Is it worth watching?

Is it worth watching?

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Peak Yea Forumsmfy
Best watched with friends while eating pizza

It's pretty good. A lot of these kinds of animated series were pretty worthwhile, like Extreme Ghostbusters and Godzilla.

I watch it as a child, it was nice. I have no idea if it still holds up.

Well, if you have to ask...

Animation is a little wacky compared to the totally badass opening, but the episode plots are pretty good.


Yeah, but only Season 1.

the change in K's VA and the overall style change are incredibly jarring post s1 but i'd argue that alpha is worth watching the rest

This might as well be the best intro in the history of western animation.

Yes and L is super fuckable


anyone got that clip?

The later seasons are okay but it really suffers from the writers forcing the worms in every episode. But all the Alpha episodes should be watched, especially the one where J steps the fuck up.

it had some off the wall plots that looked like they snuck their way into MiB2. But after the first movie how serious could this franchise take itself?

Every fucking time

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Most things by Adelaide Studios are comfy. Try the Jumanji, Project G.e.e.k.e.r and Spectacular Spider-Man too. I can't really stand the movie but I loved the Starship Troopers cartoon.

I started rewatching the MIB cartoon and I really miss the familial feel of fictional workplaces in shows like MIB, Godzilla and the Extreme Ghostbusters. I don't think they make 'em like they used to.

Add Big Guy and Rusty to that to.

Yes. Much better than the new movie

The only episode I really remember anything from is the one where Zed has to get out of the office and be a hardass again fighting an old nemesis in a junkyard like he's fucking Batman in DKR.

>Project G.e.e.K.e.R.
Oh my god, I've been looking for this for years. I saw it as a wee lad but misremembered the name as "The Geek" so nothing ever turned up in search results.
Thank you so much user.

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I remember the ep where Jay got Mpreg aftermistaking an alien egg for cold medicine, and the ep where they all got temporary superpowers

You’re welcome! I also loved Megas XLR, Earthworm Jim and Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys for space/tech kino.
There were lots of problems I heard. Rewatched MIB 1 and still pleased with how well it holds up.
I don’t think I’ve watched that yet.

This, Jumanji, Godzilla and Extreme Ghostbusters are the Grand Raynis Quadrilogy that saved the 2000's from being the worst decade

Ah the twilight of CBS animation

>its real
Jesus fucking christ thats gold, im sure whoever wrote the episode regretted adding that line afterwards.
>he doesnt like starship troopers
Would you like to know more on why youre a total faggot?

Seconding the hotness of Agent L.

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Honestly what was with 2000s cartoons and sneaking in mpreg episodes?

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To be fair it’s been almost two decades and I was a dumb youth.
That’s a really nice opening.

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Something about deep voices get to me. Same with Goliath from Gargoyles. Alicia Vikander too.

Then i suggest you rewatch it and on the double, its paul verovhens best film after robocop and total recall

Removing L from the films was its worst mistake desu

God you are so right, Jennifer Liens cigarette devastated voicebox was one of the best in the VA history. Voices sometime make the charatcter. Think of Cheetara from Thundercats (80's) too

Ya got me sold. I was looking for something I hadn't watched before. The music is really good.
I will.

Actually I requested a rule 34 pic of agent L from a guy who came through years ago. that is only part of it of course...

Holy fuck thats actually really high quality for a piece of smut that was created in a time where the best was pal comix tier

Nigga please, Doctor Girlfriend's 3-packs-a-day voice is straight up a male VA and I consider her to be THE sexiest cartoon woman in the history of animation.

Wasn't L a alien in human skin?

>Removing L from the films was its worst mistake desu
the actress was a crazy bitch

Uh I got no indication of that from watching the series. However you are not the first person to imply that...

Linda Fiorentino was a bitch? huh

>Agent L-ien
Checks out

How does Men In Black and Roswell Conspiracies compare to each other?

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Damn, I really was a little shit, the Starship Troopers movie is tight. I miss Denise Richards.

I've never seen an army movie where all genders shower together. This is a masterpiece, way ahead of its time and still holds up. I really was a young fool to skip this. Didn't know it was a book by Heinlein either. Thanks for talking sense into me user.

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>Roswell Conspiracies
Abysmally boring.

>its paul verovhens best film after robocop and total recall
user don't be a fucking retard. Verhoven's best film is Zwartboek, second is Basic Instinct. Starship Troopers is one of his weakest films, above Hollow Man and below Showgirls.

>not thinking that the Starship Troopers movie is the single best movie in existence
Nazi sympathizer confirmed

Camp isn't for everyone.

only season 1. Drop it after you notice the designs change, what they did to alpha and the series in general was a crime against animation.

Consider me converted. Just finished watching it and now I got to rewatch the cartoon.

No, but there was an agent named Aileen that disguised herself as human.

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Yes, MIB the Series is very much worth watching. Just keep in mind a few things.

*There is some retooling between seasons 1 and 2. Characters get redesigned and Kay gets recast. The voice change takes a little getting used to, but it isn't a bad change, and Greg Berger sounds like a proper fit for the character (this isn't like when Real Ghostbusters changed Peter's VA from Lorenzo Music to Dave Coulier or anything).

*The series is almost entirely episodic so don't anticipate any major ongoing storylines. Alpha, the main recurring villain, is as close to an "arc" as it gets and you sort of watch as he changes throughout the series and he has a big role in the two-part finale, but that's it. Monster of the Week (but that doesn't mean it's bad).

*There is another retool between seasons 3 and 4 and this one IS pretty bad. Elle is recast and rewritten to be a very different character (she goes from stoic smartass to ditzy comedy relief). Two new characters are added to change things up and they both suck and do nothing but fuck up the dynamic.

*Animation is a little uneven, but mostly because the episodes done by Dong Woo are of really high quality while the episodes not by them are competent but bland. Always great atmosphere, though, regardless of which studio is animating.

No, what Hasbro did to MLP FIM after season 1 was a crime against human decency.

I remember watching this on TV back when I was in fifth grade. Shit was fun as fuck.

>Aileen only appeared in one episode
>Buzzard only appeared in two episodes

That was one thing that bugged me about the show. They would introduce some really cool allies and villains but then never use them again or only bring them back once and then forget about them.

>Spectacular Spider-Man
They never gave us season 3. :(

This intro is so fucking good.

It's a good watch every once in a while. There is a bit of a visual downgrade and change in voice actors as it went on, but the finality, the ongoing plotline with Alpha, they do make it worth finishing. It absolutely ended before it outstayed its welcome and ended on a high note too.

I still remember some of the episodes with certain clarity and fondness, like the one that was about J's dreams, but it the dreams were designed to make him the happiest and agent L sees everything that would make J a happy man.

But man, Men in Black with Extreme Ghostbusters, I look fondly back to them because I actually grew up watching a lot of 80's and early 90's cartoons and these were cartoons that I was supposed to grow up with, they were exactly in my time and I caught them at the right time and looking back they are very interesting examples of weird horror cartoons for kids. I mean, sure it's still stuff for kids, but Men in Black has a lot of body horror elements to it that I don't think would ever fly on television today, some of the designs are far out. I don't think TVs would allow to show protagonists shoot other character's head even as an homage to it happening in the movies.

These guys are nuts, it's like there's not an idea of a cartoon they can't turn into genuinely entertaining.

>It's a cartoon based on the movie Men in Black
Ran for 4 seasons, won an Emmy.
>It's a cartoon about Jackie Chan
5 seasons (but kinda wish it was 4), genuinely entertaining.
>Follow up to Real Ghostbusters
The real Ghostbusters seasons after editors buttfucked Real Ghostbusters
>Cartoon based on Rolland Emmerich's Godzilla

And then when something like Spectacular Spider-man shows up, it's like they don't even have to do anything. I wish they did more cartoons, jesus christ.

>I've never seen an army movie where all genders shower together. This is a masterpiece, way ahead of its time and still holds up. I really was a young fool to skip this. Didn't know it was a book by Heinlein either. Thanks for talking sense into me user.
No problem user, reminder that true gender equality is coed shower scenes

Really? Did not know that

A movie made in 1997 based on a book from decades ago had more dignity, gender equality, plot and entertainment value than many things we get now.

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>A movie made in 1997 based on a book from decades ago had more dignity, gender equality, plot and entertainment value than many things we get now.
Indeed, the 90s truely were the greatest decade

At least the cartoons have been spared in the reboot frenzy. Absolutely. They made any concept just woek. I enjoyed the earlier seasons of Jackie Chan Adventures and always wanted those talisman things. "Dormant" still means I can hold out hope for future seasons.

What the fuck this looks great

Came into this thread to mention this, Big Guy and Rusty was fucking great. I wish it could have continued on a lot longer.

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