What is the ideal She-Hulk bodytype?
What is the ideal She-Hulk bodytype?
Well toned, fit, but not manish.
The way she looks in Civil War II is literal perfection.
Before the tits rocket, obviously.
Anyone got the scene where she jumps on the Helicarrier? Best looks, best suit.
I always liked how Pelletier drew her after her power boost in Slott's run. Just the right mix of She and Hulk.
Oh right, that character thats thing was a small girl with a single giant robot hand.
Ideal would be interchangeable levels of muscle mass. She can have tits in casual settings, but those flabs better disappear when she gains more muscle for action scenes.
gotta hit that fine balance between "muscle" and "woman"
t. woman/gay
The one that's actually a hulk.
>locks her knees at 10 seconds
What a dumb woman.
Gracyanne Barbosa
But you can't forget the She-
Muscular, with conservative but still sizeable boobs, a curvaceous but toned ass, and a baby bump containing my soon-to-be-born child
>locking knees
>locking knees on that goddamn machine
FUCK, I've seen this go wrong in person. I can still hear the crunch.
her limbs are all as thick as her torso. its weird
>this thread
This is just awful.
Every time she locked her knees I was fucking expecting it to go tits up because I've seen so many videos of why NOT to fucking do that and the fact that her trainer didn't say anything is fucked.
this is the one who\s actually a Hulk.
>locking knees on that goddamn machine
Just reading that one line and I can see it in my head. I can almost hear the scream. Legs aren't supposed to go that way.
>beefcake librarian She-Hulk
>locking the knees
That is a very unsafe thing to do.
Cho draws the best She-Hulk. Meaty, muscly, and curvy and still feminine.
it looked like she had a spotter, so she probably wasn't in too much danger, but she still shouldn't have done that
interesting how they still give her tiny lady hands
I can't believe there's never been an Amanda Conner drawn She-Hulk run. If only they had her on Soule's run instead of that terrible fuck who makes everyone look like a preemie.
Unironically this. Buff enough to feel legitimately Hulk but still sexy.
I just wish we could get this design with Jen's actual personality instead of "Savage Hulk with tits".
Even if the comic is garbage, I love the gray she hulk design and body.
stay away from my best girl you disgusting tumorfag
just go gay already
Conner and Palmiotti are WAY too normal for modern Marvel.
They don't even talk about trans people or diversity or anything all day long.
Grow up.
What's the deal with all these She-Hulk threads lately?
I think a better question would be:
Why is She-Hulk not in the mcu?
>thinking a spotter could save you
Anyone in halfway decent shape on a leg press machine is going to be putting up a ton of weight because of how "easy" the machine makes it. Point is, that weight is going to be more than one or two spotters will be able to catch and lift in the case of emergency.
oh wow you sure showed me
You spergs realize she's a woman, right? She had baby weights on it. Probably less than 300lbs. There's no way you can snap your knees with that.
Oh, someone already posted gray.
That design is so fucking good.
And the comic is about fucking gay youtubers baking a cake.
It's so sad ...
I prefer my muscle girls to be more girl than muscle, personally.
That's most likely Universal's fault. Do they still have the rights to Bruce's supporting cast?
I didn't know that was a thing.
Didn't they get all the rights back recently, though? Or was it just X Men and Fantastic 4?
>u gay
was so clever.
who said I was going for clever? I was making a statement based on the evidence laid out before me. You prefer your muscle girls to be towering slabs of muscle with no tits or other distinct female sexual characteristics, therefore you must be gay.
King Crimson has skipped past her knee breaking.
Muscles have nothing to do with masculinity or femininity tho, or else all men would naturally be beefcakes. It's just a cultural standard.
Yeah, but the whole "no tits or other female sexual characteristics" part is kind of the gay area I was indicating.
That was my first post in the thread, nice try though.
Do actually grow up though.
Fair enough.
Flat girls can be cute tho.
Quit making assumptions you faggot. Those designs do have tits and I explicitly said I liked it because she was still sexy.
>grow up
what is this the 90s? this is the weakest comeback imaginable. you might as well have just responded with "talk to the hand" and canned laughter.
>Those designs do have tits
talk to the hand
*canned laughter*
Who said I was making a comeback, learn to read dumbo that was my first post in the thread.
And you obviously have some growing to do.
They're pretty big too.
I like She-Hulk. She makes me smile. She's also very pretty.
Go home, Goober!
If I do all the growing, does that mean you'll leave She-Hulk looking like a woman, you massive prancing homo lala man?
I want her to jam one of those thick green toes up my asshole.
You still haven't learned to read? I never said my opinion on Jen.
>You still haven't learned to read?
Damn, I wish I could read.
I wish that for you.
>I wish that for you.
Damn, I wish I could read
I know that's supposed to be Ben, but ...
It looks like a giant turd and that's my fetish.
I wish you could too.
Are you 12?
That other guy can't read, so possibly if he goes to a shitty school or he's retarded or something.
You both are.
Who else would post about She-Hulk? Go read Tarot or Milo Manara if you want actual porn comics.
why is her HEAD so SMALL
She-Hulk should be a barefooter.
no u
We had this thread yesterday, you people only read She-Hulk because of le wacky 4th wall humor and the porn pages.
You are not wrong
Has she written a comic not featuring copious amounts of food yet?
What's with modern comics and food, anyway?
Okay she hot, but goddamn was i scared of her breaking her knees
Yeah, I guess? But that's just because most of her comics are garbage.
Pfft, how would I know, I don't read that stuff.
Could She-Hulk bake a cake that even She-Hulk couldn't lift, though? Or eat?
That's average user, especially for a woman of that mass and height
I love this take on Superman's costume.
Will his sneed feed and seed her?
when could we have BLOAT she-hulk?
>average for that mass
Guy hasn't even SEEN female body builders!
Gotcha covered. Behold, a really cheap edit some idiots over on Pregchan threw together
what an empowering role model
Women of that mass and height don't exist.
The actual ideal? Toned, muscular, but without losing femininity.
My ideal? Chubby power lifter.
Standard She-hulk looks just fine, it makes sense for her to not be super huge because she doesn't get the power the same way Banner does. It's secondhand power. Her charm as a character isn't in being 'girl Hulk,' it's in being a more human, more sane Hulk.
only thing that'd be even more powered if she had an abortion at this stage
hr Bdy Hr CHOise
>Muscles have nothing to do with masculinity or femininity tho
>or else all men would naturally be beefcakes
they should
I like thicc girls but honestly this is peak she hulk
God I wish she was holding my head to her bosom.
You know who you are
Has she-hulk ever dated a guy that asked if he could call her mommy?
No but I'm sure she tells her men to call her mommy anyway.
Good enough for me!
Who's her trainer!? NEVER lock the legs! I've done this with the same 4 plates, she could've really hurt herself.
I remember Tim Sale's take on Shulkie was kinda chubby looking, though it might being his artstyle.
God not that
Probably just art style, I very much doubt Shulkie is getting a layer of chub anytime soon.
OY! Who's the fag now, guvna?
God yes that!
Either this
The ones who dumped fine, glorious tea into the sea, naturally.
or this one
bcz everything else is big
Yeah, tea is so masculine.
Who is this cutie patootie?
that's how RedFred draws women: humongous THICC bodies, tiny heads, hands and feet.
Yeon Woo Jhi
>What is the ideal She-Hulk bodytype?
This one
Thank you!
I am all for an Asian She-Hulk.
This is pretty great. Visibly buff without being too masculine, bulging biceps, rippling abs and tig ol' bitties.
>wanting Shulkie to be some Azn womanlet
Could She-Hulk become Marvel's Wonder Woman?
Chyna, 1997
Too derivative. At the end of the day, she's just Girl Hulk. Her not being her own unique thing like Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel would hurt her ability to stand out as Marvel's answer to Wonder Woman.
While the execution has left a lot to be desired, I feel like Carol Danvers was the best available choice to fill that spot.
>her own unique thing
>Captain Marvel
Nigga you high or what?
The difference is Carol is the only Captain Marvel currently occupying the MCU and the comic books. She-Hulk would be perceived as just being girl Hulk unless they decided to get rid of Hulk before introducing her. And even then she would be a retread of ground they've already covered.
On the other hand, using Carol as their premier female superhero allowed them to expand the universe because of the scope of her lore and origins. She brought something distinctly new to the table, and that's why she was a superior choice for that Wonder Woman push.
How is Jen retreading old ground? You do realize she doesn't face the problems Bruce faces, right?
She's still a gamma irradiated green smash machine. I feel like you're being obtuse.
Little too much muscle on the arms for my tastes but the rest is great
actually disgusting
And you're being reductionist.
under that logic Carol is just another cosmic powered Kree related hero like Mar-Vell, Genis and Phyla.
Jen had always been her own thing with she being a lawyer, with a more fun side than regular Hulk, hell she was able to break the fourth wall way before deadpool.
Okay, stop being a She-Hulk fanboy for a second and think about this from an objective, marketing-oriented perspective. Say you're an executive trying to pitch a new female-led solo movie for the MCU. Now, who do you pick? The character who audiences would perceive as being the Hulk but a woman or the character who's something entirely different from what's previously been done in the MCU? Similarly, say you're trying to do the same marketing push in the comics. Do you, again, use the character who's a female off-shoot of an existing popular character, or do you use the character who has a distinct origin, background and power set from other characters in the setting?
It's not that difficult to wrap your head around.
user you're angry for no reason. Carol sucks, get over it.
Alright tumorfags I have a proposition for you. For every pound of muscle you homos put on She-Hulk you have to add two cupsizes to her bust, deal?
>Mar-Vell, Genis and Phyla.
The difference being none of those characters were active or relevant when they decided to push her and, unlike the Hulk, none of them were ever extremely well-known and popular even when they were being published.
Disconnect from liking She-Hulk for a moment. I'm not saying she's a bad character, I'm just saying she wasn't the optimal choice.
>Carol sucks you're just mad
I have no opinion on Carol, I'm trying to explain this to you objectively.
user you have to let go
She's never going to catch on
my f a m
She's already caught on, though. She made a cool billion at the box office. But, again, I don't care about Carol.
I'm starting to think you're aware of that and you're just being petty because you don't have a really good argument as to why someone taking an objective stance would pick her over She-Hulk for the Wonder Woman push.
why are you thinking only about the movies, also you can introduce a character through another character's cast, Jen could be perfectly introduced through Bruce. People still care and watch characters like Supergirl even if they are derivative from another.
Hell Carol was for most of her character life a background character for Mar-vell and the other previous captains before her.
If only Carol was still slutty Chris Claremont Carol I'd be able to relate to your fondness of her.
>implying we're not into that
>why are you thinking only about the movies,
because the movies are where marketing attention is being focused right now, and the comics synergise to reflect that focus.
>also you can introduce a character through another character's cast, Jen could be perfectly introduced through Bruce
Well yeah, definitely, but she wouldn't exactly be the optimal choice for the lead female character since she'd just be perceived as an extension of the Hulk's mythos/brand rather than her own thing in the same way that War Machine is an extension of Iron Man and Falcon and Bucky are an extension of Captain America.
>People still care and watch characters like Supergirl even if they are derivative from another.
You keep making it out like I'm saying She-Hulk sucks and no one cares about her. If they wanted to introduce her in the MCU, she could definitely be a fun and successful addition, but marketing-wise she wouldn't be the optimal choice for THE female superhero in the Marvel Universe.
>Hell Carol was for most of her character life a background character for Mar-vell and the other previous captains before her.
Yeah, but the difference is that she doesn't currently co-exist with any of her counterparts (save Monica, but she's pretty much being written off as the black best friend). She-Hulk would exist alongside Hulk, which would make her seem less prominent.independent and more like a part of his brand.
Again, I'm not criticising She-Hulk. I don't think she's bad and I don't think you're bad for liking her, I'm merely trying to explain the thought process that would go into picking Carol over her.
user why are you so obsessed with Carol? What do you see in her?
please stop trolling me
yet you are assuming only comic book fans now about Jen, she had several appearances on cartoons and games before.
She is a proven character with a way more distinct personality than Carol, most people just watched her movie due obligation since it was taken as set up for endgame. Is not hard to see casuals liking Jen, hell now that the moviegoers are so aware of Stan's legacy, just by knowing she was created by him that would attract a lot of people.
Not until you take your Carol-posting out of the She-Hulk thread.
>yet you are assuming only comic book fans now about Jen, she had several appearances on cartoons and games before.
I'm really not. It's got nothing to do with existing popularity at all, it's just about who brings the most new elements to the pre-existing cast.
>She is a proven character with a way more distinct personality than Carol
Again, personality doesn't really have anything to do with it. I definitely agree that She-Hulk is a much more entertaining character.
>most people just watched her movie due obligation since it was taken as set up for endgame
That doesn't really seem like anything you can prove, but again, it's not relevant to anything I'm saying.
>Is not hard to see casuals liking Jen,
Again, not at all what I'm saying. Of course they'd like her.
>hell now that the moviegoers are so aware of Stan's legacy, just by knowing she was created by him that would attract a lot of people.
Once again, I'll say this as clearly as I possibly can: I'm not making any comment on She-Hulk's potential as a character or how many people would like her. I'm merely stating that she would be perceived as an extension of the existing Hulk brand instead of bringing something new to the table like Carol.
Please, god, just read what I'm typing.
She's just so great.
Now this is my fetish.
Pre-existing popularity is meaningless to the MCU. They made the fucking GOTG work, for god's sake.
Death by snoo snoo please.
Pants off then.
The ideal body for She-Hulk is one where she still has her normal female traits (like ), but combined with her grey skin and green eyes/scars like plus probably a not so long, but not so short either hairstyle.
Change my mind
>grey skin
opinion disregarded
yeah this is pretty much perfect, any more muscle and she would start getting manly any less and she would not be she-hulk.
i like this one too
Holy fuck I forgot this show existed.
If you snap you knees with lmao4plates you don't deserve to walk in the first place.
Green is too used and represents too much Hulk.
She-Hulk definitely needs a good upgrade to make her unique, just like all other Hulk characters and villains. Hell, even Cho Hulk is looking less like Miz hulked and now is more anatomically humane.
nope. green.
>What is the ideal She-Hulk bodytype?
>Her casual walk
Fucc, that's hot.
Is she banging both those babes?
She looks alpha as fuck.
The one that looks like a man from that horrible girl team comic I didn’t read.
That gal must be pure fiber if she is able to carry two other people so casually.
More like pure testosterone.
All men can aspire to be more like her.
Except prettier.
Men are prettier?
That's gay.
My personal preference is for Shulkie to be thicc. Maybe it's just me, but I find that she's often drawn way too skinny. I don't want her to be fat, but so many artists just make her tall and narrow, which has never felt appropriate. At the very least, her hips should be wider than her shoulders, like, you know, a typical woman.
Agree that she should be thicc, but not like a real woman. More like 3 or 4 real women. And thicc with muscle, of course, not fat.
Yeah but she should be curvy as well. I'm not some musclefag.
No, she. Men aren't.
Why did this show always seem too bright. It made it look awful
Was this the one where she was trying to get up on Bruce's dick?
>She-Hulk then
>vivacious, independent, snarky, very much her own character despite the concept starting out as just "girl hulk"
>She-Hulk now
>literally just generic Hulk but with a shirt and long hair
I wish Fuko's current output was as good as it was back in the mid 2000s
In all honesty, builtfat Shulkie with a bit of a pudgy tummy might be pretty nice.
hoo boy
But does the tummy only grow when she hulks out?
Something like this?
I prefer her to have pudge as Jennifer but definitely go full gut when hulking out
I can work with that. How much pudge?
Just a chunky woman, not obese but definitely likes desserts
Yes I can definitely work with this.
Apparently the consensus ITT is "pornstar with very very slightly above average muscle"
I've seen a vid of a woman doing EXACTLY that.
Ok but what if Jennifer kept the weight between the shift, and had to deal with an overfilled gut after a she-hulk binge?
Wouldn't that end like how Bruce died in Marvel Zombies?
This isn’t the thinking man’s scenario, but your point reminds me of this, kind of off-topic but
posting this should be a bannable offence
She has to store the protein farts somewhere user
Why doesn't anyone stop her?
>Aw yea-
More lean, sorta chesty and with big, voluminous, long hair
>under that logic Carol is just another cosmic powered Kree related hero
She really is at this point. She had a personality and history, its gone now.
Pretty obvious that was supposed to be a metaphorical orgasm. Or a real one, they don't go into Jen's transformation that much.
>Guess which one of these agents is a confirmed baaachloooor!
I would imagine her pussy gets deep and green while her clit grows, the shifting's gotta be somewhat pleasurable from the forming nerve endings.
This is retarded, it's like saying having a big dick isn't masculine because some guys have little dicks.
a lot of weight if you aren't prepared is still a lot of weight if you aren't prepared
Question: Does She-Hulk just punch things like Hulk, or does she do wrestling moves, like; bulldogs, facebusters, suplexes, frankensteiners, clothleslines, etc? She reminds me of a female wrestler in some of the artwork.
>>She-Hulk then
>vivacious, independent, snarky, very much her own character despite the concept starting out as just "girl hulk"
She-Hulks personality is just as important as her look maybe even more so
>How's this, Hot Stuff?
Johnny must've popped a boner there. He must've.
>She reminds me of a female wrestler in some of the artwork.
That's what Capcom went with
no i want a man with a vagina and female features
I don't have any pages, but I recall that it's pretty canon that She-Hulk also fights way more tactically then the Hulk does.
She's so cute.
Oh you probably won't die but ain't no fucking spotter gonna keep you from going to snap city. Just don't use leg press machines, god damn
As nude as posible
What is the ideal She-Hulk Height?
Is covering your nudity by jumping rope truly possible?
Much taller than me.
And this is why girls should always wear leotards.
This x 100
Thank you based cheesecake cook
Heh, this woman legitemely fucks her own doggo.
the best
That's okay. Doggos need bitches.
So was this FF run any good?
You pretty much posted it, but I'll add a favorite classic of mine.
I'm now in love. Before it was just lust but this is peak 80's aesthetics.
not that. pinhead.
From the same issue we get this scene with her clothes-shopping with Wasp. Look at her man. Just look at her.
Personally I think She-hulk should stay pretty toned. That said, the figure you’re describing would be my ideal for Power Girl. She doesn’t necessarily have to be ripped to be strong, so she could be really chubby bordering on fat with just a hint of muscularity underneath and still throw around cars like it’s nothing.
Oh Herc!
How thirsty is this strumpet?
Sure, it's got a lot of fun standout moments scattered throughout.
Is this before or after she met him in person?
After. She's not as into him awake. We also got this.
Some people are naturally born with big dicks or big tits.
No one is naturally born with big muscles.
>Had a crush on Thor
>Nothing ever happened until she turned into a clone of her cousin
Well you see Thor has a fondness for her musculature.
She's got a better chance of it than Carol Danvers ever will.
But if you look at it from an objective point of view Carol is the better choice. I don't like Carol or hate She-hulk, don't get me wrong, but Carol is the objectively better and less derivative character.
Straight hair She-Hulk is boring. Her 80s-like big puffy hair is perfect.
she looks all the way manish there
This. It's the secret of her sexual appetite and wild perky energy.
BIG hair energy!
The biggest and floofiest!
Fluffiest? What's the word to describe this style? Puffy?
The pic right here is just right.
I always hated it when a lot of artist don't draw her buff out of fear that it's gonna make her look like a dude. She has a narrow waist, hips, and boobies, how girly is that?
Then again most men are scared of women that could ass pound them in bed. I don't mind despite being female
Anybody else thought it could have been interesting to see byrne further expand on Ben and Jen's relationship? As much as I like Ben and Alicia as a couple, Ben shacking up with Jen always seemed like an untapped treasure trove of ideas for me.
As far as Im concerned she always was. Carol was forced into that role and every aspect of her character showcases that fact. Jennifer has so many angles to her character, her sharing the whole "hulk" theme by no means waters that fact down.
This is an especially stupid comment when you consider wondy is just a female superman with greek mythological origins inplace of flash gordon ones.
You act as though being based on the heels of another MCU character is something they haven't yet done. Our new spiderman is literally "Iron Lad the boy wonder", and his pal War Machine. You're talking out of your ass.
I should also mention, you're idea that the people wont be welcomed to the concept of a she hulk is really backwards when you consider GOTG was a d-list team book before gunn did anything with it.
7 foot 5, tall enough to tower over the rest of the normal avengers, but short enough to appear relatively normal in the face of the hulk.
> most men are scared of women that could ass pound them in bed.
fuck that, men are perverts and will absolutely love that shit. I know, cause I speak from first hand experience. I'd love a chick who could ass pound my 6'2, 245 pound sculpted ass.
They'll never introduce her due to the rights issues with Universal
That's not true. Why do you think there's such a stigma on women who are taller than their guy or chicks who are very fit?
no one read my book.
-Feminine face
-feminine hands/fingers
-narrow waist
-tall idealized super-heroic proportions
As long as she has those her muscle mass proportions doesn't even matter; anything ranging from Fitness model - Female bodybuilder is fine enough
Fuck das cute
Fuck fuck fuck I know I have the perfect picture but fuck knows where it is.
Until I find it, I'll have to go with
>Could She-Hulk become Marvel's Wonder Woman?
No. As much I love the Shulkie. No legacy character can do that. If Marvel wants that they need to create female character that isn't legacy, spin-off or team character.
Why not?
Aren't they trying to do that with Captain Marvel?
I'd MUCH prefer if they had put She-Hulk in the mcu than fucking Danvers, who no one likes.
Also, I'm still salty she took Shazam's name.
Is there? I'd love to have a chick taller than I am, that makes for some comfy cuddling.
More bestial, give her larger arms and hands and have her move with more of a hunched posture, give her even bigger tits and ass, make her look like a sexed up neanderthal. But have her act like normal, push the visual gag of her being a giant green monster lawyer even further.
Isn't Black Widow that, no powers aside? Or do you consider her a team character?
I remember one time I came (to a conclusion) watching this youtube.com
because of hair, even tho I don't really have that fetish (mostly bbw, giantess and giant tits ass).
So She-Hulk MUST have big wavy hair.
Fit, but feminine. Statuesque but curvaceous enough. Like the Hulk is a hyper masculine and functional version of the male physique, She-Hulk's should be hyper feminine and functional.
So, cute face, long legs and wide hips and large tiddies.
>She-Hulk's should be hyper feminine and functional.
>-version of the female physique.
That's what you call a loud minority.
I'm saving this.
Outta curiosity who would ya'll like to see cast as Shulkie? or CGI?
No one. I don't think she can be done well in live-action. CG just isn't there yet.
That chick from Deadpool if she went back to lifting hard. She’d be just the right amount of built thicc with big tiddies and with defined features.
Biel. Painted green like gamora and using camera tricks to appear taller. She would properly bulk for the role too.
CGI could make her look perfect, but she'd stand out too much. I wouldn't mind if we got an entire movie done in pure CGI so nothing stands out as fake.
The only issue would be if MCU nannies prevent the character from being modeled beautiful
artist named krekk0v, he's on twitter and pixiv and probably other places too. draws tons of sweaty musclegirls.
I hope to one day draw musclegirls as well as krekk0v, mine don't look nearly as good.
Can hulks tan?
Damn Shulkie looks like THAT?!
Better question, what is She-Hulk's hair style?
What a cool fucking design. I actually like that a ton
Just like her Shulkie form represents her idealized physical self (you know until the last few years), her hair should reflect Jen's unconscious desires, staying up to date with modern trends and styles by default. No matter when and where she is, She Hulk looks like she just stepped out of a modelling shoot. Jen might have to deal with split ends and hair extensions, She Hulk does not.
But as a base default she reverts to every so often, like Byrne drew her. Big floofy 80s hair, like Tina Turner on steroidal hairspray.
patrician taste
This is a normies vs patricians thread if I've ever seen one. The obvious best choice is a smart, clearly feminine yet hella toned and tall beast of a woman
>not some musclefag
Then get the fuck out, she's supposed to be a Hulk, not a bitch in green paint.
Agreed. Anything less than pic related and you're retarded.
Add 3 more feet to that and we're getting somewhere real good
>What is the ideal She-Hulk bodytype?
A tall, with fitness model musculature and big wavy hair
God the art of She Hulk's recent solo runs is hard to look at.
>OwO what the #$@% is this?
>Amazonian gama goddess
>No happy trail
>No underarm hair
>No leg hair
>No gama glorious pubes
Normies want a moderately fit gym gal painted green
>No leg hair
I'm with you on everything else but this shit is just gross.
>What is the ideal She-Hulk bodytype?
Anyone who says no to CGI is delusional.
I wish non human skin colors weren't my fetish, body paint comes off too easy with sweat and it looks like ass.
Right? It's awesome!
>you will never die by death by snu snu
>all futa and futa on female
The worst
So you want to fuck a turkish man?
I get it
Seeing a picture like this when you're only about 10 does things to the mind
>. Do you, again, use the character who's a female off-shoot of an existing popular character, or do you use the character who has a distinct origin, background and power set from other characters in the setting?
Carol is still a legacy character
Seeing when you're about 10 does even more things to your mind. Though I think my first exposure to She-Hulk's existence was seeing this in a magazine ad for Marvel trading cards.
And utterly unlikable.
literally this one
Without the ripped pants. Or with them, either way a goddess.
Perfect world they use cgi in the same way they do deaging make up. She-Hulk is the missing link between that and full on CGI Hulk since she's unrealistic enough to not look like any realistic human being but realistic enough that the most subtle miscalculation makes her look stupid and uncanny. But I think technology is in a pretty good place to pull off a convincing She-Hulk for a few years.
Green paint will never cut it because there's no way you'd find an actress of the right physique and even then literally EVERY shot would end up being some old hollywood camera trick...that or all the male actors stop standing on apple boxes. I don't know which scenario is more unlikely.
Just give her the Thanos treatment, but green instead of purple.
With how averse normies are to muscle girls and the resulting lack of them in real life (not to mention the fact that it's harder for women to gain muscle in the first place) there are very few women who could do her justice. But is a definite possibility.
I was annoyed at this comic because it made Jen into a huge cunt for no apparent reason. If both she and Peter were in character I think they'd actually both get along really well. In fact, Jen/Peter is one of my favorite ships.
She should be more than just your typical Amazonian build.
2 spidermen selling t shirts?
This been updated?
Allegedly classic she-hulk is coming back
Hasnt been anything worth recommending since then.
Such a shame when you realize that Carol Danvers will never be allowed to be anywhere near this playful or sexy again.
...Somebody needs to start putting "Captain Sexless Marvel" pics side by side with Liefield/other 90s art and make the argument about which is legitimately worse.
she's also using fake weights
>all this discussion of what Jen should look like
>no artists in the thread
>but Carol is the objectively better and less derivative character.
Only because she was purposefully divested of everything connecting her to the character she's derived from. If they really wanted to push Jennifer, they could do the exact same thing.
I don't know user, they might be closer than you think.
I'm drawing a different muscle girl right now.
piczel.tv/watch/imaa (nsfw)
btfo, your art was shit anyways
>I am all for an Asian She-Hulk.
Me too
Just gender bend Amadeus Cho
... Okay.
Or his sister.
Or better yet, just bring back Del and show off she's super fit.
If only Pelletier had drawn this issue. Bobillo's art is just horrendous.
You mad?
It's really only missing the end of FF v2 and Tamaki's run, so nothing really important.
The art is not great, but he gave us buff Shulkie so I'm fine with it.
I know this artist, he draws great thicc/brick house girls. I'd like to see more Shulkie from him because I think he could nail my ideal body type for her.
The first wheyfu
thanks user
Just a heads up. It's confirmed that She-Hulk is going back to old look starting tomorrow.
For a moment she was perfect, then it went downhill fast.
Dont toy with me
Ask Cho, he's the best one at drawing her.
>that savage, feral sex hair
Jen pls marry me
But who's the artist?
I wanna see this women play Artimis and fight Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman
I bought this comic just because it had the best shulkie I'd seen in forever on its cover. Too bad she goes to shit as the series goes on
On the bright side I no longer have to buy avengers comics so that's nice
This is one of the dumbest comments I've read in a while. It's made that much worse by how hard you gussy it up
Looked up her insta and shes gross as fuck. Boulder sized fake tits and even bigger fake ass, fake teeth, fake nose, and fake lips. Like alot of women from South America she does that ugly stenciled on tanlines that just look so bad. Also loves shittbulls
The fuck..that withered foot.
That is a good question. It seems like everyone likes big and wavy. Only going straight when the outfit allows for it.
I'm not. Read the avengers storytime when it get's posted. SENSATIONAL is back on the menu boys
you can see that its 4plate from the gif, thats around 350lbs
So how come Hulk is monstrously large but She-Hulk just looks like a normal woman who took roids?
Hulk took a gamma bomb to the face, She-Hulk took a little blood transfusion.
Bigger version for the few of us that like that look.
Big girls are for big cuddles!
>few of us
It's lonely at the top but nobody ever said having good taste was easy.
Honestly, I like the idea that Jen has different forms and shapes that reflect her mood and her internal struggles. She IS a Hulk, after all. The entire theme of gamma-powered people in Marvel is that if the gamma radiation affects you, there's something in your psyche that it's reacting to. The very fact that Jen is She-Hulk means there's a mess in her soul that got lit up green by radiation. This was even explored a little in Slott's run, it's just being explored more dramatically now.
The main issue is that what gave her popularity and longevity is her stark contrast to Bruce's strife. Even at her lowest she was never as fucked up as Bruce, and she never should be. Every attempt to inject extra drama over her situation has always been a poor retread of Bruce's issues, and has only served to move her back to being a distaff counterpart instead of meaningful development.
And just because she's a Hulk doesn't mean she HAS to be completely unstable, just troubled. It's that same narrow thinking that caused Doc Samson to get that shitty split personality he had for a while.
Something like this
Not enough heft
What's with this pic? Shouldn't She-Hulk ignore those cuts? Also going up against She-Hulk? Are those guys this stu...oh wait. It's Marvel. Of course stupidity is considered a disease at this point and it's on the level of a global pandemic. Forever.
Soule's run was decent. Or at least it would have been if the artist wasn't so god awful.
>people who want She-Hulk to be some rectangular slab of beef as far removed from femininity as possible
not only is that gay, it's also incongruent with what drives her gamma transformation. you can be into muscular women without wanting to fuck Arnold Schwarzenegger in drag.
who is this? I've been looking for their Tigra
>Having taste this legitimately fucking terrible.
But Arnold in drag doesn't have feminine features.
Hot damn.
Dude take a walk on any east coast city beach and you will see more. Facking neet.
she needs to be tall AND muscular you faggot, not one or the other
Tell me more
Based Kamesennin.
>he doesn't want her Amazon as fuck
You're one to talk about terrible taste.
Based Roshi strikes again.
sauce on this?
sauce user?
>resting her knees backwards
jesus christ, this is giving me a mild panic attack
That's hot as fuck, can you back that up?
thank you
>this thread is still going
Best representation of Jennifer in the whole wide thread right here. This image perfectly combines the soft and inviting nature a good woman like her ought to have and the raw bear mode strength she could unleash onto you if you were to get on her bad side. Additional points for the inclusion of R.Mika spats , Byrne Shulkie's sex hair, and her belly.
Massive gamma girl-cock
This but with fuller lips would be pure sex
A lot of modern day marvel titles do that for no descernable reason. I always remember back to fantastic faux as the first example of that, specifically with medusa. In what would otherwise be a fun title, medusa was constantly getting into shit-fits with everyone on the team, including jennifer.
>>people who want She-Hulk to be some rectangular slab of beef as far removed from femininity as possible
Not to mention there are so many female characters that can be that. plus marvel can create a new female character if need be
>Marvel wants She-Hulk to be some rectangular slab of beef
I'm so disappointed. I wish everybody else was dead
Remember his new battle cry
>Waaaaah I was beautiful and everyone wanted to bang me
What the hell happened.
>Not to mention there are so many female characters that can be that.
Based Aaron
i just read it
she says that the old she hulk is sexist and that the ugly one is her true self
marvel only cares about destroying things that white men used to love
the sensational she-hulk run is famous for it´s huge amount of fanservice and just good old fun stories at the expense of a female characters
so of course sjw marvel has to destroy that legacy
She'll return someday
Jeb does a pretty great She-Hulk
Her middle form looks better
Fuck off queer
This but unironically.
Big and Red
I don't mind her big. As long as she keeps her personality.
This part made me legitimately sad.
this just baffled me. like what the heck is even going on here?
So the issue ends with shitting on the old She-Hulk, to the surprise of nobody. Bravo Marvel.
>wasting a get on a shitty Hulk knockoff thread
unbiased and cringepilled
>Um, wait, can't you be both?
It's always a weird feeling when a writer completely tears apart their own story with one line.
So, what, we're going to go another 20 issues before Jen finally learns to love herself again?
Aaron's a petty motherfucker, isn't he?
Wait, that's not an edit? I thought the earlier post was a joke!
Infantile, even.
Jesus Christ this is so fucking bad... I expected this but damn still...
Fun Shulkie is truly dead and Marvel put big pile of dump on her grave...
You numbskulls forget that she hulks out more the angrier she gets? Rectangular Shulkie has been canon for a long time.
The only thing that's weird is her not having literal man face.
>this t-shirt
>pretty much this whole issue
>especially for you
What is the context here?
Is that a white knight Dardevil?
Imagine being such a pathetic loser that the only way you feel validated is angering people that don't even buy the damn comics.
And even at that misses the point of the character, so a double loser.
I just wanted her to be buff, but at what cost?
Old Shulky would love to strut her stuff and let everyone know how fine she is.
Shit like this is why I've stopped reading marvel.
>I was big green and sexy and everyone loved me
>But you know what was really hard? Being subjected to the male gaze every day
Jesus fucking Christ lay it on a little thicker why don't you.
This probably is the perfect balance. Beefy, yet feminine.
Stan would had hated this shit, he always stud by making Jen fun
I wouldn't say I stopped reading marvel entirely, but for me it's certainly made me more wary. I don't want to devote my time to a series/character just to have to suffer through a handful of awful bullshit like this whenever the danger hairs get their turn at the writer's desk. I still think there are some books or short collected runs that are bullshit free, but they're few and far between.
oh for fuck sake, even Ewing in all his grimdark edginess and horror elements allows Immortal Hulk to have fun with shit like Fixit or even the dialogue at times, who hurt Aaron so much that he has to kill fun wherever he goes?
>actually defending savage she-hulk
Stop huffing paint.
good times
I've stopped reading 99% of Marvel stuff mostly because I have absolutely zero faith in them to not shit it up.
All I want to know is, what shade of green is the inside of Jen's butthole?
It's not green at all.
Well yeah, the internal mucous membranes aren't though they should be, but the part you see when it's closed is dark green.
i hate irl muscle girls because they lack the supreme womanly body shape. they all end up with square bodies instead of a muscular hourglass shaped body. but krekk0v has it down to a fucking t. anyone know any irl examples of this specific body type?
If you think that's feminine you need to stop huffing paint
It's literally an hourglass figure you mong.
Hey I know you, you're that annoying asshole from the Cape Comics as a Medium thread.
Also way to ignore the fact that said hourglass figure is attached to man arms, man legs and an ugly fucking face. I don't want my She-Hulk to look like the Hulk with tits, I want her to look like She-Hulk.
I like strong women, not strong men with tits and make-up.
>asshole from the Cape Comics as a Medium thread
I deadass have no idea who you're talking about, that's a pretty common phrase around here. And I like strong women too, but I don't like when artists think they can just draw a tall skinny bitch and call it a day. She's supposed to be She-HULK but people bitch about women having the slightest bit of muscle.
Then Arnold was the perfect women mate.
That's because you're gay and you don't actually care about She-Hulk as a character, you're just trying to satisfy your tumour fetish through any female character you can find.
Here's a hint - most straight men enjoy women. Some men enjoy muscular WOMEN. Some men, like you, are closet homos who enjoy men with tits stapled on. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just not She-Hulk and it's definitely not the ideal She-Hulk no matter how much you try to pretend you get the character.
Fuck off.
No you fuck off, I care about her as a character and is a fucking travesty. But if you're going to make a strong woman she should actually look strong, especially if she's supposed to be a Hulk.
You can look strong without looking like a fucking man with tits stapled on, you faggot.
And this version's great too dumbass, the one I posted just happened to be a little bigger.
You guys are agreeing with each other why are you so angry?
a little bigger is a fucking understatement, bitchboy. There's no compromise here. I like women, you like drag queens.
Sorry you have no sense of scale.
Never realized how truly low test this board is
Dont know what I expected tbqh
Oh, I have a sense of scale alright. The scale stops being sexy when it goes from woman to man, you fucking troglodyte.
Don't come at me like I'm the one who's weird for having a limit to my muscle girls. It's not like everyone who's into femdom wants poles shoved into their urethra and their balls ground into dust.
>if you don't want to fuck a man you're low-test
>implying having muscle is inherently masculine
>implying you're not just a little bitch
go suck a feminine dick, closetfag
>arguing over what cartoon you want to fuck more
Legitimately what do you hope to gain from convincing one or the other to agree with your views?
>She made a cool billion at the box office.
minus the tickets Disney bought
As an artist I die a little inside every time someone makes this retarded argument.
If you really can't tell apart female from male anatomy, something's seriously wrong with your brain.
It doesn't even matter how large you make her.
Natural female physique (not using hormones) will NEVER look masculine, no matter how big she gets. She could be on some deviantart level hyper muscle nonsense, she'd never look like a man.
You are just retarded. Stop saying this. It makes you sound retarded and makes me sad for humanity.
You can make a perfectly valid argument that you simply have a limit for muscle size on females that you enjoy. It's called a preference. You don't have to try to validate your preference with nonsensical bullshit. All that does is invalidate your opinion, because you just sound like a dumbass.
I've been thinking of buying some physical shulkie comics. Anybody know where I could get some sensational she-hulk trades? Tired of aaron shitting so hard on fans
Sensational She-Hulk: The Return by John Byrne is what you're looking for.