All your waifu belong in the bin.
>Only Mary Marvel is the one true waifu.
Mary Marvel is best WAIFU
don't shill your shitty YouTube account here faggot. reported
I want Mary to get stuffed with black cock while I jack off watching
Pretty cuckish mate
>During the day it's regular Mary Marvel who is loving and sweet
>Once night hits she becomes corrupted Mary and exclusively goes after black men while you watch
>Yea Forumsmblr isn’t re-
Would you believe me if I told you I don't like tumblr or SJWs?
It's just a fetish.
>Daytime Mary will cuddle with you in the mornings
>Nighttime Mary will talk about how your dick is small as she’s getting fucked
>Mary transforms whenever the unsets, leading to some level of unpredictability
>She goes in the kitchen to cook you two dinner only to come out 15 minutes later she called some friends over and can either make yourself dinner or get your cage on and watch
>the unsets
>You and her are watching a romantic comedy together, the sun sets
>She kicks you out of the couch so she can dial up Tyrone for a booty call
>Whenever she turns back into normal Mary in the morning she has no memory of the night before
>Comes and innocently kisses you good morning after having deepthroated and swallowed several BBC loads
>Yiur parents come over for dinner and are delighted to meet the nice young lady
>Sun sets and she’s talking about taht time she sucked off an entire basketball team and that their genes is why you have a limp dick
Calm down Dan Didio.
That doesn’t make it any better, you sorry excuse for a man.
What's wrong with it exactly?
>getting off on being humiliated by your gf while she fucks men of another race whose main purpose in the fantasy is to make you feel emasculated
Don’t go all schematics on me, you know damn well what’s “wrong”.
She is like 8 you fucking drumpfkin.
I'm not playing schematics, I'm a live and let live kind of person, if you're not hurting anyone, you're not doing anything "wrong" in my view.
She also doesn't exist, settle your autism.
>Sweet innocent Mary waking up to a pile of black guys all over her body, and you in the corner, nasturbating because Dark Mary was horny
>user sure does seem to like me a lot more at night
>Maybe I should try being friends with these nice black men too
>As the days go by, with Morning Mary hanging out with black thugs and getting more frustrated with your small white cock, the line between her and Night Mary begins to blur
>With the two of their minds becoming more in sync they both get more adventurous and daring
>Tattoos, piercings, dragging you around to dangerous "bars" (gloryholes)
>One night she suddenly insists you fuck her
>Upon pre-maturely cumming inside her after about 30 seconds, she locks her legs around your hips and looks into your eyes, revealing she's already pregnant
>Mary ending up bringing criminals over, usually a mixture of junkies and pimps
>Being left alone with your hand as Mary makes jokes about your performance in bed to them
>Mary getting a “BBC” only tattoo, and dressing like a slut, forgoing underwear.
>You spending all your money on getting the ready for the baby
>The baby being born and turning out to be the son of one of Mary’s long lists of one night stands
>Mary still having the charm of her old self and convincing you to stay and pay while she has fun with her boyfriends
>That one time where Mary Marvel got swallowed whole by a serpentine Aztec god only to escape and beat him up.
When did comics stop doing stuff like this? Any other similar stuff?
>that one time Mary was molested.
I love the idea of them fighting, just constantly slamming each other into the ground/walls, and while the dust and dirt is all up in the air they sneak in kisses and feeling each other up, then once the dust settles they just toss the other person into another wall, rinse and repeat.
I like lewd mary as much as the next guy but you're not even putting in the effort to think about how Mary would actually act.
This might as well be just some generic NTR manga.
I'll be honest user I thought the thread would be 404'd by now so I didn't want to put too much effort into it.
That's a poor excuse for being lazy. I'm sorry CuckAnon but I'm gonna have to give you a D- for your creative writing assignment.
The only people I've ever meet with the fetish for bbc is black men and some of the scummiest hags I have ever seen. But I guess it makes since after all they might be dumb enough to pay for porn.
Tell us more/where do I find the issue?
The majority of people into cuck/BBC stuff are white guys though.
Like far more than any actual black guys or white girls
Technically, she is an eight year old girl POSSESSESD by a millennia old perverted demigod, DeSaad.
>Come here for a nice Mary thread
>It's been taken over by BBC cuckold corruption fetishists
Fuck I think I prefered the people who thought Final Crisis Black Mary was a good design.
I mean if want Mary doing dark skinned IR why not write a scenario where she's tutoring Steamboat or dating Osiris. Having her doing gangbangers in alleys because of split personality takeover is so uninspired and disgusting.
I think I read a fic where she becomes Black Adam’s pregnant wife, could that work?
Well it's a one-shot called Supergirl plus, you can probably find it on Readcomicsonline and she was NEARLY molested. Has a Supergirl/Mary catfight in it.
I'm more of an incestfag myself, the idea of Black Mary domming Billy is more what I'm into.
You know, that actually was in the fanfic. She left Billy and he dealt with it by fucking Courtney and pretending she was Mary
I have never seen one white dude with that fetish but several black dudes who claimed it was the whiteman's fetish, while being way too into it.
Well I'm more into Mary raping Billy.
Michelle Borth need to look more THICC in the next movie or it will not be right for her to be there
It's not a fetish if you yourself are black.
Thanks user, it even has legal/philosophical debates.
Both the bull and the cuck have a fetish.
I thought you were talking about blacked not NTR
Agreed Black Mary corrupting Billy is much better.
And the proof that the biggest problem with final crisis design is shaved bald element. It immediately makes the design go from perky-naught to looking trashy and ugly. This like the one time sen draws it accurately with that element ant it looks horrible. It looks much better in fan art where it's filled in
Sometimes, not all the time.
Most black guys do it just cause it's an easy access to sex but don't get anything extra out of the fetish aspect
This is this Mary?
I never knew
Was this look made, before or after the Movie?
What's that movie?
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths made in 2010, so it came after
Fuck I meant before, the look so from before the movie came out. Probably inspired it.
Exactly, thinking of an amoral Mary acting on unspoken attraction with Billy begging her not to is patrician fantasy.
Even as someone generally into incest, I don't dig Billy/Mary ship for some reason
Because you're weak.
Sounds good, but I want to see Mary after she sobers up dealing with the shame and trying not to lose what she had when she was drunk on evil.
We need more Georgina Sivanna.
Anyone who wouldn't fuck nerdy Georgina is a coward.
>This thread
Auto show? At a mall? Seems a little weird.
Kill yourselves nigger cucks.
You sure showed them
Shazam Sequel idea:
>black adam uses his mojo to turn Mary Marvel into "Black suit mary marvel" but then her good side fights back and she splits into "white suit mary marvel" in this state she can't turn back into Mary Batson
Black Suit Mary= Michelle Borth
White Suit Mary= Grace
then they get into a big cat fight at the end and form back into red suit mary
It was the 90s
Does Evil Mary take Black Cock?
She isn't called Blacked Mary for no reason.
>She isn't called Blacked Mary for no reason
That's true, she's called Black Mary because she's bad.
I was really hoping that her adult Shazam form was just going to be her since she was the one closest to being an adult, but sadly they used some 40 year old lady with a fat face
Yep, sad.
Just look at the IPs user. Sadly, one autist is always enough to ruin a thread.