What happened to Pixar?

What happened to Pixar?

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Neither Incredibles or Nemo had two sequels before.

most of the old guard left
now it´s just women who only got the job to fill a quota.
notice how "progressive" disney has made one movie about a strong female protagonist after another but still not a single movie staring a black lead.
female bitches always have to make everything about them all the time

Based Sony Dabbed to hard.

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>Made considerably less than Incredibles.

They thought critics and brand-recognition made them invincible.

No soul left. The toy's story was OVER last movie. Nobody asked for this besides merchandise companies.

JESUS CHRIST will you fucking have sex you fucking SJW virgin. Cope. Just literally actually cope with the fact that this is the direction the Toy Stroy wants to go and its not catering to you. Is it really that fucking hard to be happy?
If you honestly expect PIXAR to flop you've lost your mind and have become obsessed with politics holy shit. I'm getting sick of you faggots by the day my face is red

pointless movie only created to push feminism and which actually destories the message of the previous movies

More like Toy Story became Pixar Pirates of the Caribbeam

They only had plans for a certain amount of movies and everything else is being written mostly by new people and not the OGs
Plus Disney doesn't view Pixar as anything more then an animation studio that can make easy money do to brand name recognition. That's why they keep making sequels to classic Pixar movies you saw as a kid. In the hopes that you see it again and maybe bring some new audience members so they can get hooked onto the Pixar magic and continue to watch Pixar movies

Unfortunately each sequel becomes worse then the last because no one asked for them. Brad bird didn't want to make another Incredibles movie unless he had a good script but it's obvious Disney rushed him and the only good thing that came out of it was shots of Helens fat ass and more "subtle" boob jiggle

No one asked for a Nemo sequel because there was no sequel to really work with

And I'm not gonna go into detail about Toy Story. The facial expressions on the crews face when they were told they were gonna work on another Toy Story movie was enough.

that and most of the good writers were moved to Disney. You could say Pixar is just Circle 7 at this point

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But it won the Oscar which means something now.

Disney forever BTFO

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Spirited Away stealing it’s thunder in China didn’t help.

the week opening is specifically talking about US boxoffice

People are finally getting tired of all the damn sequels.

>Disney was so confident that Ralph Breaks the Internet would win the Best Animated Feature Oscar that they went ahead and shipped the Oscar Award Winner displays to stores in advance, some of which got put out after the Academy Awards Ceremony and their lose.


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Enough with the remakes and sequels

Also didn't help that Bird came to bat for Lassiter around last Januaryand that made him into the rape apologist in the eyes of the media

>You could say Pixar is just Circle 7 at this point
Cricle 7 concepts for toy story 3 where all much better then the trash we got in toy story 4.

We need one more disappointment for the mouse to realize enough is efuckingnough
Too bad this will probably get Force Awakens and Endgame level shilling everywhere

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I definitely view Nemo as the most unnecessary sequel of all since there was just no reason to revisit the setting at all.


Un this case it's because literally no one asked for TS4 and many more are disgusted by it's existence.

Even the Live action remake swarm has a crowd of fans who simply always wondered what (x) cartoon would've look like IRL. TS4 has no one OTHER than mindless Pixar drones supporting it.

No one wanted it, no one asked for it, no one is excited for it and so, less people went to see it that the norm.

The problem with this one is that anyone who claims it is anything less than perfection in movie format, would just be instantly derided as another angry white misogynist incel troll that hates seeing women in starring roles, seeing strong women in fiction, and is probably threatened by any minority existing. And will have the full backing of the news media behind them waiting to call out people who every actually not like it.

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So Captain Marvel all over again, then?

Yea, the "it's not for you incel!" crowd will be waiting to strike at anyone who does not post about how much they love every minute of it. And if it makes less than expected it will be simultaneously considered some coordinated misogynist attack, as well as other random people on twitter pleading to go see it or else little girls will never ever have a movie to look up to ever again.

Anna and Elsa were absolutely fucking retarded in the first movie, I can't begin to imagine what STUNNING AND BRAVE moves they'll make for the sake of """""empowerment""""" that'll be defended ad nauseam online.

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Nobody knows what TS4 is about besides that it has Key and Peele and in it. TS3 was kind of the ending note to a lot of people who grew up with it since it came out over a decade after the second and had a mature plot and touched upon certain issues fans had with stuff like Andy growing up and the fate of toys.

they are games of thronesing Frozen and end credits will have a scene connecting this universe to the Pocahontas, Little Mermaid, Rapunzel and Tarzan universe, thus creating the CGI Disney princess cinematic universe.

*Also Moana, Aladin and Belle and Jasmine will be involved in future installments of the Disney Princess cinematic universe

2 (or 3rd) unnecessary sequel and almsot no advertising

Yea the first movie really did not portray them as amazing brave strong women at all. They both kind of come off as dumb spoiled brats and stupidly walk into trouble without thinking first.

Elsa never thought about consequences at all and nearly killed her entire kingdom, and her sister twice.

Anna was a moron that almost fell off a mountain, ran off into frozen wilderness alone without an idea of how to survive, and was still cursed into a statue and almost died by the first guy she ever met.

>Believing pround of a pity award

I love In to the Spiderverse but god damn Oscars don't mean shit anymore, Isle of Dogs and Mirai where significantly way better movies, but at this point it's a popularity contest instead of actual film making.

Would be easy to link everything, but hard for most characters to interact.

Pocahontas was in the early 1610s, Frozen was 1860s, Little Mermaid was early 1810s, Rapunzel seems more like late 1500s, Tarzan was 1890s.

In the past movies flopped and people moved on. In this decade Twitter goes nuts if a movie with a message fails

If they fail enough, it will force them to make better movies....................hopefully

Oh how embarrassing that Disney lost to a Disney film, they must quite upset they lost an Oscar to themselves.

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it's box office was low 'cause Child's Play reboot was better

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I hope Children of the Sea or that upcoming Shinkai movie win the Oscar next year. Disney will drop the sequel shit if they want to be respected again.

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Depends, is Frozen 2 going to cave in to the twitter sheeps and make Elsa a lesbian for max brownie points? The media would start fellating Disney harder than ever before and call the corporation a champion of social progress.

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>Oscars don't mean shit anymore
Tell that to the people funding movies.

It really wasn't

Spider-Verse was a Sony flick, Lex.

Then why did it show Chucky massacring Legally Distinctive Woody on the poster?
Checkmate, atheists!

People keep trying to connect dots and try to find the conspiracy behind things. For some reason n one understand that sometimes a movie just sucks.

But the underlying problem with any movie that has a "message" is that they do not but look to political enemies when it does not perform amazingly. They expect everyone else in the world to have the same level of guilt-based requirement to watch it. That they HAVE to go see this or else they clearly hate X demographic and are secretly MAGA hat wearing incel nazis bent on destroying society. Which is the only reason they can conjure up of someone who does not like the movie. Because to them, it's not about the movie being good or not, it's about absorbing the message. They do not see that other people in this world actually don't think like that.

No no you see because Disney allows Spider man to be in their MCU that means Spider Verse is a Disney movie don’t you fucking get it idiot


How the fuck do you retards remember to breathe

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Well they view paying to see the movie as supporting the message, or political side. Not simply watching a movie that they like.

Failing to go see the movie in theaters is a declaration that they do not support that message at all. If not fully oppose it.

actuals are in, TS4 up to 121mil, Aladdin up to 13.2mil.

The media may eat it up but their box office would fucking tank

A Bug's Life sequel would be kinda cool tho

>Whit did it not do so well?
Well, it could be the fact that people were always wanting a sequel to The Incredibles, whereas Toy Story had reached its conclusion with the third film.

Nemo didn't need a sequel, or a spin-off, or whatever Finding Dory was. Its ending felt... right. It felt satisfying.

Toy Story certainly didn't need another sequel. It didn't really need any sequels, but they were welcome enough all the same. Their endings, too, were satisfying. They were heartwarming, and in the case of the 3rd film, bittersweet. The ending felt final, like it was finally the right time to stop.

The Incredibles, meanwhile, didn't feel final. Its ending was a cliffhanger, and people waited over a decade to finally see it resolved. Yes, it was a rather shit resolution to the ending, but the film itself was good.

No bucks for cucks

who the fuck wanted a "Toy Story 4"
who would even want to see that, seriously

This movie was just really boring compared to the first three. There wasn't a sense of adventure or anything like the others.

I want Shrek 5

It was a real bummer how quickly buzz just gave up on forky. woody needed him and he just lets him go solo. When buzz was the one who went through all that shit for woody in the second film

Forky didn't want to be a toy so it was kind of a jerk move by Woody to force him into the gig.

no kid will check this. Also these movies take place on alternate worlds where nations like Arendele exist and magic ice people and trolls and mermaids are a part of every day life-it can be explained that it takes place not on our earth but "Realm of Fairy Tails" or something

>sensory overload

... First of all, I don't think that's a legitimate complaint. Secondly, Into the Spiderverse was the most sensorily overloaded film I've ever seen in my life.

Sony litterally owns SpiderMan. I mean the character. Do your homework faggot.

I though the cliffhanger was just here to sell the game.
Anyway the movie really didn't need a sequel, the whole thing was about Mr Incredible learning to stop being nostalgic about his glory days and thinking aboutg his family first. And he learned the lesson at the end.

>academy award winner photo is being sad

That post was obvious sarcasm mate.

>all 3 of Pixar's recent sequels have been middling (can probably add in WiR 2 depsite that being Disney)
>"Why are folks not seeing THIS sequel"

In this year, I guess.

What... is this for real, did TS4 actually not make bank? did people actually realize it was garbage?

failed movie vs another failed movie

Well due to the deal they made with Sony, Disney gets the money from Spider-man merchandise so its not that much of a loss for them if it gets popular.

Became soulless. TS4 is garbage just like almost every other movie they've made since 3 besides Coco, Finding Dory, and maybe Monster's University.

Studios always prefer making money to winning an award. The people making the movie prefer awards to making money.

It had a great but not great enough opening weekend. Disney has high expectations for their movies and even end game didn't meet expectations

Another way to say that is the salaried animators who will make the same no matter what prefer to win awards. The guys at the top who gain bonuses based on profits prefer more money.

If you are in a position to take in more if the movie makes more then you care for profit over award.

Its totally pozzed. I got to eat lunch with the Director of the little dinosaur or whatever the fuck it was called and he said "lean in" like a verb about ten times.

Yeah im sure everyone would like it if they got both profit and awards, Disney won in the profit department while Sony got the awards.

I hope this makes Pixar stop making sequels, at least.

I didn’t watch TS4 simply because I was completely satisfied with the franchise at this point. I’m not gonna tamper with that rare feeling I don’t often get with movie franchises.

The Spider-Man name can sell anything.

>What happened to Pixar?
Well, let's see, they keep making movies for individuals who are no longer 8, but 25, and expect these same individuals to keep coming back due to nostalgia. The Incredibles, Toy Story, Nemo, etc, are all shit and you should feel bad for even bringing them up.

Get woke, go broke.

didn't they make moana?

Touch dizzy, get fuzzy.

They were both teenaged shut-ins who lacked strong parental figures so it was no surprise Elsa was an emotionally stunted idiot and Anna was a huge slut ready to jump on the first dick sent her way.

The movie itself was just barely profitable though.

nothing.....It will do fine

They bought into their own hype and put in zero efforts into their movies.
And boy howdy does it show!

The incredibles ending was open ended but ment to imply a new frontier/ era had begun and stuff like that is always better left to either have smaller stories come after it or just left to your imagination.

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>Nemo didn't need a sequel, or a spin-off, or whatever Finding Dory was. Its ending felt... right. It felt satisfying.

They were gonna do it anyway thorough Circle 7. Then Disney bought Pixar, they cancelled it and later began to ask “Nicely” to the movie director to start writing a sequel. He originally was going to write John Carter 2, but when John Carter bombed, he decided to go full Nemo

Disney must be destroyed.

got the pic of their faces?
I'm actually curious now.

I mean, there's a pretty noticeable difference between the highest grossing film of all time and the lowest selling sequel Pixar's made so far.

Either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

seconding this

no they wont. Disney literally sells based on nostalgia, and it works. Even when their movies underperform, they are never actually losing money

That said, here's what would happen:
>disney sees an anime won
>shit we gotta do that
>contract some big name animation studio to do a collaboration that they will produce so they can get big billing as a "disney movie"
>it will sell gangbusters because it's a disney movie, but it isn't really, and will only be good because the studio really making it knows what they're doing
>but then they'll never do it again because god forbid they step out of their comfort zone too long

>when John Carter bombed, he decided to go full Nemo
They also made Brad Bird do Incredibles 2 after Tomorrowland bombed.

It won't

"Lean in" is a verb. What else would it be?

Reminder that WB's highest grossing movie so far in 2019 is fucking Shazam!
>And Lionsgate's is a Tyler Perry joint.

Disney has already grossed more worldwide this year than the next 5 studios combined.

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Toy Story ended with 3 and anything further than 3 (other than prequel shorts) was just Disney/Pixar attempting to beat a dead horse. Anyone with a brain a shred of remaining inner child knew this.

>Dead horse
Will sell more tickets than almost any movie by any non-Disney studio this year, excepting Sony's MCU film.
Has the 4th biggest opening of any animated feature. I guess you call Endgame a dead horse because it didn't gross 3 billion.

But will its initial box office success have legs? That's the real question here.

>Why is Disney shit
Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Mark Hamil the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Mouse would tell you...

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I don't think anyone has asked that question. It will probably follow the same trajectory as most of these animated films.
I suppose you can question it reaching a billion with tepid Chinese BO, but Disney won't lose too much sleep over that.

This should include a column for a total/estimated total budget across all films released for a studio, as well as a column listing the number of films released.

>Follows up playing the 4th most popular character in a film franchise by cartoon voice over work and cringey television cameos.
Doesn't sound all that wise.

Disney has released the least number of films per year of every major studio, going back practically forever.

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I also like how the box art has a quote that says "Best Animated Film Of The Year!" from ComingSoon.net, as if a single quote changes the awards result.

the 3d art looks the same as the original one in 1995. i said this before but it doesnt look fresh at all.

i cant call it "a style" at all either. 3d cant have a style unless its analog esque like clay animation. its all about the latest technology. it just gets old.

That's partially why I want to see what the actual budgets on the studios' ends are like. It could be a bit telling.

No one, and I mean absolutely no one asked for TS4. The target audience (Nostalgia/Children) dont give 2 shits about TS anymore after TS3, or kids dont relate to making popsicle stick toys when they all have a smartphone/tablet shoved up their ass. This was a cash grab by a bunch of old ass people who didnt evolve with the times. Souless trash.

>Sure it's outgrossing every animated movie this year, but no one caaaaares!!!
You need to re-evaluate your life, and your obsession with Disney Wars.

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You do realize how shitty its competition is, right?

Dollar-for-dollar its outpacing the other Toy Story entries.
It would be the #1 or #2 opening for an animated movie in practically any year you could name.
Are you trying to pretend that Incredibles 2 1.3 billion is some new norm for animated movies?
Because it isn't.
You need to do whatever it takes to recover from TLJ before your hatred turns your into a retard.

>I've not seen the other one [Mirai]

The fucking judge responsible for deciding the award didn't even see all the nominees? What the fuck?

So I have yet to see this film. The previews seemed fun and neat, felt like a toy story 1 feel to a story. What made this so bad in people's eyes?

>Another way to say that is the salaried animators who will make the same no matter what prefer to win awards.
I would say to people who actually worked on the film an award like Oscar is the final confirmation that you did good job with the film. And it also helps that getting to add an Oscar win to your CV helps out with getting better work in the future.

wrong having her as a lesbian would be caving to fetishizing lesbians.

she needs to be a genderqueer asexual

Or perhaps have a movie about a plot line that I'm sure 100% doesn't need to include anyone's sexuality because a person's sexuality isn't a personality trait and unless we need to see implied fucking or romance, is completely irrelevant to any story that they can make for a CHILDRENS MOVIE.

First off...
>they are games of thronesing Frozen and end credits will have a scene connecting this universe to the Pocahontas, Little Mermaid, Rapunzel and Tarzan universe
Disney can't touch anything Tarzan-related due to the Burroughs estate still having control over the copyright of source material and, after the box office failure of John Carter, more than likely wants nothing to do with Disney anymore. Second...
>Expecting a serious cinematic Disney crossover.
Disney's internal policies already prevent that kind of shit from happening, it's why the only "crossover" material you get is cameos of characters from other films or references to said characters. Oh, and Kingdom Hearts already has the Disney cinematic crossover designation.

Except for ASM and the upcoming spinoffs

All the good people were moved to Disney, especially the tech guys and codemonkeys. Pixar just doesn't push the envelope on 3d graphics anymore.

Technically Fox is Disney now so they should be combined, note though Disney would have only spent some marketing since they didn't spend money for producing them and they will be more profitable due to that.

>not a single movie staring a black lead
Princess and the Frog

I think he means all the other animated movies this year.
>Ugly Dolls
>Lego Movie 2
>Missing Link
>Angry Birds 2
>Secret Life of Pets 2

Only one so far that looks like it would compete is How to Train Your Dragon 3 and probably Frozen 2.

Or maybe he could be talking about how all the other non-Disney blockbusters, besides John Wick 3, are doing poorly.

>Incredibles, Nemo, and Toy Story
gr8 b8 m8.

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what's wrong with voice acting for cartoons, he's done some great parts

Moana isn´t black. she is brown
and Princess and the Frog was weirdly enough long before they went woke

>these examples don't count because reasons
I see, so it's like that.

Wait, didn't Dory and The Incredibles have a dissapointing box office? Does that make TS4 a flop?

Ironically, all that does is make them look even less like the plucky rebels they think they are and more like the evil establishment they've sworn they had not become.

As much as I want to watch Children of the Sea on the big screen for its stunning visuals, I can confidently say that it isn't going to win shit. Even when they tightened the source material's meandering narrative to focus more on Ruka, the second half of the movie still left viewers confused because it is, at its heart, surrealist as fuck. It's not as accessible as it pretends to be (looking at the misleading trailers and music video pretending there's romance in the story).

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This. Toy Story felt like a complete trilogy and I don't want to watch something that attempts to continue it.

Spiderverse was shit

The animation Oscar is so bad it makes the others look competent by comparison.

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>mixing "freakin" and "fuckin" in the same sentence while using both words as adjectives
I want to physically assault this person.

Are you fucking retarded?

Ironically they defend a product made so the filthy rich white men could get even richer.

>complains about movies that nobody saw getting nominated
Because everyone watched Green Book, right?

well my point still stands. all their movies are about women but never about a black kid

big hero 6 was so fucking boring.
How to train your dragon still has the best action of any animated movie. with incredibles coming in at number 2

This. I don’t know why these award shows hold animation to a different standard than live-action.

Remember when people freaked out over the proposed “Best Popular Movie” category at the Oscars? That’s literally what “Best Animated Feature” is.

>what is Detective Pikachu
The chart you posted is outdated user

Except to give Ellen Degeneres some work, since she apparently can't find it, herself.


Cringe as fuck!

Pareto called that 'circulation of elites'.

Is not only TS4, there is lot of movies flopping lately. The nostalgia fade finally ended and people finally got tired of old franchises.

The problem however is what there lies ahead. They were so focused milking the old franchises that they forgot to create new ones for the new generations

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