Why did the show have such a defeatist attitude when it came to this character?

Why did the show have such a defeatist attitude when it came to this character?

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How would you have ended it?

He gets rehabilitated and integrated into society.

Why not? At least it was original, that’s why people still remember it.

The Movie offers a canonically positive outcome for him.

The movie was shit, occasionally sad endings were the best part of the show.

Helga’s left alone at the fair, Pigeon Man will always be isolated, Arnold has to cope with the fact his oarents are dead. Happy endings all around just rips the soul right out of it.

Fuck you, this is not realistic. Hundreds of people get ostracized by society just for being weird and different. They can POTENTIALLY integrate into society maybe, but they would have to work harder than most normal people, and for most normal people socialization takes so little effort that the very concept of it being "hard" for someone is alien to them on a visceral level. It's like if someone said to you it's hard for them to tie their shoes.

For you

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>muh realism

This is a cartoon for kids, it's not supposed to be cynical. I also take issue with the psychologist episode too. Let kids be kids, they only have so many years before life teaches them these lessons anyway.

Not the ragefag poster, but what’s wrong with the psychologist episode? It didn’t have a lesson, it was backstory for why Helga loved Arnold

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Helga acts more like a real kid in the psychologist episode than anywhere else.

There was nothing cynical about the episode you retard.

The whole concept of a kid being so deranged that they needed a psychologist is too much for children to digest.

By going through the traumas of neglect? It's an interesting topic for sure but children won't get it.

Helga was always a downright anomaly. The show was decent and cozy, but she was phenomenal, just stole the entire thing out from under Arnold. Like striking oil in a treacle mine.

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Pigeon Man is so upset that he leaves society forever. He doesn't get over his problems, he just escapes.

Retard gang hours. Please go away.

*by flying away to explore the world attached to pigeons. Seems pretty happy to me user.

I agree, but there's no need to be upset with user. On top of that, I have to remain consistent with my belief that cartoons are entertainment, and don't have a social responsibility. The creator ultimately has free reign to tell the story how they like.

Why shouldn't it? Do lonely weirdos have happy endings in real life? The only weirdos with happy endings are ones who don't give a fuck if society accepts them or not. This guy clearly did.

I agree, I do not wish to be reminded of the weirdos that I ostracize. I do wish them all to die, but do it away from me and when I cannot see them : )

So it's like a cautionary tale?

Yeah. It reads: "Just like, don't be weird, you easily be accepted by following these simple rules".

She was a normal kid with normal kid reactions to things.

Arnold was some kind of Messiah figure selflessly helping everyone in the city everywhere he went.

I agree absolutely

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You really underestimate kids. You are a fucking retard.

Obligatory Pussy quiver post

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It wasn't a defeatist ending. Pigeon Man knew himself and accepted who he was. He was at peace.

Holga was the heart and soul of this show

And more

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suicide metaphor

>The whole concept of a kid being so deranged that they needed a psychologist is too much for children to digest.
I was a kid when I watched that episode and I enjoyed it. Kids know what therapy is, if only the bare basics of "You sit down and talk about stuff." Hell, if anything it probably helped kids understand more about therapy than anything, and that it's not a bad thing to have issues.

If anything, that's what the main theme of Hey Arnold was: Nobody is perfect, and that's not a bad thing.

Rhonda was the sexiest

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Friendly reminder Helga recorded Arnold undressing at night.

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Yea Forums is autistic.

homegirl is sexy af

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Come on user. You reek of those executives who censored everything interesting in cartoons in the late 70s

Are you going to make topics about Pigeon Man every day?

This. There's a number of characters in the series that have sucky lives and one of the things I respect about the show is that their lives didn't always automatically get fixed just because Arnold noticed them. A little attention though, can at least briefly help them feel a little better, and that's a more honest thing to teach kids than a Smurf-like world where 'goodness makes the badness go away'.

whats does "cartoon for kids" even mean; the medium has to be ignorant?
>dont teach kids anything, they wont learn anyway

Hey Arnold was a very realistic show and this was a very realistic ending to a very realistic episode. It's not necessarily that he couldn't fit in with society and it's not necessarily that society couldn't accept him. But the changes he and society would have to make to accommodate each other. Well, he wasn't willing to make them. He was certainly a tragic figure. But not necessarily a grim one. He just... was the pigeon man. And nobody took that away from him. Nobody could. And he's.... not great with that whole arrangement. But he's ok. He's ok.

That's not at all what was said.

It's an Americanism, it means you have to protect the kids from reality so that you can program them to be docile, compliant adults.

>implying Europeans aren't the biggest docile pussies on the planet

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He wasn't upset. He considered himself too different and accepted himself for it.

I bet you were upset about Ms. Pedophile episode too.

It doesn’t even take much to get a kid into therapy. I got sent to my school counselor for being afraid of bees

I got sent to therapy when I was 8. Just for not doing as well as I could in school.

>It's Helga, user

the what

An episode that got canned because the execs were uncomfortable with them tackling pedophilia. An adult woman begins acting inappropriately towards Arnold. I don't remember the details, but I'm sure it's on the internet somewhere if you look hard enough

It didn't. He accepted himself and found happiness following his own path instead of everybody else's.
A lot of kids have to put up with hard shit, it's better to show them how to deal with it than to just pretend that every kid has a 100% happy fairy tale lifestyle.
Again, kids go through hard shit. And kids go to therapy, including seeing psychologists. A lot of kids, including myself, liked Hey Arnold because it rarely felt like it was talking down to you, and you could relate to the more gritty themes the show sometimes got into.

You strike me as somebody who both rarely interacts with kids, and has forgotten what childhood was actually like. Either that or you were absurdly sheltered.

One of the female boarders was supposed to have an inappropriate crush on Arnold as a running gag. I think she was in one episode and then they got rid of her.

I think she was in a few, but the one you're thinking of is the episode with the heat wave.

Yeah. Lana Vail.

Do you mean Lana Vail?

She looks like she just came out of a sex match.

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Not everyone can put up a fight.

Wanting a sensible system!=Being a pussy, pindos.

Not everyone wants to.

You're assuming his "problem" is something he actually wants to fix. He just plain didn't like interacting with most people for a plethora of reasons, least of which those shithead kids for smashing his stuff just because hes "different". There are people who are perfectly content to be by themselves and thinking they'd be better off integrating into society is profoundly ignorant. It'd be like dragging someone into a burning building because you think they look cold standing outside

How many times did mommy beat you over the years?

>defeatist = being realistic

Shut your dumbass up

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>I also take issue with the psychologist episode too.

>taking issue with the show's best episode that tackles stuff that actually impacts kids every day

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Never mind. This was the best episode.

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One too many.


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