Is it really a good movie or is it a last jedi-like scenario?

Is it really a good movie or is it a last jedi-like scenario?

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>Is it really a good movie or is it a last jedi-like scenario?
The Last Jedi was a good movie, so what the fuck is a "last jedi-like scenario"?

it's just okay, really some parts really worked, some parts really didn't and a lot of it was just kind of meandering or pointless. the new characters were all interesting or entertaining in my eyes, but they were ultimately not used to their best potential, and the older characters similarly weren't given anything really gripping to work with narratively. I think the movie suffered largely from having too many characters and too much going on without a suitably good job done pulling it all together.

>The Last Jedi was a good movie,
No just no. You can like TLJ but don't call it good.

Definitely the latter. Awful movie and they absolutely shit on Woody and Buzz to prop up female characters and unlikable new ones.

OP here second question, how does it compare to HTTYD3?

This movie is just shitty fanfiction and none of the old toys are really in it much, instead replaced by a bunch of bland and forgettable new ones. Totally ruins the ending of 3. I never want to see them make another one, they fucked up.

This is the first time in my life I liked new Toy Story characters and I liked every single one.

I want an honest feedback

I can and I will, infact, it's the best Star Wars movie, fact.

>last jedi-like scenario
Critics love it, fans are divided about it.

I thought TLJ made a lot of people go so upset about the SW franchise it made Solo bomb. So, even if TS4 was TLJ-lelels of bad, the ramifications would be felt through Onward's box office. But so far, the only big (legit) complains is actually about Bonnie which is understandable, and maybe the duck and bunny toys.
Everyt other complain seems to be MUH FEMALE VILLAIN DOESN'T HAVE AN AWFUL ENDING (even though Toy Story in general has never given its villains a bad deal at the end) and DISNEY REEEEE, weirdly enough.

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>The Last Jedi was a good movie

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It was. Everyone I've seen who hates it is a weird manchild, while all the people I've seen who liked it are pretty cool.

Last Jedi was the worst movie in the last 8 years

>weird manchild
Case in point

Yea Forums-shitposter kun, we all know it's just (You), so would you please so kindly fuck off and go back to your board of degenerates?

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>thinks Yea Forums likes TLJ
Have you even been on that board?

What the fuck are you on about you retard? Every single Toy Story villain, and most Pixar villains in general, get dark endings. Sid gets traumatized for life, Stinky Pete goes to a kid who destroys her toys, and Lotso gets strapped to the front of a garbage truck. Not to mention Hopper in A Bug's Life gets eaten by a bird, Syndrome in The Incredibles gets sucked into the turbine of his plane, Muntz in Up falls off his zeppelin to his death, Ernesto in Coco is killed again in the city of the dead in the exact same way he died in his life and is forgotten by the world, Randall in Monsters Inc is caught and killed by humans, etc.

Its a really good movie and finishes up Woody's arc, but still doesnt need to exist to begin with.

At this point, if they decide to bother Woody again, they are in fuck you territory

Kill yourself. That movie is fucking awful.

Take your medication now.

Awful bait. Sent.

Hating TLJ is a meme. Fact.

Solo made Solo bomb. No one wanted a backstory for Han fucking Solo.

>Thread devolved into Last Jedi arguing

It's divisive for a reason, majority want to through it in the garbage bin and they have the right reasons, the minority that thought it was fine arent in wrong since characters did get better.

I don't like it as much as others do but i don't like how they cheaped off Finn's entire plot

it can't be as bad as Last Jedi, that's impossible it's staggering how horrible that movie turned out
Toy Stoy 4 is just the typical average Pixar movie

Attached: don't worry finn, I'll save you!.gif (640x360, 3.01M)

>Sid gets traumatized as a kid
And then ends up seemingly normal in TS3 all things considered.
>Stinky Pete goes to a kid who destroys her toys.
Ok, Ok, I gotta stop you right there. It seems the only thing she does is either put some stickers on these toys, or paint them, which is already a way better deal than most toys Sid had got.
>and Lotso gets strapped to the front of a garbage truck.
And considering all things with Sunny Side, how he actually sent toys to the trash or forced them to work under his hand, didn't help Woody and others to escape which would have been their certain doom, and some other stuff, he certainly could have gotten killed and audiences would have been ok with it.

In fact, you seem to weirdly not remember what Gabby dealt with and how the only thing she wanted was Woody's box for her to get probably loved by a kid, while Pete and Lotso were willing to destroy all other toys (if they wanted to) in order to obtain their goal. And you also didn't read I said Toy Story villains usually don't get a completely awful ending considering all other Pixar villains (except for the one in Wall-E, and he was just powered-off).

Certainly didn't help that all the bad PR LucasFilms tried defending the dumb decisions in both TLJ and Solo, though.

I've been in that board enough to see that they use TLJ as bait for any kind of stupid comparison, yeah.

lol TLJ didn't make Solo bomb, Solo bombed because it was a terrible idea of a movie, Han Solo is a super boring character and no one cared about his backstory.

this, and fittingly they're the same that will use wookipedia to try and explain shit in Star Wars.

did anyone expect anything else? if you bring up TLJ Incels will come and complain about it.

Have sex

It was okay, they were a lot of kids on the cinema when I watched it and all of them loved it
It’s meant for kids, I didn’t like it that much and I wouldn’t watch it again

TLJ definitely had an impact on Solo, how could it not the Internet was in a nonstop bitchfit over it

story feels like a made for dvd sequel

So did the significantly downgraded animation. This movie somehow looks vastly inferior to 3.

>defending TLJ
why are so many people shilling for Disney

Because they probably are literal paid mouse shills. This board and Yea Forums are lousy with them.

this entire site has been flooded with shills recently

True. Yea Forums is nothing but Chink Epic shills constantly spamming threads out of desperation over their failed store and has been since March.

you're wrong, these are just normal people with incredibly shitty tastes

Watch some of these anons' vocabulary.
If they were shills, they certainly aren't doing a good job showing they aren't actually from here.

Its a good movie but not a perfect one. Enjoyable plot with good sense humour. Not much action but at least most of the scenes took place during the day time or in a well lit area, unlike Godzilla King of Monsters

It is a movie that would not be merited even if it was several times better than it is, they sullied one of only two perfect trilogies

>Ernesto in Coco is killed again in the city of the dead in the exact same way he died in his life and is forgotten by the world
The world forgot about Ernesto just for stealing songs and a murder that can’t be proven?

Ok, so, for those of you who have seen it.

Leaving aside whether it's a good movie in its own right or not.

Does this film completely undermine the ending of Toy Story 3?