I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here...

Attached: img_9384.jpg (452x337, 54K)

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Oh yeah well I'll just leave THIS here.

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I'll just drop this here

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>Lisa can't think of a single nice thing Bart has done for her
I'd struggle to think of a single nice thing Lisa has done for Bart


Bought his soul back from the comic shop.

Sucked his dick

This is easily in the top five worst things Lisa's ever done and she also never gets punished or called out for it.

i'll just accidentally leave this here

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The animation was pretty nice though.

Does the birthday episode not count? Or wait, it's not canon now because of conjencture.

I’m out of the loop and interested. What happened in the birthday episode?

What is Lisa doing wearing shoes?

didn't this follow immediately before the Asian baby episode?

She's a bitch.

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You should be able to see her panties from that angle. The physics of her dress are fucked.

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Is that actually Bart in drag?


The first act felt a little weak. Maybe it's because I've been watching so many HD episodes lately, but the fact that the first act actually started the main plot right off the bat threw me off guard. Lisa's characterization was a little too mean-spirited throughout the middle of the episode, but her reconciliation with Bart more than made up for it. The jokes remained consistent while the plot went to a lot of places. The subplot had some good jokes, but was definitely one of Season 16's weaker subplots.

I really don't like Lisa in this episode, we all know that Bart can do stupid things, but that's because he thinks of them as pranks and he enjoys it, sure it's annoying but we know this to be normal of Bart's character at least. And only now does Lisa chose to take out a restraining order, I guess all her anger must've built up, _but_ this doesn't begin to excuse what happens afterwards, the restraining order sequences are painful to watch as Lisa is behaving like a bitch and she takes advantage of the restraining order. She deliberately puts Bart out of places he wants to be which loses the whole point of a restraining order, she is doing it on purpose. The suffering Bart has to go through in this episode isn't worth it, Lisa is the character that is in the wrong here, I hated her so goddamn much during those 22 minutes. Bart makes an effigy which he burns and she doesn't care, isn't that worse than making those fart noises or anything else he did at the beginning of the episode? And if so, why does Lisa have the sudden change of heart, becuase she has missed Bart after she felt the need to create his life a living hell, and not even a sorry, this episode becomes worse the more you think about it, and boy does it seem like trash now.

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Half of Yea Forums wants to murder Lisa, the other half wants to fuck her.

That is correct.

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And some of us want to do both

Ate you remembering the episode right? It’s not that she didn’t care about the statue, she thought it was a thing he built to say sorry to her (because he’d yet to burn it).

She makes him live in the woods over a fart noise prank and still thinks she’s the victim who needs an apology.

>implying Bart isn't enjoying it

I'm not saying Lisa was good in this episode, I'm just saying that I don't find her that bad. I'm not sure why. I mean, she was cruel and I felt bad for Bart in this episode, but I still didn't find her that annoying.

I just hated the feel to it. like, why would marge be overall happy? and randomly playing some music? it was only a few seconds so i am not letting this ruin the episode too much, i just hated it a lot.

what is this?

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Cute tummy

Attached: the.simpsons.s17e19.1080p.bluray.x264-taxes.mkv_snapshot_12.25_[2019.05.27_20.16.37].png (1440x1080, 1.11M)

Episode was directed by Lauren MacMullan who has a tendency to overdo it with the animation.

>fat butt
>adorable feet
>slight chubby belly
She just needs to fix her personality a bit and she's perfect


Well at least you're leaving.
