Which of Roger's personas is your favourite Yea Forums?

Which of Roger's personas is your favourite Yea Forums?
>Super Positive Asian Roland Chang!

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Ricky Spanish.

ricky spanish

“Frank Roger”, his entire subplot is a short story all it’s own


Tearjerker wasn't canon but still my favorite

Jenny Fromdablock was pretty nice, but my personal favorite is when Roger impersonates Stan

>Licky Anus

Max Jets

Dr. Penguin

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This needs updating

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Mrs. Neiderhoff has the best 'Nooo' I've heard in a cartoon

Either Ace Chapman or Coleton Lancington.
Hubert Legrange is up there too.


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I always thought this was the inspiration for his Ricky Spanish persona


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Oh fuck how did I get here I thought this was Yea Forums

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>Jeanie Gold is Ricky Spanish's sister

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>Nurse Sids
Heh. I get it.

Rogu Spanish

Raider Dave


>I’m sorry- but what the fuck is that?

Damnit you took mine.

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Does he have another appearance?
This clip is just him saying his name.

>*gets stabbed with the daggers
>"Ah, you dumb son of a bitch! No, that's not Roland Chang. You're doing great!"
