How can a series have such amazing concepts and fuck up the execution of every single one? Legend of Korra could have easily been 10x better than Last Airbender yet fell flat on its face. What the fuck?
How can a series have such amazing concepts and fuck up the execution of every single one...
cool sports idea
>can it
cool anti bending idea
>can it
cool team dynamic
>can it
cool relationship between the gAAng's kids
>can it
cool ideas in general
>fucking can it
it just says fuck it to every part of the show over and over. the tone is all over the place the pacing suck, and it feels like nothing ever gets resolved.
the best part are the characters besides Korra and they're ruined to service Korra's story.
>Legend of Korra could have easily been 10x better than Last Airbender
I have doubts. I consider it pretty difficult to top avatar. I think if it was a faithful and respectable sequel I would be happy, but I couldn't even get that.
They shouldnt have made it to begin with. The only good thing is the waifubait which lead to fanart and more importantly porn.
Triple /thread
Ehasz wasn't around to tell Bryke when their ideas were shit so they just used the first idea to come up, every time.
You're just a bigoted idiot. The themes of this show are amazingly complex and deep.
>How can a series have such amazing concepts and fuck up the execution of every single one?
Nah it was fine and did plenty of things just fine.
Course the regulars haven't had their Korra bitching thread for, what, an entire day now? Time to fill that quota now I guess.
I liked Korra by the time that season three rolled around, but I think its inherent weakness compared to the original was the lack of overarching conflict and character development being rewritten for the sake of accommodating for an unexpected order of new episodes.
Amon could have easily gotten two seasons regarding the strife between benders and nonbenders, but he got axed to wrap up what the writers originally assumed to be the show's ending. Cut to a few months later, and they realize they have to roll everything backwards just to keep the ball rolling.
Yeah, I'm so bigoted for wanting lesbians to have season long story arcs seeing them actually dating and developing their relationship instead of a series finale afterthought.
>that one guy who liked korra
Must be lonely
The main problem was they introduced interesting dilemmas and conflicts, villains with understandable motivations, only to have them go full evil/retard at the end, and the conflicts dropped without resolution, or the resolution being a cop-out
All cartoons with teenage relationship drama are ruined by it, even if the pacing is shit and cool concepts get abandoned immediately
This so much. The problem isn't even that it has too much shit going on, it just has things that don't really go anywhere and don't have satisfying conclusions.
Just an excuse for Korra to meet Bolin and Mako, completely forgotten once Amon crashes the finals. Nothing would've changed if Korra just stumbled on Mako just like Asami. Korra didn't learn anything new from Pro-bending, she was just utilizing skills she already knew.
>Entire equalizers movement
Just gone once figurehead was revealed to be a bender. It doesn't even make sense, groups like that do have sympathizers from opposite sides. Hell, I actually thought Amon being a bender should've been a fucking a given to them, he can simulate energy bending which was previously done only by fucking Avatar, a pretty well fucking known bender.
>Cool team dynamic
That's debatable. In S1 it was basically who gets Mako's dick. The love triangle shit was pretty bad, Aaron Ehasz was absolutely right to discard that idea from TLA.
The only cool thing that Korra actually legitimately managed to go through with is Red Lotus in S3. They were pretty interesting, didn't overstay their welcome, we knew what they were about even if it fundamentally makes no sense, they had couple of good action scenes. If anything, in any other show they would've been protagonists, they are kind of a merry band going up against oppressive government, they are just idiots. And being idiots is a given in Korra so they get some slack on that.
I still enjoyed Korra being fucked up and pit fighting though.
>Bending turned into throwing punches like boxing
I'm still seething
Kuvira has such a weird design. She has a lot of mannish features despite still being kinda hot . Did the creators originally make her a man but they changed their mind at the last minute because they wanted a female villain?
Some of the fights in this show were, admittedly, pretty good. Or at least they were in Season 1 and Season 2, I was so annoyed by Season 2 that I haven't watched the other two seasons.
My fixes
>Red Lotus arc spans the entire series
For how much they're talked about, they're dealt with quickly and korra in general jumps from antagonist to antagonist too much. Hell, they could probably combine their plan with Unalaqs "freeing the spirit world and giving earth back to them" plot
>Unalaq in general
What the fuck was his deal even? He was obviously evil the moment you saw him and he apparently was a red lotus member but that goes nowhere? Develop him and the red lotus' plot about anarchy/freedom and spirits more
>Give Korra and Red Lotus a "the storm" styled episode which expands their backstory.
We know next to nothing about them besides what was told either offhand or in source materials (korra growing up alone with only katara and the white lotus, red lotus and them in general)
>Drop the love triangle and actually develop Korrasami throuughput each book
Even if it was planned, they only started hanging out mid book 3-4 so it gave detractors ample ammo
>Lin gets apologies from Tenzin, her mom and especially Suyin
Lin didn't deserve this
I have no idea what to do with antibenders and earth kingdom v empire besides making them sideplots?
Maybe Antibenders is a 3rd faction that want's neither to do with bending or spirits and Amon wants to removing bending/avatars and seal up any portals (I guess a spirit itself gave him energybending and wants nothing to do with the red lotus giving them back earth?)
Earth empire could just be Kuvira rebeling against Earth Queen's tyranny with both Red Lotus and Amon using them as a prime example as why their plans are justified
Just want to add that I can see how convoluted this can get as it's essentially four POVs. The reason why ATLA worked was because we only had to follow Aang or Zuko but woth this it'd be Korra, Zaheer, Amon and Kuvira
Well Yea Forums I hate it, despite my erection
I am curious where they're going with the Kuvira redemption arc in the comics.
kys fag
I’d fuck Kuvira even if she was 100% dude
Avatar was as good as it was because of its crew and they could not assemble the same people together. What we saw is what Bryke is actually capable of without input from those other talented writers.
Korra's design is really hot but then they go and make her gay in the last fucking second of the show and now almost all the porn of her is lesbo shit. Give me my brown-skinned athletic waifu back you fucking bastards.
I'm fine with there being lesbo porn of my favorite characters (even if it's 50:50 straight:gay) but not when it's the vast majority
I think it’s becuase the team didn’t know if the show would be canceled or not. They originally had only one season ordered . Then it was renewed and the whole process started over again. If anything, I blame Nick for not having faith in it from the start.
Anyway, Korra and Asami turned out to be gay and it will always be remembered fondly becuase of that ending among cartoon fans starved for LGBT rep in cartoons, so whatever. Honestly, the entire show fizzled out of my mind and I remember not enjoying it too much, so I’ll probably never rewatch it again.
It had dog shit concepts which is why it always failed.
Awful, sucked the spirituality and martial arts out of bending which just leaves you with people chucking shit at each other.The announcer guy is grating to listen to and pretty much ruins all the intro scenes as well.
>Anti-bending Movement
Inherently flawed. Non-benders can have bending children, and vice versa. They could be your parents, friends, family, etc. If nonbenders were being abused (which is never actually really depicted until a task force is implemented in response to attacks), they would get plenty of support from upset benders aside from just Korra's gang.
>cool team dynamic
This never happened, they were always terrible characters with 0 personality and defined by one of the most morally repugnant love triangles I have ever witnessed in children's programming. And Korra abandons her spirit animal for like 75% of the series, which most people even don't notice because Naga has 1/2 of Appa's personality.
>cool relationship between gaang's kids
They shit on Aang by implying he wouldn't take all of his children on field-trips and teach them his culture regardless of their bending abilities.
They shit on Toph by making her a cop, and a corrupt one at that. Suyin is a remorseless, unrepentant criminal who is only enabled by her mother, her rich grandparents, and eventually Lin.
They shit on Sokka by forgetting he exists then implying he died childless.
Zuko's daughter is a dry cunt with two lines and merely serves as an excuse for him to not help Korra fight the Red Lotus (can't escape on an air ship with a dragon around).
>Korra didn't learn anything new from Pro-bending, she was just utilizing skills she already knew.
At the same time, they could have explored the airbending angle if they made Korra into a character that actually cares about being the avatar and learning airbending
>Just gone once figurehead was revealed to be a bender.
Not only that, but they just forced a non-bender into a leadership position just to make sure that it was entirely an afterthought
>The love triangle shit was pretty bad
I remember thinking that when Korra was gazing longingly at the probending arena, she was thinking about how cool probending is, not how to get that hotman's dick
They could have made it so
1. Bolin and Korra didn't work out for reasons other than the cucking
2. Mako not fucking over his own brother who is openly into this girl he keeps talking about
3. Like you said, the love triangle
They could have kept shipping stuff and just completely let it naturally happen
I think it's pretty shitty LGBT rep b/c there was practically no buildup to the "reveal". The writers did none of the legwork in building a romantic relationship b/w Korra and Asami but get praised for including it nonetheless.
>the most morally repugnant love triangles I have ever witnessed in children's programming.
Still can't fathom who thought this would be a good idea. Everyone in that situation was made to look bad. Even Asami who did nothing wrong and simply naively expected to be treated decently by her boyfriend and new friend.
Tenzin's wife's advice was jaw dropping in just how petty and small it revealed her to be. Just, what the fuck?
>I think it’s becuase the team didn’t know if the show would be canceled or not. They originally had only one season ordered . Then it was renewed and the whole process started over again. If anything, I blame Nick for not having faith in it from the start.
The first season even in isolation suffers from a meandering and unfocused plot that picks up and drops concepts, and ultimately fails to resolve anything satisfactorily. It should have been possible to make a story with clear plot and character direction and a conclusion with viable sequel hooks in case they get renewed. Imo the problem was with the writers because they made the same mistakes over and over again regardless of how strict or generous the network was being at a given time. Also as said, most of the ideas and character concepts just weren't good.
how many threads are you fags going to make crying about this show
That’s true, it is shitty,but unfortunately the fans who have a ‘passion’ for Korra are the same people who like Voltron and the only thing they like is shipping and as long as there’s even a second of gayness in the show than it’s good enough.
And When Korra And Asami held hands at the end, Bryke had to confirm on twitter that Korra and Asami were holding hands because they’re gay, not just as friends. So even in Korra is was one of those things where the gay rep wasn’t even mentioned in the show, but mentioned later by the creaters, which is a huge cop-out.
I deliberately don’t remember most of the love triangle, what all happened?
There are two things that Avatar: The Last Airbender does really well. It respectfully depicts Asian martial arts as more than just methods of punching people, really delving in to the spiritual side of these cultures and belief systems. In The Last Airbender, you didn't just throw rocks around because it was cool. You did it because it was one piece of a spiritual whole. It represented your culture, your government, your religion, and so on. It was a cool take on something that had basically been done to death already: magic martial artists punching people creatively. The second thing Avatar the Last Airbender did really well was throwing brown girls on the screen. I thought that was a great creative choice and I spent a lot of time masturbating to the thought of Katara with her ankles behind her head.
Korra abandoned most, if not all, of the spiritual elements of The Last Airbender, kind of like how the Prequels abandoned the spiritual elements of the Force. Bending wasn't about enlightenment or culture or really even self-defense any more. It was an accident of birth that could be corrected by punching you in the right spot. Sort of ruins the whole "soul of martial arts" vibe when all it takes to remove your magic kung fu is to sock a guy in the nads. And this small change propagates throughout the series, through all the characters, and ultimately throughout the original series as well. The removal of the spiritual elements of Avatar the Last Airbender was the first and last problem with Korra, because her character needed a spiritual awakening she never really received. She was a brash, headstrong, physically-inclined specimen of brown girl perfection that, while perfectly sexy and capable, had the personality of a wood-burning stove. She's SO boring. Her character arc consists of punching, losing her ability to punch, and then punching some more. That general flow of action (punch, can't punch, punch more) can describe 99% of the episodes in this series.
The love triangle stuff makes a bit more sense if you take in to account that Ayami was originally gonna be revealed as her father's mole who was intentionally trying to isolate Korra by undermining her relationships with everyone. They didn't write around this revision nearly as well as they should've.
How she got her airbending basically sealed it for me that there was no redeeming this. She just kept aggressively punching and unlocked airbending, as if this was x-men. 'Deeply spiritual martial arts' was no longer on the menu and was replaced by an obnoxious love triangle and whining.
I still quite liked Tenzin and the theme of his character, as a man trying to uphold his people's culture in a rapidly changing world, and trying to teach someone who just doesn't have the patience for the spiritual side of not just what it means to be an airbender, and by extension, what it means to be the avatar.
Civilization was becoming more industrialized and the perception and commercialized use of bending was changing to reflect that for better or worse, while Tenzin and his family were some of the few people preserving the nature of the old ways.
I'll also add that the reason Earth Rumble was way better is:
A) It only gets one episode instead of multiple.
B) Despite being some literal "hippo smash with rock" shit, CQC and all Earth bending techniques are allowed as long you stay in the ring.
Pro-bending is no fun allowed, there are lines that essentially force benders to only use projectiles, and rules that insist only certain types of projectiles are acceptable.
This is proven later in S3, this chick beating the shit out of Korra was still had the MMA/kickboxing vibe but was 1000x cooler than pro-bending.
>Korra has the hots for Mako
>Bolin has the hots for Korra
>Mako and Asami are together, which Korra doesn't like
>Korra goes on a date with Bolin, then caps off the night by insisting Mako thinks of her while he kisses Asami, and then kisses him in front of Bolin
>later when Korra was kidnapped, Asami feels like Mako is inappropriately concerned for his missing friend and they break up
>Mako gets with Korra, Korra starts treating him like shit after hurting all of her other friends to be with him, is mad that he doesn't want to help her start a war
>they break up, Korra forgets about it, they break up again
>at the very end of the series Korra gets with Asami
This shit makes Zucest look like a sane and healthy relationship.
It was horrifying to behold. She was a perfectly nice girl whose world was fallen apart in front of her while her new friend and boyfriend try to get in each other's pants.
I'll give Korra her due cause she put the brakes on it when shit started falling apart around Asami, but Mako was despicable. He didn't need to stick with her out of some sense of duty, just be fucking honest with both himself and her about not knowing what the fuck he wants.
Asami comes out looking like a naive idiot, Korra, like an insensitive idiot more than willing to betray her friend for a douche, and Mako, like a fucking douche.
Tenzin's wife takes the prize for horrifying life advice that prioritises 'getting yours' over any sort of respect for common decency or boundaries. Who the fuck even wrote those lines!?
For how much pandering they gave to make her good it would have been such a better character moment for her to be evil and have to win back the groups trust over season 2.
I guess that was to much like Zuko though.
But it gets even worse than the removing of any sort of spiritual elements from a series that was entirely about spirituality. The writers decided that modernization, for some reason, had to be a problem in Korra's world. In a world where magic kung fu can sculpt, build, create, and destroy more effectively and efficiently than any machine, someone decided that machines were necessary. Probably that Varak guy. Did you all think he was gay? I was pretty sure he was gay. Still think he is, just a little bit. See when you sit down to write a story, you have to keep in mind that the conflict has to encourage characters to change. It can't only be a physical change, neither. A story about a kid who turns blue by the end isn't exciting. The conflict has to mirror an existing condition or struggle that characters have to either overcome or adapt to and accept. The writers of Korra basically portrayed the modernization of the world as a fundamentally good thing. Bending was bad now, for some reason. I think some guy said it was. Some guy in a mask. Looked kind of like the Guy Fawkes mask, too come to think of it. Like he was upset that benders weren't equal to everyone else? But benders were shown to exist at all levels of a society, from simple laborers to all powerful emperors. It sounded like the writers were trying to parallel real world social movements, but it doesn't really work with magic kung fu.
Any way, the writers decided that bending was bad because everyone couldn't do it. So the way to fix it would be to find a way to unlock everyone's potential for bending, right? It had already been established that people can learn bending from magic ground sloths and other things. Wouldn't it be cool if Korra, a non-spiritual character, was forced to become spiritual, and in that way parallel the marriage of progress and culture? The writers didn't think so. They wanted a big robot fight.
Strong Female Villain Character = Ho Shi Min + Bruce Lee + tits and Elsa hair
Avatar was never deeply spiritual, no matter how hard it pretended to be both. Talking about spirituality doesn't make shit spiritual.
They fucked up the Anti-Avatar concept so much that it's not even funny.
Well, here's how I would have done it:
A long time ago, one Avatar got it in their mind that in order to bring peace to the world, they had to rule with an iron fist. They where almost successful in taking over the entire world, but a group of powerful benders barley managed to seal this evil avatar away by turning them into glass/jade/rock/whatever. The avatar abilities reincarnated, and the cycle continued. However, in Korra's age, this evil avatar has been awakened, and wants to unite the world once again and reclaim their throne.
What we got:
I guess Korra's uncle wanted to be the evil avatar because... reasons... oh, also, here are some earth shattering retcons that dont even make sense if you are a long time viewer, but hey you got to see the first avatar right? Oh, also, erm... now Korra is alone and isolated... because she got hit like... super duper hard... like, really hard guys. Oh, also, um... evolution apparently exists in the Avatar Universe... in a world with souls and spirits, evolution exists... don't worry, the next season is way worse.