still have him.

And yeah, he predated the CURRENT (or previous? This is complicated) universe - so he appeared BETWEEN universes since this is Multiverse no.8 now.

Also the Celestials did pwn his ass in the end.

[unintelligible british cursing]

People who mythologize Shooter are fucking brainlets

>>Culture promotes antisocial behavior
They're basically just carnies: anyone outside the family group is a mark you're looking to score off of and then you move on and zero fucks given.

>Matt Fraction
>I created the Pizza Doge because I wanted to be the greatest meme creator ever

'oy aboyt oi clatter yisser shoite, Sasanach langer?

Nah, they just like good capes.
