ITT: Post Yea Forums-related sentences you're fucking sick of hearing

ITT: Post Yea Forums-related sentences you're fucking sick of hearing.

>It's good because the animation is so fluid!

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How would [character] fare in the [fictional universe]

This character is badly written because I personally don't like them!

>John K. this and John K. that

That's Yea Forums in general nowadays.
>wojak #4729347293659.png

>omg are we already in deep lore territory? FUCK YEAH!!!!

>Batman, you have to rape the Joker!

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Not a specific sentence, but I am so goddamn sick of twitter threads. It's hard to fault the topics of themselves because a lot of it genuinely is relevant to the industry, but it's just so goddamn petty and ridiculous. It reminds me of those guys that dedicated their lives to tormenting Chris Chan, to the point that they documented pretty much every day of his life. Like, who really wants to take a microscope to this shit?

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>It's not pedophilia if they're animated.

I don't hate it because I'm a moralfag, I hate it because the people who say it are usually dicks.

>It's good if it has a more serious plot (Avatar, ect.) and is serious and stuff man serious lore
Like go watch live action if that's what you want because more serious stuff can work but it does not mean it's quality


Just because people only talk about 5 shows doesn't mean the entire service is crap. There are genuinely good cartoons on Netflix.

>Was it kino?
That word gets thrown around so much I'm starting to hate it.

It's not a specific sentence but any art style a person doesn't like is then called cal-arts by said person despite not looking like what is usually associated with that term

This character is not "realistic"/"relatable" therefore it's badly written.

>For me, it's _______

Anything Simpsons related.
I always hated that show, the rhyming memes do not help.

>is this the [adjective] Gravity Falls?

I'm so sick of gf fags and this sentence

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>cuck shill what did he mean by this shill cuck get woke go broke cuck shill OH NO NO NO shill cuck

This. I swear to God, nothing is fucking funny about this.

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>She doesn't have to prove anything to you
We get it. You don't like Captain Marvel. Shut the fuck up.

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This. 100x this

Shut the fuck up, retard.


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>This off topic thread is allowed because of an obscure comic!
Fucking Horrorverse niggers get off my board.

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any calarts shitposting

Might as well amend that to "This SHOW is badly written because I don't like it!". Both are accurate anyway

>What did _____ mean by this?
>Who was in the wrong here?
>What was his/her problem?
>Was it kino?

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>You enjoy a show that has a young girl as a protagonist? Well obviously you're a pedo because you're not allowed to lole something without it being sexual.
>Also have sex

I'm surprised this site doesn't already have a template for starting new threads with any of those sentences and similar ones.
Yea Forums & Yea Forums would fucking appreciate it.

>[Character name] is cute! CUTE!
>[Character name] is my wife!
I utterly despise this way of posting. It's just so fucking "lol so quirky", excitable, effeminate, autistic, and just pitiful that it makes me wonder how anyone can type shit like that out without any shame. Grown fucking men acting like anime girls.

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>Thread that has literally nothing to do with OKKO or SU
>"Still better than OKKO/SU"
Swear to fuck I wouldn't even think about those shitty shows if people didn't make youtube-tier comments like this completely out of the blue.

>You believe that a joke falls flat, that the episode has an unsatisfying and infuriating payoff, or that the characters are unlikeable and obnoxious? AWWWW TOO MEANSPIRITED ENTER?!

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>Here’s your _______, bro.
>plank and chairposting

>go back to _____
>____ is ruining Yea Forums


All the excuses given for why comics can't have good writing and continuity that isn't a bad charade.