
Oh boy. I mean... it's not great, but it's passable, at best. It still has plenty of issues.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What would you say are the biggest problems?

That's correct. You didn't need a thread to say it.

"She" needs a lot more surgery to be passable user.

You are the kind of clever original humor among your friends.


Ya know, I never watched the show but I do enjoy the pornography that sources it, and the generals seem to populate fast. Should I give it a watch?

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The transitions between seriousness and humor. Sometimes a serious scene needs to be serious and doesn't need a comedic quip or character, like that annoying fuck Swift Wind. That thing honestly sucks anything good out of a scene almost every time he opens his mouth.

That and the animation, it's relatively ok but they need more people to review it/polish it up better than they've got now. You see quite a lot of animation errors and mistakes that could easily be solved by getting people to review it and fix the mistakes before airing.

I'm only interested in the Horde and lore at this point though, the princesses suck most of the time and are boring as fuck.

I'm just going to say the same shit. It's a fine if you like character interactions. The action sucks and the animation is bad (it gets less glitchy later on, but still). If you like the Horde more than the princesses, watch season 2.

>Should I give it a watch?
Honestly, it's ok, but season one is kinda boring and slogs because it introduces a new princess nearly every episode and they aren't that engaging characters. Season two is a lot better and I'm saying that because The Horde gets more prominence and they are a lot more interesting to watch than a bunch of princesses that can barely work together for a few hours before they start to argue with one another.

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Voice acting can be weird and amateur. The characters change mood quickly, sometimes you get odd motions.

What said is accurate. Tensions are almost non-existent. I just like Catra, honestly.

They say a hero's only as good as their villains. It's NOT a good sign when the villains are considered more interesting than your heroes.

Although sometimes, this happens even IF the heroes are good characters.

Swiftwind is the worst character obviously. I wonder if they figured out the tonal issues in time for season 3.

How is it possible to make that hair look like a bad wig?

So... Considering your opinion of the show, will you stick around for season 3?

The problem with the princesses is that they, hilariously enough, just don't get along with each other. They had a big alliance meeting in the second season episode and right off the bat they started sniping at each other for dumb reasons. I know it was supposed to be cute and all and I'm probably being too hypercritical, but they've been in a war that's lasted for well over a generation and is now affecting their children, it seems dumb you have the leaders of the Princess Alliance start arguments when their planet is being overrun by an alien invader and his army.

Then again I don't really see the princesses as good leaders, they hole themselves up in their castles and close lands and use magic runestones to protect themselves, but everyone else got nothing and had to fend for themselves. If anything I bet that's also how the Horde got more recruits, besides the orphans from all the kingdoms they took over.

And the magicians are just as useless and stay in a secret floating castle far removed from the conflict as a whole.

This toy is way more feminine than the current cartoon version ever was. It actually has a figure that looks like it wasn't born with a Y chromosome.

Yes, but again, only for the Horde and Hordak. I want to see how the fuck he ended up in Despondos, how the fuck he got Adora.

She knows what stars are and has seen them in person so she never originated in Despondos and was taken from the regular dimension, the same one Hordak was from. Hordak was also in Despondos for a small time and had a recent excursion where he arrived too late and the only thing he was able to find was a worthless baby(Adora)

I think Seahawk was the most annoying thing, he's irritating and very annoying to look at. He's uncomfortable to look at how he harasses the water princess.

I don't know, I'm still on S1. But I might watch it here and there.

Really? Seahawk has some actual humility and it's more that he just embarrasses her. Even then, their relationship isn't a mess and they seem to care about each other.


SheRa is horrible but I'd buy that Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver looks fucking awesome.

Attached: Shadow Weaver Feet.png (1024x1024, 775K)

We're never getting any actual good official She-Ra merch are we?

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Blocks your path irl

I'm enjoying it. The writing is great for the Adora/Catra subplot. The characters are fun to watch after they get some time to establish themselves. I like a lot of the background art and the setting has some cool ideas built in that might get expanded on in later episodes.

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What sort of merch do you want

>that wandering eye
She seems appropriately derpy.

Attached: Catra and Lelo 2.png (540x446, 148K)

Quality merch is target at Yea Forums and this show really doesn't capture that basement dwelling incel fanbase.

Shit that doesn't look like it came out of a Happy Meal set like the fucking BBTS toys or shit that doesn't look like the Creators said "fuck it!" and just put Barbie in She-Ra cosplay like the SDCC toys.

I don't know what are you asking for, but something tells me you ain't buying shit, just complaining about it. Classic She Ra already has some high quality figures and current She Ra has a competent first doll.

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Why can't they into faces?

Really? They look terrible, they have like 5 POA, and even the posing is terrible. I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't charging $70 for it. The only saving grace is that they actually resemble the cast unlike the SDCC version.

(BTW, I'm talking about the Netflix version)

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Is she missing her mouth?

I think I liked it better without one. Cat is still cute.

Should've gotten 2016 SDCC's She Ra

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>and just put Barbie in She-Ra cosplay like the SDCC toys.
>Complaining about a character made to sell fashion dolls being sold as a fashion doll

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I said that this series of toys looks like they belong in a Barbie set. They're not being marketed as Barbie dolls are they?

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trash cartoon that only specific americans watch

it wont ever improve but still can pander to the amerimutt audience

The original toys were.

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No, but they are both Mattel dolls

Is that brie Larson?

I don't fucking know. It's just an image I found funny.

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I will never get over how cheap it looks. It has a problem similar to Steven Universe. It looks highly sanitized because of both the oversimplified and symmetrical designs as well as the pastel pallette. Even when the characters are meant to be threatening and holding weapons, they end up looking like they are holding toys.



typo, I phonepost and turned off autocorrect because it stops me from making text memes with a friend

for a moment, I thought you had something important to say

They're making shorts about him, so no.

Makes sense, all those bronies and pegasisters need a new horse show to talk about.

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>new show brings back the old designs for a visual gag
>the old designs still look better than the new ones on the characters

This is actually awkward. Especially how much better new She-Ra looks in the old She-Ra outfit.

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Nah it's pretty great. If this came out in 2010 Yea Forums would be all over it.

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>If this came out in 2010 Yea Forums would be all over it.
Objectively true

It's fucking happening (probably won't be "good" because Mattel but still):

Reminds me of the time when certain groups of people pretended that Mattel hates the She-Ra reboot, what happened to that I wonder.

It's clearly intended to be anime-inspired, but it lacks the "coolness factor" of Japanese animation. For example, She-ra has a cool cape, but do they show it off in the animation at all? No, her magical girl transformation is extremely boring and the battle animation lacks impact as well. Look at new TMNT you see what I mean by cool Japan inspired animation.

The tiara change really improves She-ra because it covers her weird bangs. I like her design as Adora but as She-ra her hair looks kind of awkward.

You wish.

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motherfucker I want Catra, when it comes to MOTU everyone always wants the villain.

Yeah, and Glimmer looks a lot better with the old outfit. her new one is just super undefined. I also like how Mermista looks there. perfuma and Frosta are a no though.

Goddamn that OG headpiece is a lot better

You mean Xe-ra right

Shadow weaver looks so much younger with her hair down.

I thought Swift Wind was funny. Has less screentime but has more personality than half the princesses.

Which characters are the OCs?

I'm personally getting a sort of season one ATLA feel to it all. There's obviously some excellent potential here, we just haven't quite gotten there yet. The Catra/Shadow Weaver stuff's looking really interesting, though.

Also, Scorpia is categorically Best Girl.

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For me he's sort of in that Lumpy Space Princess zone. I mean he's MEANT to be funny but I honestly find him kinda grating.

This show is dead.

Eh, I can deal with LSP in small doses.
She just can't carry an episode by herself.
I can't stand Swift Wind at all.

So dead it's getting a new toy line?

silly user those trannies are not passable

Heā€™s fairly passable, yeah

I can agree with Glimmer somewhat, but fuck that helmet. Perfuma is passable but Mermista is a no.

>I'm only interested in the Horde and lore at this point though

Attached: SheRa.jpg (563x706, 68K)

Why are you typing like a faggot?

I would stick my penis in him.

>All of the characters keep their masculinity, femininity and race

Well, not ALL...
Also, they made Sy-Klone pretty Asian...not that he had a discernible race before, mind, (being that he was blue) but he never had an Asian flavor before 2002.

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what's will all these crossdressing boys?

Tell it again, this joke will never get old!

seriously, even the rainbow horse looks male!

Love it!

Its sjw trash

I try not to let potential get me too excited, but the writing for the Catra/Adora/SW stuff is really exceptional and I look forward to seeing how it resolves.


Those are just shorts. Shit to hold the fans until season 3 airs.

>my man!

>great for the Adora/Catra subplot
I hope Catra tries to kill her, she kind of already did

>Scorpia is last

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Your rankings are bad and you should feel bad

worst Princess for me is still Perfuma
I just can't stand her
worst overall character is still Swiftwind
can't believe that fucking horse gets shorts with him as the MC

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>Terrible animation, it primarily seems like it wants to be an Avatar-esq action/adventure/comedy series, but its action is so terrible Gumball can do better, they just see a lot of the same looking places so the adventure is very muted and dull, comedy is obviously subjective but they're really bad at one liners but shove them in everywhere.
>Characters are terrible. The three mains don't really connect very often and as a result they have the same issue Korra does, they say they're best friends all the time but they never actually show it or feel like they care about each other. Most characters are stuck in status quo, worst of them being the main three characters who often revert after serious events, notably someone just snapped right back after she got kidnapped and tortured.
>Lore is lacking, they keep repeating the same singular point like its some kind of mystery, even after they mostly explain everything about it. The world is almost never examined and certain world chunks, like the tower that she needed to repair with Swiftwind, are very nebulous in what they do.
>The villains are not threatening at all, they main forces are joke characters who can be defeated in silly ways and get routinely stomped even when the main character doesn't want to fight them. Hordak, the big bad, has thus far done nothing at all to imply he's actually a threat and seems uninterested in the characters, as a result there's no reason to think he's going to actually do anything to our mains.
>If you see the tweets and then watch the series, the main writer's Racism/Sexism towards white males is really obvious and kind of a glaring issue, it wouldn't be as bad if her bigotry was on the side, but it leaks into the show like the one where Kyle is begging to be let out of the horde and is rebuked by the main character who accepted Adora in seconds, and then cheered when he attacked the guy in the next season.

TLDR don't watch it, its not worth it and there's better shows.

I want more Frosta/Glimmer shenanigans. There's almost no shipping fanart of them which is criminal.

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maybe it's because she's 11?

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They turned Light Hope from a transcendent ray of light from heaven, with She-Ra (even with her power) ultimately being a servant to him, in to a AI hologram.

Way too reminiscent of Blue Diamond from SU too. I know the shrouded widow look wasn't made by them but the whole temple really stood out as gem-like to me the first time I watched.

>>If you see the tweets and then watch the series, the main writer's Racism/Sexism towards white males is really obvious and kind of a glaring issue, it wouldn't be as bad if her bigotry was on the side, but it leaks into the show like the one where Kyle is begging to be let out of the horde and is rebuked by the main character who accepted Adora in seconds, and then cheered when he attacked the guy in the next season.

That honest is the big reason I never watched season 2, after seeing the Kyle scene and the seeing the tweets here it was pretty obvious not only was she a bigot, she's a shitty writer for one too. Most bigots at least try to hide it in their writing.

Comparing it to avatar is unfair.

Avatars writers werenā€™t racist against asians

For my sake, are you that user who proposed a smutfic about Frosta?

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They just hated straight white men.

>If you see the tweets and then watch the series, the main writer's Racism/Sexism towards white males is really obvious and kind of a glaring issue, it wouldn't be as bad if her bigotry was on the side, but it leaks into the show like the one where Kyle is begging to be let out of the horde and is rebuked by the main character who accepted Adora in seconds, and then cheered when he attacked the guy in the next season.
You know someone else brought up a really good point that the Enders Game writer is straight up Homophobic, but youā€™d never know reading the book, and in fact if you do you might think heā€™s pro-gay because of how an outcast whoā€™s different is treated but is actually the savior and special.

She should take notes

Attached: SHE_S1E12_LightHope.jpg (542x300, 171K)

>Most bigots at least try to hide it in their writing.
Because they canā€™t get away with it, but itā€™s fine because the only people who would be offended are racist and sexist, somehow. She can do it because sheā€™s racist and sexist in the right way against racist and sexist people, I think? I dunno, that bitch be fucking nuts if you read the interviews with her, like sheā€™s legit some kinda crazy

You can't be racist against whites or sexist against "men"

that shadow weaver honestly looks pretty great.
Just gotta mess up her hair a bit with a hot iron

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She could have just had them accept Kyle, heā€™s not done anything else in the series except be a punching bag since that scene anyway. It doesnā€™t even make sense, why was Bow so callous to someone who was obviously in a bad place he wanted out of and was willing to help Bow escape, a huge risk for his life and limb? Why did he hate the guy who obviously wasnā€™t there willingly when he knows Adora and accepted her in less than a minute? That scene really bugs me from a story perspective, because itā€™s so out of character and such a bad note for the story too, since it ends on a joke and Bow cheers when he catches this guy later, and instead of using that opportunity to get him out he shoves him back into the life he wanted no part of.

We know the reason, the main writer has got some serious issues and someone should be there to slap her whenever she starts writing for that guy, but just as a story beat her problems are actively making the characters and story worse.

>and someone should be there to slap her whenever she starts writing for that guy

If someone was around the slap the writers whenever they fucked up writing, hour one would sound like studio applause.

Blue Diamond reminded me of the Virgin Mary
Light Hope is Grace Jones
only similarity is that they both wear hoods
and Blue Diamonds is more like a veil

To be fair no racism made her snap back Glimmer in season 1 after the kidnapping and had her mom be the one to admit she fucked up instead of the idiot who got herself tortured and her friend ā€œkilledā€ but then tried to do the exact same thing that made it happen. Sheā€™s just a bad writer.

At least your show is both getting merchandise and more seasons.

Get your shitty political posturing out of my cartoon board. It's exhausting.

>shitty political posturing
... so you want OP to delete the thread? Bold move, cotton, letā€™s see if it pays off

Can you say that again with proper fucking diction?

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>>>If you see the tweets and then watch the series, the main writer's Racism/Sexism towards white males is really obvious and kind of a glaring issue, it wouldn't be as bad if her bigotry was on the side, but it leaks into the show like the one where Kyle is begging to be let out of the horde and is rebuked by the main character who accepted Adora in seconds, and then cheered when he attacked the guy in the next season.
>That honest is the big reason I never watched season 2, after seeing the Kyle scene and the seeing the tweets here it was pretty obvious not only was she a bigot, she's a shitty writer for one too. Most bigots at least try to hide it in their writing.
I mean its not like no one saw this coming, its pretty obvious the mentality that was working behind this show as soon as the first pics came out for it. She ra looks so bland as well as all the other characters because the show runner literally thinks the work of frank frazetta, the guy who inspired he man and therefore she ra, is sexist. Feminists think the female form is too sexualized now, i fucking hate this timeline.

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Shadow Weaver started using conditioner and you're just going to undo all her hard work?

To me it looks like Synergy in Jem.

Sure, slow child, I will assist you.

No racism or bigotry made her snap back Glimmer(character) in season 1(time frame) after the kidnapping(prior event) and had her mom(Mother character of character) be the one to admit she(mother character) fucked up instead of the idiot(writer/Character) who got herself(character) tortured and her friend(friend of character) "Killed"(quotes because there is no threat in this show) but then tried to do the exact same thing(event prior to kidnapping event) that made it(kidnapping) happen. She(Shitty bigot) is just a bad(Your mother) writer(word is not representative of actual action)

But like others said, it doesn't matter that she's a shitty person, shitty people make amazing art all the time. The Kenshin writer is a pedophile for gods sakes, and the Kyoto arc is still a standout in the entire genre. What's odd is that this would be like having Himura suddenly get a kid for a girlfriend and everyone declaring this was okay, or always played off for comedy even in a serious moment. She can be a shitty person, she clearly IS a shitty person, but don't let it fuck up your characters like she's doing.

It's almost like the mods don't care and can't/won't do their jobs

Are you talking about the time Glimmer and Bow went to Dryl to save Entrapta in season 2?

She isnt a good writer, she has no interest nor care for the franchise she was rebooting and it clearly shows. She doesnt like guys, and i wouldn't doubt that bow is a trans man like that theory suggest because it would reinforce the idea that the only guys she can accept used to be women. Yea Forums likes to always shot talk showrunners and writers but in my opinion noelle is worse then most like hirsch or sugar, i really hope some controversy affects her the most since shes clearly one of the shittiest people in the industry at the moment.

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No I'm talking about the time Glimmer immediately tried sneaking out in season 1, only to be stopped at the door by her mother who nearly gave up the entire rebellion to get her back after her capture. Then, instead of rightfully slapping the bitch out of this dumbass who clearly learned nothing from getting someone killed, she actually apologizes and then allows said stupid ass child to go on and risk her life all over again. In any other story where the writer was not shit, this would have been a wakeup call to her that maybe her mom was right and that despite Team Rocket getting their shit kicked in every time they bumble onto the scene, there are some real risks here and she could have ended up killing the rebellion or dead like her dad.

But in the hand of this writer, this story becomes how wrong the mom was, because she has parental issues too.

>because she has parental issues too.

You are now remembering that season 2's grand finale was Bow's parents learning to accept him for who he is. She is just a bundle of problems and its choking out every corner of this story.

Listen I get that you're ban evading on your phone but you have been spamming this in every she-ra thread for weeks and I know this gets thrown around a lot but I think you may have legitimate clinical issues and should seek help before you do something you may regret.

Only the first and last posts are mine
>and should seek help before you do something you may regret.
What lol

Sugar's honestly not a bad person, she's got some real issues with her writing and reigning people in but I never once got the impression she was angry enough never to give anyone a chance, as much as people like to bitch about her redeeming nazis it does match up with her interviews where she says everyone can be redeemed.

SU still is bad but she's a pretty cool guy, writes stories and doesn't afraid of anything

Hirsch really isn't on the same level as sugar or twatstain.

>you're ban evading

What, exactly, do you think people are getting banned for? Are you really that deluded?

>Other people can't have different opinions or they should be banned!
Probably this.

I love that this dumbass thinks that anyone needs a reason to pile onto a bigot/sexist who made her feelings very public.
>Ban evading
You sweet little thing, youā€™re adorable.

I agree, i actually really respect sugar and i just wish she was a better showrunner and could more coherently run her show better.
Hirsch is worse then sugar but not as bad as noelle is.

Gee Bill is it the rampant racism and misogyny or the politics that belong on the comics and cartoon board.


Literally untrue. One autistic guy taking tweets out of context is not justification to constantly detail threads.

Hirsch follows basic liberal ideas like gay rights, interracial relationships and Less traditional gender roles. Sugar is at the level where you start getting imaginary genders and patriarchy smashing.

>Gee Bill is it the rampant racism a
So then ban She-Ra?

>the politics
So then ban She-Ra? Because that's all this show is.

>Literally untrue.
>Ignore all that evidence posted in her words and in the show, because I have absolutely nothing to refute you!
Alright sugarbottom, lets hear it. What example do you have that you told yourself proves she didn't mean what she said? We've got evidence to lean towards it, you must at least have one thing ever, an interview or something, that makes you dismiss it, right? I mean you said literally untrue, so you've got proof, right?

Hirsch besides being a full of himself cunt just goes on fuck drumpf twitter rants all day. Sugar isnt a man hater and just seems to be more like an old style hippie. I can tolerate fake genders and stuff alot more then preachy political rants.

That was another user and I don't endorse non-consensual lewding of Frosta.

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So wait, now politics DONā€™T belong in cartoons!? Well someone get on the horn, Mary Sue is about to go under

>or the politics that belong on the comics and cartoon board.
Did this dumb bitch really just post this in a fucking She-Ra thread?

It helps that SU isn't really preachy when it comes to identity politics. It had a gay wedding and in-universe it was just treated as a regular thing. The characters weren't going out of their way to promote their sexuality and felt like actual characters.

So its okay for noelle to be a misandrist bigot but its not okay when people discuss and call her out on it on the cartoons and comics forum board?
They are not out of context, thats the issue is that she actually thinks like this.

>It helps that SU isn't really preachy when it comes to identity politics. It had a gay wedding and in-universe it was just treated as a regular thing. The characters weren't going out of their way to promote their sexuality and felt like actual characters.
Yes, steven universe never had an episode like roadside attraction in it.

Whine all you want about it, doesn't change the fact that you and other anons purposefully make things you don't like political.

>Whine all you want about it, doesn't change the fact that you and other anons purposefully make things you don't like political.
The show does it to itself.

>So its okay for noelle to be a misandrist bigot but its not okay when people discuss and call her out on it on the cartoons and comics forum board?

If She-Ra's creators have shown anything, they stick hard to "It's okay when I DO IT"

Roadside Attraction?

This has to be really shitty bait, its fucking Re-Ra, its the show that did nothing but make everything about itself political.

No need to get so defensive, just admit you're wrong and move on.

>Whine all you want about it, doesn't change the fact that you and other anons purposefully make things you don't like political.
Not one of them but we dislike it BECAUSE it is political, not making it political because we dislike it.

>purposefully make things you don't like political.
Guys I think the dumbasses finally caught on to the Shebusters effect. Good on you! Making everything super political and making it the focal point of every interview, promotional snippit and article is a way to make things political, you finally caught on. Now fuck off, we're making fun of a racist bigot who can't write.

Gravity falls episode where the moral was dipper was a bad person because he has a penis and wasnt completely subservient to other women.

Question; do any actual kids watch She-Ra? It's ostensibly a kids show but all the discussion I've seen about it online is from adult fans.

Really, you're not fooling anyone.

>Question; do any actual kids watch She-Ra? It's ostensibly a kids show but all the discussion I've seen about it online is from adult fans.
I dont think they do and i havent seen any signs that they do either. Its made like a teen show but by that age range the only people it wouldn't turn off are the typical tumblr users.
He isnt wrong though

user do you think 8-12 year olds are writing articles online? Do you follow them on facebook or something? Of course you're only going to see adults talking about the show.

Says this idiotKeep repeating a stock phrase until you eventually give up and start a new thread, maybe by then people will forget. Or not.

A quick look on Twitter shows that yes, they do. I expect Mattel wouldn't bother making merch for the show if that wasn't the case.

>He isnt wrong though
He is 100% in the wrong, doesn't watch the show, has no intention of watching the show, and came here from either Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or /pol/ to "troll" Yea Forums by constantly shitting up these threads so no actual show discussion can take place.

>Question; do any actual kids watch She-Ra?
>No merch
>13 episode season slashed in half
>Rumors abound that Swiftwind shorts count towards episode count order

I'mma guess no.

Says the person who does nothing but repeat stock phrases that don't apply to this situation.

>He is 100% in the wrong, doesn't watch the show, has no intention of watching the show,
Guys I think we got the denial user to finally admit more than one person is talking to her.

>Shorts count towards episode order
Holy shit

Again, factually untrue. Please stop with these low quality posts.

I'm sure this may come as a shock to your undeveloped mind but there are no women here, just guys making fun of you.

>any opinion i dont like is invalid and means he didnt watch the show
Your ass hurt is legendary, you know people can still have seen she ra and still hate it right?

>Rumors abound that Swiftwind shorts count towards episode count order
OOOOOOFFFFFF, based netflix if true.
Other way around, toots.

>user do you think 8-12 year olds are writing articles online? Do you follow them on facebook or something? Of course you're only going to see adults talking about the show.
Kids of all ages are on social media these days, and they do post about what they like. Eg Fortnite FNAF and Undertale

I'm well aware, most people who dislike the show say it's very bland with poor animation and a paper thin plot, but well adjusted adults then move on and don't come into threads about shows they dislike. You on the other hand fit the bill of my previous post and I'm sure haven't seen more than 2-3 youtube clips of the show.

I mean this guy listed a shitload of events that nobody else would know about unless they watched the show. She knows, but hey, we got them to accept that there's more than one person, progress!

>>No merch
There's supposed to be a Monster High-esque doll line coming out at Target soon, no pics of it yet though

>if your opinion isnt glowingly positive then you havent watched the show
Youre insane, also you really expect people to not voice their opinions about a cartoon on Yea Forums now?

Where did the stairs go?

Its going to shelf warm harder then the captain marvel figures and dolls.

Can you comprehend more than 5 words at a time? Honestly it's like you see that someone replied to you and can't even put a sentence together that has anything to do with what they posted.

>New Mattel toyline in Fall
>Universal Orlando adds She-Ra (the only Dreamworks-Netflix character to get featured there)
>Seasons get split to make the airtime last longer
>Animated shorts to fill the gaps between seasons
>Noelle gets a comic book memoir deal at 26 years old
You may continue to live in denial if it makes you feel better.

Attached: D9yh26XXYAEb4sx.jpg (3400x3400, 887K)

Thats right, attack my intelligence because i dont blindly agree with your statement while ignoring the rest of mine, that totally isnt projection of your own incompetence or anything.

>You may continue to live in denial if it makes you feel better.
You mean like you are when you say that she ra is popular?

Your intelligence speaks for itself, mostly in grunts.

It was an episode that was anti pick up artists. I'm not sure they still exist but whatever. Dipper and Stan didn't even do anything wrong, Dipper just was trying to learn how to talk to girls and Stan was just picking up women who seemed interested

>Seasons get split to make the airtime last longer

That's weird, its the only Dreamworks show that its happened to. How strange, every other show seems to get 13+ episode seasons that come out at the same rate, but only She-Ra got them cut!

Wait, no, I'm wrong, the other one was Voltron-oh no.

Again, not an argument, thanks for showing your own retardation by ignoring my points that you cant contend with.

>Universal Orlando adds She-Ra (the only Dreamworks-Netflix character to get featured there)
You'd think people would like How to Train Your Dragon characters

Nah, if you look up Dreamworks shows on Netflix, literally all of them do that. Including Voltron, but Voltron had a bigger episode order than She-Ra so it had more "full" seasons.

There probably are HTTYD characters, but that's Dreamworks Film division, so it doesn't count.

why do all the females in the show look masculine? I swear if they just changed the hair a little bit they can be passed off of as dudes

You didn't make a point, I'm pretty sure you didn't read my post. So I'll say it again since I can't draw it for you and you'd just eat the crayons.
People who dislike the show have said why they dislike the show by referencing specific instances of things they disliked. The plot, the animation, the characterizations, etc. And then, like normal people do, they left the threads and don't post in new ones. These handful of /vtvpol/ children do not do this. They purposefully misconstrue past tweets from the show creator and spam them in threads to end discussion and get the threads pruned or deleted. They then cry foul when called out on this saying that >the show itself is political! They haven't seen the show, won't see the show, and come here anyway. It's not normal.
Do you understand.

Well what shows does Dreamworks actually have?

>why do all the females in the show look masculine? I swear if they just changed the hair a little bit they can be passed off of as dudes
The character designs really love the androgynous aesthetic. Probably made the girls androgynous looking in an attempt to de-sexualize them, but that never works

Or I could just, I dunno, look at the epsiode counts? On Wikipedia, where they're all listed, and prove you're super fucking wrong? For instance, Voltron didn't cut down to 6 episodes until season 3, after a certain you-know-what flopped super hard. What, do you think we can't see that even Boss Baby got 13 episodes pumped out in the same timeframe?

HTTYD had not one, but two shows on Netflix, it has unquestionably more time on netflix than it did in theaters.

>I swear if they just changed the hair a little bit they can be passed off of as dudes
It's almost like this works for any cartoon.

Attached: hilda looks like a boy.jpg (1267x712, 170K)

Okay, I looked it up, first three seasons to be fair, and
>Dragonriders Race to the Edge
>1 13 June 26, 2015
>2 13 January 8, 2016
>3 13 June 24, 2016
That's actually less downtime than the current seasons of She-Ra. Guess they liked HTTYD better? Can't imagine why.

>HTTYD had not one, but two shows on Netflix

Three. Riders of Berk, Defenders of Berk, and Race To the Finish. 118 episodes between them all.

>characters all looking the same
it's a MOTU cartoon duh

Attached: 1544598861994.png (400x300, 242K)

Aren't those the Galaxy Fighters?

Well they were riding off the unbelievable success of the first movie and the people's immediate wish for more dragons. She-Ra is a reboot of a pretty unsuccessful spin-off of an ok show from the 80s so they want to be cautious before throwing money at this thing.

If they didn't like She-Ra, they'd dump it ASAP to not spend money on promotions etc. They're stretching it for as long as possible instead.

>so they want to be cautious before throwing money at this thing.

So what's it say that their immediate thoughts after season 1 was "Cut it in half and stretch it out"? Boss Baby was like "Yes, more of this, the exact same amount of this, cut nothing!" but She-Ra? "We're okay with half if this and it'll be the same."

We live in a Post-Voltron world, we know that when they cut it down and stretch it out, it's not because they have confidence in it now. Some of us lived through this mess already.

is she the first Dreamworks animation character to appear in the park? must be pretty popular if motherfucking Voltron didn't make the cut.

Attached: 1537986702558.png (1024x768, 1.58M)

I think it's more for promotional reasons.

Think about it though, with Voltron you'd need to hire like 7 people with elaborate costumes and have the Voltron robots around. With She-Ra it's just the one person, specifically a girl, almost like a Disney princess.

>Well they were riding off the unbelievable success of the first movie and the people's immediate wish for more dragons.
Race to the Edge came out after the middling success of the second movie. But fine, I'll be fair and use a less successful property.

>Dawn of the Croods
>1 13
>2 13
>3 13
>4 13

I had to cut off the segment count because Wikipedia is really silly but there you go.

>f motherfucking Voltron didn't make the cut.
Voltron was a MASSIVE flop for them, like you don't even know. They spent a shitload on merch and advertising and had plans for spinoffs and everything, but by season 2 the reception was so poor and the toyline so poor they had to stretch it out as long as they could to get their money's worth, because Netflix can't cancel when they make an order purchase.

damn, for all the buzz voltron made I didn't expect for it to be such a flop in terms of actual profitability numbers

There's a whole channel dedicated to the problems with this show.

So that's great and all but you shouldn't need a youtube video to tell you what to think about the show. Just greentext the bits you find relevant.

They are able to hire her because she is not nearly as popular and the IP costs less to lease.

Its toyline was the biggest hit, they shipped the different lions expecting people to buy all five but all they ended up doing was warming dollarstore shelves, if you have a Treasure Hunt or Dirt Cheap or Gimme Five or anymore of the liquidation stores around you, you can probably find them all if you wanted to collect them because they sold like shit. They hyped it to hell and beyond with advertising and merch but financially it was a pure flop. They were sure it was the next big thing after Season 1 and Netflix ordered a ton more episodes, but after season 2 pretty much everything went downhill. Reminder they brought Shiro back early because they were worried about the toy sales. Funny enough though, they still pumped out episodes really quickly, even though it is obviously because they broke what was supposed to be one season in half.

She-Ra obviously isn't doing very well compared to it, but it was always supposed to be a niche product for a very small subsection of consumers, and its animation budget is very visibly a fraction of Voltrons, so maybe they'll keep it around. Reminder that it isn't confirmed the Swifwind shorts count towards the ordered episode count, its just a rumor at the moment and we won't know until they confirm the final season.

Oh my god!

Someone on youtube is actually talking about She-Ra!?

Thank god it's not Lily Orchard at least.

Imagine listening to someone so buttblasted to create an entire channel shitting on the show they don't like. Wasn't there another channel which made like 10 videos about how Mattel supposedly hates the She-Ra reboot and won't acknowledge it in any way? I wonder how do they feel being so fucking wrong.

Attached: D89U2CaU8AEyIek.jpg (644x900, 66K)

I need more of this shadow weaver

Are you talking about ClownFish TV?

What? Lots of people talk about She-Ra.

...okay, they talk about A She-Ra, not THIS she-Ra. Not sure what you're going to see, but I cleared my cookies and opened a private tab for this and I had to really scroll to see a new-She-Ra thing that wasn't just a trailer and one video about owning Anti-SJW's. Thats it, everything else is just Real-She-Ra.

Sort it by View Count and you will see the WEIRDEST SHIT.

Who the fuck

Imagine being so retarded that you can't understand that people want to know why a show is bad.

Imagine not being able to form opinions about things, oh wait.

Couldn't you just watch the clips they play and form your opinions through that? You don't have to agree/disagree but at least they're showing and explaining. And hey, way faster than slogging through the show.

Why in the world are you going to some random youtuber for a review after the show has come out when you can read the reviews of the critics whose literal job it is to review shows and let audiences know if it's worth your time or not. All these youtubers have agendas and any review is going to be highly biased.

You can dislike a show, even explain why you think is bad, but creating an entire youtube channel devoted to it is top level autism and should be mocked.

Two seconds mate and you could see they review a lot of shows, first one with the 'sassing' title was apparently Dragon Prince.

>Why in the world are you going to some random youtuber for a review after the show has come out when you can read the reviews of the critics whose literal job it is to review shows and let audiences know if it's worth your time or not.
Reviewers use vague terms and tend to work for the companies who make this stuff, this is two people on a youtube show making fun of something. Also, there's a very obvious fear about pissing off the wrong people in most reviewers, no such fears from randos who probably don't even get much in advertising.

>All these youtubers have agendas and any review is going to be highly biased.
And the reviewers won't?

Not to mention they actually show what they're talking about with clips to explain why something doesn't work, a critic might say "Adora's relationship with the crazy cat lady doesn't work/is beautiful" but we have no idea what they actually disliked/liked, while if you're doing it this way you can show 'no see, this character doesn't work/works because of these actions' and you can form your own opinion and disagree/agree instead of being told what they feel about it and that's it.

>and you can form your own opinion and disagree/agree instead of being told what they feel about it and that's it.
(And that's a good thing)

the beast on the left gives me eye-cancer

Hey that's not nice, Glimmer is a good girl.

Glimmer is a slut who needs a good dicking.

I think that everyone can agree that Swift Wind needs a trip to the glue factory. At the end of S3 just give him a scene where he makes a dramatic sacrifice so maybe he can get one good character moment before he's gone forever and She-ra can get a much better dragon replacement.

There's only one cartoon horse I like and he sounds like off-brand Christopher Walken

>I think that everyone can agree that Swift Wind needs a trip to the glue factory.
I like how most of Yea Forums agrees with that statement. honestly though, why the fuck is he so damn annoying? Is it the voice or just his demeanor?

Bad writing? He's not very funny and he takes the seriousness out of every scene he's in with bad quips, which is pretty damn hard to do when he's barely in the show. I guess that's another aspect of it, he highlights the problem the show has of tell and explain how you're supposed to feel about what we told you, rather than show. The show has no confidence you'll figure out him and Adora have a real connection so it stops the story dead to explain it to you, something even the original was capable of doing without the explanation. No big blue expositionbot needed to explain that he and Adora are super special together, he just was a chainsmoking horse, and he actually had some pretty good lines too.

He also highlights a lot of inconsistency with the lore by having this push, since Adora also did the same thing to a lizard and at that episode it was just played off like a joke, then they turned around and said it was serious and important, and you should feel the connection to it.

There's a lot of reasons why he's a bad character, and the bad artstyle and inconsistent anatomy and size he has is just the tip of it, when you actually watch him in action there's really nothing to cling to unless you like really bad jokes. Which, to be fair, you're watching She-Ra, so...

I hate him because his "liberate the horses" shit goes nowhere, he won't shut the fuck up, and the Biggest one is that he doesn't so anything. Here's hoping for the dragon.

>and inconsistent anatomy

How big is this fucking horse supposed to be? I swear he changes sizes in every shot.

How big is ANYONE supposed to be? Glimmer loses 100 pounds when she puts on a hoard outfit.

I've seen videos of girls enjoying it. The thing is they're not exactly the people you're going to see talking about it online.

>Adora did the same thing with a lizard

>Here's hoping for the dragon

Boy, wouldn't that be funny.

Turning a one off gag like that into a plot point would be hilarious. And it would make sense too since it seems that they're trying to make this a unique fantasy world and not use normal fantasy creatures so I could see that as being a way to get a dragon for She-ra.

It's comparable to Avatar: The Last Airbender in terms of writing/structure- a group of teenagers, most of which with powers, follow the chosen one with the greatest power on a journey to defeat an imperialist nation. However, it does not require much examination to determine that ATLA is the superior show in every way.

Compare the episodes "The Blind Bandit" to the last episode of the latest season of She-ra. Both are about a member of the group that hides an aspect of himself/herself from the parents. Toph proved overwhelmingly that she can more than enough defend for herself, yet her parents buckled down even more on restricting her already limited freedom. With Bow, his parents wholeheartedly accepted him without questioning his safety. Toph had to contend with her parents rejecting her choices, a relatable reality for audiences. Bow had a generic happy ending without challenging the character or narrative.

Girls don't watch cartoons; they watch live action kid sitcoms.

>>out of context

Yes, I'm sure there's a whole bunch of tweets where she reveals that it was a broadway play she was writing about a shitty man hating bitch.

I would actually watch a play with that concept.

That's like saying boys don't watch cartoons, the watch Power Rangers shows.
They do both user, fucking kids spend all day on their phones or tables watching cartoons and playing freemium games.

>>kids spend all day on their phones or tables watching cartoons and playing freemium games.

They learned it from Noelle.

>Reminder they brought Shiro back early because they were worried about the toy sales
Shiro ruined Voltron.

4/10. Worse than lots of shows, it still better than about half of them.

That's the point. The alliance fell apart because no one got along and the horde progressed as far as they did because everyone only looked out for themselves. It's the Celtic tribes vs Rome.

That's because she's not actually that fat to begin with, her base outfit is just extremely unflattering. The open dress thing gives no shape to her midsection and over emphasises her thunder thighs. In the horde outfit she's noticably thicker than the others but you can actually see her hips so she doesn't look like a potato.

Honestly it's like the character designer was intentionally trying very hard to fuck up the costumes.