this is retarded
This is retarded
It was a piece of propaganda.
Nobody cares.
he was crying because they didn't kill enough
Because fucking Juggernaut is there, he destroyed World trade center too.
Why didn't any of the Marvel heroes stop 9/11.
Marvel has a big problem with using villains to comment on real world politics and ignoring those villains actions in canon.
Spidey tried to save people from the etc but failed horribly.
it makes more sense for the current incarnations of these characters actually especially Mayor Fisk.
I'm pretty sure Doom has killed more than 3000 innocents in his time
All those poor souls that will never know the glory of a world united by Doom and whose lives were spent not to bring it even one second closer.
It still bothers me to this day that Cap, who's perspective of the transpired events is WAY different than anyone else's, gets just two panels.
Has that Decades miniseries reached 9/11 yet?
This. I remember reading this issue and not understanding anything, I also live in Norway and never really connected this to 9/11 as the issue didn't even release here until the year after.
If you are talking about Nemesis he was a Golden Age Hero. He was only turned evil along with a bunch of other GA heroes in an Invaders 4 issue 90s mini by Roy Thomas.
No it was from a standalone 9/11 comic. He saves like 8 people and tries to help fire fighters but is mostly overwhelmed
>The Marvel Superheroes couldn't stop 9/11
What good are they if they can't even do something as stop a couple of terrorists hi-jacking a couple of planes? Some heroes.
I think they stop it in the ultimates, but 616 can't because status quo. Also I imagine people would have been offended
It's not really out-of-character. Doom and Magneto aren't monsters, they feel empathy frequently
Fisk is probably the least empathetic of the three but he is a New Yorker so yeah he would care. Probably half the villains in New York would have gone straight after 9/11, at least temporarily
Doom regularly does mass purges of his own population and magneto would only care if a decently powerful mutant died.
Based and doompilled
This is the type of obsession and mindset people seem to want to forget when tossing frank under a bus for making holy terror.
America got slapped in the face and we fucking collectively lost it and screeched for blood like berserker autists and went full team America imagining even super villains would cry to this shit.
I remember very little dissent until people looked back and regretted the wars and imagine nobody supported them as if the initial bombings weren't televised.
Doom routinely brags about murdering entire universes.
>regretted the wars
The only reason people regret the wars was because it was a waste of money and blood
I could believe Kingpin being upset about it, him being a New Yorker and all, but he would also be the first person to try and profit off of it through insurance/construction scams.
>The only reason people regret the wars was because it was a waste of money and blood
People regret the wars because we got kidney-punched by Saudi-backed terrorists, and spent almost 2 decades beating the shit out of Saudi Arabia's enemies for them in "retaliation".
>Doom and Magneto aren't monsters
Doom had demons from Hell kill his childhood best friend and the woman he loved most by flaying her alive so the skin could be used to give him a more powerful magic based armor.
Yeah, even if that is true 99% of people don't believe that. We would fuck up Muslims all day every day it just cost ok much. We should have taken all their stuff.
>We should have taken all their stuff.
That did happen though, depending on your definition for "we."
America. And I'm gonna need some proof because they still have money and oil and we should have taken that.
Taken all of who's stuff?
The Afghans don't have any real oil.
Annexing ME oil would have precipitated WW3.
Also, we shouldn't make foreign policy based on what the stupidest % of the population is willing to buy from Sean Hannity.
People writing this off as unrealistic must not have been too young to remember what America was like in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
These two guys are right, the country kind of lost its mind for about five years, and it manifested in ways the people of 2019 now find genuinely unsettling, if they don't dismiss it outright as an exaggeration out of sheer embarrassment and shame. If it happened in the Marvel universe, you could absolutely expect to see supervillains impacted by it- they're no more resistant to brainwashing than anyone else (telepaths and such notwithstanding).
The only one that really strains credulity is Doom, and even he seems likely to be moved by the sheer jingoistic fervor that swept America in those days and weeks that followed the attacks. Hell, he probably never felt more welcome and comfortable in the US than he did in late 2001.
Doom is known in NY for attacking at least one skyscraper, so that seems really unlikely,
as is the idea of Doom being swept up in "American anything". He's an old-school European monarch-autocrat.
>In addition to its vast mineral and gas reserves, Afghanistan produces more than 90 percent of the World’s supply of opium which is used to produce grade 4 heroin.
>US military bases in Afghanistan are also intent upon protecting the multibillion narcotics trade. Narcotics, at present, constitutes the centerpiece of Afghanistan’s export economy.
>The heroin trade, instated at the outset of the Soviet-Afghan war in 1979 and protected by the CIA, generates cash earnings in Western markets in excess of $200 billion dollars a year.
No, he was asking if Spider-Man: Life Story from Zdarksy reached the 2000s yet.
Not yet, next issue tho.
user, America is the pharma kingpin of the planet. We push drugs beyond the imagination of the Afghans.
And Afghan minerals and such are buried under endless ranges of scalding hot rock and belligerent sandpeople. Canada's mineral and fossil fuel wealth dwarfs Afghanistan, and we can purchase it cheaper than playing king-of-the-mountain with religious fundamentalist forever.
Never worth it.
I’m from Washington State. EVERYONE around me was opposed to this shit.
I wasn’t because I was a contrarian asshole.
>The Afghans don't have any real oil.
They have a shit ton of opium.
thats pretty badass
Again, America can cook all the drugs the planet would ever need, or just cheaply import it from Mexico/S. America if we want the exotic shit.
Yeah, doing the condescending "user" bit doesn't make you less wrong FYI. Afghanistan opium isn't some random coincidence that has nothing to do with US occupation. Just spend some time looking into it, it's pretty well established at this point.
Also, we could cultivate that shit in the parts of the US that resemble Afghanistan by climate, if we so desired.
It's like saying invading and occupying another country is desirable because they grow corn.
No. Afghan poppy fields are pretty fucking important.
god Doom is so fucking cool. Why don't we have a film trilogy, video game, television show and quintology of radio plays about Doom?
Are you Alex Jones?
You're right about the pharma capitol or whatever, but you sound like a dumb jackass because you don't know how heroin is made, is correct.
Doom flat out would not care. Magneto would only notice if there were enough mutants killed. Fisk might be involved if it affected business. I get you're still choked up from America's scariest booboo, but that page is still fucking dumb.
You condescend by automatically assuming I'm less-versed in international affairs than you are.
America's drug industry (licit drugs mind you) is a Trillion dollars a year.
You want to go over to some hostile shithole and seize illegal drug fields (which we could easily grow here if we desired), for the expense and blood of taking on all comers in a hostile corner of the planet.
It's still a dumb idea.
>but you sound like a dumb jackass because you don't know how heroin is made
whatever gave your small brain that impression?
I'm simply stating that we have zero need to be involved in the worldwide heroin trade. If we wanted to, we could grow it/produce a synthetic competitor to it, without all the Army shit.
I'm not "automatically assuming." I'm correctly inferring based on how wrong you are. US presence in Afghanistan isn't some goofy Mr. Bean "OOPS I ACCIDENTALLY DID SOMETHING STUPID FOR TWO DECADES STRAIGHT" gaffe you absolute retard. The poppy fields are actually important and you're incredibly stupid if you think otherwise at this point in time when this issue has been exposed to death.
Do people still care about 9/11? Seems more like ancient history like Pearl harbor than modern events.
I mean if we were gonna invade a country at the point it would be for rare earth minerals or oil not drugs which we would have to sell in a roundabout manner.
>zero need to be involved in the worldwide heroin trade
Only if America calls money and power a want, which we don't.
>If we wanted to, we could grow it/produce a synthetic competitor to it, without all the Army shit.
See, this is what makes you sound like a jackass. Synthetic opioids, yeah, we could definitely make those. But those are not as valuable as opiates, which are made by extracting morphine/other opiate alkaloids and turning it into heroin. Making opiates from scratch in a lab is much more expensive.
Please educate yourself before speaking about something.
That's the really stupid one. The other villains might fly, but FUCKING Jugs?!
>I mean if we were gonna invade a country at the point it would be for rare earth minerals or oil not drugs
We just choose not to exploit our own massive reserves of Rare Earths out of environmental concerns, its not that we don't have them.
And we already have so much oil domestically that we are buckling the oil market, despite OPEC+ cutting production to boost prices.
Again, why would we want to sell opium, when we can push "cleaner" drugs, or even beneficial pharma, for far more money? Afghans grow opium because its about the only highly profitable thing their low-education people can produce. America has zero need to corner the market on opium, especially if it requires controlling the most contentious shithole on the planet. We spend 10's of billions a year FIGHTING the "war on drugs", after all.
>Magneto caring
Would a Grand Wizard of the Klan care if a negro neighbour burned down
yeah like 99% of comicbooks from big two
>Again, why would we want to sell opium
>Why would we to control the opium poppy harvest in Afghanistan? >It's only 90+% of the world supply.
Yes, why would we want to control it? It's illegal in basically every country on Earth, and we can make a similar fortune in any number of other ventures. We are literally spending billions trying to eradicate it.
I feel like I can ALMOST get you to put your brain to use, but then you frogpost and reveal yourself to be a practiced idiot.
I think he is trolling you user.
9/11 was an inside job
meanwhile.... the super"hero" didnt give shits
I hope so.
I'd hate to think he's that impressed by opium money. We can whip together some legitimate arms sales that make opium farming in sandpeople territory look smalltime (and of course we do).
Nah, in the Marvel Universe it was a super-villain attack.
Still Arabs tho.
The concept behind it being CIA funding.
Much like the CIA activity in South America controlling Cocaine that led to modern day Cartels.
Anyone else feel like JMS run overall has not aged well?
so Doom is Marvel's Roko's Basilisk?
Doom would probably care because he would think of the terrorists as dishonorable curs engaging in pointless violence, unlike the magnificent DOOM whose terrorist plots are more intricately planned and are always justified because they're necessary sacrifices for the greater good.
Yeah he was the one who did it, not a bunch of arabs.
It was a different time.
>Muslims are so bad that even the world's biggest "super villains" unite to fight them
wtf, how did X-men get away with this?
>We are literally spending billions trying to eradicate it.
Then why have US soldiers been protecting the poppy fields instead of destroying them?
And why has production gone up 40-fold instead of decreasing?
I know it's tempting to make a quip about Americans being incompetent, but come on. We're not just coincidentally occupying the country that produces over 90% of the world opium supply*.
This is like when people claim the "war on drugs" was a failure. It's only a failure if you believe the intention was to protect citizens from drugs. It's been a massive success when you realize law enforcement gets to seize obscene quantities of property and cash via drug prohibition laws to the point where a number of them don't even take tax money anymore (they're called "self-funded"). And private prison corporations get an easy lever for keeping prison populations growing**.
>Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected player in the country’s booming illegal opium trade, gets regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency, and has for much of the past eight years, according to current and former American officials.
>The C.I.A.’s practices also suggest that the United States is not doing everything in its power to stamp out the lucrative Afghan drug trade, a major source of revenue for the Taliban.
>The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws. For instance, any changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them.
-CCA's 2010 Annual Report to the SEC
>the country kind of lost its mind for about five years
Certain areas of the country. I was born and raised in the Bay Area, we were stubbornly anti-jingoistic during that time period. Barbara Lee, our senator, was the one and only senator to vote against going into Iraq even.
>w-we want to kill muslims
lol amerimutt villains. fucking patriotic lmaaaaaaoooo
It's fucked up to think about really, how many of the browsers on here probably don't really remember what everything was like before 9/11.
I remember the 2000s through the lens of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and about how almost every news broadcast for the decade was about 9/11, the wars, the middle east, WMDs, Bush, Rumsfeld, Blair, the inquiry.
Things really fucking changed - security, surveillance, state powers, the resurgence of nationalism and jingoistic attitudes.
fuck you, here's a full storytime
Isn't Magneto's goal the genocide of humans and raise of mutants?
like the only villains I could legit seeing there to help are Doc Oc and Kingpin.
The idea that a group of fags who are capable of bending reality itself as well as punch meteors into oblivion could not "make it on time" is pretty retarded
This was when Mags was the ruler of Genosha, I low-key could see him sending basic help to the situation, especially if any major mutants were killed. I agree that he himself wouldn't help but I could see it. And I could see Doom doing it was a Machiavellian power grab.
The faces fading to white in Holy Terror is still the best representation of 9/11 in comics imo. The book itself was awful of course but that's besides the point.
Did they copy paste that bitch's mother face onto a midget;s body, only changed the hair and color abit?
Doom probably would help personally, but only to throw it in the face of everyone who wasn't there to help. he certainly wouldn't cry.
Yep. It was done in a retarded way. Not to mention that in any normal situation 9/11 would've never happened in the Marvel-verse because there are a whole lot of people that could've stopped it at the very beginning.
Nice thing this comic skips the fact that Dubya's retarded ass was warned beforehand about possible attacks.
>We could not see it coming
figures americans are too proud to show other nations sending help.
and they call us europeans snoobnish.
This came out before the public would've been aware of that.
>Muslims are so evil even Dr Doom wants to kill them
Makes sense honestly.
>DOOM was there during 9/11 helping where were you?
It is, but it's been almost two decades now. I'm kind of done with being outraged by it every time it gets posted, week in and week out, for the past eighteen years.
I fucking hate Americans
Worlds that were not his. A king mourns the death of his rightful subjects, even if they do not yet know they are his subjects.
*The CIA
Why didnt Spiderman stop the planes?
I was going to do it, damn Talibans.
>the Fantastic 4 didn’t show up
>but Doom did
Also weirdly missing are Strange, She Hulk, Wasp, Iron Fist and Iron Man.
Well whatever
Let's see some DC 9/11
These are from 9-11 Issue 2
Why the fuck would Magneto or Doom give a shit?
I deeply hate not only Saudi moarchs but the entire hopelessly wasteful and biggoted country of Saudi Arbia itself
But, Iraq was a very useful buffer state that fought bitter wars against Iran (Saudi's real enemy) and it was their best interest to keep Saddam in power.
Iraq war, whatever you might want to say about it, was not in the interest of Saudis.
This actually was and is very well understood fact. Even at the time, only the most stupid Michael-Moore-fan section of the anti war movement chanted "Saudis wanted the war" kinda bullshit.
It's okay to hate Bush (there are lots of reasons to) but just don't be fucking dumbasses anons.
Doom is a fucking PUNK.
Everyone talks about how horrible a villain he is, yet every damn one of his reads, at least the ones that I've seen or been suggested to see by Yea Forums, depict him as more of a fucking antihero than an actual villain.
Joker -- Killed Jason Todd, paralyzed Barbara, killed Sarah, etc.
Magneto -- Ripped Wolverine's fucking skeleton out
Green Goblin -- Killed Gwen Stacy, all of the psychological damage to his own fucking son
Doom -- The nigga delivered Reed Richards' child.
His big "act of villainy" there was just NAMING THE GIRL. Sure, you can toss out the whole "oh well he was proving that he could do something that Richards couldn't, he could help his family when Richards could not", or the bs "Oh well he's a classy motherfucker dohoho/he's an honorable villain" crap out there, but when it comes down to it, Doom hasn't done SHIT.
That all being said, Doom crying at 9/11 wasn't any sort of break in character or anything to me. Hell, I would even go as far to say that it was entirely IN character.
Strange didn’t show up because there is no reason why he couldn’t have fixed everything. Actually what the fuck, can’t the F4 time travel?
>Magneto -- Ripped Wolverine's fucking skeleton out
Don't forget he sunk a ship full of people
Doom went back to his old flame, convinced her he still loved her and she still loves him, then burnt her skin off to make new and improved magic armour just so he can REEEEE at Reed (and Strange) better
Also, the Joker delivered a child too recently
>superheroes show how actually useless they are
Gruenwald sucks. THIS is Marvel's Watchmen.
Jugs can be mentally unstable, but he got better
I am actually not subscribed to the whole
[slightly conspiracy-leaning, anarchistic, economically far-left or far-libertarian, corporations controll everything and we are killing Muslims to satisfy the president's ego and the arms industry]
Kind of thinking that seems to be prevalent in every fucking comic related website I lurk, and I think too many people hold radical views when it comes how and what happened in Iraq without really investigating the complexities, but even to me was fucking cringy bullshit.
Most people cringe about the post 9/11 jingoism and for good reason
I hope the hundreds of thousand dead and fucking the middle east even more up for the forseeable future was worth it
This is hands down the best one.
DC strikes my sentimental cords more often than Marvel.
>using superheroes to comment on contemporary tragedies
That was always fucking stupid and disrespectful
It's a pity that they didn't reprint it in digital format.
Deep down we all knew capeshits are frivolous
>People writing this off as unrealistic must not have been too young to remember what America was like in the immediate aftermath of 9/11
America was so fucking weird. Freedom fries and hating the shit out of the French, a with us or you're against us mentality, remember that?
99% of fiction is frivolous
Shut up, Ennis.
>Marvel uses a tragedy to wank their characters
>DC is realistic about shit going down in a world without superhumans
Imagine if they had Penguin using trained penguins to rescue people at ground zero.
It's JRJr. His female faces have been that way for years now. Look at Hitgirl. Ugh.
One of the best decision our president at the time had made, not following the US into that shitshow
Yes, keeping making this thread is pretty retarded.
Last one
Imagine being that much of a company war pig.
Fucking disgusting.
Why would you assume I'd recognize any of the ugly old men you posted?
And the world got even more fuel to make fun of americans for from it, pretty great
based america being able to take jokes even though it could literally take on any country 1v1 without breaking a sweat
or all of them if we include nukes
[laughs in Chinese and Russian]
It's time
You wish
>able to take jokes
In most cases no
marvel is so fucking shameless, did DC do anything? I only ever see this posted
OK, then declare war on China and Russia. If you dare, o coward.
If I had the power I would
What good are they if they can't even protect the most pure wife of all, meaning STAN LEE's WIFE?
They should have all FUCKING killed themselves already.
Why would you assume I give a shit about who you can or can't recognize?
Check the storytimes and you will find out.
Always up for some good PR. And he's a New Yorker, it's gonna be shocking for him.
>Juggernaut tried to destoy WTC himself!
And now he sees how dumb he was. He's often an on/off villain
Mutants also died in the attack. Heck, mutant businesses may have been destroyed.
>But the ruthless Dr. Doom is crying...
...out of uselessness. The fact that he did not predict something so big happening and potentially changing the fate of the world order, the fact that he could not stop it / take control of it makes him feel like a failure. He is the mastermind, the aspiring world ruler, and yet he couldn't foresee a blunder of that kinda magnitude.
Because they're the good guys
>Always up for some good PR. And he's a New Yorker, it's gonna be shocking for him.
I bet he'd be secretly happy that one of his buildings is now the tallest in New York.
Well, no... that's too cartoonishly villainous. Completely unrealistic. Nobody is that vapid, right?
The towers didn't collapse straight away. Even if it was some sort of completely unpredictable attack, is there no way any hero could have gotten there after the attack and evacuated the building?
Don't like 99.9% of Marvel's heroes live in New York?
Wait, what, there was a plane trying to hit Washington?
So why don't they factor in the friction heat cased by the plane crashing in at such a speed that it would accelerate metal fatigue? Why are they humming on fire and not the fact that 2 175,000 lbs planes going 575 mph in two directions? This feels like confirmation bias.
If things went as planned White House would have been hit as well
Hey cap I hate to interrupt your posing but you know there's probably a firefighter or something buried under that rubble you're standing on?
Well maybe Republicans should approve to care for the first responders.
Oh wait. They won't? Aw shucks.
[grinds foot]
Once again why using superheroes in stories about real world issues and catastrophies is retarded, when you face cosmic horrors on the regular it's going to cheapen the importance of real world issues
>Saudi Arabia's enemies
Look buddy I hate the Saudis with all of the might of a thousands suns.
But it is like said and attacking Iraq wasn't in Saudi Arabia's interests......
(((They))) on the other hand have every advantage and motivation necessary to push a superpower into endless wars.
And then a few hundred thousand more died and the world was thrown into economic recession, what a happy and uplifitng ending
did nothing wrong
Son's right, superheroes are stupid
he was actually a doombot which lives in the usa?
>And then a few hundred thousand more died
They don't count they were just Iraqis.
Thank god we've been conditioned to not think of them as humans. Look at how poor and dirty they are after we effectively murdered their entire country. Gross! If it weren't for the constant propaganda I'd almost feel sorry for them.
And they'll keep murdering each other for decades now, what savages, I'm glad we all live in a stable haven without issues like the US of A
Thankfully the USA regained its sanity and is back to being respected by the rest of the world.
Remember that time at the UN? We told a hilarious joke on purpose, and everybody laughed WITH us and not AT us, ha ha. You have to be a really special and stable country to have the entire world laugh with you (NOT at you). God bless America. God bless America.
>It's like saying invading and occupying another country is desirable because they grow corn
Well...General US Grant, understand that very well...but Merica need also cows, oil, and mormons. Thanks Mexico, now leave!
Why burgers hate propaganda and "brain washing techniques", but they are an extraordinary example about these topics?
Because burgers need to exist on several layers of hipocrisy to function.
Yeah, Magneto would have been celebrating.
In real life, Dr. Doom would be like, 'Oh of course, the US Government carried out an act of operational negligence that allowed a homeland terrorist attack which justifies long-anticipated Western invasion of the Middle East to add military influence to Israel's domain while taking oil as a prize. Simple but ruthless. I should probably put on some rocket boots and Doom kick into the cave of whoever they blame, and destabilize American faith in their government to prevent national security risks by executing him more efficiently than they would.'
Because we live in a cycle of abuse obviously
Because it's OUR brainwashing, freedom motherfuckers
>America is shattered because, for once, they are forced to live the crap they write in comics.
>And therefore even the villans, who have done a lot of more of worse things must appear sad and retarded for the 9/11.
I can understand that it was terrible, i really do.
But fuck, in the marvel world a 9/11 day is pretty much an common Monday. ok, no victims because it's a comic, but I swear that this thing has always bothered me long before 9/11.
Sometimes I try to think about what the real world would be like after an event like "Ultimatum".
at least they decided to comment on it rather than censor anything to do with buildings, planes and death like the rest of the retarded media in your country did
Because they are terrible heroes
This is retarded. Fucking lawsuit waiting to happen. The JLA does not have the proper licenses to build a 100+building.
That would be hilarious
Daaaaaammmmmmnnnn now I get it !
Literally the FF are here
They were playing beer pong with the Inhumans
Why would "my" media censor anything related to 9/11? they showed the footage nonstop when it happened
Hell we even had a 1 minute silence in class for the victims
OK but where's all this for the monthly school shootings that you still haven't stopped? Are school shootings more controversial than fucking 9/11?
the fuck you talking about
Yes, 9/11 was a bigger event than school shootings.
>We are literally spending billions trying to eradicate it.
Imagine actually believing this
It's fucked up but school shootings are normal now.
9/11 happened once, school shootings have been happening constantly.
Close but not quite. They quickly removed depictions of the towers in any non-memorial case, but abundantly covered the death and towers in memorials. It was consideres poor taste to pretend the towers were still there, but the coverage and long teem national funeral were completely unavoidable and were pressed as motivation to go to eat. Not to grieve was considered unamerican and very evil.
wasnt magneto WITH the xmen during that time?
More like he's crying because he didn't think of it first.
I get that you're a non american criticizing our gun culture, but yeah man the foreign terrorist attack on New York City was, in its moment, a bigger focus than gun violence. You can judge us for it if you want, though don't act like gun violence doesnt get coverage.
The number of school shooting fatalities since 2001, eighteen years, total up to ~300, rounding up.
Over 3000 people died on 9/11, a single day.
One's a enough deal to warrant a comic.
Thats the most unrealistic part of this, not only should he have thought about it first, but he actually does it all the time
>frantically omitting that he killed entire universes in Secret Wars and orchestrated House of M
Stop this retarded copypasta, you're just embarrasing yourself
Pretty salty of someone, to accuse another nation's reaction to tragedy hypocritical because they have other tragedies
Doom's probably upset it didn't hit the Baxter Building instead
Shit dude sorry if I touched a nerve.
300 dead children due to a phenomenon that is still on-going sounds like a lot to me.
kek, also do him pls?
>Based america being able to take jokes
You never were, You fucking wanted to start economic blockades and actual wars beacuse of it
I mean, you're wrong about school shootings being alarger scale than 9/11, and you're aggressively wrong that comics don't address gun violence, so it was kind of annoying that you repeated yourself and denied the actual answer to the question you asked
>Sometimes I try to think about what the real world would be like after an event like "Ultimatum".
know the Mutant Registration Act, 10% worst
Magneto is on the Council of Zion and helped order the attack, to usher American support of Israel. He's both a secret leader and controlled opposition, which is why he made sure to show up on site and cry, to assert the idea that jews and american christians are united in grief and military against the Islamic threat.
thank you user.
J. Jonah Jameson literally just performs the role of Alex Jones, and hosts a special with Jesse Ventura
This is gold
Spiderman let the two towers fall, why you ask, he's a Mutant, this is why we need the Mutant Registration Act!
>sane world
As if they haven't done anything worse.
The sheer idea that Magneto, with the Elders of Zion as his Sinister Six, did 9/11, is hilarious
explain larry silverstein
typical mutt double standard.
they are so easily triggered by foreigners even its a microscopic thing but when mutts themselves do it everything is ok
What if I were to tell you that Magneto, Dust, Ms Marvel's father, Pietro and Kitty Pryde of the X-men worked together to help deliver 9/11?
1. Being attacked by a foreign enemy is way mlre notable than a history of self harm, dont be obtuse
2. We literally discuss and cover gun violence in this nation, its a major point of contention and we spend a lot of effort arguing about it
Like no hard feelings and all, but I dont think you're being completely honest with yourself if you think you'd act differently.
I was about to say the same
It's a clown world
redpill me on superhumans?
homoerotic, dumb and for children
Yeah what the fuck is this nonsense?
The whole point of 9/11 was literally to just do to the US what the US do to everyone else.
And also to bait them into a neverending war against a nebulous concept into which they'll waste their money and for which they'll ruin their culture with paranoia and hatred.
Yep. It was such a good plan because really what else where we to do? I couldnt even imagine just tolerating it, you HAVE to take the bait
Anyone even trying to resist it at first would be ostracised from politics and the general populace forever, they knew everyone would have to go all in, either by their own volition or else
>their culture
They're so poor that they don't even have one.
You could have just not started a war in Iraq which barely had anything to do with 9/11 in the first place. You didn't just take the bait, you ran with it in completely unrelated directions giggling and screaming because it was such a good opportunity to pointlessly destroy Iraq for no reason.
True but obviously another middle eastern war was in the cards, the US and Israel had been wanting one for years, and the powers that be used 9/11 specifically as propoganda to make it happen. Hook line and sinker
There was a reason. Dollar status was the reason.
>virgin marvel
>meanwhile DC:
I have no problem going to war for money, but we are worse off financially now than then.
they also destroyed lots of records of the multi-trillion dollar deficit in the pentagon.
YOU are worse off, maybe.
But like... one percent of you are doing awesome. That's good, right? I assume Americans love them since you gave them a tax cut on top of that.
Because they are specifically talking about the building that collapsed that wasn't hit by a plane?
The problem is that the US abused dollar status to win the cold war but the status of it's currency killed the industry. The Soviet Union lose but the US lose too
How the fuck didn't the Avengers/SHIELD prevent 9/11 in universe? You mean to tell me in 616 New York where there's capeshit on damn near every other block that no one could have prevented it also people reacting the way they are here is weird considering this is a universe where entire cities getting destroyed is a common occurrence this whole thing is fucking dumb
>Captain America has seen this twice
>September 11 was like the Holocaust
Jesus they lost maybe 3000 people
Never forget user, now lets slaughter some more 3rd world countries
Doctor Doom is a real gamer.
He even played Assassin's Creed in Josh Trank movie.
Yeah, so worthy of respect.
He's being sarcastic, anons.
High IQ thread
The idea that they would be so devastated by this when whole city blocks get destroyed on the regular is pretty retarded.
According to the current black panther writer they deserved to die under that rubble, because they're white.
You mean Life Story? It's not there yet; not until a few weeks from now.
says the salty DKek that has nothing to show for it
i've been saying this since it ended but kept getting drowned out because BND/OMD/Slott was such shit it made JMS look like lee/ditko era
at least spencer's run is good so far
They should have had is be Kingpin or Magneto. Someone probably said it would have more impact but it comes of like a meme.
>No one could
Well actually...
Must be weird for zoomers, to have grown up in a world where terrorism is constantly shown on television. The entertainment media changed a lot after 9/11. Everything was dark, grey and depressing. Then the ''realism'' fad followed.
They died not knowing the majesty of Doom
Especially removed from the event so much that they don't really feel an emotional connection or remember that visceral response.
Like seriously if Holy Terror had come out in 2002 rather than 2011 people wouldn't have dared act as if it were out of line. The Dixie chicks did that and got tossed under a bus for a decade.
Because how the fuck can you think publishing "LOL ironman should have just stopped the plane" would do anything but get them dragged through the mud by the entire country before social media was even a thing?
Magneto makes some sense, provided mutants were in the towers.
How the fuck did the Golden Age heroes let Pearl Harbor happen?
What are you gonna do with the time you saved by typing three less characters when you said S. instead of South?
post sneed
A stronger argument for typing things out properly has never been made.
This one fucked me up
>star sprangled banner starts playing
oh, so THAT'S why they got an Israeli to play her in the movies
No, dumbass, Pearl Harbor.
Oh you were talking about the US, I'm not from america
>Doom destroyed universes and made millions suffer just because his ego and his Reed hateboner
>Magneto couldn´t care less about simple humans, is either mutants or nothing for him
>Doc Ock tried to fry the planet and wanted to be the worst killer in history
>Jugg is a crazy retard
What the fuck is this?
I hate americans so goddamn much
>Yea Forums still defends the JMS run
Probably the most overrated run Marvel has, next to King's Vision.
Opioids aren't manufactured in South America, growing poppies outside of Asia is really difficult. The opioids we do have are all prescription drugs and they are COINCIDENTALLY produced by american companies (who happen to also be in a continent where growing poppies isn't possible).
Because without a global satellite system, there would be no way to see a sneak attack coming from the west.