How long until it gets relaunched again?
How long until it gets relaunched again?
5-8 years
Just as they press releases a whole corporate schpiel about streamlining about how it just makes sense, and company men like Gerads were like absolutely I love it, Lee and Didio, anticipating praise, will make a press release about how Vertigo is such an iconic brand and has so much history and they're proud to bring it back and company man like Gerads will be like absolutely I love it.
As soon as Based Disney buys DC so they have the funds for it
it will never. SJWs wont leave the industry
But the last relaunch was a SJW launch.
yeah which is why it sold like thrash.
It sold like trash with our without the sjw boogemen. WB fucked up the contracts, so any potential big title went to other publishers instead and they got left with the weakest material
>Vertigo is Cancelled and That's a Good Thing
this. blaming sjws for the death of vertigo is the most brainlet shit, which isn't surprising for Yea Forums
>SJWs make shit comics
>nobody buys shit comics
>"haha it's not the fault of us SJWs that nobody buys our shit comics!"
No point in this existing since their writers are allowed to publish their comics through image and the like instead.
The only thing they could use it for is for the weird and the fringe but in cannon DC stuff but they use their line of imprints for that now.
>implying everyone who calls you out on your bullshit is an sjw
>implying you ever actually bought a veritgo comic, pre- or post relaunch
I'm getting real sick of your faggot shit.
I can appreciate someone fucking up, and have it be a learning experience for them, and they try to do better in the future... but you SJWs literally just exist to destroy everything people love, and no learning takes place whatsoever, and you never do better in the future. Instead of even the most bare minimum level of introspection, you blame literally anything else you can possibly imagine, before moving on to destroy some other beloved medium, but it's okay, because "they were all racist sexist nazis anyway".
>bbbbut I'm nnot a
The only possible explanation for why you would choose to deflect blame from SJWs writing horrible SJW stories is that you are one.
It's more likely that Disney will be bought by AT&T than Disney even touching it.
Ultra kek
Please point me to which of the original Vertigo writers isn't a "SJW". Hell, find 10 on the entirety of the label's history.
I'm pretty sure whoever wrote "Jonah Hex" is pretty far cry from Zoe fucking Quinn.
Jesus fuck what a sperg
1995 isn't early Vertigo and you couldn't be bothered to list anyone, not even a guy whose work you supposedly like.
Excuse me for not doing google searches for the explicit purpose of getting into a pissing contest with a 300 pound tranny SJW who hates comics.
>Excuse me for not doing google searches
>he can't list writers off the bat
Yikes, of course outragefags are filthy casuals
If you seriously think all of the early Vertigo books wouldn't be labeled SJW, you're the one who really doesn't know shit about comics.
If you actually need fucking google to realize guys like Gaiman, Milligan and Morrison would be labeled SJW if they were starting now, you don't really know shit about either politics or comics. If something like Enigma was published today, you faggots would burst your hemorrhoids in pure rage.
>real SJW comics have never been tried!
>says others hate comics
>is actually the one hating comics because "SJW"
>can't even name writers
>>real SJW comics have never been tried!
...what? Vertigo is SJW, always has been
Also just for a kick, I went and googled Joe Lansdale, the guy who wrote that Jonah Hex mini and well...
No user you don't get it, books like Sandman and the Invisibles are REAL MAN'S books for REAL WHITE RED AND BLUE BLOODIED AMERICANS like myself
Anyone who would make a post like this is clearly a tranny that needs to hurry up with that 40%.
user do you have any arguments or?
Probably like about 5-10 years.
>gets BTFO
>you-you’re a tranny!
Pathetic. Just pathetic
No, because he's using evading tactics
So, pre-OP or post-OP?
Not to mention they had an actual transwoman writing the Vertigo-published Doom Patrol, but no one (in the general public) knew about that until McKeever started blabbing about working with one.
LMAO it's very funny that you seem to be obsessed about trannies while also ignoring that there were literal transwomen writing for Vertigo (like pointed out), who was hand picked by Morrison himself who also fucking crosdresses on top of it all.
And you still haven't presented a single argument other than showcasing everyone your obsession with transvestites.
The real question is why trannies are so obsessed with Yea Forums.
You're even more shit as passing here than in real life.
I don't know what to tell you my dude I'm not even trans. You're the one who keeps bringing transexuals up while also failing to mention a single defense in your retarded claim that vertigo failed because of MUH SJWSSSSSS.
Maybe if you read some comics, you would stop obsessing over transvestites so much (be aware though: Vertigo books are full of them, have always been, and you might get triggered).
If the real reason for declining sales is bad writers, why not just hire good writers again? Morrison, Delano, Milligan, Gaiman, Ellis and Ennis are all still around. Offer good contracts and revive the brand.
I don't know about Delano, but most of these other guys are content to publish with better conditions under smaller presses, since their name alone can draw a good public and they don't need DC's machine to put their work out there.
Morrison is the exception but he's not interested in Vertigo stuff (quite the contrary, I think he feels like he has left his mark on that stuff and as far as big two work goes, is much more into actual cape stories than "lmao god sucks" vertigo material)
It did die because of sjw shit though. They got writers who had no skill, talent, or even an interest in comics like Zoe Quinn and hired them solely due to SJW bullshit.
So, the majority of left wing writers who worked on Vertigo for 30 years (I'm gonna spoonfeed you faggots, the only right wing one I can think of is Brendan McCarthy) didn't ruin comics, but ONE of them did?
This isn't a hard concept to grasp. The comics aren't selling like shit because of sjw bullshit, they're sucking because they're hiring talentless hacks solely on sjw bullshit. You can add all the sjw bullshit you want, but it has to be good first. You can't have garbage that's sole redeeming factor is that it's "woke"
>The comics aren't selling like shit because of sjw bullshit
You can keep blaming everything else under the sun, but when everyone is telling you that they're not buying the comics because of SJW shit, and you try to tell them "NO, NO, THE ACTUAL REASON YOU'RE NOT BUYING THE COMICS IS BECAUSE [insert deflection here]", you just reveal yourself to be a fucking nutjob.
>the only right wing one I can think of
There's a pretty massive difference between "SJW" and merely being "lefitst" (or liberal, whatever).
It's like the difference between being a white supremacist and voting republican.
SJWs are a retarded radical fringe of extreme liberalism that everyone else hates, and if you don't realize this, you're probably one of them.
In all honesty I have never read any of his work, not because of his politics, but because I will forever associate Fables with a bunch of people from my town who are, to put it mildly, a disservice to comic book fandom (and they're mostly mainstream leftists before anyone accuses me of anything).
SJW doesn't mean shit other than "thing I don't like which involves women or gays". Most of the british invasion guys were very radical leftists, and "extreme liberalism" is such a retarded concept I don't even know from which side to tackle it. Just rest assured knowing that both the GOP and the Dems are liberals to a fault and what you think of leftism is mostly inclusive capitalism.
>SJW doesn't mean shit other than "thing I don't like which involves women or gays".
I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you this, but you're a SJW.
Why? What exactly separates Grant Morrison or Neil Gaiman from a SJW other than your enjoyment of their work?
Probably the fact that they put "writing a good story" ahead of "shilling neoliberal propaganda"?
Why the fuck even bother asking such a retarded question?
Where is the line drawn? Do you know what the world neoliberal means? How isn't the Invisibles a work of propaganda?
I blame Khouri for not giving Milligan another book
sjws and liberals in the 90s are totally different. dont pretend to not know about it. sjws wont see the outside of their autistic hugbox and discuss with others, whereas the liberals always tried. they only complain on twatter.
The fact that you even have to ask means you're so far gone that you are beyond all hope. The problems with your mind are obviously nothing a conversation could fix.
Everyone who says that they avoid modern comics because of culture war bullshit clearly never read comics before. You tell me that Hellblazer and Preacher never had any content that would trigger cuckservatives, and I'll know how full of shit you are.
Again, what the fuck do you think the word neoliberal means, the Bushes are neoliberals. Why the fuck do you insist on using words whose meaning you don't know? Again, what separates a work of propaganda from a work of art other than your own enjoyment of it? Is this painting propaganda?
If it's so easy to draw the line, then please enlighten me, maybe I can be saved. Is Brothers Karamazov czarist / orthodox propaganda or is it art? What about Leni Riefenstahl? Art or propaganda?
im liberal you stupid sjw faggot.
Not only this doesn't answer a single one of my questions, I also doubt you even know what the fuck "liberal" means.
The problem is mostly that nobody else even remotely agrees with your SJW insanity, and find it very offputting.
Since you're too fucking stupid to understand this, it's probably because you're part of the problem.
At a certain point you have to realize that /pol/acks can't be reasoned with. They're literally NPC culture warriors, devoid of rationality and incapable of independent thought.
Just look at and the post it supposedly responds to. Theres no throughline, only buzzwords and trained phrases.
I know but it's funny watching them squirm
Ok lest do this then. Female thor and her series is clearly not focused on telling a story and it's goal is to pander or to do "propaganda" (I don't agree with the propaganda theory the other anons have, I believe is pure pandering and some shilling sprinkled in) while something like "the boys" while clearly leftist has the focus on entertainment and shock instead of pandering to a certain ideology.
Please, describe to me my political beliefs.
Because all I've done is shit on SJWs, which is a percent of a fraction of radical leftist authoritarians.
That puts me literally anywhere else on the compass, but reveals everything about you.
Yeah cuz patting yourself on the back about "muh evil pol" While calling them names is the epitome of intelligence.
>I believe is pure pandering and some shilling sprinkled in) while something like "the boys" while clearly leftist has the focus on entertainment and shock instead of pandering to a certain ideology.
As someone who loved The Boys, and hated Whor, I have to agree. I think the primary difference is that SJWs unironically hate comics, and treat them as a vector of infection, but non-SJWs who just happen to lean left actually want to tell a good story. The difference between the two is incredibly striking, if you
1. Aren't autistic.
2. Aren't a SJW, so you actually know there's a problem in the first place.
I haven't read either FemThor or the Boys but again, where the fuck do you draw the line? What is "pandering" and what is "organically introducing a character"? What if I claimed femThor existed solely to create controversy because Marvel thinks it sells, would you agree they were succesful in causing controversy, considering here you are complaining about it two years on?
I've been called an SJW itt and I love comics. Again, SJW is just "shit I don't like".
I've made arguments in this thread, and none of the responses have been reasoned arguments against my points, only ad hominem.
Vertigo has always been lefty, and if any of its most celebrated works had been released today, the ComicsGate crowd would call them SJW trash. Prove me wrong with facts and logic, or kill yourselves you mindless peons.
>I've been called an SJW itt and I love comics. Again, SJW is just "shit I don't like".
Yes, I'm sure you love absolute trash like West Coast Avengers, Miles, Riri, anything written by Bendis or Thompson, or Gabby Riviera.
I don't read a single big two comic.
See, that's where you fucking lose.
Your argument is literally
>"In my imaginary scenario, I win!"
>I don't read a single big two comic.
Then what makes you think you're qualified to weigh on on the subject? Because that's what we're complaining about here.
Fem thor was not the problem, in fact most people would be fine with her if she was someone else who was already established as being worthy and the comic didn't shit on thor every chance it got.
And if it was a tactics it didn't work because it had poor sales even with massive positive coverage by the media.
>I can't haven't read many comics
Yeah I can see that. why are you on this board again?
"a gang of mystical anarchists composed of a millionaire dopefiend, a S&M future chick, a literal transvestite and a black woman disillusioned by the corruption in the NYPD join forces with the next messiah, a working class punk against the church of all tears, the archos who want to immanetize the eschathon through bringing forth the anti-christ, who's also the successor to the british throne"
"a pastor in a crisis of faith goes around the bible belt punching racists and the vatican in order to yell at god"
"god is a gay superhero manipulating reality so a guy into falls in love with him"
yeah sure
Vertigo is what drove me away from big two comics, this thread is about the end of Vertigo, a label I cherish and admire, amongst other things, for helping me navigate politics and literature with books like V for Vendetta, the Invisibles, Animal Man, Doom Patrol (it was published under Vertigo in my country though I guess it doesn't really fit) and Shade.
>all comics are big two comics
you just outed yourself as a huge fucking casual.
>90%+ of Vertigo titles are outside the DC timeline
>its demographic competitors are Image, Dark Horse and indies
>but we should definitely be concerned with the Big Two
You could read comics your entire life without touching the DC or Marvel, and if you only read GOOD comics you'll hardly read them at all.
And Preacher was great.
The KKK segment got a little cringey, but if you can't tell the difference between that and, say, FalCap, you're obviously part of the problem.
The difference is that contemporary Marvel is shit, but the writers being leftists have very little to do with it considering how many very influential and well liked creatrors since at least the mid 60s are outsponekly left-wing.
You might cry about them all you like but both Mark Waid and Al Ewing have contemporary work under the big two and both are very well liked (and sell well). It's not about politics, it's about how capeshit is fanwank.
Just to see how close we are to the same page, was the main problem with FalCap Sam Wilson becoming Captain America at all, or was the main problem that his initial run was 90% about race relations, police brutality and illegal immigration?
Vertigo is DC. It's an imprint, not its own company just as Marvel MAX and Epic Comics were imprints.
It's kind of embarrassing that I have to be the one to tell you this, but being "left" in the 60s has absolutely nothing to do with being a SJW today.
ive come to the realization that the comic industry doenst have any talented young artists//writers anymore. its like a loser pool. the talented ones are doing some japanese shit. "healthy" young creators are just doing it regardless of money and political belief. because manga or something like that is just the media that doesnt require them to be political. simple as that.
sjws are scum but gators also have no clue. they still live in their nostalgia and still believe if sjws are purged it will dramatically come back. who can save the industry when there are no talented young artists/writers.
so if it gets relaunched it will be filled with twitter addicts/sjws all over again. the comic industry is just the loser pool. nothing more or less.
>was the main problem with FalCap Sam Wilson becoming Captain America at all, or was the main problem that his initial run was 90% about race relations, police brutality and illegal immigration?
Do I have to choose one of the other?
Both were fucking retarded.
The latter would be bad regardless, but the former was made even worse due to the fact that it happened right in the middle of nuMarvel's whole "diversity" push bullshit.
I didn't claim Vertigo wasn't big two, that was another guy. But you're of course being facetious, considering that A) Vertigo isn't the totality of the big two and B) it's main marketing point (and what made everyone read those books in the first place) is how non-big two they were / are.
The guy who claimed the main competition for Vertigo was Image / Dark Horse was spot on and you know about it.
Again, just like you never told me what separates Goya painting a political piece from downright propaganda, explain to me how being left in the 60s is different from being a leftist today (which is rich considering that you faggots LOVE to complain about the "new left", which is precisely the name given to the 60s left).
There's a difference between a comic being published by DC and the same comic being even tangentially related to anything in the DC universe.
Detective Comics is DC.
Elseworlds is DC.
Sandman is DC.
100 Bullets is not DC.
Here you go, senpai:
Mate... being "left wing" in the 60 is what is considered Nazi alt-right ideology today.
Heck what was considered left wing in the 2000 is enough to get you the label alt-righter these days.
This isn't about hating "the left" but ratter the current "Left" that has no problem calling Jewish and gay people Nazis.
THOSE are the people shitting comics not "leftist" in general, but the extremes that somehow have gotten hold of the industry.
>Katherine Martin, the head of U.S. dictionaries at Oxford University Press, said in 2015 that "[a]ll of the examples I've seen until quite recently are lionizing the person".[1] As of 2015, the Oxford English Dictionary had not done a full search for the earliest usage.[1]
Do you understand this is quite literally repeating what I've said?
How is being affilliated with the Situationist International, the Yippies or the Black Panther Party, to mention the three "more 60s" movements that are also well known being a "nazi"? It just sounds like you suddenly started caring about politics when Yea Forums told you to and haven't done a single iotta of research beyond whatever hugbox you inhabit.
I'm honestly kind of disturbed that they cant tell the difference.
See, separated from the context of shit like All New All Different I didn't have a problem with Sam taking over as Cap. He's played sidekick for 50 IRL years. It wasn't a perversion of the character like FemThor. It sucked because the stories themselves sucked, and Secret Empire sucked, and all Marvel crossovers (outside of cosmic) suck and they need to stop.
DC need to change the name of the entire company because DC comics=Superheroes of the DC universe. Name it Warnee comics and let DC be the superhero brand, label the rest as Warner comics or whatever they name it
Even if it was Falcon being Falcon going
>Hey, did you know that if you support borders and shit, you're a nazi?
It still would have been bad.
That werewolf shit was also retarded.
Nothing about it was good, and SJWs are 100% to blame.
Mate i have personally seen people who argue the color of the skin doesn't matter and the content of the character but ratter the "content of their charter" being called a facsimile because they were "minimizing the experiences of people of color".
That was the position of one of the best men who walked on earth and clearly not a "right winger" MLK.
I have seen other clearly leftists begin called similar things for not being left enough.
FFS my friend was called a white supremacist even though he is mixed and clearly not white.
forgot to link. Also there are hundreds of examples of Jewish people being called nazis and facist, what is the "current" left( which is nothing more than the far left of old).
Although I agree with your post, I'm going to be a nitpicking nancylad and point out that /pol/ is composed of 56% genestealers, but still manages to be white supremacists.
The reason why those platitudes get critiqued is because they really don't account for a bunch of shit non-whites have to go through.
I am a leftist and I will call out the state of Israel as a fascist state at each and very opportunity I get, and both jews and gentiles who are pro-Israel are pro a fascistic ethno state.
I have been called a racist too, then I sat down, talked to whoever called me a racist and both of us came out of that discussion as better people.
And NONE of these ideas go against anything the 60s left would claim. If anything, the fact that Martin Luther King was murdered was a pivotal point in radicalizing the 60s black left (and yeah, what the fuck does it matter that he was "one of the best men who walked on earth" if at the end of the day he will be murdered on some very weird circumstances?
Milligan's had so many changes, but never produced another book for them like Shade.
Third worlder here
Are you Americans/Anglos/European? You act in such recoil to the idea of being called a racist, like it holds great power over you. When in the terms you described it, seems just some idiots trying to shit on your own set of beliefs instead of discriminating people based on their race.
I like them, no bully
Not the user you're responding to, but I've seen the pushback go the other way, to the point that I can't call RICHARD SPENCER or DAVID DUKE white supremacists without being labeled an SJW. I'm not a radical who considers most anti-immigration activists racist. I consider skinhead neo-nazis (the ones who go out with the swastika flags and armbands) unamerican, but I'm not allowed to say that anymore, because "MUH SJWs".
I'm a third worlder, from a majorly black country, and the only times I see people acting like that are either teenagers overenthusiastic about just discovering politics or people whose main comsumption of politics comes through youtube videos.
But again, my country's "gamers" are chimping out over some twitch ho calling men "garbage" on twitter so it very clearly goes both ways.
Exactly. These people preach all about helping "minorities" yet they would insult and demonize negros and Latinos like me for not having our politics be 100% the same. They think they speak for us as if we're animals that need to be taken care of. Even less than that. We're not people to them apparently. These are people who are the way they are because they lack the necessary life experiences to be a human being.
You are literally removing other people's voices while complaining they remove yours you fucking dolt.
I'm a leftist, a latino (lmao burgers) one at that and I have never done any of the things you've listed, does it mean I don't exist?
I blame the far left for this, once the word nazi and facsit and white supremacist gets trown around at everyone it losses it's meaning. And people have been yelling non stop at everyone, including actual scientist simply doing research, for a while now.
i absolutely despise actual white supremacist but There's no way of knowing if someone is or they shut says they like tacos their non Mexican mother makes.
These people are creating the monster their fear and spreading actual white supremacist i never hear or knew who Spencer was before he was punched in the face and while he was saying he wasn't a white supremacist.
And in the end is he? because I just really.
Mate i fucking hate you for that, I'm mixed and I don't want anything more than being treated for WHO I am not WHAT i am.
You people who either threat me with pity or as a traitor depending on which "side" of this stupid culture war you think I'm in.
I'm talking about the extremists. Not people who happen to fall on the left side of the political spectrum.
They are still platitudes. If there is say, a hiring bias for men or women or whites or blacks or whatever, your individual stance won't change the fact that society is biased.
I have been called an extremist and a SJW in this very thread.
>And in the end is he?
>wants to expel all the non-white Americans, 80 million citizens, even more if you consider Hispanics non-white, to make the United States a mono-white ethnostate
>because I just really.
So you know better and MLK was wrong.
People should be judged by the group they belong in. Not by their individuals actions.
Anyone who judges people by anything else is being bigoted.
And if you think people should be judged by the color of their skin you are fucking racist.
The point is that we have 300 years of people not being treated by their character or actions, but by what they're born as.
In these 300 years, many legal and political apparatuses were conocted, and in the very root of these apparatueses, bigot was a component. Reversing these situations takes time and attention, letting them lay low whill only ingrain them even further in the political machine.
I won't post screenshots but I doubt anyone here speaks portuguese, but it's a fairly common ocurence in brazilian media to label poor blacks as "drug traffickers" and rich whites as "students who sell drugs" or some similar term. What's the difference exactly?
Again i have no idea who he is. If you are telling me I ...wont believe you because on this board I saw people calling fans of the original spider-man who liked him over Miles Morales white supremacists.
If what you wrote i true than he is a horrible person, but again you might jut be exaggerating and distorting his words.
WB doesn't want to offer good contracts. The exodus of good Vertigo writers is directly tied to WB wanting to own more of Vertigo's books.
The difference is that black people deal in cheap drugs like weed and crack, while white people deal in prescription drugs like oxycodone and fentanyl.
Oh mate I'm not the user you are responding to but please don't tell me you believe in this lefties bullshit.
Mano todo criminoso aqui é tratado como vitima da sociedade, a ultima coisa de que você pode reclamar é do fato deles serem "punidos" com excesso. Ser pardo ou negro não muda nada e todos eles saem da delegacia pela porta da frente sem ser punidos.
This is a very american-centric point of view, considering oxy and fentanyl aren't widely used, even as prescription drugs, in Brazil.
"Todos eles saem da delegacia pela porta da frente" lmao
Comics in America are just a stepping stone to get to higher position and get more money. Mark Millar’s career is built on creating stuff that has to be saved by adaptations. King wasn’t fired from his trashfire Batman run, he quit voluntarily to write that New Gods movie. No one actually cares about comics themselves anymore. THAT’s why American comics suck.
Two years, tops.
Cool, nice, one case at least 5 years ago.
here is something form 3 days ago.
>Liberdade condicional
>Responder ao processo em liberdade
Nada impede ninguém de ir preso após o julgamento
wait now that I'm reading this case he was a drug trafficker as well a a tief. WTF are you insinuating?
>matão um policial a sangue frio
> com video parar servir de evidencia
> respondem a processo em liberdade
Tudo certo aqui, nada errado não.
Christ, how did Mark Millar even have a career? Everything I've read from him (Civil War, Ultimates, Ultimate F4, Kick-Ass, Unfinnies) has been peak trash.
Even if this has anything to do with the "left" in brasil it has nothing to do with what's happening in america.. you know.... where these comics are begin made?
>Drug trafficker
less than a roach in his pocket
of what, he was arrested in the middle of a protest under terrorist and drug trafficking charges, even though what he had in him was a bottle of floor cleaner and half a fucking gram of weed.
Holy shit. I can't wait for Bolsonaro to declare war on Venezuela and destroy his country.
He was morrison's little protege. Got lots of double billing writing jigs.
*his own country
He was already a convict you criminal apologist. He had a tracker in his ankle. He had drugs in his possession, he was part of a violent protest, and this has nothing to do with race. For fuck sake you should have gotten a better example.
And he is his fucking house he is not even in a jail cell.
How can a fucking homeless man have an ankle tracker.
At this point, I welcome it. Specially if it gets rid of the politicians somehow.
Dunno that is what it says here.
>Quando da prisão por tráfico, o DDH entendeu que "a visibilidade da tornozeleira eletrônica reforçou nos policiais responsáveis pela prisão o preconceito e o tratamento seletivo e arbitrário dispensados sabidamente a negros, pobres e moradores de favelas".[40] A BBC assinalou na reportagem em inglês Rafael Braga: Bode expiatório ou manifestante perigoso? que Braga "se tornou a face de uma batalha em andamento para acabar com a discriminação pelas autoridades da Justiça criminal contra homens jovens, pobres e negros".[41] Na mesma matéria, a mãe de Braga diz que "Ele saiu por dez minutos para comprar pão. Tem outras pessoas que o viram, mas estão com medo" de testemunhar e que, na prisão, "Ele não tem nem um pedaço de pão seco".[41]
I'm angry give me a break. autocorrect
That's sound more like a proletarian revolution.
Not the worst possible outcome all things considered. The problem is that all the "heads" of the all the leftist parties over here are corrupt.
It's the same bullshit of the left protecting criminal cultures and the right blaming race. It's the fucking gangsta culture¡
Are you telling me that Morrison or Pollack won't be considered leftist right now?
>Thinking that Marvel wouldn’t try to censor Vertigo comics even more than DC did.
Yikes, I understand classic Vertigo like The Invisibles might be too complicated for you to understand but don’t worry user, Iron Sights or Cyber Frog might be more your speed!
Yes SJWs killed Vertigo, not the fact that their creator deals were shit and drove off new talent to publishers like Image, all their iconic series and characters were cannibalized by other imprints at DC, or that the imprint in general has been badly mismanaged and basically lost all relevance after the New 52. It's all SJWs.
10+ years in unrecognizable form. Why would they ever bring it back, nobody has cared about Vertigo in forever.
I mean their sales in their "main" series haven't been good for a very long time, this was supposed to be a way to get people interested in DC again.
WB alone is bigger than Disney. If anything AT&T will buy Disney.
Why? DC black a more logical marketing name.
I thought you were baiting but now you just seem legitimately mad?? I am so sorry that you never got the opportunity to be drafted into a war
Those guys are good writers, Zoe Quinn is not
Preacher wasn't woke though. Despite shitting on religion and WASPs, it still had a lot of shit that would anger SJWs and modern-day liberals.
As a modern day liberal who only read the series a year ago, I didn't dislike any of it. The radical feminist on the radio going cock-crazy was hilarious. What am I supposed to be angered by?