The bravest knight

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The tweetest screenshot

Well it's about damn time!

>twItter thread

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So where'd the kid come from?


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Based StS Silent user

this doesnt offend me as much as i thought it would

From an artificially inseminated mixed race Muslim lesbian couple


At least it 's not another "woman x woman = all gay couples". Although, the "all male couples have an adopter daughter trope" is just as dumb.

adopted from the village of peasants they just pillaged for defiantly not paying taxes

It's probably gonna be lame, but just because it's very kiddy. The gayness would be the only remarkable point. Aside from outrage farming like Prince OP, faggot is he, it'll probably escape any notice


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Would you be even talking about this if it didn't have the gays?

americans, especially whites, are actually creatively bankrupt. they simply cant come up with any new content other than sjw shit. they simply cant be creative anymore. they have no choice but to adopt sjw bs.

who wouldve imagined western creators in the mainstream entertainment/art would turn into ideologically driven cultists in droves in the 90s.

Gotta be extremely shit to need to pander so much. The art itself is unwatchable.

So the gay angle is the one that's pissing them off? Because we've had mixed couple families before.

Attached: the-secret-saturdays.jpg (1440x750, 223K)

Welcome to Yea Forums! Hasn't been same since You -know-who left!

Boring character designs
No thanks

If being about gay guys is your only selling point, the show is shit.
Just the setting is lame already.

>Because we've had mixed couple families before.
And was that the focus of Secret Saturdays? Because as far as I can remenber it was about protecting earth, subduing and saving supernatural entities.
In the other hand the mixed gay couple is certainly both the selling point and focus of "Bravest" Knight.

oh wow. a MIXED-RACE couple in 2019!?

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This still is the only interesting same sex couple in Yea Forums media, and it was a fucking joke. Sad!

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SJWs will hate this anyway because the show is mostly about "white dad telling about his about his exciting adventures before he married brown cock". Just look forward to it.

I mean there's nothing wrong about this but it sure is laying it on thick, isn't it? This is the most explicit pandering I've ever seen. But, for any of you anons worried about your non-existent kids, just don't show them the cartoon.

>adopted child darker than parents
>all in traditional European fairy tale setting
this is already amusing in its own right

I see no cartoon here, just what the fuck is each episode going to accomplish?

>show describes the main couple
>twitter post ree'ing about it
Yes I hate it when a character's sexuality and race is the only description given but people who cough up blood and lose sleep over it should stop complaining. The show is virtually nothing and wouldn't raise an eyebrow or be brought up if it wasn't for that and now someone takes a screenshot from a literal who about a literal what show and posts it on here and now a couple dozen anons are aware of it because OP is a fag that just wants to cause some anger.

Nobody cares about this show, they just want an excuse to get angry.

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They sure won't find it on their own.
This shit will sink like a lead duck.

>Hey, kids! Want to watch ghis show about two guys that ride horses or some shit? Or how about this one about a samurai cat fighting a flying fortress full of crazy pirates with his cyborg badger buddy?


calm down, fujo.

>twitter post ree'ing about it
But it isn't. The twitter post that pinpoints that the important things are gayness and mixed race is the proqueer twitter account of a leftleaning news website whose whole investment in the medium is a political war.

Is the fact that a couple is mixed race really still considered noteworthy?

The biggest problem I see with it is that the protagonists are already a couple. It would've been more interesting if they were rivals who come upon a village ransacked by the antagonists, with the little girl being the only survivor. Now they have to take care of the child and this makes them grow closer to each other and they fall in love and marry in the last episode.

In Twitter land it is
Which means faggots on Yea Forums considering it the most important thing possible

Best anyone can hope for with this is that it turns out better than it looks, which wouldn't be too hard since it looks pretty crap

This is about the blonde guy telling stories about his life to his daughter so it will most likely show how they became a couple. Don't expect it to be anything too exciting, though.

This, if this decade has taught us little else cartoon related, it should be that the journey of a couple is crucial if we're meant to care about it

That guy wasn't brown in the original book. He also wasn't brown in first promo picture of the animation.

Attached: the-bravest-knight-post.jpg (620x349, 200K)

He's darker, yes, but those really don't look like black features to me

>proceeds to prove me right
You're a weird user.

Guys I'm not sure. I'm NOT sure but I think this show might be pushing a political agenda.

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you literally doxxed your own twitter profile retard.

>Now they have to take care of the child and this makes them grow closer to each other and they fall in love and marry in the last episode.
No fucking stop this tepid romance shit that doesn't even resolve itself until the last episode and then you never get to see the result. Also OP cartoon looks like fag shit, and I aint saying that cause the two dudes are gay.


Oh no gays and blacks exist

You have a point that parents should be paying more attention to their kids' informational intake but the other user has a point too. It's designed to be marketable to children in particular.

People aren't complaining gays and blacks exist. They are complaining about the affirmative action and social engineering.

>They are complaining about the affirmative action and social engineering.
So complaining gays and blacks exist.

oh fuck it's a twitter screenshot
jesus christ it's a screenshot from twitter
oh god
oh lord
look at this twitter screenshot
look at this fucking nobody's fucking opinion about fucking nothing
ah... ah christ... a god damn twitter screenshot... holy shit

People existing=/=people being presented constantly in a positive light at a time of political controversy

Virtually all fiction includes narrative

probably arab
it's actually a historical recreation of the real relationship between charlemagne and saladin

Yeah because real knights wouldn't have killed them on the spot


I think it's pretty interesting to get the fallout of an old romance instead of building up to it.
The worse it explodes, the better.
SU had a lot of this and it made the whole thing much more mysterious to not just get told, but to piece that trainwreck together from memories and reactions.
Bubbleline was also more interesting as an implication of a lost love than as an uncommented and unspoken agreement to be a couple again for no explained reason.

Gays and blacks are not a political controversy, not in civilized lands anyways, and i doubt this show is going to air in islamic states.

it's a good way to make sure everyone knows they aren't adopting to sexually abuse the kid

This is the best possible outcome though? A work made by the gays instead of making an existing property gay.

It's a Hulu show... it's not going to "air" on any TVs.

They themselves are claiming oppression, demand rights (that the law has already granted them) and have advocacy groups which are aligned with a political party. Their situation is a politically controversial.

shit card

Biggest crime is that its gonna have a Knight and at the same time they'll do nothing exciting.

I just feel bad for kids growing up who are going to think if they have any emotions they have towards the same sex will mean they're gay.

Gay people make up 4% of the US population but the average American THINKS the gay population in the US is over 40%

That's how hard this shit is pushed
People think half the fucking country is gay when it's not even 1/10

I bet fleeing from the castle after showing up with the spawn of a saracen and a foreign man for a lover would make an exciting episode.

Their existance isn't, their existance in the show is what mr random mc nobody from twitter got angry about.

It seems like the knight has more bonding with the troll than the husband. Dumb idea to not go full orc-human romance if you're going all in