You may choose only one

You may choose only one.

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Other urls found in this thread:!5fI0Va5A!xzwxLH280ZmLOm6iXpPXOg


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Amy. Sexy doctor plus rich family

Amy's hot and an actually good person. Aside from the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend. Leela's hot but she's got a shitty personality.

>Cute Asian
>rich family who just wants grandkids
>a doctor
>no stinky boot rash
>twice as many eyes
>hair is a nice natural color
>little to no chance of monster birth defect baby

I choose the blue tile.

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That episode where Amy and Fry fucked in a car was an awakening moment for me as a kid.

Amy cause I don't want to have to deal with getting boot kicked in the stomach 4 out of 5 times I want sex.

she a slut

Amy with no hesitation.Sorry,i like them with 2 eyes and easy-to-open legs

Fry. Easy choice.

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The light blue or the dark blue?


>all the shit taste ITT

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Leela. She's meatier and I want to help her with her self-esteem issues.

fuk u


I can fuck an Asian whenever I want, but when am I going to get another chance to fuck a Cyclops?

So is Leela considering how many partners she's canonically had sex with over the course of the show

Just poke one of Amy's eyes out. Best of both worlds

I'm not picky. Amy is probably the easier choice for a quick fuck, and I honestly wouldn't pick either as a gf

>choosing between a mary sue and a common thot

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Always Leela

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>Mary Sue
fucking lol, this phrase is almost as meaningless as incel now

>cute asian girl vs one eyed freak of nature

gee what a dilemma

>Responsible - Clean, washed

Every time.


Leela or if possible any, or ideally all of the amazonians

Amy is a better person aside from being an unredeemable whore.

man, if I see one more person use this "word" on Yea Forums today I'm gonna lose it

It's liberalism man. They have a condemnation fetish. It's the reason why they have no sense of humour, they're not capable of forgiveness and the right root* of all comedy is forgiviing flawed, ridiculous people.

Leela all day

The one with two eyes.

Leela never was and never will be attractive.

In fact, anything Groaning designs is repulsive to think of in a sexual way.

>leela was never attractive
>had multiple dates and boyfriends

I would rather cuck Kif than Fry

Is that supposed to be Zapp on the right?

Wait, they're all female. Who's fucking them?

Kif’s probably more used to it

Amy all the way

Unredeemable? Why?

amy is a complete whore



Irredeemable. IRREDEEMABLE!

Amy would get bored of me eventually.

Amy sounds like the more sensible option, promiscuity aside, but Leela's more physically attractive and I have a soft spot for emotionally infirm tough girls.

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Not him but honestly had no idea.

Does she wear more stuff like this?

>Amy and Fry date and they're a perfect couple
>They break up for no good reason

I would never fuck a deformed, weird eye, subhuman freak of nature, so no way in hell I'm picking Amy.

I think the joke was that Fry doesn't like serious relationships, claiming Amy is suffocating him.
But then following episode he became obsessed with Leela, so I don't fucking know.

No I think it's supposed to be kip

White male x POC is degrading to people of color and is just a white power fantasy that has no basis irl

Gotta go with Leela. I have a thing for tomboys.

She has a Phd in physics

Amy without hesitation

She also thinks you argue up from the sticker price. So she's smart in one way.

She is rich enough that she probably never had to haggle or look at prices. Her family owns half of Mars (the good part)

why choose when you can fuse?

with some of True Best Girl included in the mix

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>no Hermes
This is racist against bureaucrats.

What's the average of one eye and two eyes?

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>people complaining that amy is a slut
you know if/when you ever get to the point in your life where you start slutting it up yourself you realize this isn't a negative in any way.

have sex (with many people)

Human x Human is degrading to the supreme lizard overlords and benevolent greys, and is just a mon-keigh fantasy that has no basis in real life, where the last filthy apes belong to aliens for use as cocksleeves or mounting posts.

One thing I liked about Futurama is how much fanservice they were willing to do.


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It's a quantity over Quality situation. Amy would be DTF all day every day, but I get the feeling Leela would fuck the SHIT out of you.

need this to happen

Not really.

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That is an especially egregious frame. She is usually a lot more shapely than that.

I think she's meant to be braless in that scene. Gravity's flattening her out a bit.

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True. But even in the hips/waist she is often depicted with more curves.

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It already did.

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Finally someone with taste.

People are forgetting that Lela is a literal mutant who is only above ground because she's the only mutant in centuries who was born with only a minor mutation.

This means that all your children will be horribly deformed forever and be forced to live underground. They will eat garbage, process sewage, and swim in waste.

Meanwhile, Amy is equally hot, ditzy, and rich. Her grandparents are starving for grandkids. You do the math.

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mein dik

I only see positives.

I see you are a man of quality. Fry wouldn't even fully understand what's happening because he's retarded.

But that is Leela's natural hair colour.

I don't want children. Also Leela would be SUPER into adopting.

I forget how sjw she was. I changed my mind, Amy is best girl.

They both have shitty peripheral vision and shouldn't be allowed to drive

Chinks aren't terrible drivers because of peripheral vision. They are terrible drivers because they place absolutely no value on the lives of others.

You call that a pressed ham?

Who wouldn't be? It's a great way to have a kid without having sex.

Leela in Amy's body, via the mind switching episode.


>Amy isnt even Asian
>chick Fry is cute. Like rule 34 James Dean cute

>So is Leela considering how many partners she's canonically had sex with over the course of the show
actual incel

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>t. roastie apologist

Amy forever

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left. The chinese young american never did it for me, came off as too ditzy

don't strain yourself thinking of comebacks bud

Leela, spluh

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Futurama was pretty fanservicey.

Wait a minute, they both fucked EACH OTHER, didn't they? Time after time both Leela and Amy are seen naked and sharing a room/bed/tent. They're both fucking lesbians, aren't they? Those whores, they've just been enjoying each other's sexual company, and not caring about us men.

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all girls are bi

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Based Tile-kun.

I honestly don't even get what Fry saw in Leela. She was a perpetual stick in the mud bitch who refused to give him the time of day despite all he'd done for her while chasing people well above her standing.

And frankly she's not that hot.

>And frankly she's not that hot.
Lies and slander

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There must be more to this.

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well we never did get the triple fusion

As much as I've got the hots for Angeline, I'd fucking demolish Leela. Amy is fuckable too, dont get me wrong, but everything about Leela hits a whole mess of sweet spots for me in a weird R.Crumb sense.
>Strong legs
>big juicy feminine lips
>wild outlandish hair
>nice ass
>nice tits
>AND a strong personality
I want her to press her boot against my crotch and let me know Im her property.

One eye, because it's the defining trait of one of the two characters being fused.

>that outfit
>the lack of leela's dsl's
what's the point

best two fusions to come from that chart, bimbo amazon and warrior amazon are like supercharging my boner for both characters

I don't think I'll have enough time to ink and colour it, but I can do some quick pencil work.
I know you don't mean a digital subscriber line. What are you referring to?

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Me, Chad Thundercock

leela's big dick sucking lips

Something like this?

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fuckin perfect user, exactly what I wanted, I appreciate the daisy dukes aswell.

>Liking a bitchy demanding leg spreader
The term is onions boy, you cucknugget.

Centaur Leela.

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why is futurama more fappable than the simpsons

Maybe because the characters (the human ones, at least) look as close to actual people as Matt Groening can ever get.

While I wouldn't want to do Flexo dirty, I applaud you for your patrician taste.

On the off-chance I don't finish this before the thread dies, I'll post the result to my deviantart, tumblr and twitter.

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>all these people calling Amy a slut/whore

She was always shown as pretty fucking loyal to Kiff. Unless its a problem of her number of partners before hand, but if thats an issue then both of them are a no no

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I'm not sure what the cyclops thing would look like without the aid of cartoony embellishment.

>Loyal to Kiff

I forgot to add the eyelashes.

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Pure sex.

If you were a hot woman of course you would have sex with another hot woman. I mean why wouldn't you

lol that's gay

She cheats on him on a near episode rate.

Whoever has biggest cup size

clip if anyone wants:

Attached: Futurama Bender's Game - Leela And Amy Kiss - Lesbian Kissing noaudio.webm (914x650, 655K)

Definitely Leela on that one.

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fem fry looks cute

>loyal to kif
>fucks brannigan immediately after kif’s supposed death
>flirts with “”hardcore”” edgy guys because she thought kif was too beta, and then dumps him for bender

>forced to live underground.
Didn't they have an episode where mutants were given permission to live in New New York?

what's she saying

Something about biting Bender’s shiny metal ass.

Thog good girl
Post Thog

Amy, always. Let those who want Leela have her.

I'll also take advantage of her promiscuity to bang several girls on the side, and ask her to join in.

Her breasts have never put anyone's life in danger.

Amy no contest. Hot, rich, Asian, smart and knows how to party? She’s got it all

What did the writers and artists mean by this?

They wanted to draw some tiddies.

The DVD commentary states they basically went as far the censor allowed with that shot.

Oh dang, does the entire show have commentary? I kinda wanna listen to that.

Posting on Yea Forums.

Think’s he’ll have children.

It does! It's amazing too. You can check 'em all out here!5fI0Va5A!xzwxLH280ZmLOm6iXpPXOg

I need more

Despite that, she's a dunce

The asian. Don't think the cyclops would look good in real life.

It would be very unsettling

A lovely classic

A true patrician.

I choose Bender and disregard all flesh bags.

They're both terrible, but Leela is neurotic enough that I can convince her to do some nasty shit.

Amy would be a lot more about 'self-respect'.

Leela lays eggs.
Checkmate, scientologist.

damn that's nice

very nice, hope you get around to coloring it

Post-cancellation isn't canon.

Says you

He was splattered all over a wall then resurrected by an alternate dimensional consciousness.
He was dead

She's dead, dude.

Oh, gosh I- Amy.

The pose and expression screams "Zapp".

Take it to /mlp/, horsefucker.

Besides, Robonian girls...they...rust. A LOT.

Dummy Leela

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Amy. Amy’s rich, she probably has other qualities...

You're right, my bad. But the kids will still be horrific. Imagine your wife gives birth, they uncover the baby in the hospital, and it's a blob with tentacles and a beak.

Even the most despised, ugliest outcasts can have kids, user. How do you think your parents met?

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Anyone remember the comics that perfectly emulated the show's visual and writing styles, by some northern European guy who was obsessed with bath houses


not enough fem-Fry up in here

Which is Best Leela?

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first two are cute but too young, but Leela is definitely great as either a teen or adult

this reminded me that there's a couple really nice pics involving Teen Leela and a teen Rule 63 Fry over on Paheal

The choice is incredibly obvious. So obvious that anyone whos wrong is actually, not metaphorically, a retard. Like mentally retarded. Now think carefully about who you chose.

Leela clearly tops like you wouldn't believe

Amy is clearly a bottom "do what you want with me" kind of girl

so I choose Leela

>Leela clearly tops like you wouldn't believe
Depends on her mood. When she's feeling confident, she's the toppest of tops. When her self-esteem is ebbing, she's more submissive and the sex is more about making her feel as beautiful and sexy as she really is.

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A proper fem-Fry is a top-tier waifu.

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Young adult Leela.

>Aside from the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend
i don't remember this

I think it was already kinda set up that Fry and leela would be together anyway.

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She didn't. The show even kind of went out of its way to have her not cheat, she's just fast.


this man-Leela is way better than the one in the gender swap episode. it's like they didn't even try with Leela and Amy. did they even take off Leela's lipstick?

Perfect Leela.

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Less then Fry as I recall, if not by a lot.

this episode aired too late in my life.

i spent most of my college years trying to tone myself down.

Granted, I should have just been cultivating a separate job-interview personality, and remained awesome the rest of the time.

>in the mirror side male Leela actually took the mirror with them

Holy shit, I forgot about this. This is what sparked my centaur fetish.

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>Leela lays eggs.

Isnt it the only way?

IVF, Surrogacy, kidnapping, the list goes on

She literally lays eggs, once a month.

It's all you deserve. Now go eat that used roast beef.

[At the bar, Bender drinks down one glass while another is being refilled. Vogel stands behind Fry with 12 kids.]

Vogel: Sir, you seem pretty stable. Have you thought about adopting one of our kids?

Fry: Sure haven't.

Vogel: Well keep adoption in mind. It's a great way to have a kid without having sex.

Fry: [thoughtful] Really?

Vogel: Plus, the government will help out with a small stipend of $100 a week.

Bender: $100 a week?

[He spits out his drink, has it refilled, drinks it and spits it out again.]

The show was ahead of its time.

Who did Leela have sex with in the show besides Zapp Brannigan

The dude who grew up in the orphanage with her that did her eye(s), the Fry clone from the first movie, Fry on numerous occasion (some even that only happened hypothetically), I think they implied she dated someone from the cryogenics place when she originally worked there, and the shapeshifter dude who pretended to be various "last man of" various species to bag one of a kind chicks.

>Self-righteous slut
I'd choose Amy, if those are my only two options



Leela is far too neurotic to be an effective top.


>The dude who grew up in the orphanage with her that did her eye
They were engaged, but they didn't have sex tho. She dumped him after realizing he didn't really like her cyclops self.
>the Fry clone from the first movie
Nah, they were engaged and then Lars called it off as soon as he realized he would die if he messed with time even further.
>she dated someone from the cryogenics place when she originally worked there
I don't remember this. But she didn't have sex with him because the sewage people implied her virginity was taken by Zapp, "Nice try Leela, we all saw the footage in Zapp's website."
>shapeshifter dude
Yep, that's the second one she screwed, but only under the impression that she would help her 'lost' race.
So in summary, Leela did date a lot, but she only had sex like three times in her life, and the two times was because she's an empathetic idiot who gets easily manipulated.

Zoidberg's girlfriend.

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>she's an empathetic idiot who gets easily manipulated.
So there's a chance someone from /r9k/ might get some with her if their story is pathetic enough?

Leela. I like bossy, domineering, aggressive women.

I don't know. If you could get laid the way Zapp did, by trying something that a 1970s magazine said was cool and then whining when it doesn't work, then every stu on /r9k/ would have five illegitimate kids by their 25th birthday.

Beast with a Billion Backs movie. She slept with Zap after she thought Kif was dead. You can say it's not TECHNICALLY cheating.

Based. Bender is the hottest character in the show.

Neurotic people can make excellent tops. You just haven't slept with the right ones.

Back to Yea Forums with ur Musume

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Idk, Amy seems ditzy enough that you could get her to do a lot of shit.