Did anyone like this film?

Did anyone like this film?

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I dont even cannt understanding what happening

The whole time travel plot twist made zero sense.

I loved it.

I did and Sweet Mayhem is my waifu

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not really

Any good lewds?

Incredibly I don't think I've seen any

I wanna have sex with your waifu.

i wanna waifu have with your sex

Much like Lord and Millers' other famous sequel, 22 Jump Street, this was a slightly worse sequel that was still pretty great.


First movie was still better but this movie in general pulled off some good shit with the themes.

Wrex's twist still gets me because it implies everything went fine and they still fucked him over.

Nobody saw this movie.

Not me

The few people who saw it thought it was awesome, yes. Myself included.

Yea Forums's reaction to it was overall very positive when it came out. Well, it was about one-third positive, one-third /pol/ shitting up the threads, and one-third people going "wait, this movie exists?".

I got it in that wario64 sale thing on amazon, 4k for $10. They are just now sending it so soon I will see it.


It's a super common time travel cliche. You go to the past to make a particular future certain. What's confusing about it?

Literally the only sequel ever with soul

I assume he was just lost where they couldn't find him; under the washing machine is hell of place to find something if you're normal sized, much less if you're a minifig.

rent free

it's a great movie but not as good as the first
they added a but too much music in my opinion

It was a fun sequel. I let Yea Forums's autism trick me into thinking it was about toxic masculinity, so I didn't see it in theaters

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>ignore how it ruined the ending of 3
don't think

They were legitimately coming into the threads and derailing them with copypasta about sexism.

the whole thing was a clusterfuck and i liked it

>when your Disney hateboner is so strong you wander into the wrong thread
Don't think indeed.

I did like it. I particularly liked everything is not awesome at the end.

feminist trash that crashed the franchise

>Yea Forumsmblr's reaction to it was overall very positive when it came out.
their I fixed your comment

I thought it was pretty good. Not sure why it bombed so hard.

It's time travel as written by an edgy 12 year old.

>Did anyone like this film?

I liked the first one. I was going to see the second one, but then the director sperged out about how the movie was a commentary on the evils of Toxic Masculinity and shit like that, so I skipped out on it. Not gonna pay to watch propaganda.

>but then the director sperged out about how the movie was a commentary on the evils of Toxic Masculinity
No, he didn't. And the movie isn't propaganda about that either. It was actually good.

This movie is the exact anti-thesis of Wreck it Ralph 2. It's almost unbelievable.

You know, you could have just said "I didn't watch it"

A guy wore a hat made of legos to our theater.