Would this cartoon be banned in America ?

Would this cartoon be banned in America ?


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Nah, it'd probably air with little to no fanfare before some moral outrage person saw a rerun 20 years later leading to a minor "controversy" that 99% of the population would consider dumb

it's educational, so probably not.
they'd change the song to something metal though, and air it at like 5AM for preschoolers.

The hell is this?

>he never saw it
Never talk to me you disgusting philistine

But it has a lot of nudity

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Educational stuff usually gets a pass.


>You see kids, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they merge into a amorphous blog that reforms into a third person.

Even the rape scene in the ancient greeks episode ?

Based Walloons teaching little boys to cast aside white roasties

Attached: fois_espace.jpg (280x288, 7K)

Frenchmen, rather. For some reason I thought Barille was Belgian

This. I distinctly recall watching an educational cartoon about ancient Egypt as a kid that had a pair of nude women dancing in it. The degree to which Americans get offended by nudity is exaggerated, even though it is worse than Europe.

Once upon a time ... Life

>A world of peace and brotherhood!

Attached: ameriques.png (289x393, 101K)

Which episodes does the brown girl get naked?

"Pyramid" by David Macaulay.
Castle, Cathedral, and Roman City are other notable videos.

Uhm excuse me but as an american this is deeply offensive to me. What if my kids start making questions about the naked people and how sexuality works? Or even worse what if little Timmy starts asking why their penises are uncircumcised?
Also they say lot of complex things that aren't appropriate for small children, nobody needs to know history from countries that aren't the USA and all the sciency facts could get to their heads and turn them into climate change believers. Please give them clothes and add more action and firearms to replace all the intellectual hippie bullshit they spout.

I'll tell you once I'm done binge watching it

>everybody talking about the cartoon in a civil manner
>yurocuck tries to start shit
Keep seething, Pierre.

American during the 70s up only flip out about nudity when it was being used to exploit or sell shit to kids, when most the rating rules were put in place they calmed down a lot, then when internet rolled in it escalated the fears to where your 12 year old seeing tits of TV was rather low key issue compared to the piles of porn that were seconds away


I don't know why people think nudity is as taboo in the US as they make it seem
Have you seen all the asses and slightly-censored genitalia they show on CN

In France and Italy you can be out driving and see billboard advertisements with topless women. Not in Anglo cunts.

I really liked this cartoon as a child but it barely had anything sexual in it. It was mostly about blood cells being weak little pussies who'd get saved by alpha white cells.

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when i was a kid i had a bunch of books with these characters in it teaching about how the body works but i had no idea there was a cartoon of it.

one thing i never understood is why this cunt has like... something... sticking out in front and back between his legs. none of the other red blood cells have it. what is it?

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haven't seen tities in ads in a while there, except when it's for "noble causes" like breast cancer awareness.

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Could be sickle cell. A mutation causes hemoglobin to misform and stick together into clumps that distort the shape of red blood cells.

This cartoon was a big inspiration for me, I used to watch it every morning, and in fact, I think it still airs in the same local channel where I used to watch it. This, and "Once Upon A Time... Man" were really good shows, and I recommend it to anyone who's interested not only in learning new things but to get a fun and riveting story.

>in b4 THAT episode from that brazilian kid's show

Well now I have to know.

It's supposed to look like his the beard of his human lookalike, I guess.

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Definitely not in Latin America, that show teach me more that school did. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't have had any kind of sexual education if it wasn't for this show.

Now while the nudity is there less that a second, I think this show would have been banned for showing Evolution to kids.

Attached: Evolution.png (1280x800, 1.1M)

>that show teach me more that school did.
Clearly not English.

The Rape of Lucretia was a very important historical event. You'd be right wing or a fucking retard to shove that away into the back of people's minds in a historical cartoon.

Of course it didn't, that show taught biology not grammar. Yu-Gi-Oh is where I learned English.

Turma da monica

Getting banned involves being broadcast on a major network during an SJW era in the first place. This would either not get aired or have been in a "it was a different time" time period and just not gotten anymore attention after the fact.

A show that explains human physiology and anatomy in an easy-to-understand yet scientifically accurate way?

There are schools in America that teach """sex ed""" without use of the word "penetration" or its synonyms. And I'm not talking about the bible belt.

you're being disingenuous, that screenshot is from a different show, not the one OP posted

not the same show

there were several shows made by the same team, the one OP posted is 100% child-friendly

The show you're talking about, which focuses on history, does portray that, but they're not frontal about it, not even close. I watched it as a kid and only put the pieces together regarding that particular scene you're mentioning many years later.

I mean, we could have the Canadian curriculum which was written by a convicted pedophile.



Teaching "sex ed" and telling them masturbation lead to cancer of your spine and sex leads to blindness.

Easily the best soundtrack, and the plot was nice too.

cringe and incelpilled

but that's true though?

Honestly, no. Last nudity I can recall was Steven Universe using his clothes to attack the French fry costume. That was five years ago.

Would this cartoon be banned in America ?

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I dunno, crApple doesn’t do webms lol.

Just post a cartoon the USA would ban for sure. I got the popcorn in the microwave now.

What about this one? desuarchive.org/co/thread/106714425/#106724957

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No, but No one would pick it up either.

would Ben and Izzy get banned in the USA?
that show is made in the middle east (not Israel)

Why is everyone so obsessed about America? Do you really want to inflate our ego even more? We can give you info and our opinions but you can't keep being this clingy.

>Stop talking about america on an american website

Only in certain countries.

Literally every Gumball episode for one

No wonder STDs are still a problem in the U.S.

Furfag doesn’t count!

We're flattered we're always on your mind. By visiting Yea Forums you too can pretend you're from America.

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remember kids: having sex makes you fly and turn into your baby

Ben wa Izzy has obvious Islamic influence that's even stronger than Shimmer and Shine (Shimmer and Shine would have female characters dressed less than what Islam would like often)

What's educational about naked people hugging and water droplets flying into a nose and random shit in the nasal cavities happening? I'm 23 and don't know what the fuck I just watched.

French exceptionalism is a myth, kid....

Left wing, kid Left wing.......

It was true as far at the mid 90s. It changed when TV ratings started to appear and then it spread to other media as well.

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Cringe, utter cringe. This is purely French, man.