Sid from the original Toy Story is a troubled kid who takes out his frustrations on what he perceives to be inanimate...

>Sid from the original Toy Story is a troubled kid who takes out his frustrations on what he perceives to be inanimate objects
>Painted as a crude, lamentable bully who is completely unsympathetic

>Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2 understands that children break, get bored of and dispose of their toys and wants nothing to do with them
>Painted as a Machiavellian, controlling bastard who is completely unsympathetic

>Lotso from Toy Story 3 has been traumatised by past experiences with abandonment and lets them drive him to create a "utopia" in which toys can't be subject to the whims of children
>Painted as a totalitarian dictator who is completely unsympathetic

>Gabby Gabby from Toy Story 4 is an unhinged, manipulative sociopath obsessed with being perfect in order to over-correct for a factory defect which made her unlovable
>Painted as extremely sympathetic, redeemed and given a happy ending.

What did Pixar mean by this?

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>deliberately downplaying the actual flaws of the previous villains in order to shoehorn some vague point about... I don't even know what
What did OP mean by this?

The final act if that movie is all over the place.

The worst thing about Sid is that he wasn't just destructive, he was legit creative. Especially with the freak toys he cobbled together.

But on the other hand, they show that he's totally happy as an adult, and I hear garbagemen make decent money.

*the worst thing about how they treated Sid

>some vague point about... I don't even know what
I wonder what Gabby Gabby has that previous villains don't... What could have made her the exception to the "irredeemable villain" rule?

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>she's white
Fuck off with your SJW dribble.

but all three of these man villains have varying shades of sympathetic light shone on them, and eventually find some level of peace after getting some form of justice served for their misdeeds. Sid becomes a fairly content trash collector, Stinky Pete finds a kid who treats him like a toy, Lotso finds an owner who loves and keeps him.

sid being shit on is just sort of dark humor. realistically you can't blame the kid and some might even consider him creative, but it's hilarious seeing him get his ass kicked by toys he had no idea were alive.

i don't think she got redeemed because she's white or because shes a woman i think its because she was defective and defective people (niggas like us who browses Yea Forums and do dumb shit all day) can still be redeemed no matter how defective you are.
its a movie made for us failures

Stinky Pete finds an owner who defaces and abuses him. Lotso spends the rest of his days eating bugs and getting torn to shreds on the front of a truck. Sid presumably gets low grades and becomes a garbage man.

Gabby Gabby gets the voice box she wanted, is forgiven for her trespasses and is loved and accepted by a little girl who will presumably pamper her with love and affection.

I just can't seem to figure out why she would receive such superior treatment compared to the previous villains of the franchise...

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>Sid had no love
>Pete had a wrong idea of love
>Lotso had no desire to be loved
>Gabby wanted to be loved

>Lotso had no desire to be loved
Lotso didn't believe that love could be real or permanent because of past emotional trauma. Unfortunately, he's also a MALE so his mental health is meaningless.

Gabby Gabby is an antagonist, but I doubt she is considered as villain because she is just stubborn and wants love from kids. She still has kindness in her heart.

That first sentence works.

>Sid had no love.
>Pete did not care for love.
>Lotso did not believe in love.
>Gabby wanted to be loved.

>gabby gabby is redeemed because her issues stem from self-hatred

is she a steven universe villain

I don't Sid was punished by being a garbage man. He seemed like he was having a good time.

The fuck outta here, /r9k/ incel, we know you're just mad this movie made you remember you're not loved even though you tried more than just a little bit, and instead of actually keep trying like Gabby Gabby to get someone to love you or care for you, you keep bitching and moaning like Lotso.

Btw, you seem to forget Sid was mean to everyone, even his sister, and was unwilling to change his attitude (due to how his family was, in a sense) until he got traumatized, but eventually got better and in these TS3 doujinshis even ends up with Andy. Meanwhile Stinky was desperate to not let others actually be happy, and was willing to lie, betray and even cut Woody and others in pieces for him to be happy. Hell, Lotso was not only making a completely awful status quo of that kindergarden for toys, but also used other toys as pawns to keep being in power, even so much to throw them to their possible deaths in the trash cars, and even actually let other Woody and friends to their possible destruction, even when he got saved by them.

Your honor, it's clear this user is twisting any kind of evidence to make Gabby Gabby look like a monster, when we all know the real monster are 2 people in this trial.

BONNY, for actually forgetting about Woody alongside the green aliens and I forgot which other toys.
And Pixar, for not making the conclusion of TS3 be Andy giving his toys to his son or nephew or someone that would actually care about the toys in discussion to the point we got to this story nonsense.

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>keep trying like Gabby Gabby
lol all she did was manipulate a gullible male into giving her what she wanted, like every woman ever

Simple: goals and outlooks. Gabby's goal was simple. She wanted to be played with. She felt she wasn't given a fighting chance out of the factory. Overall, though, she isn't jaded about being overlooked or abandoned, unlike Lotso or Pete. She doesn't think that all children are fickle by nature. Instead, she feels cursed and that she is the sole reason she hasn't been played with. Her outlook is otherwise positive.

Sid seems perfectly happy as a garbage man. It’s not a bad job, they actually make pretty good money.
Pete finally got some love from a kid after being ignored in his box for decades, also he gets to plow Barbie, he got a good end.

I think Pete's definition of love is different. He thinks being appreciated in the museum is the love he wants.

That's what OP seems to forget, yeah, almost every TS villain gets a good ending somewhat. Hell, the only one who really gets it bad (in some sense) would be Lotso, and he actually had it coming.

Sid is just all grown up like Andy and he doesn't care playing/abusing toys anymore.

>That's what OP seems to forget,
probably because it's all headcanon whereas Gabby's happy ending is what actually happened on the screen

Ugh, I knew I was right the first time.

What’s with women being horrible and getting away with it?

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So op is being a bitch, but in general I think female representation is in an uncanny valley. It exists, but it's usually flawless and therefore not super believable.

In Wreck it Ralph 2 they show two kids on Xbox live or whatever, one male and one female. At one point the male nerd rages over dying in game - showing a girl getting salty on screen would be a big step forward.

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Women can never truly be horrible because only men are evil and irredeemable and misogynistic.

>Stinky Pete finds an owner who defaces and abuses him

He gets fucking marker on him oh no poor pete truly abused

>it's another stealth /pol/ thread from a raging incel

the dude saw living toys
that would mess up any kid

because that's how you write a stronk womans

Woody should’ve just gone to that museum in Japan alongside Jessie, Pete, and Bullseye. They would’ve been treated like gods.

It's interesting -- by asserting that anyone who doesn't like women could only ever feel that way because they've never had sex with one, women indirectly imply that their only real value is in providing sex and that giving access to their vaginas is how they rightfully win male affection/approval.

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/r9k/ and Yea Forums, user, learn the difference.
Real /pol/-posters don't give a shit about animates movies or how they don't cater to THEM, they only give a shit about political drama and how Trump or the libs fuck up.

>if you disagree with me, you must be a woman!

We're at an odd crossroads in story telling where female characters are neither allowed to have flaws or development.

>everyone that isn't on the left is /pol/

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>they only give a shit about political drama
Hence why they shit up threads about movies/shows/cartoons they otherwise don't care about because they see it as another battle in their culture war. It's been happening to Star Wars for a few years now, I guess it was Toy Story's turn.

>screaming about feminism
>somehow not /pol/

Very interesting. The woman, seemingly incapable of understanding the irony of her own fallacious reasoning, tries to poke fun at how people scapegoat women to construct argumentative strawmen while doing the same with incels.

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>force politics into movie
>get pissed when people talk about said politics
the fuck

>doesn't like feminism
>that means he's /pol/
more people than /pol/ dislike it user

>there's a woman in my movie, this must be part of an agenda

you really expect me to read all that shit?

see here, the woman, unable to argue on the same level as her male counterparts, is forced to paint the opposition as being inherently unreasonable, emotional or frantic in an attempt to discredit them by ironically bestowing their argument with feminine traits.

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Its not even a wall text, are you retarded? i dont think youre even pretending to be

>you really expect me to read all that shit?
I don't really expect anything resembling basic competence and intelligence from a woman, desu

>can't do anything but stawman

Whole lot of samefagging going on here

>you really expect me to read all that shit?
>one and a half lines of text
what did she mean by this?

That's not even people from /pol/, you goddamn idiot, you'd know if you actually visited that damn place.
These people that keep bitching about that shit can be traced back to boards like /r9k/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums which non ironically has the biggest amount of NEET-incels desperate for any kind of attention, and it shows in any thread not related to the board's original topic (or all of /r9k/ in general)

And yet the easiest way to spot a /pol/tard is to watch how defensive they get when accused of being one

Well you're not wrong about that. Not sure it applies this time, though.

maybe we're just annoyed that you call every single fucking user that disagrees with you /pol/
like holy shit do you think about /pol/ so much that you see it in every thread?

Because they easily want for you to take the bait and respond to them.
What you must do is a) ignore, b) hide the posts/thread, c) report (in case of any rule-breaking situation) and d) move the fuck on.
Otherwise you just give them enough power to become a local autist like Barneyfag, Bazztek or AC-faggot.

It's just you, dude.

i'm not the only one that's tired of anons claiming everything they disagree with is /pol/

Don't forget
>Emotionally manipulates Woody into giving her his voice box using information she got from Forky while he was being held hostage
Why does everyone immediately think that's okay? Her character arc was way too rushed for how complex it actually was. She almost got some of the toys killed for fuck's sake. Good concept, subpar execution.

I thought pretty much all the new characters were surprisingly good though, namely Forky, Duke Kaboom, and Key & Peele's (them being stitched together was a great idea). Bo Peep was just okay though, and Dolly sucked - Jessie could've played her role and would've completely been in character.

Maybe, but you're the only one screaming about it in this thread.

doubt it

I was more upset she bailed out on her loyal minions and that only one of them left the store with her.

>in order to over-correct for a factory defect which made her unlovable
What was it?

Because woman are essentially the "Trojan horses" of acceptance and setting them up as equal in both culpability and responsibility in the public conscienceless would run counter to certain "interests".

Quick question. How do you get a kingdom to open their gates for barbarians?

Get a beautiful woman to knock at the door.

>Quick question. How do you get a kingdom to open their gates for barbarians?
>Get a beautiful woman to knock at the door.
Look /pol/, we get it. You like to be in control. It's just that you go from raving about how the terrible hordes of the Middle East are backwards monsters and in the same breath the Vikings were totally honorabu righteous warriors. Give me a break.

Pete was bitter about no kids buying him because his character in the show was a total moron.

btw couldn't Woody and Buzz keep in touch through the internet? In Toy Story 3 one of Bonney's toys was friends in NotMessenger with a fellow dinosaur toy.

Are women genuinely so narcissistic that they believe the only way a man could dislike them is if he hasn't had sex with them? Are they incapable of reflecting on their own actions and seeing that nothing they say or do endears them to anyone besides other women?

>Lotso from Toy Story 3 has been traumatised by past experiences with abandonment and lets them drive him to create a "utopia" in which toys can't be subject to the whims of children
>Painted as a totalitarian dictator who is completely unsympathetic

And he called it Outer Toybox

Attached: BigLotso.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

>what if I downplay the evil in these villain characters, but build up the evil in this one villain character because i hate females?

>Implying I was referencing middle easterners
>Implying this doesn't apply to other spheres of "influence" such as the sciences,the arts,education,public planning,the legal systems.

funny how women can get off scot free for some of the worst crimes like murder,rape and molestation.

Not /pol/ here, but why do you guys argue with them by calling them /pol/ or incels or simplifying their arguments? It's not going to change their mind. Why not argue with the merits of their rhetoric?

>inb4 "there are no merits!"

What's wrong with hating females? It doesn't invalidate my argument, does it?

Women legitimately cannot argue. They're incapable of doing so. It's weird, but all they can really do in the face of an opposing argument is call the opposition names, paint them as being insane and try to turn others against them.

>Sid = Evil Andy
>Stinky Pete = Evil Woody
>Lotso = The Governor from The Walking Dead
>Gabby Gabby = Wannabe Woody

Ready Player One did it with the little girl screaming and rage quitting in the beginning. It was pretty cute.

Rick Sanchez is a woman. Holy shit.

>Utterly detestable, but doesn't realise it
>Wildly irresponsible and selfish
>Only lives for his own immediate pleasure
>Loyal to nothing and no one
>Hilariously self-absorbed, vain and narcissistic
>Riddled with mental illnesses and insecurities, refuses to confront or work on them because he thinks they make him interesting
>Loathed by everyone who knows him but kept around because he's occasionally useful
>Universe bends over backwards to give him what he wants
You're right, he is a woman!

It paints you as biased, which renders your every argument as subjective.

The thing about Gabby Gabby getting away with her crimes and behavior is that she's probably going to be monstrous to the other toys that child who found her already owns. I can easily see her being driven by jealousy towards them all immediately for having already had years with the kid or if she isn't the favorite.

>anons fighting with other anons pretending to be femanons
This never gets old.

Now now, don't be so broad (heh) in your judgement user.

While I do think most modern women are trash; I also believe they are just as capable of resisting and even overcoming their natural inclinations (emphatic manipulation) as males are.

It's just that they don't have the same social (talk shit get hit) and natural (OH FUCK A TIGER IS EATING ME) pressures to tame themselves as males do.

But I have met a few awesome females in my life who know how it really is.

Everyone's got a bias. All opinions and arguments are subjective. You only give a shit because your a woman, rendering your own argument subjective.

Eh. I know one or two decent women, but even the decent ones occasionally show that they're just one bad day away from being just like the rest of them.

It means you cannot function in society. Female is the default gender in biological development. Females are required to reproduce. People of both genders work together to build society. If you hate females so much, then why are you not living off-the-grid away from girls? If you cannot handle females in society, then you are incompatible with society.

Thanks for centralizing our truth for lurkers asshole.

Gonna be a lot easier to proselytize now.

Just because I hate females doesn't mean I can't tolerate their existence. I just don't like them invading spaces I specifically use to get away from their constant bullshit. I don't like interacting with females because they very rarely have anything interesting to contribute to a conversation and they're both deceptive and self-absorbed. In real life, I can deal with them by keeping interactions as brief and barebones as possible, but on a forum I specifically come to for discussion? It's just a bother.

She wanted to rip Woody apart and steal his insides. That was more fucked up that Stinky Pete and Lotso.

you can't have an unreemable female villain today, that's misogyny.

Funny how people use this line of reasoning and yet don't realize that the inverse must also be true.

Tell me. Why is it that nobody can point out even a simple break in trends when they notice them?

Why is it such a grievance to you if someone has enough pattern recognition to notice a change when certain variables are swapped (even though we are led to believe that those variables are exactly the same under threat of becoming a social pariah)?

Not that user but I'm usually thinking it really fucking hard but avoid mentioning it to maintain civility and because people like you will spring to action like it's your goddamn job.

>Lotso was completely unsympathetic
he was abandoned by his kid and when he returned the kid has a new Lotso. he didn't get a happy ending but he's not unsympathetic either.

also the lady from Incredibles 2 didnt have a happy ending, get your /pol/ ass outta here

I haven't seen this movie but everyone I've seen criticizing it on here has been a /pol/cuck. I'm starting to think it's probably a good film

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they don't.

usually they get murdered

It's okay when women do it

he's right though
the exception was made because she's a female.

>the thread devolves into video games discussion

You incels are so predictable. Grow up and move out.

>evelyn deavor
>mother gothel
>that sheep from Zootopia

What happened to the days when these threads were about jacking off on Jessie's face and forcing her to leave it there because if she washed it off people would know the toys were alive?

Because women are artificially propped up by technology,government bias and corporate bias while boys grow up in a world where the idea of equality are drilled into their skulls from birth despite the universe itself screaming to the contrary but if anyone dares to point out even a fraction of how fucked up this all is, the full weight of these institutions will come down on your ass like an anvil out of a Loony Tunes skit.

Women know they can get away with more because they know they got the BIG 3 pounding and grinding their fists behind them not to mention an army of "good boys".

Either suffer the full weight of equality or suffer the weight of the vacuum cleaner and the cookie sheet.