Avatar: The Last Airbender is the greatest achievement in western animation...

Avatar: The Last Airbender is the greatest achievement in western animation. There is simply no other cartoon that had such a masterful balance of action, drama and comedy. The choreography is unmatched, the writing is top notch and its respectful and unique take on Asian culture makes it a piece of art all on it's own.

Prove me wrong.

Attached: last-airbender.jpg (700x394, 73K)

I can't because you are absolutely correct.

It would be better if it didn't look like anime.

Attached: Looney_tunes_careta.png (421x318, 166K)

Didn't you make this thread a few days ago? Either way you are correct.

God, with the amount of times that this user has shitposted about "Avatar is the best cartoon in existence", I could have enough to buy the rights of the show.

not an argument

Must be a sad time for western animation when Avatar writing is one of the top notch stuff. I remember watching it and thought "man, this is some nurutard tier shit"

Attached: eh2.png (900x665, 137K)

So user are you doing this untill the end of time?
Anyway you are wrong. Its not even in the top 5

The existence of Steven Universe proves you wrong

yes, its such an amazing show you have to keep reminding people that it is every 5 seconds
kill yourself

And saying that everything that all cartoons has regardless if it's good and bad is a good argument?

Have a (You).

It's great, but "greatest achievement" is a gross exaggeration that I hope you don't actually believe.

Overrated garbage, Ed Edd n Eddy is unironically better

all cartoons have amazing writing? LOL retard.

>Amazing writing
The only thing worse then OP's Avatar fagging is suggesting the powerpoint slideshows from Japan are more accomplished

All cartoons have generally easy to follow art and a plot. Fucking dumbass.

There are more shitty cartoons that have Mary Sue plot lines that are more interesting than this shit, the fact that you still shill like it's the only show ever made makes retards like you unbearable.

The most overrated show in existence. writers transitioned to tranny ville later with LoK. most cartoons are better than it.

How many times are you going to make bait threads with this exact same image TODAY

enjoy your shitty saturday morning cartoons then philistine. people with taste will always prefer avatar.

Only snobby elitist would take pride in bragging about how high IQ a cartoon is. King of the Hill is miles better and deeper in themes.

Avatar isn't even elitist either, it's really your first show. It's the same as saying Naruto is the best anime
A show for people who hate animation

and the taste is shit

>and a plot.
But do all have a great plot? No. Avatar is well liked for going beyond most cartoons in areas of animation, music and writing.

Cant tell YOU how many times ive encountered faggots who look down on literally every animation except Avatar and think its Socrates deep philosophical shit and unique because it has anime eyes, making it a animated masterpiece.

Oh my god and you faggots are seriously replying to it


If we're talking television only, then Avatar: The Last Airbender, Over the Garden Wall, BoJack Horseman, Hey Arnold!, and As Told by Ginger are the pinnacles of animation writing.

If we include movies... I mean, Jesus user look at everything that came out in just this decade alone. And that doesn't include masterworks like Fantasia, The Lion King, Fantastic Planet, Son of the White Mare, Coonskin, American Pop, etc.

Attached: 2010s western animation renaissance updated.jpg (984x3164, 1.4M)

>replies to it

Not a big fan of this show since I couldn't stand most of the characters, except for Zuko and Iroh.
