Will it be yuri?

Will it be yuri?

Attached: BW.jpg (762x381, 30K)

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Posted this in a thread that nobody responded to, but anyways:


A set movie where Black Widow is riding a motorcycle with a blonde girl clinging to her in Budapest.

Yeah, I think Yea Forums gives zero fucks about this film.

I know it's common to let it slide for prequels because you want to know their early life but SERIOUSLY, Natasha's life (presumably) before SHIELD simply isn't more interesting than what we've already seen

This is such a baffling movie choice, LITERALLY who cares

Grabbing her bottom...and becoming her bottom.

It's Feige's "sorry Ike fucked you out of a movie, Scarjo" movie.

You know damn well it won't.

If there's stuff in Russia, there'll almost certainly be a dude named Yuri.

im hyped for the movie but i dont think its going to do so well

only if taskmaster is gender swapped

Isn't she dead?

it's a prequel, you mongoloid

It'll have yuri undertones.

I really don't understand the meaning behind her hourglass logo. Cam someone explain?

It's what real life black widows (spiders) have in their abdomens. Haven't you seen one before?


Attached: 11883008474_b5868338c6_b.jpg (1024x683, 89K)

Oh, I see thanks. I tend to not look at spiders because they scare me. Beetles are cool , though.

That might be what it is.

Also, you'll never be able to convince me that she's dead. She's been around almost as long as Tony and yet she gets unceremoniously killed off, even when we saw young Gamora obviously exists in some way? Bull fucking shit.

What I don't understand is how the fuck a BW prequel will tie into phase 4 of whatever they've got going on.

Have you ever seen an actual black widow spider?

>What I don't understand is how the fuck a BW prequel will tie into phase 4 of whatever they've got going on.
The villain might be important later on, maybe join Thunderbolts or even Dark Avengers? Who knows.

wait till we get a trailer

>Also, you'll never be able to convince me that she's dead.
She's dead, man. They needed stakes so they killed of both female characters of the main teams. Transparent as it gets too. But she isn't coming back.

No, seeSpiders scare me.

dc wonder woman 1984 is going to takeover summer 2020

As long as they don't make the stupid mistake of releasing it around the same time as the MCU movies again, they'll be fine. I do think WW will do great, but DC still needs to carve its own niche again so they can take off the wheelies for good.

They spent more time talking about how they can't get her back than what her sacrifice meant. She'll be back. Screencap this and I'll eat Scarjo's ass if I'm wrong.

I think WW would outsell BW, but only in this one instance.

Except widow is canonically straight.

who pose to be the villain in the black widow movie

a damn prequel movie kicking off phase 4

Guys what if the end of the movie is her falling in love with me wouldn’t that just be epic?

You just have to look into ScarJo's contract to see if she had any more movies left. Cameos don't count, by the way, so any short appearance in a future movie won't mean anything unless she has a proper billing in the poster.
They also introduced the multiverse so they could really bring an alternate version of her from the 2014 timeline without Thanos.
Very likely. 2020 doesn't have any heavy hitters, just Black Widow and Eternals.

Attached: IMG_20180817_113212.jpg (1340x977, 520K)

The fuck is this Yea Forums lingo? Just call it lesbian.

all that multiverse shit is bullshit

fuck the 2014 timeline it can kiss my ass

If you want her back then that's the way to go, sorry.

dude yelena belova is bout to take shit over

look out for ava orlova


Considering it will be in Russia, there is bound to be at least one Yuri.

Attached: 800px-Yuri_Gagarin_(1961)_-_Restoration.jpg (800x1000, 203K)