Alan Moore is now in charge of the PPG reboot. What changes?

Alan Moore is now in charge of the PPG reboot. What changes?

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It's canceled. He has no interest in doing more corporate fanfic. Such content is only worthwhile and ethical when the original creator still owns the characters and setting, or when the intellectual property has passed into the public domain and belongs to everyone.

What is he up to nowadays?

He will give everything a shitty gritty meaning
>PPG are failed experiments showing how life should not be played with by a man who believes themselves to be a god
>the father taking care of his deformed fucks is a sigh of the power of humanity and its kindness
>mojo symbolizes abandonment and past sins coming back over and over for the father role model
>the fact nobody ever sees the redhead's face symbolizes her being forgotten but 1 man who is the only one that truly still remembers her after her death \
>Him symbolizes a downward spiral for a man lost in power who was ostracised for being gay
>PPG hidden sisters are the fathers failed creations and attempt at being a father

ect ect. what a fuccking hack

Isn't all of that but the part about Him basically canon though?

They all get fucking raped and realize that the professor is gonna drop a big squid on the city

never said he was original or creative

fair enough. As an extension of his hackiness he'll turn Bubbles into a lesbian robot lover like bleedman did..... I'd be okay with that if it's as adorable.

drawing on his recent Chapo interview, more emphasis is placed on Townsville as a place with more SoL elements being mixed in with the baddy of the week formula.

Finishing up LOEG.

They have a lesbian three way he insists is artistic.

Pretty accurate but needs more rape

Fighting the little man who lives in his thumb over the ownership of the hotel in his left foot fuck off Grant your magic has no power here

Actually sounds good.

He'd probably keep it pretty faithful character-wise. Alan Moore may have a lot of negative traits but he draws a pretty clear line between entertainment for kids and entertainment for adults.

He'd probably have more dark comedy than the original, but a lot more intense action than the reboot. But the girls would still be heroes, Professor Utonium would still be their loving goofy father, the Mayor would still be a lovable bumbling idiot, and Mojo Jojo would still be a maniacal but pitiable oaf-genius. He might go deeper into individual characters and what makes them the way they are though. Individual episodes would probably further ground who the townies and side characters are and what it is they do outside of the narrow "window" of a narrative role they interact with the girls through.

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He would keep it faithful to the original. From his Supreme, 1963 and Tom Strong, Moore writes even straight superheroics better than straight capeshit writers like Johns or Waid, because he is actually creative unlike the later mentioned hacks.

He would throw a shitfit if they left out Ms. Bellum and Ms. Keane's tits. Also would work with McCracken to know more about the lore and how he can improve on it.

But, alas, we don't get to see it, only more hackneyed turbo-liberal butchering, pedophiliac self inserts, and HAFNIM.

It would have been mostly faithful, but then RAPE

>muh Moore only writes edgy stories
Fuck off

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Buttercup is raped by the Rowdy Ruff Boys, but loves Butch anyways afterwards.

there's rape

A triumphant return to the violent PPG of yore.

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He does something seriously ironic, controversial and what he perceives as trash as a way to signal the world what not to do this thing, then everyone praises him for revolutionizing the cartoon medium and apes this very thing he said he despises, then he complains about the consequences in his interviews.

this, dont forget the part when he uses other peoples characters in his story then throws a tantrum when someone else uses watchmen characters

Also there must be a couple with a huge age gap. Most probably Ms Bellum is fucking the major while thinking on her absent dad and Jared Shapiro is reimagined as Blossom's teacher

I...kinda agree with this? Moore can do straight heroics. It feels like he could write a story around a cohesive theme about people's intentions. The PPG themselves are well meaning but complete whoop-ass and have a few destructive missteps as they did in the movie but are generally well beloved.

The Professor has a few skeletons in his closet. Bliss exists in a Protoman/Blues roll-- she ran away and didn't have the same care as the girls, but deep down she knows the professor means well and acts as a legit older sister figure for the other girls.

If Moore went dark, and I know he's probably still mad about the Watchmen bullshit, he'd serve up much more focus on villains who want to steal/profit from the PPG's existence like that literal Dick who tried to mass produce clones of them, have more shit like the Rowdy Roughs and people trying to create their own superhero/villain teams being a thing, and in general serve up messages about the abuse of other people's work. Someone doses soldiers, kids, etc with knock off Chemical X, and I don't just mean Mojo Jojo. Princess Morebucks probably starts trying to fund ways to get herself powers, etc. etc.

Hi, Geoff. Don't you have anything else to do than steal other people's ideas?

The original PPG was something that Moore would write in the 90s. Light-hearted superhero stuff playing with the tropes, making fun of the genre and not taking itself seriously.

The creation wasn't an accident. They are a lonely autistic mans desperate attempt to have some human contact.

They are meant to be the perfect companion, but they split up in three parts.

But in reality the whole city is a LSD tip and he doesn't exist.

But in an even more real reality he are the three girls as an manifestation of destiny goddesses. The norns or what ever the grece version is called.

And when they reconnect to the source through some lesbian sex magic they become the author himself. Who is postmodernly dead and must be resurrected through finding the last genuine story idea and his role in the play that is life.

Quote of Shakespeare.

The End

We've got a winner. He'd see PPG for what it is and write accordingly. It would be well done and approachable for children, and the parents would appreciate that and the extra dark humor that he writes in. All around solid show that children could watch while parents were in the room as well.

- Buttercup is addicted to prescription pain-killers
- Blossom gets pregnant
- Bubbles suffers amnesia

What did you mean by this?

>Bubbles suffers amnesia
Nah, how about this instead:
> Bubbles loses the ability to talk in human language (and maybe also loses the ability to understand it)
> Can only talk to animals now
> Develops a much much deeper connection to said animals
> Pretty much becomes 'Animal Man'
> Also starts having having weird meta-hallucinations
> Eventually turns out Him is behind all that
> Except her connection to animals. That is all her own power, that just got inflated due to her losing connection with humanity

>but he draws a pretty clear line between entertainment for kids and entertainment for adults
We're talking about the same guy who used an entire volume of LOEG to shit on Harry Potter?

Because LoEG wasn't for kids, dumbass. He also wrote Tom Strong and Supreme.

But Harry Potter, which he was taking potshots at, was.

He wasn't writing it for Harry Potter

Well, even without the lab accident that gave them super-powers, he'd have still created perfect little girls which would seem to satisfy the need for human contact...