Wait, why is hawkgirl's alternate version a blonde caucasian angel?
Wait, why is hawkgirl's alternate version a blonde caucasian angel?
Regular Hawkgirl was Caucasian. This one is more of an angel-themed aesthetic.
The hell kind of name is Johnny Quick?
That is a cool Earth-3 counterpart for Hawkgirl
Could use some tusks.
I would say she is a bit darker, like an Egyptian person
She's lighter than Wonder Woman, what the fuck are you talking about? She's white as snow.
>red hair
>green eyes
Not only she's white. She's a ginger.
a name so great DC has used it twice
That guy probably mixed her up with Kendra who was latino, became black and is now latino again
she's cooler looking than hawkgirl
I really wish Earth-3 stuff didn't always focus on the big 5
why is she barefoot?
Who's the girl?
That’s Kendra Saunders. Not Shayera. And she’s Latina, not Egyptian.
I’m gonna guess evil Black Canary,
Fire's counterpart
She's just an extra who dies in five seconds.
Magic fire sword does seem a little cooler than electric mace
There's something I really like about Mr. Horrific
put some boots on you dumb slut
Why should she need to if she can just fly or hover everywhere?