Why is none of Marvel’s Superman expys popular? Should we simply consider Captain Marvel as Marvel Superman?

Why is none of Marvel’s Superman expys popular? Should we simply consider Captain Marvel as Marvel Superman?

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Because modern Carol is generally unlikable as a character and pales in comparison to her successors like Kamala.

A thread got deleted for this.
It was probably shit anyways but miles better than this crappy bait that you post everyday.

Because Carol is a shit character only kept around due to girl power and her power set. Saying Carol is Marvel's Superman is an insult to the Clark Kent character.

She's not popular either, she was foisted upon us and hasn't died down yet.

And none of the Superman clones work because they try to "humanize" him, by making him a jerk, when Superman is already more human than human and is simply not a jerk.

If any of the Marvel Superman clones actually behaved like Supes, he would be really popular.

because Superman is boring. I only started caring about him when the cutest boy ever Jon became his son.

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>t. Carol

Shazam is already a reasonably popular Superman expy and the REAL Captain Marvel.

This the first time I’m posting about Superman or Captain Marvel. I’m simply wondering why none of Marvel’s superman takes is popular. Why did all of Marvel’s Superman character end up in utter failure? I am not just taking about Captain Marvel but also Blue Marvel, Sentry, and Hyperion who are all considered terrible characters.

Fuck off casual

Thor/Hyperion series written by someone that isn't shit when

This makes sense. It seems Marvel doesn’t really understand what the character of Superman is suppose to be.

>Should we simply consider Captain Marvel as Marvel Superman?
She's not meant to be that. And why make yet another anti-Carol thread? Fuck you.

The point is that all the real superman expys failed so should Marvel just consider CM as their super man even though she is not a real expy? She is badly written a lot of times but at least she is popular.

Carol isn't strong enough to be a superman expy

Firstly, Carol isn’t a Superman expy at all and never was. Secondly, the Marvel versions of Superman don’t catch on because they’re not supposed to. They’re basically parodies of Superman who aren’t meant to be mainstays. Sentry for example is basically a parody of how powerful Superman is but at the drawback of being completely insane. Could they create a good Superman of their own? Possibly but it’s unlikely they ever will as Marvel and DC go for completely different things with their superheroes

That whole fucking mini just made shit more complicated than it had to be, now instead of being the middle child she's the youngest, and her brothers are now her half brothers because god forbid there be more than one half-breed in the Danvers household. then there's the whole can of worms that Mari-Ell's existence brings, what with the kree empress shit, and her having super powers out of nowhere since kree don't have powers normally. The whole thing is an unnecessary clusterfuck.

It's basically Marvel trying to tack-on Aquaman's backstory to Carol without any thought put into the ramifications of doing so, but also writing it in such a way that it kinda sounds like they're writing the backstory for an evil Superman pastiche. They probably should have gone full Silver Age Aquaman with it and turned her brother into a supervillain who kits himself out with alien and homegrown supertech.

They got it right the first time and haven't been able to replicate the formula since.

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>Marvel Superman
Maybe year two or three Injustice Superman minus the tragic back story.

People inherently dislike anything they perceive as a knockoff, which is why literally no other cinematic universe is successful.
Also literally since the 60's Marvel have sold themselves on the idea that DC heroes are gay and unrealistic and other propaganda, if they're going to copy DC heroes they have to be pretty subtle about it, or bank off the fact that their fans don't know anything about DC heroes so won't notice the similarities (such as with Moon Knight).

People with a shitload of powers and maxed out flying brick status usually stick to space and cosmic stories in Marvel except for Thor. Who also goes out to space a lot too.

Seems weird to try to have another character with Silver Surfer tier powers hang out on Earth and take on Stilt Man and Boomerang.

Marvel already owns a perfect Captain Marvel/Superman copy and has not bothered to use him since 1993

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A lot of them are a bit too powerful for the setting. Marvel heroes have a much broader range of abilities between the street level trained ninja types and the cosmic gods. and most of the top tier guys are not even on Earth as often and stick to the big cosmic crossovers.

Also they have major character flaws they have to overcome. Spider-Man's life sucks, Stark is an alcoholic dick that used to have to wear the armor to survive, Hulk can't control himself etc.

Guys like Blue Marvel with all the powers in the world, and is the smartest scientist, and is loved by all, and has a great home life comes off as way too special and perfect. He seems like he is not really a Marvel character but in the Marvel U. Superman would have the same problem. He's just a tad too pure for the setting.

>what with the kree empress shit, and her having super powers out of nowhere since kree don't have powers normally.

Yea that was incredibly confusing. Did writers think that Kree are just Marvel kryptonians and have powers just because they are Kree now?