What does he do in his free time?, Other than bang Lois?

What does he do in his free time?, Other than bang Lois?

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Read Marvel comics

Read the Bible

I dunno, maybe hangs out with his best buddies Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen?

Look after his zoo.

Organize his stamps

Writes reports for the newspaper, subtly fucks with batman, helps out on the farm

Play Fortnite to troll Lex as LexSux.

Charity work (usually juggling heavy objects for orphans)
hanging out in fortress doing science stuff
also he has a job and a family...so probably doesn't have a lot of free time

How does Superman not go crazy? Imaigne having all that power but being unable to help everyone in need.

Maintains his alien zoo, collects space weapons and builds statues of everyone he knows. That's just all the shit in his fortress.

Just regular things because at heart Clark is just a normal guy.

He has a strong support network of friends, family, and co-workers that help him through the rough times.

He’s a mild-mannered news reporter.

He goes dancing.

I always think about this. Superman doesn’t need to eat, he doesn’t need to sleep, he doesn’t really need to do anything . And all the time he spends pretending to eat and pretending to sleep, it’s time that could be spent helping people around the world . How does he not feel guilty at all times? He has super hearing so we can actually hear all the bad stuff that’s happening, he has supervision so we can see all the things that are happening, yet he’s content to just pretend to sleep and pretend to eat with all that shit is going on? It’s incredibly selfish when you really think about it. The only way to get around this as a writer is to make it so he DOES need to sleep and eat, and even then you have the “spare time” question.

he bangs luthor's wife

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It's mentioned a lot that there is a level of guilt associated with it, particularly because he can hear it all. But he also knows he's just a person, not a god. A good samaritan.

Really it's no different from literally everyone on Earth. You COULD be spending your time helping the needy, you COULD take in every dog at the shelter so that it doesn't get put down, you COULD live a minimalistic life so you can donate every dollar you don't need to people who have nothing.
But you don't do that because you have your own life, and most people do some small part in order to earn the ability to not feel that guilt. I think most people recognize that the sheer amount of good Superman does earns him the right to his own life free of worry.

Goku. Goku, look at me

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Bangs Jimmy.

>Really it's no different from literally everyone on Earth
It’s not the same at all. People have to eat and sleep. People get tired. People don’t have superpowers. Superman is none of those things. Superman could be helping people literally 24/7. Every time he sits down to watch a baseball game he’s condemning thousands around the world to suffer or die.

Imagine superman late at night listening to all the rapes in progress simultaneously within a 300 mile radius as he chuckles to himself ha ha what a funny thought

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People spend plenty of time doing leisure activities, and there's a cap on how much time is required to eat and sleep. Just like Superman, humans could be spending every other moment of their lives that aren't directly devoted to their physical needs helping people, yet they don't.

You COULD sleep just a minimum 8 hours, eat at a shelter, then spend every other waking moment as an emergency responder, but everyone knows that's ridiculous. Superman gets mentally exhausted as well, needs socialization, needs mental stimulation just like humans do.

from the thumbnail I thought this was one of those pinkfaces from /biz/

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Stop equating regular people to Superman. Superman isn't even a human. He's a God from space who has dedicated his life to helping people. Comparing yourself to Superman is stupid.

>Superman gets mentally exhausted as well, needs socialization, needs mental stimulation just like humans do.
This is a real argument, but even then I'll spin it around one you: What is more likely to cause mental anguish, being mentally exhausted, or having to see and hear all the horrors of the world at all times? And even if you "tune out" that stuff, you have willfull knowledge of its existence, and now you're literally just ignoring people that need help. What is more likely to cause him mental anguish? Being overworked? Or bearing a planet's worth of guilt?

Obviously in a comic book you can't just have Superman saving people every panel or every comic just like you can't have Flash solve all the crimes in 30 seconds, because it would be a boring story, but I'm just thinking about Superman from a realistic perspective.

>Stop equating regular people to Superman. Superman isn't even a human. He's a God from space who has dedicated his life to helping people. Comparing yourself to Superman is stupid.
This is the part where you're wrong, comics have spent literally decades presenting the opposite and that Superman is very much as human as all of us.
Modern Superman actually does need to sleep as well, just not as much as us.

Yes, because they are writing comics and have to tell an interesting story. But the facts regarding Superman remain and those are what I'm operating with. Please address the second part of my post.

>Superman: Peace on Earth
>As the holiday season approaches, Clark Kent reflects on the poverty suffered by so many throughout the world and decides to use his vast power to feed the starving and impoverished masses. But as Superman sets out to accomplish the impossible, he encounters unexpected resistance to his humanitarian efforts.

Has anyone read this? Any good?

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It's painted by Alex Ross. There could be no text at all and it would still be worth your time.

Bang all the women except Lois because hacks like this want to obsess about their so-deep Super-God while they live their power-fantasies via their own comic writing.

I don't mean to be that guy, but I remember a scene from Rebirth where Superman fell asleep while flying and woke up just in time to slam face first into his front yard.

>What does he do in his free time?
Wholesome things. He probably gets a giant glass of whole milk and watches 1950s sitcoms.

Just letting Yea Forums to not bother with this guy because he did this two weekends ago being willfully obtuse and not getting what people mean when they say Superman has the personality and interests of a down-to-earth guy

>but I'm just thinking about Superman from a realistic perspective.

1. That's a mistake
2. You're confusing "realistic" for what you think someone with those abilities would do when we'll never know for sure because it isn't fucking real

What an incredible amount of hand-waving. Go fuck yourself.

Based, he travels to other franchise universes and one shots Goku

He's an accomplished novelist.
He also listens to Metallica.

learn about his kriptonian heritage,also i think i remmber he liked baseball,he doesnt play but he likes to watch it


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I know he used to fly to the sun to take solar baths, but that was before one of the Crisis events, so everything nowadays has to make some sort of sense.

Would it be more realistic for him to watch 'Family Matters'?


Why wouldn’t he read the Quran

Doesn't he specifically listen for certain phrases as to not intrude on peoples life and keep him sane.

In reality prob lives a normal life juggling a job and family but with powers. Clark is the most human of heroes even Batgod says it.

He wrote two novels, The Janus Contract and Under a Yellow Sun, in his off time.
Sometimes hes been shown to visit with other heroes, play board games with Flash for example up in yhe watchtower.
Hes taken acting lessons to help with his double identity in Birthright
Sometimes he cameos in Marvel comics.

>subtly fucks with batman

I have to ask in what way he does this

>Hangs out with Jimmy and Clark
>Tends to the Fortess of Solitude's Zoo
>Walks Krypto
>Fucks half the girls in the Legion of Superheroes
>Goes with Batman on road trips
>Appears to kids with cancer
>Fucks Vixen, Big Barda, and Ice
You know, wholesome things

Post on Yea Forums about how great batman is

I liked it. It definitely fits the theme present in this thread right now. I won't go through the plot point by point, but basically Superman decides to temporarily alleviate hunger in certain war-torn and/or poverty-stricken locales in an attempt to inspire others around the world to do the same. He comes to realize that even he isn't capable of solving seemingly simple problems of that sort single-handedly, and that those problems stem from wider systemic issues which are anything but simple and entirely beyond his ability to influence.

There is a happy ending which shows him putting this newfound insight to use, but overall it serves as a pretty good rebuttal to this notion that Clark should abandon his civilian life and dedicate the whole of his time to fixing the world's problems. It's beyond his capabilities to start with, and in any case it isn't fair to expect that of him, nor should he expect that of himself.

But not Elastic Lad?

Get his ass handed to him by Ben 10

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I was expecting Jon to eventually have a mental breakdown since he's half-human but Bendis decided to completely shit on his character.

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I thought Superman's ideology was to not make people overly reliant on him so there wouldn't be complete chaos whenever he wasn't around to help.

Batman pretty much has no life outside of fighting crime and Gotham goes down the shitter whenever he goes away or dies.

wait what the fuck

superman doesn't need to eat? That's news to me.

Yeah, I appreciate things like this.
It pisses me off whenever people ask
>"Why doesn't Superman just fix everything?"
The answer is simple:
>"Because you don't actually want that to happen."

Superman gets all the nutrients he needs from the sun

He eats purely for pleasure, probably because Ma Kent makes some fucking awesome biscuits and taught him well

definitly not saving civilians

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It is Romero's zoo.

Most writers these days write Supes as not needing to eat, drink, sleep, or even shit. I kinda like it because it hammers in the fact he is an alien that just so happens to be the most human.

You missed Livewire.

This sort of info makes me think. What does a superhero/villain's favorite food tell you about them?
>Penguin loves fish because duh
>Superman loves beef bourguignon
I assume if a superhero liked buffalo wings or, I don't know, pancakes, that would tell you about their personality. How many favorite foods do we know?

He seems like the kind of guy who would make blacked threads on Yea Forums

Batman asks him to do it because it keeps him on his toes

I miss him bros

There’s no such thing as an alien “helping” a human being

Fucking good. Holy shit Superman saving literally everyone and keeping the massive resource drains on the earth just makes a Thanos snap actually necessary. Human beings have to die eventually like everything else.

He just has to accept his limitations and maybe that's why he puts so much care for the stuff he can help

To be fair Gotham was in the shitter before he was Batman so he hasn’t actually made them lose their ability to solve their problems they just never had it.

I would expect aliens to need to eat

Here's an interesting idea for a little Elseworld.
Clark Kent is raised Catholic, and at some point at when he's about to become Superboy, he becomes enamored with the story of Saint Francis.

I don't know about any favorite foods, but it really bothered me when I saw Batman eating nachos in one of his cartoons.

There's no way he eats that shit.

>Superman is so selfish, he should always be spending his time helping other people
>Meanwhile I'm here shitposting on Yea Forums because I'm bored
This level of hypocrisy always boggles me. Maybe (gasp) he doesn't HAVE to be responsible for everyone and he's simply choosing to do some community fucking service out of the goodness of his goddamn heart.

You know what, fuck it. I'm mad enough about this that my previous post deserves a follow-up.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility means that you shouldn't act like a selfish fuck-up when you're using your talents. It doesn't mean that everyone else is entitled to tell you what you should do with your life.
The idea that someone saving you from getting fucked by life's issues is something you're entitled to is arguable at best. If you want to say that Superman should save everyone that can drown from drowning just because he's able to, it's a simple enough step to take to say that everyone is obligated to do this if they're able to. Sure, you might think this is a reasonable argument.
But now make that responsible party a crowd. Does the crowd always have to save you from committing suicide? Preventing you from drowning? Making you feel better when you stub your toe? How much do they have to do? How many resources do they have to spend to make you safe? How much are you PERSONALLY responsible for your own safety? The world has to take steps to accomplish these goals, and that means telling you what you can and can't do as a result.
Seems like a simple enough question on the surface, but it quickly balloons out. If you want a Superman that saves everyone, then you don't get to complain when he puts the whole world in a bottle.

Because he's not evil.

>Get beaten by Ben 10
>Can't even beat Green Lantern

He "eats" sunlight.

Spider-Man likes pizza and Lex Luthor loves pies

is current Supes still a Metallica fan?

cakes, not pies

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Shut up, Lex

he travels to the marvel universe to troll them (he's Doctor Doom)


>Referencing a biases web series

>I dunno, maybe hangs out with his best buddies Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen?

But we never see him with Kent, it’s awfully suspicious. Are they even friends? Does he want to bone Kent’s wife?

No, it's the usual Superman can't and shouldn't try to fix real world problems and should stick to Brainiac and Toyman.
It's fucking pointless cause Superman is not real so the writers should fuck off with saddling him with real shit. Why doesn't he cure cancer? Like flying and liftinh heavy shit is the one last step we need to reach to cure cancer. Nobody cries about Zatanna not curing cancer by just saying some shit backwards or Green Lantern just picking up all the garbage and chucking it into the sun. Only Superman gets called out for this shit and it's fucking stupid.

Were you asleep?

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>Only Superman gets called out for this shit
superman is the most hated superhero

I remember this one who told how Superman was a guy who always wins at the end and Batman is the underdog, Next thing he complains Superman never dies, I told him about the death of Superman, He was "yeah, He always dies and comes back"

Guarantee that same guy would say how Batman could beat Superman in a fight. Its fanboyism we all do it but normies are the worst when they fanboy. Mainly because they have no real arguments but generalizations since they don't know source material very well.

Maybe not, but there are plenty of stories where he is.

>Other than bang Lois?
Sure he does...

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