How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

Attached: Tina_Russo.png (298x600, 113K) This?

Attached: Daffys_Grandma.png (944x864, 1.05M) this?

Attached: Tina_Roasto.jpg (1000x750, 199K) this?

Attached: 1548458379402.jpg (3000x1500, 277K)

... to this?

Attached: 1558181582605.png (619x610, 466K) THIS?

Attached: Mighty-Ducks-memorable-tv-36864596-481-349.jpg (481x349, 27K)

Did he get ate?

No one can eat the champ.

Attached: 1557367655917.jpg (900x1200, 142K)

That's one cute duck.10/10,will pet



What does a beak job feel like?...

Champion show animals are for breeding, not eating. You don’t literally kill the goose that lays golden eggs. this?

Attached: me.png (470x469, 489K)

I don't see the point in keeping animals around, make up your minds

Attached: 1548866987597.jpg (1024x982, 107K)

literally me THAT?

Attached: 1554189435890.png (447x433, 401K)

He's the best character of Jojo and has the only arc that it's comparable to Evangelion

so is she going to be in the new looney tunes or no?

Attached: Tina.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

Very likely no

God I miss Mighty Ducks. Show's got so little in terms of art and fanfiction.

Damn, look at that smug ass duck.

He's got the sweetest disposition.

Found the google

to this

Attached: 0214 wakfu voice thief smug duck 3 noaudio.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>that episode where Daffy goes to her house and finds her with a baby on her arm
>goes on a long rant about how women always do this kind of thing and such
>”This is my sister’s daughter, I’m babysitting..”
This show was too good for us

Gilf material.